The Forgotten Role of Micronutrients in Body Recomposition

When it comes to talking about foods and diets in the fitness industry, one term you keep hearing is macronutrients. The less discussed counterpart – micronutrients – is the topic of today's piece.

Micronutrients are often ignored in the fitness industry, but they are essential for optimal body function and achieving your fitness goals. The goal of body composition.

So if you want to improve your game, expand your knowledge, and improve your health, we have to start with micronutrients. Let's get into that.

What are micronutrients?

Starting with the basics, the difference between macro and micronutrients is in the name – large and small nutrients. This does not refer to their physical size, but to the amount required by a healthy diet to consume body functions. Macronutrients include the three staple foods: protein, carbohydrates, and fat, which make up the majority of your calories.

Within the three macronutrients, you have micronutrients. Micronutrients refer to vitamins and minerals that are consumed in smaller amounts, and most are in the larger macronutrient group.

For example, avocados contain micronutrients – 20 vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients – and are also a fat within the macronutrient group.

However, some micronutrients are not found in macronutrients. For example, vitamin D is produced directly by exposure to sunlight. When the UVB rays hit the cholesterol in the skin cells, vitamin D synthesis takes place. But as a comprehensive statement: micronutrients are mainly found in food, within the three main macronutrients.

Daily body functions require a number of different vitamins, and each has a unique role and function.

There are 13 essential vitamins, which means they are essential for your body to function optimally. Without these vitamins, negative side effects can occur, ranging from dry hair, acne, increased fat storage, and less favorable side effects.

Vitamins can be divided into two main categories: fat-soluble or water-soluble. There are four fat-soluble vitamins: A, D, E and K, which are easily absorbed when consumed with fat because they are stored in adipose tissue.

Water-soluble vitamins – the remaining nine – are not stored in the body, underscoring the need for a healthy, vitamin-rich diet for optimal function and performance

Some of the functions of vitamins include:

Minerals also help your body function. Some examples of minerals are calcium, magnesium, and potassium. Minerals play an essential role in bone health, growth, the regulation of body fluids, heart health, the transmission of nerve impulses and are precursors to many hormones.

As shown in a study from 2014, the mineral iodine is found in the thyroid hormone, for example, which, among other things, plays a role in metabolism.

Where are micronutrients found?

As mentioned briefly, micronutrients are mainly found in carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

Any whole food – d. H. Food that has not been processed – likely contains a number of different vitamins and minerals. Often times, these micronutrients cause the food to have a specific color known as phytonutrients.

Phytonutrients are found in plant-based foods and correlate with certain vitamins and minerals. This is why you are often told to eat the rainbow, with each color offering a unique density of vitamins and minerals.

Here are some sample sources of micronutrients:

  • Calcium – milk, yogurt, spinach, kale, sardines
  • Vitamin B12 – beef, chicken, fish, cheese, egg
  • Potassium – bananas, spinach, potatoes
  • Vitamin C – oranges, lemons, strawberries, broccoli
  • Vitamin E – vegetable oils like sunflower oil, nuts and seeds, spinach, broccoli
  • Vitamin K – kale, spinach, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, fish, beef

As you can see, whole foods and plant-based foods are high in micronutrients. If you're wondering if you're lacking micronutrients, your best bet is to use a whole plant-based diet that includes foods of a range of different colors that have been processed as little as possible.

This is of the utmost importance when your body composition goal is. Let's explain the reasons for this.

Micronutrients and body composition

Body recomposition is a term used in the fitness industry to describe the process of losing body fat and building muscle mass. More information can be found here.

The way you do this is by increasing your energy expenditure, doing effective and efficient workouts, and implementing progressive overload to strategically increase your strength, build muscle, and ultimately, boost your metabolism. At the same time, it is necessary to closely monitor calories – most recommend taking care of maintenance – in order to lose excess body fat.

How is this related to micronutrients? It depends on the magic word: optimization.

Optimizing body composition

If you want your body to work as efficiently as possible, you need to provide it with the appropriate tools. As much as coaches would like to believe that it is as simple as “calories in vs. calories out”, there is so much more to it.

For example, 100 calories of ice cream is not the same as 100 calories of kale. You can read more about this in this article that I wrote.

Within a calorie you have different macro and micronutrient offerings. If you lack vitamins, you will not optimize your fat loss or muscle gain. In fact, you could be preventing yourself from making any progress.

For example, vitamin D deficiency is linked to fat storage – a study looking at low vitamin D levels in a group of women found that those with the lowest gained more weight over the course of the study, despite their diet not changed at all.

Another example of this are B vitamins. B vitamins are essential for metabolic function. If you are missing or not getting enough of any of the B vitamins, your body is in fat storage mode.

This is because the main function of B vitamins is to metabolize macronutrients. So if you don't circulate enough, you will store a lot more calories than you could otherwise have burned.

One study found that vitamin B supplementation reduced body weight by increasing metabolism.

If there is a lack of nutrients in building muscle, you will face similar problems as well. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that fights free radical damage and helps flush out metabolic wastes.

During exercise, you cause oxidative stress. When you don't have enough circulating vitamin E, you experience delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), poor recovery, and stunted muscle protein synthesis.

Not ideal. A study published in the International Journal of Preventive Medicine found that vitamin E supplementation improved recovery by reducing markers of muscle damage.

If you are busy counting your macros without thinking too much about your mics, you need to do a remake. Micronutrients help your body work optimally, and without them, negative side effects will occur and your fitness goals will get further out of reach.

As mentioned earlier, a diet high in whole plant foods with a range of colors will meet most of your micronutrient needs.

How to Boost Your Pull Ups in 2 Weeks

How to Increase Your Pull-ups in 2 Weeks - Fitness, Bodybuilding, Goal Setting, Cardio, Bodyweight Exercises, HIIT, Home Training, Pull-ups, Fatigue, Isometry, Consistency, Training Method, Greasing the Groove, Pull-ups, Lockdown

There is no secret or magic trick to increasing your pull-ups, but it's not as difficult as many people believe. You may think that I am another trainer who cannot relate to your situation, but I can. I still remember struggling to do 2-3 pull-ups.

