
Common Eye Disease: Dry Eye

Dry eye is a common and chronic condition that most people face at some point in their life. In fact, it affects up to a third of the world's population! The good news is that there are many remedies available to alleviate this common condition, including wearing an eye mask for dry eye.

What is dry eye?

When a person has dry eyes, they are not producing enough high quality tears to moisturize the eye. Although it can hit anyone, it gets stronger as you get older. Common causes of dry eyes can be:

  • Harsh weather conditions
  • Allergies
  • Some medication
  • An underlying disease
  • Computer, cell phone or television screens
  • Lack of quality of sleep
  • Wear contact lenses for too long

Common dry eye symptoms

Most people with dry eyes may experience symptoms such as stinging, scratching, or burning. It can also feel like there's always something in their eyes. Some of the other symptoms that people can experience include:


Red eyes are a common dry eye symptom because there aren't enough natural tears to keep your eye moist. When they get dry, they also get red and irritated due to the lack of moisture.

Blurred vision

Dry eyes can lead to blurred vision because the tear film either evaporates too quickly or becomes too slimy. When both happens, your tears may not be able to disperse smoothly and will not stay on the cornea long enough for you to have a clear view. Frequent blinking can temporarily help by redistributing the tear film over the cornea.


Dry eyes are a major cause of photophobia, or sensitivity to light. Medical researchers have not fully understood why dry eyes tend to be sensitive to light. However, some believe it could be due to inflammation of the trigeminal nerve through the cornea. Since dry eyes also trigger other symptoms, such as migraines, this could also contribute to sensitivity to light.

Watery eyes

You may be wondering why do you keep watering when your eyes are dry? This is because, due to the irritation that comes from dry eyes, your body's natural response is to produce more tears in order to get rid of them. After a while, your natural eye drainage can become too much, causing tears to overflow. The additional tear production is called a reflex tear.

How can an eye mask soothe dry eyes?

Eye masks are a good solution for managing dry eye symptoms, and different types can provide different reliefs. For example, heated eye masks are known to increase eye moisture, which could treat some of the underlying causes of dry eyes.

Those with this uncomfortable condition could benefit from using an eye mask as it improves hydration, increases oil production, or reduces inflammation. Warmed eye masks increase oil production and thus reduce tear evaporation. Other masks can trap moisture inside, which improves eye moisture.

Are you looking for an eye mask for dry eye?

Nobody wants to deal with the unpleasant side effects of dry eyes! Fortunately, there are some helpful remedies that can help relieve these symptoms, including eye masks. Well worth trying if your dry eyes are an issue for you.