Years ago you were young and had little responsibility. They wanted to build muscle, lose fat and gain superhuman strength. You trained for two hours six days a week. You felt invincible.
Then you have matured and life has changed.
Today you are dealing with high-level work projects, They have family celebrations to attend. Training days six days a week for two hours per session are long gone. You're in luck now if you exercise for an hour two days a week.
The pounds have crept in. You feel lazy and tired. The thought of being in the gym for two hours is as painful as growing grass. You need an iron workout plan that gets you in and out of the gym within four hours or less a week so you can dominate every day.
If only there was someone who could put together the potion that would allow busy lifters to maintain strength and protect muscles while losing stubborn fat.
Well, look! I present the 4-hour fat loss elixir for busy lifters.
Put a stranglehold on your muscle
The first instinct for some lifters is to swap workouts for hours with slow, boring cardio at steady state. I understand because I was there.
Four years ago I lost 14 pounds in one year. Ten came from fat and the remaining four were stolen from muscles. You may think four pounds is not a lot, but it's massive in an athletic 5 "and 170lb frame.
Imagine putting up four lean, delicious 16-ounce steak fillets. Now imagine these fillets as thick muscle plates on your back, chest, shoulders or arms.
It is the difference between a "thin fat" body and a muscular body,
It makes a difference whether you have enough muscle to fill a medium or large shirt.
Learn from my mistakes. If you want to show a slim and muscular body, don't skimp on weights.
A calorie deficit is required for you to lose body fat. You need to burn more calories than you consume, If you're in a calorie deficit, maintaining strength and muscles is key. When you consume fewer calories, your body wants to draw energy from every available source. Sometimes it wants to enjoy muscles.
Don't let that happen. Your body needs a reason to protect your hard earned muscle. Lifting weights is the solution. If you consistently practice the three mechanisms for muscle growth during a fat loss phase, you will keep a muscular body during fat loss. What are you?
Mechanism 1: mechanical tension
This is the process of progressive overloading or an increase in strength over time, You need to generate as much force as possible across the entire range of motion.
In rare cases, someone has to do their maximum with one repetition on one elevator. You should do repetitions in the range of 3-5. Pull the right muscles together and lift the weight with maximum strength with each rep.
Mechanism 2: muscle damage
Do you have to forget your muscles? No!
You can cause muscle damage in several ways. Create muscle damage using a slower pace for the eccentric (unloaded) part of an exercise, change an angle to target another part of a muscle, increase weight, or stretch a muscle under tension.
Mechanism 3: metabolic stress
Here you chase the pump. It is the time at the end of a set when your muscles are exhausted and you feel a deep burn.
The more muscles you have, the more calories you burn. Lifters with a higher muscle-to-fat ratio have increased energy consumption at rest. 3Even if you don't have a lot of time, you burn more calories while doing nothing because you have made lifting a priority,
The best approach for you is to lift to protect your muscles. Use your diet to lose fat. If you need a reminder, repeat this message for yourself or go to the old school and write it 100 times on a board like a child sent into detention:
"I will lift weights to build and protect my muscles. I will use my diet to lose fat. "
Protect your muscle with heavy days
The first two ingredients in your elixir are separate heavy training days for your upper and lower body. The goal is to maintain or build strength (in some cases).
Below is your preparation for heavy days:
- CNS activation
- Primary power movement
- Antagonist force movement
- Primary support exercise for strength training
- Secondary support exercise for the antagonist power movement
Each session begins with an explosive movement to activate your central nervous system (CNS). CNS activation prepares your nervous system for the imposed neurological demands in the ongoing strength-based exercise. Jumps, throws and slams are perfect examples.
Next, continue with your primary strength movement of the day. By moving, your body responds better to building and protecting muscles by improving your neuronal efficiency. Why is that important to you?
Through neuromuscular adaptations to heavier loads, contractions can be performed powerfully and efficiently. This means that we can better utilize the full potential of our existing muscle mass.1 This leads to higher testosterone levels, a greater ability to build muscle in the future, and a better looking body
Each session ends with a support exercise for your strength movements, It gives you the opportunity to train the muscles that are responsible for maximizing every movement pattern. Use the so-called post-tetanic potentiation (PAP) because your CNS has been activated.
When your muscles produce maximum effort, this increases the ability of the nervous system to recruit muscle fibers during subsequent efforts. If you start a heavy workout, the rest of the workout will be more effective because you can recruit more muscle fibers. 4 Use heavy / moderate weight for the support exercises.
Protect your muscle with easy days
The next two ingredients in your fat loss elixir are two separate light training days for your upper and lower body, The goals of these days are to give your CNS a break and force lactate production to release growth hormone for fat loss.
Remember that you are busy and stressed with professional and family matters. Exercising with heavier weights puts a huge strain on your body and your CNS. Give everyone enough time to relax from the intense neurological demands of heavy lifts.
The solution is to include two days with less weight. Your CNS does not have to be used for lighter weights. In these sessions, teach your muscles to bend and keep them under constant tension. They repair underdeveloped muscles and build a better connection between mind and muscle.
