The 10 Best CrossFit Workouts that you can do at Home
If you are a health and fitness enthusiast, you have probably heard of the word "crossfit" before. And if you were awesome the first time you read it, don't worry, that's each person's reaction to begin with. Really, it's quite an intimidating workout.
But it is also good for your health. These workouts (usually called WODs or Workout of the Day) are essential if you are looking to build strength, strengthen your muscles, or lose some weight.
However, going to the box (as the Crossfit gyms are called) is not strictly necessary for Crossfit training. Yes, it's hard to swallow, but you can break up as much sweat in your home as you would in the box, even without equipment, by following this list of Crossfit home workouts.
Check out this article for several different Crossfit workouts that you can do at home.
Number 1: MURPH
This is the most famous of all crossfit workouts. This is named after U.S. Marine Lieutenant Michael Murphy (he was killed in Afghanistan). All crossfitters do this exercise every Memorial Day weekend.
For the time (write down the time it took you to do this workout)
Run 1 mile
100 pull-ups (or if you don't have a pull-up bar, do the same number of chair pulls)
200 pushups
300 squats
Run 1 mile
Number 2: ANNIE
For the time
50, 40, 30, 20, 10 double substrates
50, 40, 30, 20, 10 situps
In this workout, you need to do 50 reps of both double sub and sit ups. Then continue with 40 repetitions of both exercises, then 30, 20, and finally finish with ten repetitions of both.
Number 3: ANGIE
For the time
100 pull-ups
100 pushups
100 sit ups
100 squats
Angie is a full body workout that challenges your whole body and muscle strength tests your endurance.
For the time
4 minutes wall sits
300 squats
250 lunges
200 sit ups
100 squats
You can cancel this training as you wish. The only condition is that you finish everything on the list. If you are unable to squat with the gun (it's not easy), do the regular squat or whatever variation of squat you like.
As many repetitions as possible
Burpees for 7 minutes
This is the best CrossFit workout when you're short on time but want to teach at least some exercise in your day. With this exercise, you can train your entire body in just 7 minutes.
Until you are exhausted
1st minute: 1 burpee
2nd minute: 2 burpees
3rd minute: 3 burpees
And so on
This exercise is a killer (I'm serious!) You can't exceed 20 minutes. Initially, this exercise feels simple and offers at least 10 seconds of rest every minute. However, by the time you hit the 10 minute mark, you will be out of breath and time. Achieving 13 or 14 minutes is a difficult task in itself.
Number 7: CINDY
Do as many rounds as possible (AMRAP) in 20 minutes:
5 pull-ups (if you don't have access to a pull-up bar, you can do five pull-ups instead)
Ten pushups
15 squats
This workout is very effective in working your upper and lower body at the same time.
Number 8: JT
For the time
21, 15, 9 handstand pushups
21, 15, 9 triceps dips
21, 15, 9 pushups
Do the 21 repetitions of all exercises, followed by the 15 repetitions and nine repetitions. This exercise targets your hand muscles.
Do AMRAP in 18 minutes.
Five inch worms
Ten breast openers
30-second couch stretch each side
This workout is for the day when you are short of energy or when you want your body to rest. This exercise stretches your body and allows you to store energy.
Number 10: 3- PART PRESS BLAST
Run AMRAP in 10 minutes.
200 meter run
Ten pushups
Let rest for 2 minutes
Perform AMRAP in 8 minutes.
200 meter run
15 squats
Let rest for 2 minutes
Do AMRAP in 6 minutes.
200 meter run
Ten military presses
This workout is designed so that you can work your cardio while focusing on your abs and legs. Additionally, this workout will do you three cardio times, which in itself is enough to drain your energy and exercise your legs.