I had problems because I didn't train for them, and when I trained for pull-ups, I didn't train properly.

I'm afraid a lot of people make the same mistakes that I've made. I want to share how to skip the frustration and cope with the pulling up.

Your training should match your goals

Most of the fitness industry is all about HIIT, cardio, bodybuilding, or training until you puke.

I'm not a fan of this, not because there is something wrong with these training styles, but because these methods get the most attention. There are so many different ways to exercise, but your exercise should always be in line with your goals.

The goal here is to increase the number of pull-ups you can do in a row and the methods I mentioned are not working.

When I was learning to do pull-ups::

  • I did it the usual way with 3 sets of 5-10 reps.
  • The goal is to do 3 sets of 5 reps.
  • Then increase reps 3×6, 3×7 every week or two until you reach your goal.
  • What generally happens is that you can probably do five reps on the first set, but after that you will even have difficulty doing 2-3 reps.
  • That was what happened to me, and I would continue to hit plateaus – get stuck on the same reps for a while.

If I could do it all over again I would use a technique called Grease The Groove (GTG). This is how I teach my clients to do their first pull-up and increase the amount they can do in a row.

Grease the groove for better pull-ups

How to Increase Your Pull-ups in 2 Weeks - Fitness, Bodybuilding, Goal Setting, Cardio, Bodyweight Exercises, HIIT, Home Training, Pull-ups, Fatigue, Isometry, Consistency, Training Method, Greasing the Groove, Pull-ups, Lockdown

For example::

  • For example, suppose you can only do four repetitions in a row.
  • Throughout the day, you'll be doing multiple sets (4-7 sets) at 50% of your maximum, which is the equivalent of two reps.
  • If one rep is your maximum, then do multiple sets of one rep.
  • Let rest for at least an hour between sets.
  • Do this 4-6 days a week.

After two weeks, test your pull-ups to see how many you can do in a row.

Learning a new movement pattern is like learning a new skill.

The more you do something right, the better you get at it. Performing the repetitions at 50% intensity will limit fatigue and focus more on correct technique.

It won't feel like you're doing much, but your body learns the movement. Frequency and consistency are king when it comes to learning.

In a week you will accumulate a lot of repetitions.

You can do this in addition to your regular exercise. However, if you fail to recover between sessions, you will reduce the workload.

Pull-up technique:

Get Your First Pull Up

If you can't do a pull-up yet, you can still use this technique. In addition to your regular pull-up exercise 2-3 times a week, do GTG with these exercises. Focus on one for two weeks, rest a week, and then do GTG with the other.

Jumping negative pull-ups::

  • Jump up as much as it takes to pull yourself up.
  • Try to drive slowly when you come back down.
  • You might fall straight down at first, but as you get stronger you can go slower.
  • If the jump is too big, jump out of a box to help you.

Isometric pull-ups:

Jump up and hold on to the top of the pull-up. Try to keep your chin above the bar.

You can handle your body weight

Some of you may think that you were never meant to be or will never be strong enough to do pull ups, but you are. Put aside the negative thoughts and feelings and get the job done.

Pull-ups are a natural movement that your body is well capable of.

Exercise your pull-ups frequently throughout the week and focus on correct technique. Otherwise, you're just cheating on yourself. Be patient and you will master your pull-ups. You can also use GTG to improve other exercises.

7 Best Plank Exercises to gain the body of your dreams

In the midst of all the other bodyweight exercises, plank training is gaining popularity every day. The practicality of this training sets it apart from the crowd. What's even better is that this exercise will help fitness freaks get accurate results in a minimal time frame

Whether you want to train your abs or activate your core, this workout is all you need. Let us help you discover the seven best home plank exercises to change your fitness game forever!

Seven Best Plank Workouts to Do at Home

Each of these exercises are easy to perform. All you have to do is follow the instructions correctly. We promise; You will get results in no time.

Side plank

1. Lie on your right side and straighten your leg. Make sure your feet are on top of each other. Now bring your right elbow under your right shoulder with your forearm pointing away from you. Make sure you create a fist. Also, keep in mind that your pinky finger is touching the floor.

2. Keep your neck straight and exhale. Now get involved with your core.

3. Try lifting your hips off the mat. Something like that leaves the support only on your elbow and the side of your right foot.

4. Remain in this position for a few seconds. 5. Repeat the workout on the other side.

Plank with leg raises

1. Pull yourself into a plank position. Now support your abs and forearms.

2. Activate your glutes to lift and hold one of your feet a few inches above the floor.

3. Do at least ten exercises with one leg.

4. Repeat the workout at the other end. 5. This is the best ab workout you can try at home.

Plank knee tap

1. Step onto a forearm plank with your feet hip-width apart. Your elbows should also be shoulder width apart.

2. Now make a straight line from your shoulders to heels. Now gradually tilt your pelvis forward and keep your hips steady. Now bend both knees towards the floor.

3. Try pausing for a few seconds and then straightening your leg again.

4. Repeat the workout for 30 to 60 seconds. 5. Do the workout in 10 to 12 repetitions.

Straight arm plank

1. Get into a push-up position.

2. Bring your feet close together and straighten your legs. Make sure the weight is on your toes. Hence, your body should be straight from head to toe.

3. Now contract your abdominal muscles and squeeze your glutes together to keep your body taut.

4. Hold this position for 30 seconds to a minute. 5. There is a potential ab workout to try at home.

Turn knee plank

1. Assume a straight plank position.

2. Keeping your shoulders still, tilt your lower body to the left and bring your right hip on the floor. Now return to the center.

3. Now turn your lower body to the right. So bring your left hip to the floor. Now go back to the center.

4. Now bring your left knee towards your right elbow. Hold this position for a few seconds. Go back into a plank.

5. Now move your right knee towards your left elbow. Hold on to this position and step back onto a plank. 6. Do this for 10 to 12 repetitions.

