
Discover Supplements That Benefit Your Specific Needs With Supplement Advisor

Discover supplements that meet your specific needs with Supplement Advisor

The supplement industry sometimes seems like the wild wild west where you feel like there are more questions than answers:

Should i take fish oil? Isn't it good for reducing inflammation and heart health? What is better? Pill form or liquid?


I recently started the ketogenic diet. Is it true that I should take multivitamins and a folic acid supplement because I can no longer get folic acid from grains?


I am a menstruating woman who does not eat red meat. Should I be taking an iron supplement? And doesn't vitamin B12 also play a role in the health of red blood cells and help fight off anemia? Should I take that too? Do I also need a B12 supplement?

Take the Supplement Advisor's free assessment test.

Supplement Advisor is a web-based company that empowers health conscious people to improve their cognitive functions as well as their emotional and physical potential through simple and personalized supplement guides developed by their advanced AI that will ultimately help you get through the wild Navigate west of the supplement industry easily and quickly.

One way to do this is through their assessment tool, which allows you to either do a full assessment or select a specific area to see if you could benefit from a supplement. The areas include:

  • memory
  • motivation
  • focus
  • Mood
  • energy
  • Learn
  • Sleep.

How it works:

Let's say you're curious to see if you could benefit from taking a magnesium supplement to help regulate your blood sugar levels and prevent you from having an energy accident in the middle of the day. And if so, which products are best for you?

Giving these answers is exactly what the Supplement Advisor tool was designed for.

All you do is select energy, hit submit, and answer a few questions such as:

  • Do you feel tired all day?
  • Do you need an extra boost to get the most miles out of your day?
  • Does Caffeine Make You Nervous or Restless?

After answering the questions, the AI ​​engine, which gets smarter as more people do the assessment and the database grows, analyzes your answers quickly and offers various recommendations as to which products are best for your specific needs.


With fifty to seventy million people in the United States suffering from some type of sleep disorder – from insomnia to insomnia to sleep apnea – one of the most common reasons for taking a supplement is sleep.

In addition to the natural products, nine million Americans take prescription drugs to help them sleep. However, prescription drugs can have some side effects, including gastrointestinal problems, persistent daytime sleepiness, daytime memory disorders, and cognitive performance problems or various allergic reactions.

A better option for many is a melatonin supplement.

Why is it better?

Melatonin is a hormone that the body produces naturally. It is responsible for regulating your body's internal clock by reacting to light and dark.

When it gets dark, melatonin builds up in your body, letting you know it's bedtime by attaching itself to receptors in the brain that help you relax and feel tired. On the other hand, during the day your body makes dopamine, which signals you to release less melatonin, which helps you stay awake.

If you select Hibernate in the Supplement Advisor assessment tool, you will again be taken through a series of questions including:

  • Does Stress Cause Easy Drowsiness?
  • Does it take you a long time to fall asleep?
  • How difficult is it for you to achieve a sufficiently restful sleep routine?
  • Are you having trouble falling into a deep sleep?
  • Do you have a restless sleep?
  • Dreaming lucidly in the REM phase has been shown to be helpful in reducing stress and dealing with trauma. Would you be interested in lucid dreaming more often?

From there you will be given a list of options for various products that can help your particular sleep problem or lack.

Try it

As a writer, my focus has to be on one point to spend long days staring at a computer. I tend to be very focused and motivated in the mornings, but after 2pm I fade away. before I've finished all of my chores for the day.

I decided to try the tool to see if there was anything I could do to improve my focus.

The tool asked me:

  • Do you have attention disorders when your brain is stressed and overworked?
  • How easy is it to focus on a task or stimulus while ignoring the distraction?
  • Can you keep your attention on one task for a long time?
  • Can you do more than one task at a time?
  • Can you move attention from one task to another without losing focus?
  • Do you feel able to concentrate hard enough to set goals and monitor your progress?

I answered no to the first question as I usually get stressed and overworked and start a fire under my bum. I also find it easy to ignore distractions, and I can concentrate on one task for a long time, so I answered no to the second and third questions as well. The last question was also a no.

I have trouble focusing on more than one task at a time and definitely shifting attention from one task to another without losing focus. So I answered yes to the fourth and fifth questions.

What the tool recommended as a top product: A probiotic fermented vitamin B complex for energy, brain and mood support (various other options for the vitamin B complex were also recommended).

(Strangely, my naturopath also recommended taking a B vitamin supplement. I call that a win.)

I decided to go a step further and also selected the motivation rating because sometimes I don't lose focus so much, but rather lose motivation in the last hours of my work day. I was then asked:

  • Would you like to crawl in bed all day and watch Netflix?
  • Is your sleep and diet regular and adequate?
  • Are you a stressful person? If so, does it affect your decisions?
  • Is your blood sugar high?

Supplement Advisor Recommendation: Mane Brain is a brain that will help you feel energized, alert, focused, and less forgetful.

Now make the assessment.