What Does Sun Damaged Skin Look Like?

Spending years outdoors or lying under the sun inevitably puts a strain on our skin. Dark spots, sagging skin, wrinkles, and discoloration give away the hours and days we've been exposed to the elements. Unfortunately for sun lovers, sun damage can age our skin prematurely and increase our risk of skin cancer. Read on to find out the most common signs and symptoms of sun damage, and to spot any signs as soon as possible.

Sun Damage On Your Face: Signs And Symptoms To Look For

In contrast to typical chronological aging, which depends on your age and genetics, Sun damage occurs when UV light from the sun changes the structure of the skin permanently. These symptoms include:

Rough, dry skin texture

Structural changes in the skin can develop after many years of UV exposure. Symptoms are flaky patches and crusty skin that is denser and protruding from the surface. As of the At the American Academy of Dermatology Association, you can spot deep lines or dry, flaky spots called actinic keratoses (AKs). An AK is a pre-cancerous skin growth. According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association, this type of sun damage can also lead to skin cancer; AK sometimes turns into a type of skin cancer called squamous cell carcinoma. If you keep an eye on skin changes and consult a doctor, you can identify potential skin cancers early on.

Wrinkles & fine lines

Long-term changes in the skin's collagen, which give the skin its elasticity, can be a symptom of sun damage. These long-term changes can include fine lines, wrinkles, and thickened skin texture. Unfortunately, prolonged exposure to UV rays ages your skin prematurely and leads to loss of collagen and skin elasticity. In fact, a staggering 80% of visible aging is caused by exposure to UV rays from the sun.

Sagging, loose skin

Elastin and collagen are two proteins in the skin that deteriorate over time not only due to the natural aging process, but also due to external factors. These factors include too much sun exposure or lifestyle choices like poor diet or excessive drinking. This breakdown in collagen and elastin production leads to loose, sagging skin.

Spider veins

When the collagen deteriorates, it leads to a fragile collagen structure decreased pressure around the blood vessels and decreased elasticity of the skin. This change means that spider veins are more likely to appear on the surface of the skin, a network of red, purple, and blue lines that resemble a spider's web.

A reddish complexion

It is possible that a reddish complexion can be inherited. However, it can also be caused by excessive sun exposure. Reddish skin is characterized by a reddish appearance and skin that looks uneven, blotchy, or broken capillaries.


Uneven skin pigmentation (or hyperpigmentation) is a broad term that refers to uneven skin tone or dark spots. When uneven skin tone occurs, parts of the skin discolor or darken, either from sun damage or genetics. The skin pigmentation can be classified as either a raised lesion (papule or plaque) or a flat lesion (plaster or macula).

Types of hyperpigmentation can include birthmarks. Any abnormal change in your skin is a good reason to consult a doctor to check for signs of Skin cancer. A stain that was a light color when you first noticed it in your 30s can change the way it looks later in life. Keep an eye on these areas and see your doctor if you notice any changes in color or texture.

Another type of hyperpigmentation is dark spots, also known as sunspots, liver spots, or lentigines. They look like oversized freckles or flat brown spots. These develop chronic exposure to UV light, and they usually appear on the arms, legs, face, hands, neck, and cleavage. This is different from skin pigmentation problems that occur when cells become damaged and reduce melanin production. If you've noticed any of these skin problems, there are ways to protect your skin from further sun damage and improve your skin health.

How to protect your skin from sun damage

If you want your skin to look radiant and healthy for the long term, here are some steps you can take to protect your skin.

1. Apply SPF every 2 hours

SPF is a preventative tool, but only if you are wearing it and remembering to use it again. Reapply evenly and frequently. Sunscreen should be used every 2 hours or more if you sweat, dry off, or come in contact with water.

When you exit the bath or shower, check your body from head to toe to familiarize yourself with your skin and see if any new spots appear. Also, keep an eye on existing spots and see if their appearance changes in any way.