Resistance band plank

1. Get a resistance band and wrap it around both of your wrists. Now move your shoulders over your wrists in a plank position.

2. Make sure you are in a straight line from head to toe.

3. Now try to stretch your left hand as far as possible. Hold this position and bring them back shoulder-width apart.

4. Now repeat the step at the other end. 5. Alternate between 8 and 10 repetitions for 30 to 60 seconds at a time.

Sideboard with twist

1. Get into a side plank position.

2. Push through your right forearm to lift your hips up. Bring your left arm towards the ceiling.

3. Now shovel your left arm under your body. Something like that just turns your shoulders to the floor.

4. Bring your left arm back up and repackage your shoulders. 5. Repeat steps 8 to 10 reps for 30 seconds.

frequently asked Questions

1. Are the workouts effective?

Yes. If you follow the instructions carefully, you will get results soon.

2. Do these exercises improve posture?

Yes, they do.

3. Am I at risk of injury during these training sessions? Not at all!

Klipsch T5 II True Wireless Review: Never Mind AirPods

klipsch t5 ii real wireless earbuds rating ry 3

Klipsch's T5 II wireless earbuds

"Klipsch's rocking demeanor turns into a killer set of buds."

  • Great fit

  • Inconspicuous design

  • Great sound quality

  • Solid battery life

  • Fun charging case

  • No wireless charging

  • No active noise cancellation

  • The call quality is not particularly good

Klipsch's T5 II wireless earbuds are stylish, compact, and sound great. But is that enough to set them above all other wireless earbuds?

If you're considering the Apple AirPods or just looking for an alternative, be sure to check out Klipsch's $ 200 T5-II wireless earbuds. They're the second generation of an already great set of earbuds, and while they (like the AirPods) don't have built-in noise cancellation, they have almost everything else. And unlike the AirPods, they are compact and comfortable to wear.

What's in the box?

Riley Young / Digital Trends

While the Klipsch T5 II comes with a printed manual, you can also access all the information in the manual via its app. The earbuds come with a nice selection of silicone earbuds – some oval and some round – which are vital for the comfort of the earbuds as well as their sound quality. With wireless earbuds, the comfort of fit is everything, and the T5 II excels in this area.

You will also find a braided fabric USB-C to USB-C charging cable and a USB-A to USB-C adapter.

The T5 II's charging case is … well, great – it feels and looks like a Zippo lighter. It's metallic and chunky and quite heavy, so it feels pretty nice in your hands. It also has a magnetic lid that feels very secure when it clicks into place. Given the weight, I didn't feel like pocketing the suitcase, but then again, I generally rarely pocket suitcases.

The case has a charging capacity of approx. 24 hours. Add this to the eight hours of playtime you get from the earbuds and that makes a total of 32 hours – which is very good in terms of the earbuds' battery life.


Riley Young / Digital Trends

The earbuds themselves, as mentioned earlier, are very comfortable for a number of reasons. First, they're very light – about five grams each. The tube tip is also very slim, and because the tips are made of silicone, they fit snugly in the ear and provide an excellent seal. Due to their flat profile, the T5 II are more inconspicuous than other earbuds. You could easily wear these all day and forget you even have them.

Model selection

There are two other models in the T5 II line. The T5 II Sport offers additional fins and more water resistance. The T5 II McLaren Edition is similar to the Sport model, but offers some improvements in terms of design and aesthetics, as well as an included wireless charging pad.

External control

Riley Young / Digital Trends

There is a fingertip-sized button on the outside of each T5 II bud, and each button has different functions. Functions such as volume, playback, pause, answering calls, ending calls, skipping tracks, etc. are controlled via these buttons. However, it can be difficult to remember which page (and how often) to click for each function. There are guides in the app and manual to walk the user through all of the options, but it can be a bit confusing.

Now, I'm not blaming Klipsch for the complexity – it's difficult to do well controlling a wireless earbud, and we can't think of anyone doing that particularly well. Until you remember them all, be sure to keep this app or guide handy.

Noise suppression / transparency mode

Riley Young / Digital Trends

As mentioned above, these earbuds don't have built-in active noise cancellation. But because the silicone tips fit so well in your ear, much of the outside noise is cut down nicely. Once you start playing music you will not hear much of what is around you. If you want to hear more of your surroundings, you can also activate the transparency mode and move it up or down in the app to get as much or as little outside noise as you want. This is an extremely important feature that too few earbuds offer.

Call quality

These earbuds aren't specifically designed for call quality, but they get the job done. Klipsch's Buds do a good job of removing outside noise, but the sound of the voice itself felt very compressed – to the point that it sounds like an old-school landline phone.

Sound quality

Riley Young / Digital Trends

At first, I didn't get the sound quality I expected, especially because I'm familiar with the original T5. However, this happens when you don't have the right fit in the ear and although I thought I had a good seal, I realized it wasn't after swapping out the installed earbuds for something larger.

As soon as I did, everything opened up. The bass is very powerful, the midrange is very clear and the highs are articulate but never sizzling. Basically, it sounds like a Klipsch speaker. It's a lot of fun to hear with a kind of rock vibe.

There's an EQ built into the app, but I didn't like any of the options, so I set it to "Flat". Strangely, the sound signature is anything but flat. These earbuds sound for what they are, so you don't have to play too much with the EQ to get what you want. The default sound is powerful and engaging, with just enough texture and detail to be as interesting as it is fun.

I've listened to different genres of music and they all sounded great – the sound wasn't pigeonholed to make one genre sound better than another. And that's a big bonus because, for their price, they compete with a wide variety of true wireless earbuds. When it comes to sound quality, these are the absolute best up there.

Our opinion

I don't like much about the Klipsch T5 II True Wireless earbuds. Sure, call quality isn't great, and at times the controls feel a little unwieldy, but they do everything a set of high quality wireless earbuds have to do and they do everything very well. If you're willing to spend some cash on AirPods, I would definitely check out the Klipsch T5 II and see if they literally and figuratively fit better.

Is there a better alternative?

