Gain your dream waist right away with the best waist exercises

So many of us dream of reducing belly fat and getting that thin waistline right away. Ironically, the easier it is to wish for something, the more difficult it is to make something like this happen. This is why numerous people begin to reduce waist fat wholeheartedly but end up losing all of their hopes.

Today we are going to give you a trick where you don't have to go without your favorite dishes to lose belly and waist fat. Let us help you win your dream waistline right away with these best ones Waist exercises.

Best waist exercises that will change the game for you

1. Russian phrases

As a possible exercise, the Russian variant can be a lot of fun. Whether you're at home or at the gym, this workout will still help. Don't be afraid to try this exercise daily to get a thin waist in no time. Not only will it help balance your waistline, but it will also help you improve posture and movement. Yes, that minor waist exercise is easy to learn so you don't have to face obstacles.

How it goes- Lie on your back and raise your knees at a 45-degree angle. Make sure your feet are off the ground. Both hands should be holding the weight on your chest. At this point, use your abs to raise your torso at a 45 degree angle from the floor. Little by little, try to twist your upper body in the next direction. After the break, repeat the step on the other end. Practice that best waist exercise daily for more benefits.

2. Plank hip dips

Have you recently stumbled upon an Instagram trend called the "Tabletop Challenge"? If so, the plank hip dips aren't a daunting task for you. The exercise is simple and strict to understand. If you do not do the exercise correctly, you can injure yourself. Because of this, you need to carefully follow the steps to do this Exercise with a thin waist. Overall, it's not that big of a question.

How it goes- Start with a plank position. Lower your left hip to the floor. To do this, twist your upper body. Make sure that the upper and lower arm remain stable. From the left side, reverse the motion to drop your right hand onto the right side. Make sure your body keeps moving. Your core should stay busy. Repeat this Exercise with a thin waist for the best experience.

3. Pat on the back

If you want to improve your core workout, a pat on the back can be the best addition to your daily fitness routine. Such a minor waist exercise is the ultimate way to make your workout routine more intense and improve your fitness game instantly. It's very similar to a plank. However, it has other advantages so that you can freely choose to go with it.

How it goes– Get into a plank position with your shoulder over your wrists. Make sure they are just enough to do the exercise without worries. Try raising your right hand and tapping your left shoulder. Don't let your hips and core move. Now put your hand back on the mat and repeat on the other end. Do this best waist exercise daily to get its lasting benefits.

4. Dead bug

Although the name sounds like that of an insect, the exercise isn't scary, trust me. The dead bug is a famous workout that people choose when they want to develop improved physical performance, core strength, and stabilization. Among all of them thin waist exercisesYou can go for this one in no time for instant results.

How it goes- Lie on your back Your arms should be in a table position over your shoulder and legs. Now try to keep your arms straight and strong. Try alternating between lowering and raising each leg to make sure your lower leg stays melted in the ground. Repeat that minor waist exercise for best practice.

5. V-fit

If you want to work multiple areas of the core and build strength, this exercise is all you need. This one also looks incredible Exercise with a thin waist that you can try at home whenever you want. How To Do It – Lie on your mat and stretch out your arms and legs. Use your core and legs to help straighten them. Now bring your hands and toes into contact with each other. Lower and tap the hand. Your feet should be on the floor.

The final result

These were some of the best Waist exercises that you can try right away. Don't miss them for the best experience. After all, you are worth it!


1. Can you say anything else? best waist exercises to me?

V-sit-hold, super-arm, T-bar rotations, and single-knee crunch with a twist are just a few best waist exercises to attempt.

2. What should I do if I injure myself doing this exercise?

In such a case, please contact your doctor immediately.

3. Is bike crunch good as Exercise with a thin waist?

Yes, you can try it too.

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The Perpetual COVID-19 Strength Plan

"Maximize high-threshold muscle fiber recruitment, increase strength, muscle, and volume with these advanced training tactics."

Since the situation in Covid-19 still involves a number of openings and bans around the world, it means that gyms are open in some places, while in some countries they may have to wait a little longer.

I got a lot of questions, especially from my clients who live in Melbourne, Australia as they are still heavily locked and unable to access the gym and want to have a safe game plan ready for them once those restrictions are lifted.

When I said this I thought it would be a great idea to share the game plan I would do if my goal was to regain much of the strength that might have been lost during the lockdown, muscle coordination on the key lift, and of course my muscles to maximize growth.

Building an aesthetically attractive and masculine body is the goal of 99% of the male population.

Let me introduce you to this Cluster set methodWhile this method isn't necessarily new, I am often surprised how little publicity this great method actually gets, let alone how many trainers actually use this method or know how to use this method in their programming.

Now that I am a man myself, I pride myself on having a commendable strength regarding my big lifts, but building an aesthetically attractive and manly body has been and remains my priority. Let me explain why I find this method necessary to start your training out of lockdown.

Why the Custer Set Method?

Whether you've just got out of lockdown or are waiting patiently, you have most likely done some type of bodyweight, resistance band, or dumbbell workout, without the heavier, more intense barbell work you usually did at the gym.

While you may have been able to perform variations of exercises like the bench press, squat, deadlift, and many others, there will still be some level of inefficiency in performing these exercises and you will expect to be where you are before you were locked.

I know some of you may be in a hurry to build muscle and get back in shape, but it has long been known that muscle growth from an exercise program doesn't actually happen for a while – it takes around 3-5 weeks to get one essential muscle arises growth will occur!

Neuromuscular adjustment is performed for the first 2-3 weeks of a new program before muscle adjustment (growth) occurs. It makes all the more sense to spend time getting this first phase of training right so that once your body is prepared, you can use the muscles that you may not have been able to build if you just took balls out from the start.

Another reason this method is a perfect starting point has to do with your ability to coordinate muscles within exercises, as this is critical to your ability to build muscle.

By doing lifts with a high enough intensity, you can recruit high-threshold motor units, which means that you will stimulate higher numbers of muscle fibers in the muscle of that lift and, over time, improve your muscle recruitment and coordination.

If you just hit the gym again you will open yourself to a new stimulus to which the body can adapt and your motivation will be at an all-time high. The perfect time to take advantage of what you might consider a potentiation phase that prepares you well before moving on to a more muscular hypertrophy-specific plan of attack.

Understanding cluster sets

First, it is important to understand that the central nervous system is responsible for recruiting motor neurons, starting with the smaller motor units before the larger motor units.

This is known as the Henneman size principle. (1)

Keep in mind that I mentioned lifting at a level high enough to recruit high-threshold motor units. It just means that your body is recruiting the smaller motor units and therefore the muscle fibers In front It can recruit the bigger muscle fibers so it is important to make sure that you are really training with the recommended percentage of your exercises that you can find in the following sections below.

Cluster sets are now when you do a certain number of repetitions, let rest for a short time and then do the same number of repetitions or slightly less for a certain number of “intra-set clusters”.

When you lift at this high intensity, you are exposed to larger amounts of volume that are raised at that intensity in one set.

What makes this even cuter is looking at muscle hypertrophy, the intensity of which we play from both a% of your 1RM and proximity to a momentary muscle failure.

So when we use cluster sets, we take care of the intensity side, and when we add the short rest periods between repetitions, or "clusters," your body has just enough time to replenish some energy (ATP) to keep you lifting at that intensity can.

The Perpetual COVID-19 Strength Plan - Fitness, Exercise, Dumbbells, Lower Body, Cluster Training, Basic Strength, Exercise Programming, Upper Body, Cluster Sets, Pandemic, Covid-19, Recruitment of Muscle Fibers

A key point in what I just mentioned is to make sure you are lifting at a high enough intensity that it is advisable to have a solid understanding of your 1RM or even do a strength test before starting this method Your accuracy will determine the exact percentages and weight with which you must lift.

In conclusion, you are not using a weight that is too comfortable to complete each cluster set. This will go a long way towards making you more neurologically efficient within the movements and being able to recruit muscle fibers.

Workout placement for cluster methods

I'm sure you already have an idea of ​​which exercises to use and when, but let's briefly cover the basics. The cluster sets are programmed in the main exercises or "a series" of your training.

The sets that follow the A series are reset in intensity and are within the strengths of functional hypertrophy (6-8 reps) and hypertrophy (9-12 reps). The intent behind these exercises is to further tire each muscle group by focusing on maximum tension, not just strain.

While the cluster set approach can be used over the full spectrum of ranges, it is primarily known to be used with loading patterns of 1 to 5 repetitions per cluster.

For this program, and to maximize the recruitment of high-threshold motor units, we will be using the clusters within a 1-2 repetition loading system.

How to do cluster sets

The general approach is to use a weight heavy enough to do the target number of reps based on the first set. While there are many different ways to do cluster sets, this also changes the percentage required to lift.

In our case, we process 90% of your 1RM. So the perfect approach would be either to know your 1RM already or to do a strength test a week before your actual start to get a better handle on your percentages.

Let's use the bench press, for example. If my first set of clusters is 2-1-1-1 and I know I can lift a maximum of 150kg for 2 reps, I would use 90% of that weight on my first set of clusters.

The first cluster set would look like this:

  • 135 kg for 2 repetitions (let rest for 15 seconds)
  • 1 repetition (let rest for 15 seconds)
  • 1 repetition (let rest for 15 seconds)
  • 1 rep (let rest 180 seconds)

Now that our basics are covered, let's move on to the rest of the program.

Programming basics

Due to the high intensity that is increased in each session, it is a 4-day intensification phase that rotates between a 4-day focus on the lower and upper body day.

On the days of the lower body, the primary lifts are rotated between a squat and hip joint movement pattern.

A super-set format is used on Upper Body Days, where there is a common focus between push / pull movement patterns in the horizontal and vertical planes.

If you switch to each consecutive week, 1 repetition is added to each cluster set. That way, you can finish your final week with cluster sets for reps of 2-2-2-2.

  • First week – 2-1-1-1
  • Week two – 2-2-1-1
  • Week three – 2-2-2-1
  • Week four – 2-2-2-2

The post-A series exercises are all about maintaining tension. In your B&C series of exercises, it's important to use a weight heavy enough to complete the target rep range while also making sure you can keep up with the required pace.

During the 4-week intensification phase, a total of 22 to 24 work sets per session are displayed in your upper body and a total of 17 work sets per session in the lower body. This will prepare you well for your next phase, where I would suggest a 6-8 week muscle hypertrophy-specific phase.

What do you mean by pace?

The pace at which we train within a particular exercise is called “Time Under Tension” (TUT). This only applies to the 4 phases of lifting seen in each rep. (See picture below)

The Perpetual COVID-19 Strength Plan - Fitness, Exercise, Dumbbells, Lower Body, Cluster Training, Basic Strength, Exercise Programming, Upper Body, Cluster Sets, Pandemic, Covid-19, Recruitment of Muscle Fibers

So if we use the bench press as an example and the tempo used in the 4-2-1-0 image above.

With the 4 you would lower the bar at a count of 4 seconds.

The 2 would pause at the lower isometric point (hold) for 2 seconds.

With the 1 you would be lifting the weight again in 1 second.

The 0 would see that you have no grip on the above isometric drawing.

As you will see below, I actually used the letter "X" in the third column or in the concentric part of the elevator as well. This simply means that you need to highlight the explosive lifting.

The workouts and schedule

Below is the weekly schedule that you use to start your upper body week. Because of the intensity of this program, the lower body is always performed after the upper body day so that the possibly taxed back muscles and erector spinae have adequate rest and do not interfere with your ability to perform the upper body lifts.