Limit your time outdoors when the sun is at its highest point (e.g., 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in most parts of the US). The Skin Cancer Foundation says you should cover yourself with clothes, hats, and sunscreen and seek shade, especially when the sun is at its strongest.

If you spot any of these symptoms of sun damage, you can stop further damage first. One of the most effective prevention formulas is sun protection. By incorporating SPF into your daily skin care regimen, you are preventing the early signs of aging and other sun damage with minimal effort. Use sunscreens with an SPF of 15 and above regularly to reduce the effects of sun damage. Read this guide to learn more about the benefits of sunscreen and why you need to wear them every day.

The sun protection factor measures how well the formula protects you from UVB rays, but does not say anything about the protection against UVA light. For this reason, the second factor to look for in sunscreens is a label that says "Broad Spectrum". This label means that you are protected from both UVA and UVB rays. UVA rays are what you can blame for the signs of Wrinkles and fine lines. In comparison, UVB rays are responsible for sunburn and cause skin cancer.

If your skin is dry from exposure to the sun, certain ingredients will help keep your skin hydrated. For example ours Tropical Vanilla Day Cream SPF 40 is formulated with shea butter, a moisturizing ingredient that is high in triglycerides and fatty acids. This makes it an excellent emollient that revitalizes and repairs dry skin.

Product selection

Eminence Tropical Vanilla Day Cream SPF 40

Tropical Vanilla Day Cream SPF 40


Best hex bar exercises to gain mass and strength now

The Hexagonal bar Exercise has long been one of the most underutilized workouts in fitness history. However, they are famous for their incredible benefits that allow people to gain mass and strength instantly. Although this exercise may seem a bit daunting at first, once you get the hang of it, the workout will become a breeze for you.

In this article, we'll help you find the best performance options Hexagonal bar Exercises. You can also learn how to get the most out of it.

What is the Hex Bar Exercise?

The hex bar is a deadlift variation that promises to train the masses and add strength to your body. It's an incredible workout practiced by athletes, body lifters, and weight lifters. These people do it regularly for its benefits. Hex bar exercises are also known as trap bar deadlifts or diamond bar deadlifts. The drop bar deadlift is perfect for improving muscle hypertrophy and general traction. All you have to do is follow the instructions while doing this workout. This way you can avoid injuries and build strength in the best possible way.

The best hex bar exercises to try.

Hex bar exercise is not a cake. However, if you learn how to press the correct keys, you can quickly turn it into an experience for yourself. Today we are going to show you how to do some possible exercises that will bring you the best benefits like never before.

1. Trap bar jump squat

Trap bar jump squat

Hex bar squat is a spectacular method to build explosiveness and strength in the body. All you have to do is load the bar from a deadlift position. Something like this leaves your thighs parallel to the floor. As you look ahead, be sure to keep your back neutral. Quickly explore up as you jump. This way, the ball of the foot finally leaves the ground. Now try to go back to the same place as this will set the flow correctly.

2. One-armed shrug

The deadlift shape of the hex bar is essential for maintenance. With the help of a one-armed shrug exercise, you can comfortably do deep stretches and activate your core. This also affects your overall stability, which improves performance. To do this exercise, you need to turn the bar sideways and pick it up. Then shrug your shoulders and switch sides.

3. Reverse trap bar single leg deadlift

The name may sound like a lot of hard work, but don't worry; it's easy to do. If you want to build a potential Hex bar deadliftYou will benefit from this exercise. This workout mainly focuses on your hamstrings and helps you balance your body properly. In this case, you need to maintain a straight back, keep your hips high, and move your butt backwards. You need to do this on every repetition. Now you can lift your leg behind you. You can also place it anywhere to keep balance.

4. Trap bar increases push up

Trap Bar Elevated Pushup

The Hex bar deadlift can become even more powerful if you perform an elevated push-up with an air-termination rod. With the raised bar levels, you can easily and conveniently perform a push-up. All you have to do is keep your torso straight and go down low enough to feel a slight stretch on your chest. Then try to contract your muscles while pushing up.