For their price, the Klipsch T5 II are a top choice. For about $ 30 more, the Jabra Elite 85t also offers great sound quality, wireless charging, a comfortable fit, and active noise cancellation. For a little less money, the Samsung Galaxy Buds Pro offers a similarly compact and inconspicuous fit, but it doesn't sound nearly as good.

How long will they last

The Klipsch T5 II are solidly built and last as long as their batteries.


Klipsch offers a two-year guarantee on the T5 II True Wireless earphones. Further information can be found on the Klipsch warranty page.

Should you buy it?

Yes, the Klipsch T5 II True Wireless earbuds sound great, fit well, and work like a charm.

Editor's recommendations

How to Boost Your Pull Ups in 2 Weeks

How to Increase Your Pull-ups in 2 Weeks - Fitness, Bodybuilding, Goal Setting, Cardio, Bodyweight Exercises, HIIT, Home Training, Pull-ups, Fatigue, Isometry, Consistency, Training Method, Greasing the Groove, Pull-ups, Lockdown

There is no secret or magic trick to increasing your pull-ups, but it's not as difficult as many people believe. You may think that I am another trainer who cannot relate to your situation, but I can. I still remember struggling to do 2-3 pull-ups.

I had problems because I didn't train for them, and when I trained for pull-ups, I didn't train properly.

I'm afraid a lot of people make the same mistakes that I've made. I want to share how to skip the frustration and cope with the pulling up.

Your training should match your goals

Most of the fitness industry is all about HIIT, cardio, bodybuilding, or training until you puke.

I'm not a fan of this, not because there is something wrong with these training styles, but because these methods get the most attention. There are so many different ways to exercise, but your exercise should always be in line with your goals.

The goal here is to increase the number of pull-ups you can do in a row and the methods I mentioned are not working.

When I was learning to do pull-ups::

  • I did it the usual way with 3 sets of 5-10 reps.
  • The goal is to do 3 sets of 5 reps.
  • Then increase reps 3×6, 3×7 every week or two until you reach your goal.
  • What generally happens is that you can probably do five reps on the first set, but after that you will even have difficulty doing 2-3 reps.
  • That was what happened to me, and I would continue to hit plateaus – get stuck on the same reps for a while.

If I could do it all over again I would use a technique called Grease The Groove (GTG). This is how I teach my clients to do their first pull-up and increase the amount they can do in a row.

Grease the groove for better pull-ups

How to Increase Your Pull-ups in 2 Weeks - Fitness, Bodybuilding, Goal Setting, Cardio, Bodyweight Exercises, HIIT, Home Training, Pull-ups, Fatigue, Isometry, Consistency, Training Method, Greasing the Groove, Pull-ups, Lockdown

For example::

  • For example, suppose you can only do four repetitions in a row.
  • Throughout the day, you'll be doing multiple sets (4-7 sets) at 50% of your maximum, which is the equivalent of two reps.
  • If one rep is your maximum, then do multiple sets of one rep.
  • Let rest for at least an hour between sets.
  • Do this 4-6 days a week.

After two weeks, test your pull-ups to see how many you can do in a row.

Learning a new movement pattern is like learning a new skill.

The more you do something right, the better you get at it. Performing the repetitions at 50% intensity will limit fatigue and focus more on correct technique.

It won't feel like you're doing much, but your body learns the movement. Frequency and consistency are king when it comes to learning.

In a week you will accumulate a lot of repetitions.

You can do this in addition to your regular exercise. However, if you fail to recover between sessions, you will reduce the workload.

Pull-up technique:

Get Your First Pull Up

If you can't do a pull-up yet, you can still use this technique. In addition to your regular pull-up exercise 2-3 times a week, do GTG with these exercises. Focus on one for two weeks, rest a week, and then do GTG with the other.

Jumping negative pull-ups::

  • Jump up as much as it takes to pull yourself up.
  • Try to drive slowly when you come back down.
  • You might fall straight down at first, but as you get stronger you can go slower.
  • If the jump is too big, jump out of a box to help you.

Isometric pull-ups:

Jump up and hold on to the top of the pull-up. Try to keep your chin above the bar.

You can handle your body weight

Some of you may think that you were never meant to be or will never be strong enough to do pull ups, but you are. Put aside the negative thoughts and feelings and get the job done.

Pull-ups are a natural movement that your body is well capable of.

Exercise your pull-ups frequently throughout the week and focus on correct technique. Otherwise, you're just cheating on yourself. Be patient and you will master your pull-ups. You can also use GTG to improve other exercises.

Henry Cavil Workout Routine | Best Routine to Follow

Henry Cavil's Superman look came as a shock to us all. However, we all loved the new look that made it look better and more beautiful than ever. The question is, how did he manage to get this body? While most people sat on their couch and were jealous of him, others strive to understand how he got there.
If you are interested in unleashing Henry Cavil's Superman workout routine, we are here for you. Let us help you find out the best about his exercise routine so you can get in shape.

Henry Cavil exercise routine

Before you move on, you should at least know what you are getting yourself into. The Henry Cavil workout routine is very disciplined and requires that you focus positively on your bodybuilding skills. The training lasts more than four days.

The most motivating factor in this routine is that you can have three days of rest. So you can exercise hard for three days to enjoy a relaxing time. If you follow this training pattern correctly, you will get the benefits right away. So you only have to work minimally!

Monday (upper body, strength)
· Incline dumbbell press – 4 sets / 5 reps
· Flat dumbbell press – 4 sets / 5 reps
Weighted pull-ups – 4 sets / 5 reps
· Dumbbell or barbell row – 4 sets / 5 reps

Tuesday (lower body, strength)
· Deadlift – 5 sets / 5 reps
· Front squat – 5 sets / 6-8 reps
· Front lunges – 4 sets / 8 reps per leg
Calf raises – 5 sets / 12 reps

Wed (rest)

Thursday (chest and back, hypertrophy)
· Tilting the dumbbell press – 4 sets / 8-10 reps
Cable Crossing – 4 sets / 10-12 reps
Weighted pull-ups – 4 sets / 8-10 reps
Seated Cable Row – 4 sets / 10-12 reps

Friday (shoulders and arms, hypertrophy)
Seated dumbbell press – 5 sets / 8-10 reps
Side lifts to the side – 5 sets / 10-12 reps
· Front Lateral Raises – 5 sets / 10-12 reps
· Any bicep curl variation – 6 sets / 10-12 reps
· Any variation of triceps extension – 6 sets / 10-12 reps

Saturday and Sunday (rest)
If you want, you can do tissue work or light cardio exercises. However, try to give your body the maximum rest for these days.