Please note that an active rest day means not just sitting around all day. A simple daily step goal of 8,000 to 10,000 is sufficient.

Monday Upper body 1
Tuesday Lower body 1
Wednesday Active day off
Thursday Upper body 2
Friday Lower body 2
Saturday Active day off
Sunday Rest day (take one full day off per week)
Upper body 1 – phase 1
exercise Sets Representative tempo Rest
A1. Pull up the neutral handle 6th 2-1-1-1 40X0 90 seconds
A2. Flat DB Press Pronating 6th 2-1-1-1 40X0 90 seconds
B1. Bent over one arm. Supported DB row – prone position 3 6-8 30X1 75 seconds
B2. Seated one-armed DB Arnold Press 3 6-8 3020 75 seconds
C1. 60 Degree Incline DB Curl – Supinated 2 8-10 30X0 60 seconds
C2. Ez-bar triceps extension 2 8-10 30X0 60 seconds
Lower body 1 – phase 1
exercise Sets Representative tempo Rest
A1. Trap bar deadlift 6th 2-1-1-1 40X0 180 seconds
B1. DB split squat 4th 6-8 40X0 75 seconds
B2. Lying hamstrings – Plantarflexed 4th 6-8 30X1 75 seconds
C1. BB hip thrust 3 8-10 3020 45 seconds
C2. One-sided DB Farmers Walk – 25 m on each side 3 8-10 30X0 45 seconds
Upper body 2 – phase 1
exercise Sets Representative tempo Rest
A1. Incline bench press 6th 2-1-1-1 40X0 90 seconds
A2. Barbell bent over row – prone position 6th 2-1-1-1 40X0 90 seconds
B1. Flat DB press – neutral grip 3 6-8 30X0 75 seconds
B2. Single Arm Lat Pulldown – Supinating 3 6-8 3011 75 seconds
C1. French Press rope 2 8-10 20X0 60 seconds
C2. Seated DB Hammer Curl 2 8-10 30X0 60 seconds
Lower body 2 – phase 1
exercise Sets Representative tempo Rest
A1. Safety bar back squat 6th 2-1-1-1 40X0 180 seconds
B1. DB FFE Split Squat 4th 6-8 40X0 90 seconds
B2. Kneeling Hamstrings – Dorsiflexed 4th 6-8 40X0 75 seconds
C1. 45 degree back extension 3 8-10 30X2 75 seconds
C2. Cable wood chips 3 12-14 30X0 60 seconds

Sports nutrition considerations

Given that your performance will matter and to tolerate these higher intensities being raised and exceeding nature, I would add 5g of creatine monohydrate along with 5g of beta-alanine before training for more endurance performance benefits and increasing the reps to failure.

However, if you do not enjoy the tingling sensation you are familiar with when using beta-alanine, you can divide your dosage into 1-2 g taken 3 times during the day. (3.4)

Where to from here?

Once this programming phase is complete and your goal is to maximize muscle growth, I would highly recommend devising a muscle hypertrophy specific attack plan over the next 8 to 16 weeks, depending on how much time you can devote to building muscle.

Whether you are an aspiring competitor or just an avid body, this is the best plan of attack to follow after completing the cluster set method.


1. Culbertson, J. Y., Kreider, R.B., Greenwood, M. & Cooke, M. (2010). Effects of Beta Alanine on Muscle Carnosine and Exercise Performance: A Review of the Current Literature. Nutrients, 2 (1), 75-98.

2. Kreider, R. B., Kalman, D. S., Antonio, J., Ziegenfuss, T. N., Wildman, R., Collins, R., Candow, D. G., Kleiner, S. M., Almada, A. L., & Lopez, H. L. (2017). International Society of Sports Nutrition Stand: Safety and Effectiveness of Creatine Supplementation in Exercise, Exercise, and Medicine. Journal of the International Society for Sports Nutrition, 14 (1), 18.

3. Milner-Brown, H.S., Stein, R.B & Yemm, R. (1973). The proper recruitment of human motor units in voluntary isometric contractions. The Journal of Physiology, 230 (2), 359-370.

4. Robinson, R. (2009). In the mammalian muscle, the axonal wiring takes surprising paths. PLoS Biology, 7 (2)

Xbox Series S review: Not Worth it in the Long Run

Xbox Series S.

"The limitations of the S Series become more apparent the longer you use them."

  • Incredibly portable

  • Good price

  • Great design

  • Not worth the savings

  • Not enough space

The Xbox Series S is an incredible piece of technology in many ways. Next-generation features like instant charging into an incredibly compact and affordable device are undoubtedly helping to fill a niche in the market that the more expensive PlayStation 5 or the heavily underloaded Nintendo Switch can't reach.

Despite the things I like about the Series S, I can't help but feel that the tradeoffs it makes aren't worth the $ 200 savings, especially if you're from an upgrade in the In the middle of the cycle like the Xbox switch to One X or the PlayStation 4 Pro.

The S series is initially a show stopper

I received my S Series in the same shipment as the X Series, and I was honestly more impressed with the former than the latter when I unboxed the two consoles. It brought me back when I moved to America and my original PAL PlayStation 2 wouldn't work here, so I had to get a PlayStation 2 NTSC Slim. I was impressed with how something so small can play all of these incredible games, and while the S Series doesn't shrink to nearly the same size as the slim PS2, it's still impressive to have something more compact than most textbooks.

Xbox Series S review

Then I booted it up and still it was as snappy as the Series X. I was able to download a system update in a flash and manage the entire setup via the much more handy Xbox app. Navigating the menus and downloading games from my library were just as quick, and to my delight, some of the titles were ten gigabytes smaller thanks to the lack of 4K textures.

I was impressed with how something so small could play all of these incredible games.

Then I came across the first catch in the S series. That annoying 512 GB SSD. It's not even 512 GB, but rather 370 GB of usable memory. I had six games installed and already ran out of space, even with the smaller installation files. Luckily I have unlimited gigabit internet in my apartment, but that's an incredible niche thing when you are talking about nearly half of the US population who play video games. Most people don't have the luxury of being able to conveniently delete and re-download games.

There is an option to save more games. However, it's a $ 220 Seagate expansion card that provides an additional 1TB. If you've spent the money on both this and the console, you're actually seeing more expensive value for money than if you just bought a Series X, which comes natively with 1TB of storage, a drive, and much better ones Hardware.

The severely limited memory allocation was more of a problem than I thought, but perhaps the system's performance would be impressive enough to make this a product I could recommend?

The differences in visual quality are palpable

The first game I played in my Series S was Assassin's Creed Valhalla, and at first I thought something was wrong. Not only did it look worse than the Series X, which was to be expected, it also looked worse than on my One X.

Xbox Series X versus S.

The One X was the system I had played the game on for review, so I was well acquainted with it at the time. This last generation system used dynamic resolution while gaming – sometimes it ran at 4K and sometimes closer to 1440p depending on what was happening on the screen. It seems that the game would run at 1740p on average.

However, the S series limits the game resolution to 1440p. I would have hoped Valhalla would then be able to push to 60 frames per second on the console, but it was locked at 30 fps. Switching to the Series X, which runs the game at a constant 4K60 value, was a drastic change, but even when I looked at them side by side on my last-gen One X, I was a little surprised at the limited performance.

The first game I played in my Series S was Assassin's Creed Valhalla, and at first I thought something was wrong. Not only did it look worse than the Series X, which was to be expected, it also looked worse than on my One X.

There is a way to run Valhalla on the S Series at 60 fps, but you'll need to change the system level resolution to 1080p. Not only is this inconvenient, but it's also a huge visual drop, especially since it also turns off the game's HDR.

The other games that I luckily tried didn't have as dramatic a difference as Valhalla. Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War may have lacked ray tracing and 120 fps modes, but it still felt visually competent enough that it was an immersive console experience. And I was happy to see that the S series still offers the ability to expand the game's field of vision. This is a huge benefit that was only granted to PC gamers until this new generation.

Xbox Series S horizontal

Gears 5 was the most indistinguishable of all games when compared between the Series S and the Series X. And while Dirt 5 ran at a nice 120 fps on the smaller console, the drop in texture quality was pretty noticeable.

Only a handful of people should pick up the S series

Checking a device like the S series is something I have to change my mind about. I have to think about the wider range of gamers who don't make a living playing video games and may not have high speed internet or 4K OLED TV to enhance their experience.

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War may have lacked ray tracing and 120 fps modes, but it still felt visually competent enough that it was an immersive console experience.

With all these factors in mind, I still think most people shouldn't pick up an S series. If you want an Xbox, go for the much more impressive X Series. Here is a list of the types of people who should pick up a Series S:

  • When you have extremely little space
  • If you have to travel a lot with it
  • When you buy it as a second console
  • When you buy it for your kids

I still have arguments for each of these Prople categories as to why they should still apply to Series X. The S series is small, but not so incredibly small compared to the X series that it can travel with you or find space in your home for that, it's much easier for that than the X series.

Buying it as a second console for another TV in the house is also not worth it. The Series X boots up in seconds after a full shutdown, and a feature like Quick Resume, which lets you switch between games at the exact point where you left off, works even if you unplug the system. If you only move your Series X between rooms, there will be only the slightest inconvenience that would otherwise be avoided by an additional Series S.

Xbox Series S top to bottom

The category that I think best fits a Series S needs is the purchase for your children. That's the strongest argument in favor of the console, but for me there is one unanswered question that changes my thoughts about it. Will Xbox roll out more series consoles later or will there be another update during the cycle?

In this case, the S Series is a compelling buy when purchasing a system for your youth. As a teenager, Microsoft may have released an even more powerful console or a more powerful Series S that would turn a smaller investment into a smart move for just a handful of years.

The thing is, I'll be 50/50 if we get this update with this generation of consoles. By the time the original Xbox One and PS4 were released, the transition from 1080p to 4K was already underway, and those systems weren't equipped for it. That's why we have the One X and the PS4 Pro.

This time around, both systems support 8K, which is far from mainstream as 4K back in 2013. While both the Series X and PS5 may not be able to play native 8K games, companies are making advances in machine learning You upscaled 8K files that look as good as the native resolution. They are impressive to the point where this hardware can possibly perfectly meet those technical requirements.

Ultimately, new consoles are not going to be a given for the next few years, and while now, around four years later, your child may be more than happy with an S Series, this is going to be extremely nondescript.

Our opinion

I really like Serie S and if I had never played Serie X I might feel different. But I've played Series X, and I think for the majority of people the additional cost of $ 200 for everything the console can do that its younger siblings can't. If the S Series is $ 199 and additional storage isn't that expensive, we may have another conversation.

Is there a better alternative?

The Xbox Series X is superior in almost every way, even at a steeper price point.

How long it will take?

Years in theory, but over time its limitations will quickly become noticeable.

Should you buy it?

I really think that only parents with young children who are just starting out to play video games should invest in the console.

Editor's recommendations

The Perpetual COVID-19 Strength Plan

"Maximize high-threshold muscle fiber recruitment, increase strength, muscle, and volume with these advanced training tactics."

Since the situation in Covid-19 still involves a number of openings and bans around the world, it means that gyms are open in some places, while in some countries they may have to wait a little longer. I got a lot of questions, especially from my clients who live in Melbourne, Australia as they are still heavily locked and unable to access the gym and want to have a safe game plan ready for them once those restrictions are lifted.