5. Trap bar split squat

Trap bar split workout

If you want to build flawless quads, hamstrings, and glutes, this exercise is your ultimate savior. Try the Trap Bar's split squat whenever you want to unlock its potential Hex bar squats for your convenience. For this exercise, you need to make sure that your shins stay as vertical as possible. Then you can try crouching down until your knee is close to the floor. Keep your upper body straight and your face on the horizon.

6. Reeves deadlift

If you want to learn how to incorporate grip strength into your daily fitness routine, Reeves Deadlift can help you do it. The deadlift shape with hexagonal bar is also easy to build with this workout. All you have to do is lift the barbell by holding the actual plates and lifting the weight. Keeping your torso as upright as possible will help you do the exercise correctly.

frequently asked Questions

1 are Hex bar exercises helpful?

Yes, Hex bar exercises are useful. However, you need to follow the instructions to get rid of any complications.

2. Which is the best exercise for squat down the hexagonal bar?

If you want to learn how to a Hex bar squatswho have favourited Trap Bar Jump Squat is perfect for you.

10 At-Home Exercises For Women That Actually Work

With the idea of ​​working from home growing in popularity during the pandemic, don't leave your health program high and dry. Everyone suffers from Schrödinger's disease.

Self-isolation centers on the idea of ​​assuming that you are either keeping the virus from spreading or protecting yourself from infection by avoiding any contact with the external environment.

As necessary as it is to stay indoors and work from home, it is also a good idea to focus on a fat burning exercise program.

Use this time to help you achieve your fitness goals.

Once you are clear about excess body fat and weight problems, here is a list of exercises that make up a fat burning exercise program for working women.

1. The bridge

This exercise acts as an activator for your glutes, hamstrings, and core muscles.

  • Lie on a mat with your knees bent and your back and feet.
  • Lift your bottom off the floor and slowly bring it back to the resting position.
  • Make sure you are using your nuclear power.
  • Do two sets of 10 reps if you are a beginner.

2. Press your knees

It's an exercise that serves as a requirement for push-ups.

  • Lie face down on the floor with your knees touching the floor.
  • Slowly go down and lift your body just before you hit the floor.
  • Make sure your elbows are at a 45-degree angle.

3. Lunge steps

Lunge steps mainly focus on your core and abs.

They help cut down extra body fat and are included in the women's clay program. If you want to build stability, this exercise is great for you.

4. Squats

The squat is a prominent exercise program for the lower body.

The most important aspect of any squat workout is making sure your form is correct. Otherwise no visible results will be shown.

5. Crunches

Crunches are the right training plan when it comes to burning off excess belly fat. It takes immense core strength to perform crunches.

If you think crunches are on the more accessible side of the spectrum and you want to step them up, consider adding resistance bands or weights.

6. The plank

It is one of the most conventional exercises in tone programs for women.

This is because the plank helps remove fat evenly from your body without causing stretch marks.

In time, you will be able to make a plank for an extended period of time.

7. Bird dog

  • Lie face forward and knees on the floor.
  • Alternately lift your leg and hand at the same time.
  • You will feel a tingling sensation in your arms and legs.
  • This exercise requires balance and stability.

8. Hip abduction

This exercise is for you if you are not a beginner.

  • Lie on both sides
  • Saying your left hand, slowly raise your right leg while you let the other rest on the floor.
  • Turning back

The exercise helps in toning your hips.

9. Side boards

  • If you want to maintain correct posture and relieve the spine, it's time to pick up side boards.
  • It strengthens the abdominal and back muscles and the best part is that you can practice anytime.
  • However, for the best results you need to be consistent.
  • To perform side boards, straighten your legs and lie on your right side. Keep your feet and hips resting on the floor.

10. Go for the Russian twist

Yes, you heard it right; As the name suggests, it is an effective exercise that you can do at home to help save weight.

  • You need to sit on a floor mat and lean back in a Russian twist until you feel that the muscles in the abdominal area are well stretched.
  • Create a V shape and slowly rotate it from side to side.
  • Make sure you have the correct posture for the best results.