What to do if you want to lose weight and not gain muscle

Yes, a lot of people want to focus on losing weight and not building muscle. In this case, the training routine described above needs to be specially modified. We did the same for you in the following paragraph.

So if you follow the exercise routine given below, you will be able to lose weight and not gain muscle. This is how you have to do it!
Do one less set of each workout on Mondays.
Do one less for each workout on Tuesday than for calf raises.
Do one less set of each workout on Thursday.
On Friday, do one less set of every workout other than biceps and triceps.

While you are on a diet, only the need for calories changes.
Beginners generally lose fat and gain body muscles.

Are there any additions to the routine?

Usually there are no supplements that can be recommended for this routine. However, if you feel like you should take something extra to increase your strength, protein powder is perfect for this purpose. You can also take some multivitamin to increase your stamina and train better next time.

It will help you work like magic. Aside from that, fish oil is also a possible recommendation as it helps fight inflammation. It is also useful for establishing a balance between omega6 and omega3.

Does this exercise routine work?

If it worked for a superstar like Henry Cavil, why wouldn't it do the same for you? All you have to do is exercise according to the instructions. Make sure you don't customize anything yourself. If you need to make any changes, contact your fitness trainer. They help you understand what to do.

frequently asked Questions
  1. How many repetitions should we do?
    About 10 to 12 repetitions of the workout will be enough for you.
  2. Can I practice dynamic stretching on the weekends?
    Yes. You can also try walking a bit. All you have to do is avoid high density activities.
  3. How Many Calories Should I Get From FAT?
    It would be best if you want to get at least 20% calories from fat.
The final result

Henry Cavil's workout is sure to do its job for you if you press the right buttons. Make sure you practice the exercise routine until you look as good as him. All the best!

Vizio M-Series 5.1 soundbar review (M51a-H6)

Vizio M-Series 5.1 Soundbar (M51a-H6)

"The Vizio M-Series 5.1 is a knockout figure."

  • Support for eARC, Dolby Atmos, DTS: X.

  • Impressive subwoofer

  • Seamless surround effects

  • Comprehensive control

  • Excellent fidelity

  • One HDMI input

  • Less suitable for larger rooms

After recently reviewing the Vizio Elevate soundbar, which produced outstanding Dolby Atmos surround sound (at a high price), I was excited to see the cheaper M-Series 5.1 (M51a-H6) soundbar from Vizio. With virtual Dolby Atmos and DTS: X on board and a compact profile, the $ 300 soundbar system has all the prerequisites for incredible value. But even when I knew all of this, I was surprised. Let's take a look at it.

Out of the box

At first glance, the M-Series 5.1 might look a little… boring. But that’s what it’s all about. The soundbar isn't drawing attention to itself, and I think that's a good thing – you should be able to hear the equipment without visual interference. Vizio did a great job creating an attractive system that would disappear in your room. It's compact, slides right under most Vizio TVs, and has a sleek, charcoal-gray finish.

vizio m series 51 soundbar review m51a h6 5 1Dan Baker / Digital Trends

vizio m series 51 soundbar review m51a h6 5 1Dan Baker / Digital Trends

vizio m series 51 soundbar review m51a h6 5 1Dan Baker / Digital Trends

The system has a 36-inch wide soundbar with six drivers – three mid-range speakers and three tweeters in a configuration for left, center and right – as well as two surround speakers, each with a mid-range speaker and a subwoofer with a robust 6-inch driver Bottom.

The back of the soundbar is pretty simple. There is a power connector and an AUX input connector that can be used for a smart speaker if you want the smart speaker to control the system or to be heard through the surround sound system. There are also two HDMI ports, one for connecting a single device and another that supports eARC for Dolby Atmos and DTS: X surround signals – that's a pretty impressive take at the price.

Everything you need comes in an incredibly well organized box

Dan Baker / Digital Trends

The back of the surround speakers has a single cinch connector that connects the speakers to the subwoofer, as well as a screw hole that allows the speakers to be mounted using the mounting brackets provided.

If you're familiar with Vizio soundbars, you know that everything you need comes in one incredibly well-organized box. There are two power cords (one short and one long if your subwoofer is farther from an electrical outlet), two extremely long surround sound speaker cords, an HDMI cord, a remote control, batteries, an optical cord, and some analog cords, and the the above hardware for mounting the speakers.

Setup options

There are two different setup scenarios for the M-Series 5.1. One is the more conventional configuration, with the soundbar in the front, the surround speakers behind you, and the subwoofer in the back with the surround speakers (which wirelessly receive the surround signal and power the surround speakers).

The setup is plug-and-play and fully automated.

The other setup option (which works well for people who may not have that much space) is to have the surround speakers flank the soundbar at the front and the subwoofer also faces the front of the room. Vizio claims that the M-Series 5.1 can achieve some impressive surround sound effects even with this setup.

Dan Baker / Digital Trends

The setup is plug-and-play and fully automated. After you've plugged the soundbar and subwoofer into an electrical outlet and turned on the system, the two components will automatically connect and you're good to go. If you are using the M-Series 5.1 in a huge, cavernous room, problems can arise if the subwoofer is too far from the soundbar and loses some of its signal, which results in a small popping noise. However, since this system is not intended for larger spaces, I don't see this as a problem for most people

Similar to the Vizio Elevate, the M-Series 5.1 system has a comprehensive set of controls, all of which are managed using the supplied remote control. The remote control allows you to manage the independent balance of the surround speakers, the overall level of the surround speakers, the subwoofer level, the bass and treble levels, and a variety of preset EQ options. This type of control is important so that you can choose the sound of the system to work well with different speaker / subwoofer placement and room feature scenarios. With a little tweaking, I was able to use the system exactly where I wanted it.