When I said this I thought it would be a great idea to share the game plan I would do if my goal was to regain much of the strength that might have been lost during the lockdown, muscle coordination on the key lift, and of course my muscles to maximize growth. Building an aesthetically attractive and masculine body is the goal of 99% of the male population.

Let me tell you theCluster-Set-Method ", While this method isn't necessarily new, I am often surprised how little publicity this great method actually gets, let alone how many trainers actually use this method or know how to use this method in their programming.

Now that I am a man myself, I pride myself on having a commendable strength regarding my big lifts, but building an aesthetically attractive and manly body has been and remains my priority. Let me explain why I find this method necessary to start your training out of lockdown.

Why the Custer Set Method?

Whether you've just got out of lockdown or are waiting patiently, you have most likely done some type of bodyweight, resistance band, or dumbbell workout, without the heavier, more intense barbell work you usually did at the gym.

While you may have been able to perform variations of exercises like the bench press, squat, deadlift, and many others, there will still be some level of inefficiency in performing these exercises and you will expect to be where you are before you were locked.

I know some of you may be in a rush to gain muscle and get back in shape, but it has long been known that muscle growth from an exercise program doesn't actually happen for a while – it takes about 3-5 weeks for substantial muscle growth to occur!

Neuromuscular adjustment is performed for the first 2-3 weeks of a new program before muscle adjustment (growth) occurs. It makes all the more sense to spend time getting this first phase of training right so that once your body is prepared, you can use the muscles that you may not have been able to build if you just took balls out from the start.

Another reason this method is a perfect starting point has to do with your ability to coordinate muscles within exercises, as this is critical to your ability to build muscle. By doing lifts with a high enough intensity, you can recruit high-threshold motor units, which means that you will stimulate higher numbers of muscle fibers in the muscle of that lift and, over time, improve your muscle recruitment and coordination.

If you just hit the gym again you will open yourself to a new stimulus to which the body can adapt and your motivation will be at an all-time high. The perfect time to take advantage of what you might consider a potentiation phase that prepares you well before moving on to a more muscular hypertrophy-specific plan of attack.

Understanding cluster sets

First, it is important to understand that the central nervous system is responsible for recruiting motor neurons, starting with the smaller motor units before the larger motor units.

This is known as the Henneman size principle. (1)

Keep in mind that I mentioned lifting at a level high enough to recruit high-threshold motor units. This just means that your body is recruiting the smaller motor units, and therefore the muscle fibers, BEFORE it can recruit the larger muscle fibers. So it is important to make sure you are actually lifting with the recommended percentage of your lifts, which you will find in the following sections below.

Cluster sets are now when you do a certain number of repetitions, let rest for a short time and then do the same number of repetitions or slightly less for a certain number of “intra-set clusters”.

When you lift at this high intensity, you are exposed to larger amounts of volume that are raised at that intensity in one set.

What makes this even cuter is looking at muscle hypertrophy, the intensity of which we play from both a% of your 1RM and proximity to a momentary muscle failure.

So when we use cluster sets, we take care of the intensity side, and when we add the short rest periods between repetitions, or "clusters," your body has just enough time to replenish some energy (ATP) to keep you lifting at that intensity can.

The Perpetual COVID-19 Strength Plan - Fitness, Exercise, Dumbbells, Lower Body, Cluster Training, Basic Strength, Exercise Programming, Upper Body, Cluster Sets, Muscle Fiber Recruitment

A key point in what I just mentioned is to make sure you are lifting at a high enough intensity that it is advisable to have a solid understanding of your 1RM or even do a strength test before starting this method Your accuracy will determine the exact percentages and weight with which you must lift.

In conclusion, you are not using a weight that is too comfortable to complete each cluster set. This will go a long way towards making you more neurologically efficient within the movements and being able to recruit muscle fibers.

Workout placement for cluster methods

I'm sure you already have an idea of ​​which exercises to use and when, but let's briefly cover the basics. The cluster sets are programmed in the main exercises or "a series" of your training.

The sets that follow the A series are reset in intensity and are within the strengths of functional hypertrophy (6-8 reps) and hypertrophy (9-12 reps). The intent behind these exercises is to further tire each muscle group by focusing on maximum tension, not just strain.

While the cluster set approach can be used over the full spectrum of ranges, it is primarily known to be used with loading patterns of 1 to 5 repetitions per cluster.

For this program, and to maximize the recruitment of high threshold motor units, we will be using the clusters within a 1-2 repetitive loading scheme. ⠀⠀⠀


How to do cluster sets⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

The general approach is to use a weight heavy enough to do the target number of reps based on the first set. While there are many different ways to do cluster sets, this also changes the percentage required to lift.

In our case, we process 90% of your 1RM. So the perfect approach would be either to know your 1RM already or to do a strength test a week before your actual start to get a better handle on your percentages.

Let's use the bench press, for example. If my first set of clusters is 2-1-1-1 and I know I can lift a maximum of 150kg for 2 reps, I would use 90% of that weight on my first set of clusters.

The first cluster set would look like this.

● 135 kg for 2 repetitions (let rest for 15 seconds)

● 1 repetition (let rest for 15 seconds)

● 1 repetition (let rest for 15 seconds)

● 1 repetition (let rest 180 seconds)

Now that our basics are covered, let's move on to the rest of the program.

Programming basics

Due to the high intensity that is increased in each session, it is a 4-day intensification phase that rotates between a 4-day focus on the lower and upper body day.

On the days of the lower body, the primary lifts are rotated between a squat and hip joint movement pattern.

A super-set format is used on Upper Body Days, where there is a common focus between push / pull movement patterns in the horizontal and vertical planes.

If you switch to each consecutive week, 1 repetition is added to each cluster set. That way, you can finish your final week with cluster sets for reps of 2-2-2-2.

First week – 2-1-1-1

Week two – 2-2-1-1

Week three – 2-2-2-1

Week four – 2-2-2-2

The post-A series exercises are all about maintaining tension. In your B&C series of exercises, it's important to use a weight heavy enough to complete the target rep range while also making sure you can keep up with the required pace.

During the 4-week intensification phase, a total of 22 to 24 work sets per session are displayed in your upper body and a total of 17 work sets per session in the lower body. This will prepare you well for your next phase, where I would suggest a 6-8 week muscle hypertrophy-specific phase.

What do you mean by pace?

The pace at which we train within a particular exercise is called “Time Under Tension” (TUT). This only applies to the 4 phases of lifting seen in each rep. (See picture below)

The Perpetual COVID-19 Strength Plan - Fitness, Exercise, Dumbbells, Lower Body, Cluster Training, Basic Strength, Exercise Programming, Upper Body, Cluster Sets, Muscle Fiber Recruitment

So if we use the bench press as an example and the tempo used in the 4-2-1-0 image above.

With the 4 you would lower the bar at a count of 4 seconds.

The 2 would pause at the lower isometric point (hold) for 2 seconds.

With the 1 you would be lifting the weight again in 1 second.

The 0 would see that you have no grip on the above isometric drawing.

As you will see below, I actually used the letter "X" in the third column or in the concentric part of the elevator as well. This simply means that you need to highlight the explosive lifting.

The workouts and schedule

Below is the weekly schedule that you use to start your upper body week. Because of the intensity of this program, the lower body is always performed after the upper body day so that the possibly taxed back muscles and erector spinae have adequate rest and do not interfere with your ability to perform the upper body lifts.

Please note that an active rest day means not just sitting around all day. A simple daily step goal of 8,000 to 10,000 is sufficient.


Upper body 1


Lower body 1


Active day off


Upper body 2


Lower body 2


Active day off


Rest day (take one full day off per week)

Upper body 1 – Phase 1






A1. Pull up the neutral handle




90 seconds

A2. Flat DB Press Pronating




90 seconds

B1. Bent over one arm. Supported DB row – prone position




75 seconds

B2. Seated one-armed DB Arnold Press




75 seconds

C1. 60 Degree Incline DB Curl – Supinated




60 seconds

C2. Ez-bar triceps extension




60 seconds

Lower body 1- Phase 1






A1. Trap bar deadlift




180 seconds

B1. DB split squat




75 seconds

B2. Lying hamstrings – Plantarflexed




75 seconds

C1. BB hip thrust




45 seconds

C2. One-sided DB Farmers Walk – 25 m on each side




45 seconds

Upper body 2 – Phase 1






A1. Incline bench press




90 seconds

A2. Barbell bent over row – prone position




90 seconds

B1. Flat DB press – neutral grip




75 seconds

B2. Single Arm Lat Pulldown – Supinating




75 seconds

C1. French Press rope




60 seconds

C2. Seated DB Hammer Curl




60 seconds

Lower body 2 – Phase 1






A1. Safety bar back squat




180 seconds

B1. DB FFE Split Squat




90 seconds

B2. Kneeling Hamstrings – Dorsiflexed




75 seconds

C1. 45 degree back extension




75 seconds

C2. Cable wood chips




60 seconds

Sports nutrition considerations

Given that your performance will matter and to tolerate these higher intensities being raised and exceeding nature, I would add 5g of creatine monohydrate along with 5g of beta-alanine before training for more endurance performance benefits and increasing the reps to failure.

However, if you do not enjoy the tingling sensation you are familiar with when using beta-alanine, you can divide your dosage into 1-2 g taken 3 times during the day. (3.4)

Where to from here?

Once this programming phase is complete and your goal is to maximize muscle growth, I would highly recommend devising a muscle hypertrophy specific attack plan over the next 8 to 16 weeks, depending on how much time you can devote to building muscle.

Whether you are an aspiring competitor or just an avid body, this is the best plan of attack to follow after completing the cluster set method.


  1. J. Y. Culbertson, R. B. Kreider, M. Greenwood & M. Cooke (2010). Effects of Beta Alanine on Muscle Carnosine and Exercise Performance: A Review of the Current Literature. Nutrients, 2 (1), 75-98.

  2. R. B. Kreider, D. S. Kalman, J. Antonio, T. N. Ziegenfuss, R. Wildman, R. Collins, D. G. Candow, S. M. Kleiner, A. L. Almada & H. L. Lopez (2017). International Society of Sports Nutrition Stand: Safety and Effectiveness of Creatine Supplementation in Exercise, Exercise, and Medicine. Journal of the International Society for Sports Nutrition, 14 (1), 18.

  3. H. S. Milner-Brown, R. B. Stein & R. Yemm (1973). The proper recruitment of human motor units in voluntary isometric contractions. The Journal of Physiology, 230 (2), 359-370.

  4. Robinson, R. (2009). In the mammalian muscle, the axonal wiring takes surprising paths. PLoS Biology, 7 (2)

Vitamin D Deficiency in Athletes

Vitamin D is often referred to as the sun vitamin because the main source of the vitamin is obtained from sun exposure. However, many people are vitamin D deficient.

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble hormone that plays a vital role in bone health, muscle function, adaptive immunity, and many human diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and musculoskeletal health

Vitamin D deficiency

Indeed, vitamin D deficiency is a global public health problem.

Globally, around 1 billion people are vitamin D deficient, while over 77% of the total population is insufficient.1 What does it mean if you are an athlete who exercises indoors, exercises indoors year-round and rarely outdoors during that time is the day going?

What if you also live in the northern hemisphere? You are probably not getting enough vitamin D. Inadequate sun exposure can dramatically increase your risk of vitamin D deficiency. It can lead to a wide variety of negative health effects and affect athletic performance.