Even if you confine yourself to the four walls of your home, do not let this limitation stop you from pursuing and achieving your fitness goals.

Make sure you are eating right and following an exercise routine to stay fit and healthy.

The Physiological Effects of Face Masks During Workouts

<img load = "lazy" alt = "stop tidal carbon" class = "imagecache-full_width" src = "https://cdn2.omidoo.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/full_width/images/bydate/ 202101 / endtidalcarbondioxidelevelresearch .jpg "title =" Mean changes in end-of-tide carbon dioxide during the exercise test performed by 16 subjects without a mask, wearing a surgical mask, and wearing an N95 respirator. Error bars represent a 95% confidence interval. * Indicates a significant confidence interval Differences (P. < .05)" height="311"/>

Despite the gym closures and lockdown inconsistencies, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is an important strategy to protect yourself during the coronavirus pandemic1.

Even if social media chatters and opinions disagree, the reality doesn't change: The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends wearing a cloth mask or face covering in public, especially in places who find it difficult to maintain social distance, and mass masking An inexpensive and easy way to complement social distancing and other methods of controlling infection rates.

Research also shows that gyms, like many other public spaces, are a source of virus transmission2 and that masking should be part of the exercise and training experience. This is especially true if the activity is aerobic3.

Researchers at the Rambam Health Care Campus in Haifa, Israel, studied the physiological effects of face masks during exercise to assess the effects on the student.

They found that masking during aerobic exercise had minimal and statistically inconsistent effects on heart rate, breathing rate, breathing, and blood oxygen saturation.

However, use of an N95 ventilator indicated an increase in EtCO2 (End Tidal Carbod Dioxide) levels, a measure of carboxy dioxide production and clearance with breathing. This increase could also be explained by the fact that when a mask is worn, the exhaled air is inhaled again.

Granted, airway exposure to elevated levels of carbon dioxide can affect performance, cause headaches, confusion, stupor, and increases in heart and breathing rates.

Short term exposure and intermittent exposure can also lead to improvements in respiratory muscle development and better performance.

The research does not examine the effects of wearing masks from a psychological point of view, and it is not broad enough to draw specific conclusions about any particular populations, since it is an all-male group of subjects. It is therefore best not to generalize the results.

But you can just stay out of the slipstream of anyone exercising vigorously and keep your distance 4.

It used to be called an ounce of prevention that today looks like a million years ago, at a time when people's opinions about anything are extremely polarized.


1. Epstein, D., Korytny, A., Isenberg, Y., Marcusohn, E., Zukermann, R., Bishop, B., Minha, S., Raz, A. & Miller, A. (2021). Back to Training in the COVID-19 Era: The Physiological Effects of Face Masks During Exercise. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sport, 31 (1), 70–75.

2. K. J. Gontjes, K. E. Gibson, B. Lansing, M. Cassone & L. Mody (2020). Contamination of the common room and the rehabilitation hall with multi-resistant organisms. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 68 (3), 478-485.

3. Leung, NHL, Chu, DKW, Shiu, EYC, Chan, K.-H., McDevitt, JJ, Hau, BJP, Yen, H.-L., Li, Y., Ip, DKM, Peiris, JSM , Seto, W.-H., Leung, GM, Milton, DK & Cowling, BJ (2020). Exhaling the respiratory virus when exhaling and effectiveness of face masks. Nature Medicine, 26 (5), 676-680.

4. Blocken, B., Malizia, F., van Druenen, T. & Marchal, T. (n.D.). Towards an aerodynamically equivalent COVID19 1.5 m social distance for walking and running. 12.