Dan Baker / Digital Trends

Sound quality

But how does it sound? In short, the Vizio M-Series 5.1 sounds great. In this price range, no business sounds as good as it does – even to Vizio, which is known for bringing out some pretty high quality soundbars.

The M-Series 5.1 has created a convincing sound circle.

The system doesn't achieve quite as good Dolby Atmos effects as a high-fire speaker system (like the Vizio Elevate), but the fidelity is impressive and the surround effects are seamless and cohesive.

The surround effects in the intro to Mad Max: Fury Road (one of my favorite Atmos surround test tracks) swirl around you. If there are holes in the presentation, you'll notice them straight away. The M-Series 5.1 has created a convincing sound circle, whereby the mix between the surround speakers and the soundbar sounds excellent.

The virtual Dolby Atmos effects have certainly increased the perceived height of the overall presentation and also improved the depth. I just didn't feel like there were objects directly overhead like I did with the Vizio Elevate. When the first chase takes place on Fury Road, a dune buggy flies overhead and, on suitable Dolby Atmos systems, it sounds like the vehicle is approaching you from behind and flying right over you. With the M-Series 5.1 soundbar, the dune buggy seemed to come through me and not over me.

I find this track to be a good stress test as well, as the narrator's soft, gritty voice pushes the boundaries of most soundbars, which often rely heavily on the subwoofer at mid-bass frequencies. I've often found that it looks like most of the voice is coming from the subwoofer, but in my testing I haven't drawn undue attention to the subwoofer. It seemed like the voice was anchored in the soundbar, the bass was just ubiquitous – really impressive.

If you want your living room to feel more like a theater, the M-Series 5.1 is for you. Unlike other soundbars I've tested, the highs here aren't too sharp, the dialogue is never muffled, and the midrange is clear and well-defined. And while soundbars aren't known for being that "musical", I ran a couple of tracks through the M-Series 5.1 and they produced the same sharp fidelity that they did for movies. There wasn't much instrumental separation and the soundstage isn't particularly deep – after all, the M-Series 5.1 isn't an audiophile product to compete with a dedicated music system – but the bass is rich. Instrumental textures are very good and the system provided a comfortable, room-filling experience.

Our opinion

People go to budget-friendly sound bars with managed expectations. For most, it's usually fine as long as it sounds better than the TV's built-in speakers. But the Vizio M-Series X defies those expectations and as such I think listeners will be blown away the first time they listen. For the price, the Vizio M-Series 5.1 is a knockout.

Is there a better alternative?

No. Vizio also offers the SB36512-F6 soundbar, which has two Atmos channels, for the same price. I don't like the design that much though, and I think the M-Series 5.1's fidelity is a bit better. The M-Series also supports 5.1 eARC for higher quality audio, while the SB366512-F6 offers standard ARC.

How long it will take

The Vizio M-Series 5.1 appears to be well built and should last as long as you need to start the upgrade.


Vizio warrants its soundbars for one year when purchased from an authorized dealer. You can find more warranty information here.

Should you buy it?

Yes. The M-Series 5.1 soundbar is tremendous value and offers an extremely entertaining cinema experience.

Editor's recommendations

The 15 Best Bodyweight Exercises to Ace Your Fitness

Body weight exercises are a mass favorite for their humorous benefits. For starters, they offer coordination, flexibility, stability and endurance during training. Plus, you don't need any equipment to perform them. What's even better is that you can practice these workouts without going to the gym every day.

Discover with us the 15 best home weight workouts to instantly improve your fitness game!

Bodyweight exercises are simple, effective, and give instant results. You increase the energy level and get fit immediately. That's why most fitness freaks like to start doing these workouts every time. All you have to do is maintain your body weight in order to perform these exercises. This also means that the risk of injury is minimal.

So if you are a beginner and you are worried about the workout, don't worry. Almost all of these exercises will suit you too!

1. Squats

  • Stand with your feet parallel. You can also stand with your feet facing each other at 15 degrees.
  • First, bend your hips and knees until your thighs are at least parallel to the floor.
  • Your heels shouldn't be off the ground.
  • Push through your heels to get back up.
  • This is the best beginner workout that you can do at home.

2. Push-ups

  • Get on all fours and place your hands a little wider than your shoulders.
  • Extend your arms and legs.
  • Lower your body until your chest is almost touching the floor.
  • Pause and then back.
  • Repeat the workout.

3. Last

  • Start in a push-up position.
  • Jump forward and let both legs return next to your hands.
  • Go back to the starting position.
  • Massively helps your lower body by pumping blood to almost all parts.

4. Skater hops

  • Start from the left and then jump to the right. Make sure you go as far as you can.
  • Sit back on your right foot and try not to touch the other.
  • Now repeat the step to land on the other foot.
  • It is undoubtedly an exercise done at home.

5. Burpee

  • Start in a low squat position.
  • Now kick your feet back into a push-up.
  • Do a push-up and bring your feet back to a crouch.
  • Jump up as far as you can and get back into the push-up.
  • It's one of the best beginner exercises to get started.

6. Arm circles

  • Extend your arms at your sides and stand tall. Make sure your arms are perpendicular to your torso.
  • Now make clockwise circles about 1 foot in diameter for about 20 to 30 seconds.
  • Now reverse the movement.
  • Fortunately, it's the easiest to do. So any beginner can get started with this without even thinking about it.

7. Frozen V-Sit

  • Lie on the floor with your arms and legs outstretched. Your hands and legs should be off the floor.
  • Begin the workout by lifting your torso while your legs come down to your feet.
  • Hold this position for about ten seconds.
  • If you are craving those packs of 6, this is the way to get it!

8. Step-up

  • Get a bench and put your right foot on the surface.
  • Make sure your right leg is straight.
  • Return to the starting position.
  • Repeat for ten to twelve repetitions on each side.
  • This is another potential workout for beginners.