Research has shown that vitamin D significantly affects muscle weakness, pain, balance, and fractures in the aging population.1

Vitamin D plays a key role in: 1

A vitamin D deficiency occurs when the blood level drops to less than 20 ng / ml (<nmol / l), while a vitamin D deficiency in athletes occurs when the blood level falls between 20 and 32 ng / ml (50-80 nmol / l) / l) is defined..

Research has shown that 40-50 ng / ml (100-125 nmol / l) seems ideal for optimizing athletic performance.1

Who is at high risk?

People at high risk of vitamin D deficiency: 1.5

  • Decreased food intake: certain malabsorption syndromes such as celiac disease, short bowel syndrome, gastric bypass, inflammatory bowel disease
  • Decreased exposure to sunlight. About 50% to 90% of vitamin D is absorbed through the skin. 20 minutes of sunshine daily, with 40% of the skin exposed, is required to prevent deficiency.
  • Aging Adults: The ability to synthesize vitamin D decreases by up to 75% with age.
  • Overweight and obese people: Those who carry excess body fat can increase their risk by up to 55% because vitamin D is trapped in adipose tissue and not available in the bloodstream.

See the previous blog about factors that affect vitamin D levels.

Athletes who practice indoor sports

Athletes who participate in indoor sports are at a higher risk of vitamin D deficiency.

Hockey players spend much of their time training, conditioning, and competing indoors. This makes it difficult to get vitamin D from sun exposure. To add to the statistics, another study found that 88% of the population were receiving less than the optimal amount of vitamin D.3

Several studies link vitamin D status to bone health and general bone injury prevention in the sports population.

Research and Vitamin D Deficiency

Studies have shown that inadequate vitamin D levels are linked to a higher risk of stress fractures in young men and women published in the Journal of Foot & Ankle Surgery. 4

In a study published in the journal, Nutrients rated the vitamin D status of college basketball players during the season. Players were given either a high dose, a low dose, or no vitamin D at the start of the study, depending on their circulatory 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels, to determine the optimal status of vitamin D3 supplementation.

The results showed that 13 of the 20 participants did not have enough vitamin D at the start of the study. Another finding was that of the examined athletes and The darker skin pigmentation increased the risk of vitamin D insufficiency at the start of the study.

The researchers found that most athletes who were inadequate with vitamin D benefited from supplementation of 10,000 IU to improve their status

Another study concluded that black professional footballers have higher levels of vitamin D deficiency than white ones

The study also suggests that vitamin D-deficient professional soccer players may also be at higher risk of fractures

Increasing performance is the desire of every athlete as it can lead to an increase in performance on the field. Your muscle tissue has several important receptor sites for vitamin D and supports the generation of electricity.1

A study of soccer players found that an increase in baseline vitamin D status over an 8 week period resulted in increased vertical jumps and sprint times of 10 meters.9

Of course, we need more research in this area to identify the relationship between vitamin D levels and performance.

Nonetheless, the current literature is promising and that at least baseline vitamin D values ​​should be desirable.

Sources of Vitamin D.

The best sources of vitamin D are egg yolks, mushrooms, fortified milk, yogurt, cheese, salmon, and mackerel.8th

Vitamin D rich food sources:

  • 6 ounces. fortified yogurt = 80 IU
  • 3 oz. Salmon = 794 IU
  • 1 cup fortified cereal = 40 IU
  • 1 cup of fortified milk = 120 IU
  • 1 egg yolk = 41 IU
  • 1 cup of fortified orange juice = 137 IU

Practical applications

Athletes who exercise indoors, consume little vitamin D-rich sources, and live> 35 degrees north or south can benefit from a vitamin supplement of 1,500 to 2,000 IU per day to keep vitamin D concentrations in a sufficient range.

Athletes who have had a history of stress fractures, common illnesses, pain or weakness, or signs of overtraining should be assessed for vitamin D status.

Vitamin D is best absorbed with a high-fat meal.

It is important to see a doctor to further determine vitamin D levels and to meet with a registered dietitian to further discuss nutritional intervention.


1. Ogan, D. & Pritchett, K. "Vitamin D and the Athlete: Risks, Recommendations, and Benefits." Nutrients, 5 (6), 1856-1868. 2013.

2. Umar, M., Sastry, K.S. & Chouchane, A.I., "Role of Vitamin D Beyond Skeletal Function: An Review of Molecular and Clinical Studies." International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2018, 19 (6), 1618.

3. Bendik, I., Friedel, A., Roos, F. F., Weber, P. and Eggersdorfer, M. "Vitamin D: A Critical and Essential Micronutrient for Human Health." Frontiers in Physiology, 5, 248, 2014.

4. Elsevier Health Sciences. (2015, December 14th). "Low vitamin D levels can increase the risk of stress fractures in active individuals: Experts recommend active individuals who participate in higher-impact activities may maintain higher levels of vitamin D." ScienceDaily. Retrieved October 19, 2020.

5. Sizar O., Khare S., Goyal A. et al. "Deficiency of Vitamin D." (Updated July 21, 2020). In: StatPearls (Internet). Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2020 Jan-.

6. Sekel, N. M .; Gallo, S .; Fields, J .; Jagim, A. R .; Wagner, T .; Jones, M.T. "The Effects of Cholecalciferol Supplementation on Vitamin D Status in a Diverse Population of College Basketball Athletes: A Quasi-Experimental Study." Nutrients, 2020, 12, 370.

7. National Health Institutes – Food Supplements Office – "Vitamin D – Information Sheet for Health Professionals". (Accessed October 19, 2020).

8. Maroon JC, Mathyssek CM, Bost JW, Amos A., Winkelman R., Yates AP, Duca MA, Norwig JA. "Vitamin D Profile in National Football League Players." Am J Sports Med. 2015, May; 43 (5): 1241-5. Epub 2015, February 3rd. PMID: 25649084.

9. Close, GL, Russell, J., Cobley, JN, Owens, DJ, Wilson, G., Gregson, W., Fraser, WD & Morton, JP, "Assessment of Vitamin D Concentration in Non-Supplemented Professional Athletes and Healthy Adults during the winter months in the UK: effects on skeletal muscle function. "Journal of Sports Sciences, 31 (4), 344–353. 2013.

Destiny 2: Beyond Light Review: Ice is Nice

Destiny 2 Beyond Light

Destiny 2: Beyond Light Review: Icy expansions bring cool changes

"Beyond Light's weak history leaves much to be desired, but new stasis skills help make the game feel fresh again."

  • Versatile stasis forces

  • There is a lot to discover in Europe

  • Faster loading times

  • Blunt campaign

  • The class feels unbalanced

No matter how good it actually is, it's always tempting to feel a glimmer of hope when a Destiny 2 expansion is as significant as Beyond Light. Any excuse to jump into one of the best shooters again is welcome right now, but it is becoming increasingly necessary to keep long-term expectations in check.

A little over a year ago, we reviewed the game's last major expansion, Shadowkeep. At the time, we said the upgrade was "full of potential" and we were hoping it would turn the game around after a difficult year with no exciting content.

If that sounds like déjà vu to fans, it's because it's exactly the same situation that Beyond Light is in now. Shadowkeep ultimately didn't deliver the intriguing setup, leaving players hoping that Beyond Light would get the ship back on course. After years of re-experiencing the same cycle, it is time to finally accept these expansions for what they really are, and stop using them as a symbolic Rorschach test for the future of the game.

Destiny 2: Beyond Light is a perfect content drop for fans who just want more Destiny. The new location in Europe and the stasis ability give players a lot of leeway, although the new story campaign is one of the weakest in the franchise. For the looter, this is not an illuminating change. It's just a good reason to sign back in … and that's fine.

Welcome to Europe

Beyond Light features one of Destiny 2's most stand-alone stories to date. Instead of moving from planet to planet, almost the entire five-hour campaign is devoted to the game's new location, Europe. The big evil this time is a fallen captain named Eramis, who has equipped her army with the new element of the game, stasis. Guardians are forced to fight fire with fire (or ice with ice, in this case) by using the power of darkness against them.

Nothing about the story is particularly memorable. Eramis ends up being little more than another anti-climactic villain, with the really big evil presumably being saved for the game's upcoming raid. There isn't much to discover in each of the missions either, as the campaign has more or less the same order of objectives that are repeated three times. It feels less like a story, but more like a lengthy tutorial for stasis forces.

Destiny 2 Beyond Light

Despite these flaws, the story has surprising thematic weight. The good are asked whether it is morally right to use the tools of evil to fight evil, which in our current political climate is purposely felt to be right. This question becomes less convincing every time characters have the same existential debate. However, it is always welcome to hear meaningful real-world questions asked throughout the game's infinitely vague story about light and dark.

Europe itself is a mixed bag when it comes to locations. Sometimes the snow-covered planet looks just like the moon with gray craters exchanged for white hills. The lack of suitable landing zones means players have to do the same long hikes every time they have a new destination. The campaign and subsequent post-quests will send players through the same handful of areas over and over, which is getting old quickly.

The best parts of the planet are the rooms that are hidden under the snow. High-tech laboratories create a stark contrast to Europe's bleak surface and give the mixture a certain environmental secret. Of particular note are the lost sectors of Europe which provide some of the most inspired ideas of expansion. In a hidden area, I freed a train of Braytech robots that became my personal army when I defeated a giant hydra.

The story feels less like a story and more like a lengthy tutorial for stasis forces.

Even with these bright spots, the content and location of the new story are overwhelming compared to previous expansions. There's still a lot to enjoy, especially after the campaign ends, but Beyond Light feels less like Taken King's gold standard expansion than it does with the comparatively less ambitious Rise of Iron.

Ice cream to meet you

The campaign's obsession with stasis is ultimately justified. For the first time ever, Beyond Light is adding an entirely new item for players to equip, including new Supers and Abilities. Stasis gives the Guardians ice powers that enable them to keep enemies cold, crush frozen enemies, and build huge walls of ice like Overwatch's Mei.

Stasis is the most exciting feature Destiny has hit in years.

Stasis is literally changing the way the game is played, and fans are already taking full advantage of it. The game's Crucible PVP mode is currently in a state of glorious mayhem as Guardians use their skills to do things that have never been possible in Destiny before. Some build ice walls to block the entrances to checkpoints and capture them safely. Others throw the ability at their feet and shoot them dozens of feet in the air.

The Destiny series has rarely done this type of experiment, even with new subclasses and supers added. It was always clear what the three types of damage were doing, no matter how they were packaged. Stasis feels completely alien and adds excitement to the activities that players have been weeding out for years.

Destiny 2 Beyond Light

The way the stasis subclass works is fundamentally different from the old trio. Players can upgrade each ability with fragments that completely change the way they work. When the ice wall grenade wasn't clicking with my play style, I switched to one that shot out a creeping line of icicles that could be chained to enemies. The way players can customize the subclass is so deep that it is really worth looking for more options.

However, it feels like Bungie needs to make some adjustments. Stasis is absurdly powerful in a way that doesn't feel sustainable in the long run. Not only does ice freeze enemies (it can even turn off Supers), it also harms them when they break out. This is a blast in PVE activity where players can shatter a fair amount of debris, but it feels out of whack in competitive mode. Freezing feels like a death sentence no matter the circumstances, and stasis feels like an unbalanced option in its current state.

