
5 Biggest Myths About Eating Fat

In the 80s and 90s, food was bought that did not have the low-fat label, which was taboo. At that time, egg yolk and butter were on the “worst offenders” list, while processed carbohydrates and packaged goods weren't even taken into account. But a lot has changed since then. Nowadays, nutrition experts recommend fat as an essential nutrient, and full-fat foods such as avocado, coconut oil and ghee butter are among the largest “superfoods”.

However, some people still wonder what kind of fats they need to eat and how exactly this affects their bodies. In this article, we clarify all contradicting information and myths around this topic and give you the exact facts that will ultimately help you to build a healthier diet.

Myth No. 1: Fat on the plate corresponds to fat on the body

The reality is that while this term is the basis for various low-fat diets and foods, it is completely wrong. Fat consumption does not make you fat. Eliminating or reducing the amount of fat in your diet can lead to weight gain because you very often feel deprived of the essential nutrients. On the other hand, several studies have shown that foods high in fat can help you lose weight.

The main problem with most diets is that they lack the essential ingredient that makes eating delicious and inhibiting your hunger. And this ingredient is fat. Healthy fats are actually the best source of energy for your body, not to mention that they keep your metabolism and other fat burning processes as they should.

Many studies have been carried out to support this claim and show that a low-fat diet could actually slow down the metabolism. This means that now and then you can enjoy a spoonful of peanut butter with some fruit on the side before your workout or a nice piece of steak for dinner without feeling guilty.

The fats you don't have to fear and the carbohydrates you do

Myth # 2: Saturated fat should be avoided at all costs

Well, not that quickly. Though saturated fat has gotten a lot of bad reputation in the past few decades, current research actually says it's not that scary. This does not mean that you should always choose a meal with red meat or butter, but eating it occasionally will not significantly harm your health or your waistline.

Although butter has a higher saturated fat content, it is a healthier product, especially the grass-fed variety. As we said earlier, it is worse than eating high-fat foods to replace them with sugar-filled foods. Processed carbohydrates can increase the likelihood of developing diabetes and coronary heart disease.

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Myth # 3: All types of fat are harmful to your health

Consuming different types of fat can improve your health. Omega-3 fatty acids normally found in fish and some seeds and nuts can help you strengthen your heart, and some say that you are also sane. In addition, the monounsaturated fats in olive oil, avocados and nuts can reduce the risk of heart disease. There have even been a few cases where patients have type 2 diabetes simply reversed through a high-fat diet.

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