9. Donkey whips

  • Start on all fours and lift your right leg behind you.
  • Now bring your right leg to the right side and then back to the center.
  • Repeat on the other end.

10. Dips

  • Hold the dip bars with your palms and straighten your arms.
  • Now lower until your elbows are on the right side. Make sure they don't flare up.
  • Get up again and repeat the workout.

11. Forward lunges

  • Stand up. Make sure your feet are together.
  • Now take a massive leap forward with your right foot. Bend your right leg until your front thigh is parallel to the floor. Your back knee should barely touch the floor.
  • Now push through your back front heel and stand up again.
  • Repeat on the other side.

12. Sit-ups

  • Lie on the floor and bend your knee.
  • Put your hands behind your head and contract your core as you lift your torso.
  • Lower yourself and return to the starting position.
  • Repeat the workout for the best experience.

13. Fire hydrant

  • Start exercising on all fours.
  • Now lift your right leg to the side and keep your knee bent. Your knee should be at hip height.
  • Lower yourself down and move your knee across the floor.
  • Repeat on the other side.

14. Handstand wall walk

  • Stand in a handstand position with your feet against the wall.
  • Move your hands forward and walk down the wall until you are all the way down.
  • It's a fun exercise to do at home.

15. Trunk twists

  • Start on a high plank and attack your core.
  • Your left knee should come under your body towards your right elbow by twisting your torso slightly.
  • Repeat training on alternate ends.

frequently asked Questions

  1. How long does it take to see results?
    People who exercise daily and eat healthily can see results within six months. However, there may be times when you notice changes within at least three months.
  2. Can women do body weight training?
    Of course! Both men and women can build strong muscles through daily exercise.
  3. Do I need a trainer for this?
    Not really! A guided tutorial and the instructions listed above are enough for you.

Samsung Galaxy S21+ 5G Review: Business As Usual for Samsung

Samsung Galaxy S21 plus review back

"The Galaxy S21 + 5G is a sleeker, larger version of the S21. While it's great quality, it doesn't improve the S20 + drastically, nor does it match the height of the S21 Ultra."

  • Noble metal-glass body

  • Breathtaking screen performance

  • Capable camera

  • A 2021 flagship camera is missing

  • S21 Ultra is way better in many ways

If the Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G is the best Android phone you can buy right now, and the Galaxy S21 5G has the right ingredients but can't quite pull them together, then where is the Galaxy S21 + 5G? The price is exactly in between and mixes up the lackluster technical data of the S21 a bit, but still doesn't quite match the S21 Ultra for downright high-tech appeal. Is the Galaxy S21 + the confused middle kid or a little star waiting for its moment to shine?

Andy Boxall / Digital Trends

Since the Galaxy S21 + is almost identical to the Galaxy S21 in terms of software, performance, and camera capability, I won't go into a lot of details here, as DT's mobile editor, Andrew Martonik, already did so in their Galaxy S21 review . Instead, I'll talk about the design and battery that make the S21 + different, as well as some general opinions about the camera and software.

Design and screen

The Galaxy S21 + basically looks the same as the S21, only a bit bigger and a good deal heavier. It weighs 200 grams and is 7.8 mm thick, with a rather flat 6.7-inch screen that leads into the metal case and, most importantly, a Gorilla Glass Victus back panel. Fortunately, the rear cover made of polycarbonate can only be found on the S21. The matte finish hides fingerprints and smudges, and the attractive Phantom Silver color in our photos subtly changes color in different lighting conditions. It is very nice.

Samsung Galaxy S21 plus review above "class =" m-carousel - image dt-lazy-no "src =" 640x640. jpg "srcset =";base64, Boxall / Digital Trends

samsung galaxy s21 plus check side buttons module "class =" m-carousel - image dt-lazy-no "src =" -module -640x640.jpg "srcset =";base64, Boxall / Digital Trends

Samsung Galaxy S21 plus test side camera module "class =" m-carousel - image dt-lazy-no "src =" -module- 640x640.jpg "srcset =";base64, Boxall / Digital Trends

In keeping with the textured metal of the camera module, which is part of the metal housing like the S21 and S21 Ultra, the S21 + feels expensive, looks classy and, overall, is just the right weight to hold. The S21 series design is Samsung's best yet, and the massive camera module on the back of the S21 Ultra takes off the delicate, stylish look. Not so with the Galaxy S21 +. It's just the right mix in that regard, but the size of the phone can still bother some. It's nowhere near as big as the S21 Ultra or the Galaxy Note 20 Ultra, but it's still a sizable device. My medium-sized hands are struggling to reach over the body of the phone.

The screen is the same Dynamic AMOLED panel as the S21, only bigger. The 6.7-inch screen has a pixel resolution of 2400 x 1080 (FHD +) and a maximum dynamic refresh rate of 120 Hz. The software adjusts the refresh rate depending on what you are doing to keep power consumption under control. It's also a mostly flat panel with less curvature than the S21 Ultra. This has advantages when it comes to gaming but disadvantages when it comes to style. A flat screen can cause the phone to age prematurely.

If you're concerned, the FHD + resolution makes the viewing experience less impressive than the S20 + with WQHD + resolution. Do not worry. Comparing the two didn't reveal any noticeable difference when watching videos – whatever you're doing on the phone looks absolutely great. The video looks amazing, with beautiful colors, sharp details, and more brightness than you really need. This version of GFriends Mago demonstrates the screen's excellent ability to handle rapidly changing colors and tones. At 1080p and 60fps on the S21 +, it looks wonderful.

Andy Boxall / Digital Trends

The beautiful graphics are retained throughout the operating system, supported by the breathtaking brightness of the screen and the refresh rate of 120 Hz for super smooth scrolling, as well as useful adjustment with the Video Enhancer for more vivid colors, a white balance adjustment and various screen color modes. The stunning screen combined with the reasonable size of the Galaxy S21 + in the hand is great for video, gaming, and general everyday use.