Even if there is still much to be done, stasis is the most exciting feature that Destiny has hit in years. It opens the door to new styles of play and lets old experiences work again. It's exactly the kind of update the game has been looking for in a long time.

Less is okay

The big story with Beyond Light is less about what's added and more about what's removed. The update significantly reduces Destiny 2 and removes entire planets and their corresponding activities. Places like Mercury are gone, freeing fans of boring content like the Infinite Forest.

Destiny 2 Beyond Light

What is surprising is that none of it feels missing so far. I didn't feel crazy for not being able to patrol Titan or miss a run of the escalation log. The mass expulsion shows how voracious Destiny 2 had gotten over the past few years as it accumulated filler that didn't add anything.

Not much is added in their place, but that has its merits. Destiny 2's file size has been cut almost in half, resulting in a more compact game that already feels a lot smoother. The loading times are faster and I have fewer problems with the loading zone during strikes.

Beyond Light is about taking the game back down to the basics so that Bungie and players can find out what is actually fun about the game.

The added stability feels like a fair trade, although the long-term implications are unclear. With much of Beyond Light's content in Europe, I'm not sure how little things will feel when I've got my chores done. Many of these questions should be answered in the upcoming season of the hunt, but ever-skeptical fans wouldn't be wrong in preparing for another slow year.

That's why it's so important this time to recalibrate expectations. Beyond Light is not about starting a bright chapter for the series. It's about taking the game back to the basics so Bungie and the players can find out what is actually fun about the game. It's entirely possible that Beyond Light only piqued gamers' interest for a few weeks, but maybe it's time to accept that Destiny 2 is less effective as a long-tailed service game and a rock-solid shooter that's well worth it is to be visited again, less fun times a year.

Our opinion

Destiny 2: Beyond Light is a leaner proposition than fans hoped for thanks to its disappointing campaign, but there is still enough intrigue beneath Europe's surface to warrant a return to orbit. The new stasis subclasses refresh years of experience and ensure that parts of the game feel new again, even if the honeymoon feeling disappears in a few weeks.

Is there a better alternative?

The answer is still no, although the competition is getting tougher. Warframe is creeping up on the throne in particular, but Destiny 2's shooting is still unmatched.

How long it will take?

The campaign itself only lasts about five hours, but there are still many tasks and activities that need to be completed before the new season begins.

Should you buy it?

Yes. If you are already sold on Destiny 2 there is no reason not to continue the adventure. Moving to the next generation is an added reason for new console owners to jump back in.

Editor's recommendations

Lenovo Yoga 9i 15: Maybe the Fastest 2-in-1 You Can Buy

Lenovo Yoga 9i Featured Image

Yoga 9i (15 & # 39;) 2-in-1 laptop

"The Yoga 9i is very fast for a 2-in-1, and with the right display it could work well for creative people."

  • Excellent performance

  • Solid build quality

  • Very good keyboard and touchpad

  • Excellent audio performance

  • Attractive aesthetics

  • The battery life suffers from a small battery

  • The display has poor contrast

Lenovo recently renamed its Yoga line, for example changing the Yoga C940 15-inch 2-in-1 to the Yoga 9i. This is a purely marketing move – the Yoga 9i is the same as the C940 with updated components inside. Some other new yogas are a little more innovative, like the leather-covered Yoga 9i 14-inch, but Lenovo has chosen to play it safe with its largest, most powerful convertible laptop.

I received a $ 2,000 Yoga 9i review unit that came with a sixth generation Intel Core i7-10750H with six cores, 16GB of RAM, a 1TB PCIe solid state drive (SSD), and a 15.6-inch Full HD display (1920 x 1080) and an Nvidia GeForce GTX 1650 Ti Max-Q GPU. The Yoga C940 was already a fast laptop with a mediocre display and poor battery life that put it off a higher rating. Does the Yoga 9i fix the laptop problem and make it a more competitive proposition?


Lenovo Yoga 9i performanceMark Coppock / Digital Trends

Since the updated CPU is the main difference between the Yoga C940 and the Yoga 9i, we'll start there. And it's a good place to start as the Yoga 9i gets the most out of its components.

In Geekbench 5, the Yoga 9i achieved 1,285 points in single-core mode and 5,551 points in multi-core mode. That is moderately faster than the 1,106 and 5,117 points of the Yoga C940 and beats the closest competition at 1237 and 5013, the HP Specter x360 15. The Dell XPS 15, a logical clamshell competitor, managed 1,314 and 7,549 with a much faster core i7-10875H with eight cores.

In Handbrake, our test that encodes a 420MB video as H.265, it took the Yoga 9i 2.4 minutes to complete the test. Like many newer laptops, the Yoga 9i has a utility for adjusting performance by changing the fan behavior, and the Yoga 9i only dipped for eight seconds in high-performance mode – not particularly impressive. The Specter x360 15 took 16 seconds longer than the Yoga, and the XPS 15 was done in just over two minutes. I'll also mention the HP Envy 15 with its Core i7-10750H, which beat the XPS 15 by two seconds in HP Command Center Performance mode and five seconds faster than the Yoga 9i in normal mode – the HP utility did more The Envy 15 was the fastest in the handbrake test in this group.

In Cinebench 20, the Yoga i9 achieved 2625 points in multi-core mode and 481 points in single-core mode. This is comparable to the Specter x360 15 (2523 and 469), the XPS 15 (3582 and 488), and the Envy 15 (2593 and 436). All of these functions were in the laptop's normal performance mode. The Yoga 9i and Envy 15 showed a slight increase in their respective performance modes, but not enough to catch up with the XPS 15 with its additional two cores and four threads.

Finally, I ran our Premiere Pro test encoding a two minute 4K video and this is where the Yoga 9i surprised. It took four minutes and 51 seconds (oddly enough in both normal and performance modes), which defeated the more powerful XPS 15, which lasted a little over five minutes. The Specter x360 15 lagged behind here and took 7.5 minutes to complete the test. The Envy 15 was the performance leader in performance mode, finishing in just three minutes and 53 seconds. It matched the XPS 15 in normal mode.

That's a lot of data that has to be digested. So let's simplify things. The Yoga 9i is the fastest 15-inch 2-in-1 we've tested, and we suspect it's the fastest you can buy. It can also be upgraded to a Core i9-10980H. If you're looking to spend the money, this 2-in-1 can get you even more performance. From this perspective, the Yoga 9i isn't just a laptop with high productivity and the flexibility of a 2-in-1 device. It's also a candidate for creatives who need quick photo and video editing. Whether the Yoga 9i really lives up to this standard depends on its display, which we'll cover next.


Lenovo Yoga 9i displayMark Coppock / Digital Trends

My test device was equipped with the 15.6-inch Full HD IPS display from Lenovo with a nominal output of 500 nits and supports Dolby Vision High Dynamic Range (HDR). Lenovo also offers a 4K IPS display, which is also rated at 500 nits.

According to my colorimeter, Lenovo's demands on brightness are a bit exaggerated. I saw 351 nits, which is way above our preferred threshold of 300 nits, but not nearly 500 nits of course. The colors for premium displays today were average at 97% of sRGB and 75% of AdobeRGB, and the DeltaE 1.42 color accuracy was good but not great (less than 1.0 is indistinguishable to the human eye and is considered excellent viewed). And Gamma was perfect at 2.2, which means photos and videos aren't too light or too dark. You will find that most Full HD displays these days are similar and you will have to switch to high quality 4K IPS and OLED displays to get better. For example, the 4K OLED display on the Specter x360 15 had 426 nits, 100% sRGB and 98% AdobeRGB, and a DeltaE or 1.21. The XPS 15's 4K IPS display was even stronger at 442 nits, 100% of sRGB and AdobeRGB, and a DeltaE of 0.65.

Where the display of the Yoga 9i fell behind was in its contrast, where it only managed 670: 1. This is a bad score for a premium laptop today, many of which meet or exceed our preferred threshold of 1000: 1. The Specter x360 16's OLED display was the typical ridiculous 426,180: 1, and the XPS 15 was great for a 1480: 1 IPS display. Such low contrast sometimes left the Yoga 9i's display a little washed out compared to its main competition appear, especially with black text on a white background.

Still, for the most part, I enjoyed using the display. I'll admit that I like high-resolution, high-contrast displays for the sharpest possible text, which is why I would have preferred a 4K panel – as a writer, the Yoga 9i's display would never make me happy. If you don't mind Full HD in a larger display, you'll find that it gets you through your productivity work with ease. I'll find that Dolby Vision HDR support means that Netflix HDR content is superior to most other Full HD displays – very bright and with dark scenes showing more detail than most other displays.

We haven't tested the Yoga 9i's 4K display yet, but they typically have wider, more accurate colors and better contrast. Whether the 9i is a true creative workstation depends on whether the 4K display meets your color requirements. Unfortunately, this is not a question that we can currently answer.


Lenovo Yoga 9i AudioMark Coppock / Digital Trends

I normally set the audio performance in the display area, but the Yoga 9i's audio system deserves special attention. Instead of banging a speaker or two somewhere in the case, Lenovo built a soundbar into the 360-degree hinge that houses custom tweeters with vibration buffers to reduce distortion and a pair of darting woofers under the case. When you put the soundbar into the hinge, you'll benefit from Dolby Atmos speakers in all orientations, including the media mode that is most likely to benefit you. And it's excellent audio with tremendous volume that never gets distorted, clear mids and highs, and even a hint of bass. You can use the Yoga 9i to play Netflix all by yourself without the need for headphones or external speakers, even if you share it with a friend. This is unusual for a Windows 10 laptop. The Yoga 9i can't quite compete with the latest MacBooks for the best laptop audio, but it's damn close.


Lenovo Yoga 9i designMark Coppock / Digital Trends

The design of the Yoga 9i is unchanged from that of the Yoga C940. First, and perhaps best, this means that the case is very solid with no bending, bending, or twisting of the lid, keyboard deck, or case base. It is made of machined aluminum and enjoys an excellent fit and finish. Small touches like a hinge that can be easily opened with one hand while staying in place during use are abundant and give a very high quality overall feel. The Dell XPS 15 and HP Specter x360 15 have nothing to do with the build quality of the Yoga 9i.

Aesthetically, the Yoga 9i fits Lenovo's very conservative overall picture. The angles are overall clean, and the back of the case and the bottom of the lid have matching rounded surfaces that work well with the rest of the machine. It's a solid dark gray, with the exception of the Dolby Atmos rotating soundbar, which is built into the hinge area and has a coppery hue. The Specter x360 15 is a much more eye-catching laptop with its gem-carved design and copper accents. However, if you prefer a cleaner and simpler look, then you'll love the Yoga 9i.

Like the Specter x360 15, the Yoga 9i has small bezels, while the Yoga uses an inverted notch to give something to grip when opening the lid and to make room for the webcam. The Yoga 9i ranges in thickness from 0.69 to 0.78 inches with a slight taper and weighs 4.41 pounds. That's comparable to the Specter x360 15 at 0.79 inches and 4.24 pounds. The Yoga is slightly wider and deeper than the HP, which ultimately offers a bit more size to take with you and more keyboard deck for working and a larger touchpad. This is a compromise that you will either love or hate. Both 2-in-1s are larger than you would like to use as a tablet, unless you've propped them up on a surface.

Connectivity is mediocre, with a proprietary power port, two USB-C ports with Thunderbolt 3 support, a 3.5mm audio jack on the left, and a single USB-A 3.2 port on the right. Surprisingly, there is no SD card reader, which is a real disappointment, especially for creative people. The Specter x360 15 has a full-size HDMI 2.0 port and can be connected to additional displays without a dock. The wireless connection is via Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth 5.0.

