
Lack Of Sleep Kills Your Libido

Getting a good night's sleep is very important. Whether you're looking for the best hybrid mattresses around or developing an evening routine for relaxing, you need to do whatever you can to get a good night's sleep.

Lack of sleep can make you irritable, damage your memory, and take your productivity and energy into a nosedive. However, lack of sleep can affect not only your performance at work or school, but also your performance in the bedroom. Having trouble falling and / or falling asleep can affect your libido.

But why does lack of sleep harm your libido? What aspects of this withdrawal lead to a lower sex drive?

It lowers your testosterone

Perhaps the biggest reason lack of sleep is affecting your libido is because poor sleep lowers your testosterone. Lack of sleep can throw your hormones, including testosterone, out of whack. Testosterone plays a huge role in men's sex drives, and when it is lowered, their libido will follow suit.

While experts are still not 100% sure how testosterone increases libido, a decrease will most likely lead to a decrease in sex drive. In addition to harming your libido, low testosterone levels have also been linked to erectile dysfunction in some cases, especially those where sleep apnea is present.

There are ways to artificially boost testosterone, but simply setting your sleep schedule should be enough. Many may think that only men have testosterone, but women also have the hormone and it affects their sex drive as well.

Makes you very tired

Of course, a lack of sleep also makes you incredibly tired. And the last thing most people want to do when they're tired is to be intimate with their partner. They just don't have the energy or the cravings and would rather sleep.

Even if you are able to feel tired, it certainly won't be as comfortable as it could be in many cases. So, not only does fatigue damage your drive, it can also affect its performance.

Being tired can also make you more irritable, angry, and moody, which are not the best feelings for getting aroused and intimate. If you are constantly tired, there are fewer opportunities for intimacy with your partner, which in some cases can put a strain on the relationship.

There is a link between sleep and depression


Unfortunately, depression is a common part of life for many people. There are many types of depression that affect the lives of millions of Americans. Many things can cause or worsen depression, including lack of sleep. This is because insomnia is a common symptom of depression, which makes it incredibly difficult to fall asleep.

As you can imagine, depression doesn't exactly help your sex drive, and the last thing many people who experience it want to do is get intimate. While it's not entirely known whether a lack of sleep due to insomnia can cause depression or whether depression can cause insomnia, either way, a lack of sleep related to depression will almost certainly damage your libido.

As you can see, there are several reasons why a lack of sleep can affect your sex drive. If you want to increase your libido, make sure you get restful, quality sleep every night.