The S21 + has the same camera system as the S21 and is almost identical to the cameras of the S20. This means a 64-megapixel main camera, a 12-megapixel ultrawide camera and a 12-megapixel telephoto lens with 3x optical zoom. There is also a 10 megapixel selfie camera in a central hole in the screen. However, you will still find many of the same features found on the S21 Ultra, including 8K video recording, the interesting single take mode, image stabilization, portrait mode, and Director's View (where you record video with all cameras and switch between them can) real time) and much more.

Andy Boxall / Digital Trends

When I compared the S21 + directly with the camera of the S20 +, the software improvements from Samsung were clearly visible. The S21 + can handle shadows and difficult lighting outdoors far better than before, isn't over-saturated in the same way, and has a wider dynamic range. The result is very attractive photos with a tone that is still pop but not as fake as some photos from the S20's camera.

While 3x optical zoom is the preferred option for detail as you get closer to the picture, moving it up to 10x digital won't completely pixelate the photo, but you probably won't want to use the photos very often. To get the best zoom camera, you need to buy the Galaxy S21 Ultra, which has both 3x optical and 10x optical zoom – the difference is significant.

Disadvantage? The wide-angle and main cameras can lack consistency in tone and appearance, with the wide-angle camera increasing the saturation more. The wide-angle camera doesn't take great macro shots on the S21 Ultra either, and focusing on close-ups isn't the S21 + 's forte. The biggest disadvantage, however, is that the S21 + 's camera is only "good" and that is not enough for $ 1,000, especially if it is also the $ 800 Galaxy S21 or the iPhone 12 Pro and Google Pixel 5 far more are capable.

Battery and performance

I'm using an S21 + with an Exynos 2100 chip instead of the US model with the Qualcomm Snapdragon 888 with 8GB of RAM. On average days with around three hours of screen time, mostly social networking, email, browsing, and messaging, the 4,800 mAh battery drains to around 35% from around 7:30 a.m. to 1:00 a.m., which is means that general usage is a little shorter. You could get two days out of the S21 +.

Andy Boxall / Digital Trends

However, add in some games or heavy photo or video usage and you only get a single day. About 30 minutes of Asphalt 9: Legends, for example, uses 10% of the battery. If you do this twice a day, you will be nervously watching the percent meter around bedtime. Playing Asphalt 9: Legends over long periods of time showed that the S21 + may not be able to handle intense games as intensely as the S21 Ultra, which has the same chip but more RAM. The game suffered from dropped frame rates and slowdowns, and eventually crashed after a very long session when there was a lot going on on the screen, which wasn't at all on the S21 Ultra. Otherwise, the performance was flawless and no other games had such problems.

Andy Boxall / Digital Trends

The S21 + has Android 11 with the Samsung OneUI 3.1. It is identical to the S21 and the S21 Ultra. For more information on the software's strengths and weaknesses, check out the reviews of these two phones. The 25-watt fast charging is also the same for all Galaxy S21 models, along with the wireless 15-watt charging and reverse charging. Fortunately, Samsung used a new fingerprint sensor on the S21 + than on the S20 +, and its performance is excellent.

Price and availability

The Samsung Galaxy S21 + is priced at $ 1,000 for the 128GB model or $ 1,049 for the 256GB version. In the UK, the 128GB Galaxy S21 + is £ 950 or £ 999 for the 256GB version. It is now available, either activated via Samsung or Amazon or with a contract with all major network operators.

Our opinion

The Samsung Galaxy S21 + 5G appears to be the middle child of the 2021 S series, and while that's true in terms of size, it's not about technology. The S21 + comes no closer to the incredible capabilities of the S21 Ultra than the S21 and is really only there for those who think the S21 is too small. If you want the true S Series flagship this year, you have to Buy the S21 Ultra 5G.

Does that mean you shouldn't be considering the S21 + at all? No, if you are interested in the S21 or the S21 +, it is the model of the two that you need to buy. The Gorilla Glass Victus back panel gives it the class that the S21 plastic lacks, the larger screen really shows the breathtaking quality, and the battery life – although not exactly long – is better.

The extra cash to spend on the S21 is a little on the high side if the camera is not only the same, but also not as good as the $ 1,000 iPhone 12 Pro or the $ 699 Google Pixel 5 -Dollar S21 + owners interested in camera performance for the $ 1,200 S21 Ultra.

When I tested the Galaxy S20 + in early 2020, I called it the "safe choice," and that's exactly how I see the S21 +. It's pretty and capable, but it doesn't cross borders or lead exciting advances. They know that the quality is excellent and that it will last. The fact that I am saying exactly the same thing about the sequel is both comforting because nothing has changed and depressing because nothing has really changed. The Galaxy S21 + runs as usual.

Is there a better alternative?

Yes. Assuming you're not set on an Android phone, the Apple iPhone 12 Pro is the better buy for $ 1,000. The camera is superb, the size is right, the performance is excellent, and since it has 5G this year, it will last just as long as the S21 +. Obviously, things change a little when Samsung offers deep discounts – at the time of writing. The S21 + was brought down to just $ 800, but that's not a permanent sale.

If Android is essential, the Galaxy S21 + 's main competition has not really arrived in 2021. The OnePlus 8 Pro is still very good, but the OnePlus 9 series is on its way very soon and it may be worthwhile to see what the updated model has to offer if you're not in a hurry. If you're in the UK or don't mind importing, the Xiaomi Mi 11 shares the S21 +’s excellent screen and improves the technology in the camera, but battery life suffers.

How long it will take?

Samsung is committed to providing software and security updates for up to four years. The S21 + has an IP68 rating and a metal case, and it has a ton of power plus 5G to keep it updated. All of this means that a two-year contract with a carrier feels relatively new in the end and lasts for at least another year before you really have to think about an upgrade.

Should you buy it?

Yes, this is definitely the model when you can choose between the S21 and the S21. Don't expect this to be anything more than a slightly updated version of the S20 + from last year, however. If this bothers you, there are better options.

Editor's recommendations