Keyboard and touchpad

Lenovo Yoga 9i keyboard and touchpadMark Coppock / Digital Trends

The Yoga 9i's keyboard looks just like the one you'll find on any other yoga. It has big, shaped keys with a lot of space between them and less travel than I like to see. In this model, however, Lenovo has adopted “TrueStrike” technology from its Legion gaming laptops, which use a “soft landing” switch to provide faster ground action. I will admit that I liked this version better than the others that I tried. They were never my favorite and found them more precise and responsive. The Yoga 9i's keyboard still doesn't match my favorites, the HP Specter line keyboard on the Windows 10 side, and Apple's Magic keyboard on the latest MacBooks. However, most of the people will love this keyboard and they will be typing at full speed in no time.

The touchpad is a good size, not as big as the Dell XPS 15, but still bigger (or at least bigger) than the touchpad on the Specter x360 15. It has a glass cover that makes wiping extremely comfortable. Thanks to the Microsoft Precision touchpad drivers, it is responsive and supports all multi-touch gestures from Windows 10.

The touch display reacts like pretty much all touch displays today. And it supports Lenovo's active stylus docked on the right side of the case to charge it and make sure you don't lose it. The disadvantage: it is smaller than a "real" pen and therefore takes some getting used to. The pen supports 4,096 levels of pressure sensitivity and this version has an elastomer tip that is supposed to better mimic the feel of a pen on paper.

Windows 10 Hello support is provided by a fingerprint reader that was fast and accurate. The Yoga 9i has the usual Lenovo privacy shutter for the webcam – slide it over it and it physically blocks the camera from potential spies.

Battery life

Lenovo Yoga 9i battery lifeMark Coppock / Digital Trends

The biggest problem with the Yoga 9i's battery life is that it could be a lot better if only Lenovo had added more battery. It only takes 69 watt hours to power a 15.6-inch display and some powerful components. As we'll see, this results in battery life that isn't terrible but could be a lot better.

First, the Yoga 9i lasted almost 3.5 hours in our demanding Basemark web benchmark test, which is average for laptops with 45 watt CPUs. However, the Dell XPS 15 with its faster CPU and 4K display lasted two minutes less, which means that Dell's inclusion of 86 watt hours of battery capacity pays off here. The Specter x360 15 with its power-hungry OLED display lasted 44 minutes less than the Yoga 9i with its Full HD display (not that the display played such a big role in the Basemark test).

In our web browser test, which best mimics productivity performance, the Yoga 9i lasted a little over 7.5 hours, 40 minutes longer than the XPS 15, and nearly 90 minutes longer than the Specter x360. And in our video loop test, in which a Full HD Avengers trailer is played until the battery is empty, the Yoga 9i lasted a little over 12 hours – a good score that benefited from the Full HD display. The XPS 15 lasted less than 7.5 hours and the Specter x360 15 6.5 hours.

All in all, this is decent battery life for a powerful 2-in-1 with a 15.6-inch display, and the Yoga 9i will last longer than its predecessor. It is possible to spend a full day using the laptop if you save the CPU and GPU. However, if you want to perform demanding jobs, you should carry the power adapter with you. I still can't help but wish Lenovo had a bigger battery because then battery life could be a real strength.

Our opinion

The Lenovo Yoga 9i is even faster than the Yoga C940, which is already one of the fastest 2-in-1s you can buy. Lenovo did some magic with the thermal to get every ounce of power out of it, and it shows. The 2-in-1 is well built, attractive and offers great sound.

The biggest downside is the display, which had poor contrast that spoiled the overall experience. Creatives should check out the 4K display option, which has an impact on battery life but is likely to offer wider and more accurate colors. And I could repeat myself here, but I wish there was a bigger battery in there.

Are there alternatives?

The Dell XPS 15 is a direct competitor of the Yoga 9i in the 15-inch clamshell market and a strong competitor. It has a better display, at least as far as we've tested, making it a better option for discerning creative professionals. The XPS 15 is also cheaper than the Yoga 9i and currently costs almost $ 200 less for an equivalent configuration.

A direct alternative is the HP Specter x360 15, which offers the same configuration as the 9i for $ 300 less (on sale). Aesthetically, the Specter x360 15 is a much more eye-catching 2-in-1 device and offers slightly better connectivity. But the Yoga 9i is faster and can be upgraded to a Core i9 to really blow the HP out of the water.

Finally, you might consider the HP Envy 15, which costs a whopping $ 650 less than the configured Yoga 9i. And for $ 250 less, you get a spectacular OLED display and Nvidia RTX 2060 Max-Q GPU, making the Envy 15 a much more powerful and enjoyable laptop.

How long it will take?

The Yoga 9i is built like a tank and will last forever. Okay, maybe not forever, but as long as you need it. The one-year warranty is industry standard and, as always, is too short.

Should you buy it?

Yes. The Yoga 9i is the fastest 2-in-1 device we know. It has great audio quality and a great design. However, consider the 4K display if you plan to use it for photo or video editing.

Editor's recommendations

Bose QuietComfort Earbuds Review: Best ANC Buds

Bose quiet comfort earbuds

Bose QuietComfort ear buds

"The best noise-canceling buds we tested with remarkable sound quality."

  • Best noise canceling buds

  • Excellent call quality

  • Exciting audio quality

  • Solid battery life

  • Secure fit

  • No multipoint connection

  • A bit bulky

I kind of doubt Dr. Amar Bose could have foreseen that the active noise-canceling technology he developed in the 1970s would one day be found in what was then considered magical, glorified earplugs. But here we are. The Bose QuietComfort earbuds are here, and they're muscular, a bit bulky, and fashionable late for the party. Besides, I really like her.

Competitors have been releasing ANC earphones since 2018, and over the past year, companies like Sony, Jabra, Sennheiser, 1More, and many others have offered some excellent options. I suppose the reason we had to wait so long to see Bose's answer is because the real Bose way it wasn't going to hit the market with real wireless ANC buds until it was convinced that they were the best.

The good news is that the $ 280 Bose QuietComfort earbuds are excellent in many ways. The bad news is: they are not for everyone. Read on to find out if Bose Buds are a good fit for you.

What's in the box

The Bose QuietComfort earbuds are integrated into the charging case along with a short USB-C charging cable, small and large pairs of earbuds and product literature. Easy.

Bose quiet comfort earbuds in your handsRiley Young / Digital Trends

Structure and battery life

The charging case is large, bulky and not easy to put in the pocket. One would hope the larger case would result in more charging capacity, but the case only offers 12 hours of extra charge as opposed to, for example, the 18 hours that the AirPods Pro case offers. The battery life of the case is indicated by five LEDs on the front of the case. I should also point out that the case also supports Qi wireless charging.

As is the case, the buds are also quite large. Bose claims they'll work for an average of 6 hours, but I've found that I usually get 7 hours or just a little more per charge, which isn't bad considering the buds' ANC is at its highest level and at a reasonably loud volume is for playing music and movies. I love it when products exceed their specifications.

The build quality of both the case and the buds is top notch, if a bit bulky. Besides being bulky, I found it a little difficult to open. The case has a rectangular button that's placed flush enough that a simple press of your thumb won't open it for me. Instead, I have to use my fingernail to push it in enough to open.

Connection and range

After opening, the case reveals a Bluetooth pairing button between the individual buds. If the earphones are not yet paired with a device, they are removed from the case in pairing mode. If the buds have previously been paired with a device, pressing the button will put them into pairing mode. The QC earbuds always try to connect to the last paired device first.

Bose quiet comfort earbuds in handRiley Young / Digital Trends

This would be a good time to mention that the QuietComfort earbuds don't support multipoint connection. That means you can't connect to two devices at the same time and seamlessly switch between them. Although the Buds store up to seven devices in their device list, you must unpair one device in order to pair it with another.

In terms of connection stability and range, I've found the QC earbuds to work very well. With a clear line of sight outdoors, I was approximately 60 feet from a Samsung Galaxy S9 + before it was disconnected. Inside I was about 25 feet away and had started turning a corner before the signal went off. I have never had a signal dropout problem while my phone was put in my pants or jacket pocket.

Fit and comfort

While fit and comfort are subject to the user's ear, I can confidently say that given their size, these buds take a bit of getting used to. When compared to the Jabra Elite 85T or even the Jabra Elite 75T, you'll notice the Bose's larger bud size, although my sensitivity has decreased over time and I think the same applies to others who have medium to large ears.

The QC earbuds not only feel big on the outside, the tips on the inside also make their presence known. Even the medium-sized tips, which almost always work just right for me, felt a little big. Again, over time I got used to the feeling, but that initial feeling can be worrying. Part of this is due to the wide, oval shape of the earbud, and part of that is due to the safety fin attached to the tip and not removable.

Bose quiet comfort earbuds earplugs in handRiley Young / Digital Trends

The non-removable fin may seem strange at first, but when I think back to how clunky optional safety fins have been to me in the past, I think I prefer it, even if it is a more complicated process to put the earbuds in yours Ears in.

I also appreciate that the earbuds are so balanced that I've never had pain or fatigue in the ear canal. I can't say that about most true wireless earbuds.

Overall and with the advantage of extended use at this point, I would rate the Bose QuietComfort earbuds with 8 out of 10 points on the comfort scale. Bulky, safe, but convenient in the long run. It fits what I'm about. I was lucky, but I'm not sure if these buds are suitable for everyone, especially those with dainty ears where aesthetics can also be an issue.

Touch controls and app

I won't dig deep into this section as I honestly almost never use the app and my use of touch controls is limited. All I need to do is adjust the noise canceling levels, play / pause music and take calls. With the touch sensors on each earbud, I can do all of that.

Bose Quiet Comfort Earbuds ApplicationEvil

You can customize the touch controls to some extent using the Bose Connect app, which also lets you rename the buds and check the battery level at a glance. That's about all you need the app to do.

Noise canceling quality

Simply put, the Bose QuietComfort earbuds offer the best noise cancellation I've experienced from a true wireless earbud. I haven't made any meaningful comparison of the bud noise cancellation to the Bose NC 700 headphones, but the tests I was able to run showed that the buds block out a wide variety of sounds just as effectively as the flagship noise canceling on Bose rifles . The earplug's solid seal is of great help, but the ANC processing is second to none.

The best noise cancellation I've experienced with a real wireless earbud.

Compared to the AirPods Pro, which have no problem in the noise canceling department themselves, they can't stand up to the Bose QC earbuds. The Bose blocks far more high-frequency noise, which means that it is more effective at blocking road noises such as cars passing by, the hum of air conditioning, and even children screeching. When music is playing, you only hear the music.

I don't know when I'll get on a plane again, but when I do I look forward to putting Bose's Buds on the ultimate noise-canceling test.

Audio quality

I'm not going to get around the bush here: I love the way the Bose QuietComfort earbuds sound. Not because they have an absolutely accurate sound signature, but because they have a fun and engaging sound profile.

Make no mistake, the QC earphones offer a generous dose of detail, lightning-fast transient response and a punchy bass that can be started and stopped in a jiffy – all hallmarks of high-quality headphones and the stuff that audiophiles stumble upon. But Bose designed the sound in the QC earbuds to provide a deep, punchy, and rich bass that's just pushed up enough in the mix to be more than accurate, but only to the extent that it is satisfies those who like a little more deep down.