Their ability to keep tension constant for at least 40 seconds forces lactate production, which leads to the release of growth hormone. Growth hormone regulates the metabolism of the whole body, and exercise is the strongest stimulus to induce its secretion in humans. 2
Since we need to maintain tension longer these days, the reps are 12 or more with shorter rest periods between exercises. You stay focused, increase your heart rate and burn more calories because you work out more muscles in less time.
You also have to encounter muscle failure during some exercises, Muscle failure is the signal for muscle growth and protein synthesis. Sure, your goal is not to build muscle. However, stimulating the process of protein synthesis during a fat loss phase increases your body's ability to maintain muscles. An error is achieved by expanding sets with two methods: drop sets and pause / pause.
- With drop sets, you train shortly before failure. Then drop the weight between 15 and 25% and do as many repetitions as possible until the error occurs.
- With rest / break sets, you also train shortly before the failure. Then rest for 10-15 seconds. Once the time is up, you can do more repetitions until it fails.
Below you will find your preparation for light days::
- Representatives of 12+
- error
- One-sided exercises
- Antagonist supersets
When life goes crazy and the trips to the gym are inconsistent, your muscles become fragile, Do you feel that one arm or leg is weaker than the other? You may find it difficult to play your muscles on one side of your body.
If one side is weaker than the other, you feel that you are not getting enough of your workout. Regain your muscles with one-sided movements and feel invincible again. One-sided refers to a movement in which each side trains independently.
One-sided training helps you to correct imbalances in the muscles, improve your explosiveness and sportiness and make your training more varied. Every day of light begins with a one-sided superset.
They do antagonist supersets so you can squeeze multiple muscles at the same time without losing strength, This method consists of pairing two exercises of opposite muscle groups in a superset (two successive exercises). There is a short pause between exercises and a moderate pause after one set of both has been completed.
Your training plan
Day 1 – Day of the heavy lower body
- Vertical jumps – 3 x 5, pause 60 seconds
- Front squats – 5 x 3-5, break 2-3 min
- Barbell RDL – 4 x 6-8, break 90-120 sec
- Bulgarian Split Squat dumbbell – 3 x 8-10 per leg (slowly eccentric), break 75-90 sec
- Lying or sitting hamstring curl – 3 x 8-10 (pause / pause in the last two sets), pause 75-90 seconds
Day 2 – rest
Day 3 – Day of the heavy upper body
- Tilt Plyo Push Up – 3 x 5, pause 60 sec
- Incline barbell bench press – 5 x 3-5, break 2-3 min
- Pendlay Row – 4 x 6-8, pause 90-120 sec
- Dips – 3 x 8-10 (slow eccentric), pause 75-90 seconds
- Supinated pull-ups or supinated lat pulldown – 3 x 8-10 (pause / pause in the last two sets), pause 75-90 sec
Day 4 – Day of the light lower body
- DB Reverse Lungs – 3 x 12 (per leg), pause 45 seconds
- Weighted hip joint with one leg – 3 x 12 (per leg), break 60-75 seconds
- Leg press – 3 x 12-15 (pause / pause in the last two sets), pause 60 seconds
- Leg extension – 3 x 12-15 (drop set on the last two sets), break 30 seconds
- Pull cable – 3 x 12-15, pause 60 seconds
- Hanging leg raises – 3 x 12-15, no break *
- Kettlebell Swings – 3 x 20-25, pause 60 seconds *
* Finisher for the session
Day 5 – rest
Day 6 – Day of the light upper body
- Single arm DB Z Press – 3 x 12 (per side), rest for 30 seconds
- Single arm row with split posture – 3 x 12 (per side), pause 60-75 seconds
- DB flies tend – 3 x 12-15 (drop set on the last two sets), break 30 seconds
- Tilt DB Reverse Flyes – 3 x 12-15 (drop set on the last two sets), pause 60 seconds
- Lean Away Cable Curls – 3 x 12-15 (3 seconds peak contraction), pause 30 seconds
- Triceps pushdowns – 3 x 12-15 (drop set on the last two sets), pause 60 seconds
- Shrug – 3 x 15 + 10 sec. Hold the last iteration, rest 30 sec
- Side elevations tend – 3 x 15 + max. Partially, pause 60 seconds
Day 7 – rest
Your best approach to muscles
Life is short. Don't spend ages in the gym. Each training session should not last longer than an hour, Take four to six weeks and use this plan to make yourself feel invincible again. You deserve the chance to dominate work, rest and play every day and in every way.
1. Helms, Eric, Andy Morgan and Andrea Valdez. The muscle and strength pyramid: training. United States: Muscle and Strength Pyramids, LLC., 2019.
2. Ignacio, Daniele Leão, Diego H. Da S. Silvestre, João Paulo Albuquerque Cavalcanti-De-Albuquerque, Ruy Andrade Louzada, Denise P. Carvalho and João Pedro Werneck-De-Castro. "Thyroid hormone and estrogen regulate growth hormone release induced by exercise." Plos One 10, no. 4 (2015).
3. Rolfe, D.F. and G.C. Brown. "Cellular energy use and molecular origin of the standard metabolic rate in mammals." Physiological Reviews 77, No. 3 (January 1997): 731-58.
4. Thibaudeau, Christian and Paul Carter. Maximum muscle bible. Saint-Raymond, Que´bec: F. Lepine Pub., 2016.