Bose quiet comfort earbudsRiley Young / Digital Trends

Mid-frequencies stay transparent even with a slight bass boost, while the top end delivers just enough sheen and shine for the highs to sing.

I may have spent too much time listening to both sets of Cory Wong's The Syncopate & Motivate Tour and enjoying every minute of every hour. The interaction between the kick drum of the drummer and the syncopated rhythms of the bassist was a punchy and melodic pleasure for the ears. Wong's insanely tight articulation paired with the iconic guitar tone came through as clear as a bell, with just the right amount of room noise to give an impression of the venue. Meanwhile, the band's horn section was reproduced with remarkably accurate overtones, giving the band all the zeal that a professional trumpeter (that's me) can expect from a live recording.

It's fair to say I really, really enjoy the sound quality of the Bose QuietComfort earbuds.

Are there any better sounding buds? I have an affinity with the Sennheiser Momentum True Wireless 2 and they sound really great. But I have to say between the two, I'd probably buy the Bose for anything they do better than the Momentum 2.

Yes, I think it's fair to say I really, really enjoy the sound quality of the Bose QuietComfort earbuds.

Call quality

With such great sound quality, is call quality so important? I would argue these days. I can see these buds being used to get through days at the end of work from home, switching between listening to music, talking on the phone, and zooming in on meetings. Good news folks: you can enjoy all three without ever removing your earbuds.

The call quality of the QC earbuds is excellent. Your voice will always come through clear and with little digital robotic sound created by the compression of audio signals. In addition, noise in the vicinity of callers is suppressed remarkably well, including wind noise.

But perhaps the most important aspect of solid call quality is that you can hear yourself speak without hearing outside noise. Again, Bose manages this trick better than any other competing earphone or headphone I've tested so far.

Our opinion

As bulky as the Bose QuietComfort earbuds are, they are top notch true wireless earbuds. Their noise cancellation is the best among the earbuds we tested, the audio quality is exciting and deeply satisfying, and the call quality is the best we've had outside of Bose's own full-sized headphones. If you can put up with the slightly larger buds and plump case, the QC earphones will reward you well.

Is there a better alternative?

You won't find better noise cancellation anywhere else, but I'll say the Jabra Elite 85T are extremely competitive headphones at a lower price, with effective noise cancellation, excellent sound quality, good call quality, and solid battery performance. The Elite 85T are also smaller. So when it comes to bud size and budget, they are a great alternative.

How long do they take?

My experience with Bose headphone products makes me believe the QC earbuds will continue to exist in the future. I think the only limiting factor here is the battery, which ultimately dies and makes the buds unusable, but this goes for almost every true wireless earbud out there.

Should you buy it?

Yes. With the best of noise-canceling technology, great call quality and extremely entertaining sound, the Bose QuietComfort earbuds are both a joy and practical.

Editor's recommendations

Bissell SpinWave Robot Vacuum: A Basic Bot That Cleans Well

The Bissell Spinwave wet and dry robot vacuum

“This is a very simple robotic vacuum that works as advertised. No more, no less. "

  • Simple vacuum, simple interface

  • Dry vacuum cleaner and pug

  • Low profile fits under most furniture

  • Simply change / empty the trash can

  • No frills

  • Inefficient travel routes

I am probably the worst person to test a robot vacuum. I have two children and two dogs, my house is on two levels, which means there are stairs everywhere, and we may vacuum our house every quarter as well. As a result, our carpet is terrible. But maybe all of these things make me perfect for testing a robotic vacuum? When Bissell asked me to take his newest bot for a spin (no pun intended), I was all in. Here's what I found out:

The Bissell SpinWave wet and dry robot is a very flat floor sweeper and mopper that covers the basics of floor cleaning. As the name suggests, there are two modes. The mode is determined by the attachment to the robot. The dirt cup puts the vacuum in dry mode and the mop head puts the robot in wet mode. The vacuum itself is short enough to fit under my couch, kitchen chairs, and even the step board along my kitchen counters. These are all pleasant surprises.

No frills

The vacuum (which my daughter called "Turbo") only navigates with optical sensors and shock sensors. The vacuum cleaner neither maps rooms with unusual technology like the Eufy RoboVac L70 Hybrid with its lidar, nor does it do anything particularly clever. It uses structured gyroscopic navigation (back and forth pattern) and returns to places it may have missed. The only other sensors are a downward-facing sensor, which prevents strips from moving, and a soft-surface avoidance sensor, which prevents the robot from hitting carpets while mopping. This is a basic robotic vacuum.

I've tested the vacuum on carpets – very dirty carpets – and ceramic tile floors. Both the vacuum passed the hair and grain tests, which was good. Some larger pieces of debris such as lollipop sticks and some cheese stick packaging were not picked up. All in all I would say that the robot vacuum is not as strong as the upright vacuum normally used. However, the advantage of using a robotic vacuum cleaner is that you can use it far more often and even schedule it for the night or other times that I normally wouldn't vacuum. If you run a robotic vacuum cleaner several times over the course of a week, it will become just as powerful as the post, depending on how often we are currently using it.

When a vacuum cycle is complete, or when the battery goes low, the vacuum finds its way back to its charging station. There the vacuum charges wirelessly. After several vacuum cycles, the vacuum will still easily find the charger. The installation instructions recommend that the Base Station be placed in an area 40 inches on each side. I placed them under a chair less than 4 inches on each side, however, and the vacuum still found the charger flawless.

Works wet and dry

Let's move on to the mop mode. The vacuum comes with a bottle of solution that you mix with water. Just take out the bin and insert the mop head. So you are simply in mop mode. The mop attachment has a garbage can that is significantly smaller, but can still collect dust and dirt before running over it with a mop. It's always a good idea.

Bissell Spinwave Robot Vacuum with wet and dry attachments

In wipe mode, the vacuum becomes very stubborn in small corners. I watched the robot mop the same 4 "x 1" corner for about 10 minutes before finally maneuvering to the rest of the floor. The robot has algorithms that tell it where to go, but I can't find a method in the madness. I have no doubt that the vacuum covers the entire floor, but I am not sure that it does this in the most efficient way

There are some things the vacuum doesn't do that I would want in a second generation device. There is no way to block the vacuum in certain rooms. Since the vacuum does not map your home, there is no way you can prevent it from migrating to places it shouldn't be. Even additional sensor barriers that you could purchase separately would be a welcome addition. It would hit the board I put across the threshold of my son's room to keep the vacuum out and the baby gate that I used to keep the vacuum in the kitchen.

I initially struggled to get the stain cleaner to work. I found out because I didn't get the robot to where I wanted to clean it. Bissell's support website provided the answer, but the app didn't prompt me to tell me that a clean patch couldn't start while the device was still in the charger. I would also like to see the option to remotely control the vacuum for spot cleaning.

Don't forget to empty it!

The dust collector fills up very quickly. It is worth repeating that I have two children and two dogs. That's why I have to empty the trash can after every cleaning to keep it running. Unfortunately, like the iRobot Roomba S9 +, the robot doesn't automatically empty the trash can, but that's about a third the price, either. It's okay to schedule several cleanings a week, but it's difficult to empty the bin every morning after a clean. A notification from the app would be nice.

This vacuum absolutely covers the basics and nothing else, but at this price point it doesn't really have to cover anything else.

The outer casing of the vacuum is very sensitive to abrasion. I mentioned earlier that the vacuum cleaner can be cleaned under the kickplates of my kitchen cabinets, but it has often left a scuff mark that makes the vacuum cleaner look beaten up. Fortunately, the scuffs have been polished off with a clean cloth and some cleaner, but it would be nice to see a more abrasion-resistant finish in the future.

After all, the vacuum is not compatible with smart assistants like the Google Assistant and AmazonAlexa. It's not terrible. Actually, it's more of a footnote. It would be nice if you could start a cleaning cycle with a voice command, but to be honest. Starting the app or pressing the start button on the vacuum itself is not difficult.

Our opinion

Overall, this is a very basic vacuum that offers limited robot vacuum functionality and little else. But that's perfectly fine as it's available at a low price for the rest of the field. The normal retail price for this vacuum is $ 400. This is a bargain for a wet / dry vacuum. Even better, at the time of this writing, Bissell is making a sale that will bring the price down to $ 250. That's a staggering amount.

Is there a better alternative?

Naturally! There is no shortage of robotic vacuum cleaners. We have several recommendations that cover the scope. But this package offers a lot of value, especially at the discounted price of $ 250. At this price point, it competes with the Lefant M571 Robot Vacuum, which also wipes. However, these vacuums are at the bottom of the price spectrum, and the cut corners don't detract from that overall value.

How long it will take?

The Bissell SpinWave wet and dry robot vacuum is made of solid plastic. Sensors keep it away from falls and falls. The battery can even be replaced. I don't see any problems with this vacuum that will last long. It comes with a 1 year limited warranty.

Should I buy it?

Yes! Despite all the compromises this vacuum makes, Bissell is a well-known brand that has long been active in the vacuum sector. This vacuum absolutely covers the basics and nothing else, but at this price point it doesn't really have to cover anything else. As long as it covers the entire floor, you are golden. There are more advanced robotic vacuums out there for sure, but none for that kind of value and with a brand name.

Editor's recommendations

Apple iPhone 12 Pro Max Review: Amazing Camera, Massive Size

iPhone 12 Pro max

"This is the iPhone with amazing battery life and an exceptional camera experience, but it comes at a price that is too big for most people to manage."

  • Big and beautiful display

  • Excellent hardware quality

  • First class camera experience

  • Long battery life

  • Unbelievably big

  • Very difficult

It was frustrating for them in a way iPhone 12 Pro max a month later than the iPhone 12 Pro because we couldn't immediately compare them side by side. However, working in these conditions bought me a lot of time with the iPhone 12 Pro. Now that I finally have a 12 Pro Max in hand, I can take advantage of this considerable experience with the platform.

This way I can evaluate the three big aspects (emphasis on big ones) that make the iPhone 12 Pro Max stand out: the size of the phone, the subsequently larger battery and the improved camera system.

The basics: hardware, specifications and software

The "Max" iPhones have a short history but have gained an extremely enthusiastic following. Some people realized the value of a giant iPhone and never looked back. For these people, the iPhone 12 Pro Max is wonderful – it's another giant iPhone that was introduced into the modern era of Apple hardware design and features.

iPhone 12 Pro maxAndrew Martonik / Digital Trends

If you like the design of the new iPhones, like me, you'll love that you simply get more of them in the 12 Pro Max. The proportions of everything at this size are a bit strange when you really look at it, but I'm not looking – this phone is beautiful. The stainless steel frame and matte glass back feel amazing and look like a super expensive phone.

If you like the look of the new iPhones, you'll love that you can easily get more of them with the 12 Pro Max.

The whole matter is taken to a new level in this gold color that I have referred to as the "Kardashian Special". The hyper-shiny golden pages are just … a lot. They are so reflective that you regularly see strong reflections of light on tables and walls around you which is just amazing. Thank God. The back made of matt glass has a subtle mother-of-pearl color and dampens the overall effect. But I really enjoyed the phone in its absurdly expensive but excellent form Apple leather case. However, those golden shimmering sides still protrude a little bit from the edge of the case!

Everywhere else, you get the same specs and features as the Standard 12 Pro, without a single drawback. The same A14 Bionic processor, 6GB (supposedly) of RAM, 128/256/512GB storage options, 5G connectivity, Ceramic Shield glass, speakers, and a lot more on the list. Face recognition continues to be great (despite our current situation with wearing masks), as is the tactile feel of the buttons, mute, and haptic feedback – these are the little things Apple is so good at. This is just an enlarged iPhone 12 Pro – and that's a good thing most of the time.

If you haven't read all about the iPhone 12 Pro, I highly recommend that you read my full review of the 12 Pro first and find out the details about the 12 Pro Max here.

A really big phone

The iPhone 12 Pro Max's main selling point is the same as ever: you get a huge display. It's now up to 6.7 inches tall, and the effect of this year's smaller frames is enhanced by their size in proportion to the screen area. The OLED panel is absolutely great – incredibly bright, clear and colorful. It is perfectly visible in any lighting, including outdoors, even if the brightness is not increased when viewing HDR content.

iPhone 12 Pro maxAndrew Martonik / Digital Trends

I can't find a bug … other than not having a 90Hz (or higher) refresh rate like the Android competition. Even so, Apple does things with software that makes 60Hz still look good. These are all the same assessments I had of the iPhone 12 Pro's display mind you, but once again I appreciate it in this larger size.

It's not the largest phone display, but it's close.

Of course, it's not the largest phone display, but it's close. The Galaxy Note 20 Ultra is larger and combines its display with even smaller bezels, but is also a bit larger. Really, you wouldn't notice a usable difference between this 6.7-inch screen and any other large Android device. It is important that you have significantly more additional screen with the 12 Pro Max than with most cell phones in the lower 6-inch range.

Size comparison: iPhone 12 vs. iPhone 12 Mini vs. iPhone 12 Pro max

However, since the "normal" iPhones have gotten bigger and now have up to 6.1-inch displays, they don't feel as tight, making the iPhone 12 Pro Max feel less necessary. And iOS 14 looks and works exactly the same on this 6.7-inch display as it does on the 5.4-inch iPhone 12 Mini.

iPhone 12 modelsAndrew Martonik / Digital Trends

You can't multitask any other than any other iPhone, and viewing picture-in-picture video isn't much more useful either. Although you can now place widgets on the home screen, you don't have any extra space to place them. They still have the same grid size of 4 × 6. Apps can mostly only be adapted to the screen instead of keeping the elements the same size and displaying more content. For example, in Gmail, another email appears in the inbox. On Twitter, you might see an extra half of a tweet.

You can use the "zoom" feature to zoom in on anything on the screen, but you can't go the other way and zoom out, which is what a lot of people want. You can reduce the text size, which I did (by one notch) and that will at least help you get a little better use of the screen.

iPhone 12 modelsAndrew Martonik / Digital Trends

This bigger screen is still appreciated when watching videos, playing games, taking and editing photos and videos, browsing non-mobile websites, and typing with two hands. The media experience is only enhanced by this bigger screen, and some people really spend hours a day watching videos on their phones – the 12 Pro Max is a great experience there. There are also people who don't have great vision and appreciate a phone that just makes everything huge.

It seems like a missed opportunity not to give the Max a little more functionality in the software to take advantage of that screen size, especially now that we've been dealing with these Max phones for a few generations, and with developments in the same area on iPadOS .

The media and gaming experience is improved by the larger screen, otherwise nothing changes.

This is especially true because that bigger screen comes at a cost: a bigger phone overall. The 12 Pro Max is about 9% larger, 9% wider and 20% heavier than the 12 Pro. These are serious leaps, especially in terms of weight – at 228 grams, it is one of the heaviest smartphones currently available. This stainless steel frame adds up.

iPhone 12 Pro maxAndrew Martonik / Digital Trends

It's big enough to be awkward in a pocket, especially for weighing down gym shorts and stuffing jeans pockets. And it certainly doesn't fit in most women's pockets – it takes up space in a pocket instead. It hardly fits in my running beltand just without a case. Since it's so hard, I prefer to leave it at home for long runs.

The phone is extremely massive and difficult to use. Only you know if it is worth looking into.

It's downright awkward to do anything other than scroll through feeds or hold the phone to read with one hand. Even with my big hands, reaching across the screen or sliding my finger over the picture is a hassle. Fortunately, you can use the “reachability” gesture (swipe down in the lower center of the screen) to get to the “top” edge of the screen without fumbling with the phone. Most tasks are considerably easier with a second hand, some tasks require it. If you come to terms with this fact and stop even trying to use it with one hand, the overall experience improves.

Battery life

With the first Max iPhone, it seemed like most people bought it just for the battery life. A larger phone offers more space for the battery. If everything else stays the same, this should translate into significantly longer battery life. As usual, Apple does not offer battery capacities or realistic battery benchmarks for its phones. That's why I'm here.

The iPhone 12 Pro Max is a battery champion thanks to a very simple equation: It has a 30% larger (supposedly 3687 mAh) battery than the 12 Pro. If you need a phone that will work all day every day, regardless of battery saving, then this is it. On my usual day with messaging, listening to podcasts via Bluetooth, countless emails and using social media apps, mainly via WiFi, I ended the day after more than three hours of on with 40% battery.

The 12 Pro Max is a battery champion – you don't have to think about it.

The closest thing to low power mode, which triggers at 20%, was a day of three hours of hotspotting on my laptop, including streaming the Apple “One More Thing” event. Even so, I had a little over 20% when I went to bed. I've experienced solid battery life on the smaller 12 Pro, but found that it can get a little tricky if you squeeze it hard. This is just not the case with the 12 Pro Max – it will never lead to battery fear.

iPhone 12 Pro Max with MagSafe chargerAndrew Martonik / Digital Trends

We got used to the fast charging times offered by the iPhone's small battery, but that's not the case with the 12 Pro Max. If you ever run out of battery or miss a night charge, you need to consider how long it will take to charge.

You can go from dead to 50% in just over 30 minutes, which is good enough, but it takes over an hour to get to 95%. And that's if you buy a 20W charger (remember, there isn't one in the box). There are many good options from companies like anchor and Aukeyand it's basically a requirement for the 12 Pro Max. Charging with less is a real pain. The MagSafe charger is approximately 30% slower than a 20W wired charger. Plugging in an older plug under 10W will take several hours to complete – and worse with a generic wireless charger.


Apple bifurcated the Pro line with an all-new main camera sensor on the Pro Max, and that's a big change. The 12-megapixel sensor is 47% larger, which means every pixel is dramatically larger for the same resolution. Larger pixels let in more light, which is always good – light is the currency you use to buy sharp photos. The sensor itself is also physically stabilized, much like the way dedicated cameras provide stabilization that is different from the OIS on most other phones (including the 12 Pro) that have the lens stabilized.

The advantages are immediately apparent when taking photos in poor lighting conditions. With larger pixels, the camera doesn't have to rely on long night mode exposures as often, which means you'll have less softness and blurring from handshakes or moving objects in your scene. This means that photos of people and pets are more likely to be crisp, even in difficult lighting conditions. But that's more of a side effect: the real impact is that every single photo you take with low or mixed flash is brighter, sharper, and more colorful.

Lowlight shots have great detail, texture, and sharpness, and for the most part, do without a fake, over-edited look. In some cases where night mode is used for a 3 to 4 second exposure, the contrast and saturation are a little over the top, to the point where it actually looks better to revert to a 1 second exposure. Other times, I just turn off night mode for a natural shot and the sensor easily pulls in enough light to keep things from getting loud or grainy. I think Apple could actually tweak more to really take advantage of the big sensor and rely even less on the night mode.

As the lighting improves, the 12 Pro Max's camera benefit diminishes. Most of the footage is indistinguishable from what you get with the 12 Pro's camera. But that's not a bad thing. The 12 Pro takes great photos. In the edge cases where you have shadows or mixed lighting, you will notice that the large sensor is working again – not to brighten these areas, but to get them right and without noise.

You'll see the big sensor in play again with close-ups of macros and portraits. Because the sensor is so large and has a f / 1.6 lens, you can get incredible natural bokeh (background blur) if you know your way around your goal of focusing. If you are strategically focused on a good focus, background defocusing is great. The effect is so far that I really didn't bother with portrait mode, which still has quirks and problems far too often. Natural bokeh is always better than fake, and this camera does it incredibly well.

The ultrawide camera is identical to the other iPhone 12 models – really good for ultrawide conditions and ideal for confusing the perspective of your recordings. The telephoto camera has a 25% longer focal length than the 12 Pro, but I still wouldn't call it "telephoto" with only 2.5x zoom over the main lens. Even so, any improvement is good, as the whole point of a telephoto camera is to get the specific look of a narrower field of view. It gives you that change of perspective and you can use it to get great zoom shots.

The Dolby Vision HDR video, which Apple is making a big deal of this year, remains unchanged on the 12 Pro Max as well. Recording with a larger viewfinder could be a bonus to your budding film career, but HDR video really shouldn't be a determining factor in your buying decision – and of course, it's available on all iPhone 12 models. Yes even the $ 699 mini.

The selfie camera is the same too; If you have good lighting, it will take great shots but will stall in darker scenes and rely heavily on the on-screen flash. The selfie camera's night mode is a hit-or-miss mode considering that you really can't get over how small a sensor and lens you're working with – and it's harder to keep your hand steady hold when arm is extended.

Our opinion

The iPhone 12 Pro Max is characterized by three things: its enormous size, its long battery life and its more powerful camera. If you buy it, it should be because of the first feature, not the latter two. I really believe that only those who want A big phone with a big screen and extra space to work and play should buy one. Anyone who buys the iPhone 12 Pro Max because they expect longer battery life and camera improvements even though it is bigger than they can be will be disappointed.

Yes, the battery life is exceptional, especially better than the iPhone 12 Pro. And the camera is more powerful at night, even by the high standards that Apple set with the iPhone 12. However, the phone is just too big for most people to comfortably use in one hand, and it's big enough to prevent your person from walking. This is not a situation to put yourself in if you don't immediately see a benefit in the size of the screen. No battery or camera improvement is worth constantly being upset that your phone is too big.

If the big phone is your thing, the starting price of $ 1,099 is reasonable. You pay just $ 100 more than the iPhone 12 Pro and get a lot more phone.

Are there any better alternatives?

There are few phones in this size class to compete with each other. Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra is the obvious choice, with a huge display and great features that can go head to toe with the 12 Pro Max. It also has a built-in pen which is a real differentiator. However, most people don't regularly switch between iPhones and Androids, so it may not be an option.

The other obvious choice is to step up a notch to the iPhone 12 Pro. It is a “normal” size phone that is easy to use with one hand and never feels like an administrative burden, but has all of the core features of the 12 Pro Max. It's really a question of whether you can handle the weaker battery life (which is still fine by average phone standards) and a smaller display and come to terms with not having the best camera Apple makes. The size is a personal preference, but we're talking about minor improvements on the front of the camera. The 12 Pro's main camera is great too.

How long it will take?

Apple has had an excellent track record of supporting and updating its phones for several years. The iPhone 12 Pro Max has the hardware to run the next four (or more) versions of iOS without errors. The hardware with a stainless steel frame and IP68 water resistance should also hold up.

Should you buy it?

Yes, if you have two qualifications. The first is that you want or can manage such a big phone. Second, you expect to push the limits of the camera system. If you're not here for both things, you're better off with that one Base iPhone 12 Pro.

Editor's recommendations