The Physiological Effects of Face Masks During Workouts

<img load = "lazy" alt = "stop tidal carbon" class = "imagecache-full_width" src = "https://cdn2.omidoo.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/full_width/images/bydate/ 202101 / endtidalcarbondioxidelevelresearch .jpg "title =" Mean changes in end-tidal carbon dioxide during the exercise test, which was carried out on 16 subjects without a mask, with a surgical mask and with an N95 respirator. Error bars represent a 95% confidence interval. * Show a significant confidence interval for differences (P . < .05)" height="311"/>

Despite the gym closings and lockdown inconsistencies, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is an important strategy to protect yourself during the coronavirus pandemic (1). Even if social media chatters and opinions disagree, reality doesn't change: The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends wearing a mask or cloth face covering in public, especially in places where it's difficult Maintaining Social Distance and Mass Masking is an inexpensive and easy way to complement social distancing and other methods of controlling infection rates. Research also shows that gyms, like many other public spaces, are a source of virus transmission (2) and that masking should be part of the workout and exercise experience. This is especially true if the activity is aerobic (3).

Researchers at the Rambam Health Care Campus in Haifa, Israel, studied the physiological effects of face masks during exercise to assess the effects on the student. They found that masking during aerobic exercise had minimal and statistically inconsistent effects on heart rate, breathing rate, breathing, and blood oxygen saturation. However, use of an N95 ventilator indicated an increase in EtCO2 (End Tidal Carbod Dioxide) levels, a measure of carboxy dioxide production and clearance with breathing. This increase could also be explained by the fact that when a mask is worn, the exhaled air is inhaled again. Granted, airway exposure to elevated levels of carbon dioxide can affect performance, cause headaches, confusion, stupor, and increases in heart and breathing rates. Short term exposure and intermittent exposure can also lead to improvements in respiratory muscle development and better performance.

The research does not examine the effects of wearing masks from a psychological point of view, and it is not broad enough to draw specific conclusions about any particular populations, since it is an all-male group of subjects. It is therefore best not to generalize the results. However, you can simply stay out of the slipstream of anyone who exercises intensely and keep your distance (5). It used to be called an ounce of prevention that today looks like a million years ago, at a time when people's opinions about anything are extremely polarized.


1. Epstein, D., Korytny, A., Isenberg, Y., Marcusohn, E., Zukermann, R., Bishop, B., Minha, S., Raz, A. & Miller, A. (2021). Back to Training in the COVID-19 Era: The Physiological Effects of Face Masks During Exercise. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sport, 31 (1), 70–75. 2. K. J. Gontjes, K. E. Gibson, B. Lansing, M. Cassone & L. Mody (2020). Contamination of the common room and the rehabilitation hall with multi-resistant organisms. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 68 (3), 478-485. 3. Leung, NHL, Chu, DKW, Shiu, EYC, Chan, K.-H., McDevitt, JJ, Hau, BJP, Yen, H.-L., Li, Y., Ip, DKM, Peiris, JSM , Seto, W.-H., Leung, GM, Milton, DK & Cowling, BJ (2020). Exhaling the respiratory virus when exhaling and effectiveness of face masks. Nature Medicine, 26 (5), 676-680.

Getting More Healthy Proteins in your Diet

Eating a healthy, balanced diet can be difficult. The population is generally busier than it used to be, and many of us spend our days juggling lots of things, including work, childcare, housework, and pet care. It's no wonder that we often neglect ourselves, but it is vital to our health and wellbeing that we do our best to eat the recommended amount of the various food groups in order for our bodies to function optimally. Studies show that many people especially older adults Don't consume enough protein in your diet. A lack of protein can cause many problems, including liver disease, low blood pressure, anemia, and muscle weakness. If you are unsure of how to get more protein into your diet, this article provides some tips.

Eat high protein foods

A good diet should include variety within each food group for best results, and protein intake is no different. Some foods that are naturally high in protein include:

  • Meat and fish – lean meats like chicken and turkey are high in protein, low in fat, and therefore good for cholesterol. Canned fish like tuna and fatty fish like sardines, mackerel, and salmon are also good sources of protein.
  • Dairy products are great sources of protein, as well as other nutrients like calcium and vitamin D. Milk, yogurt, and cheese are all high in protein, but they are also high in fat. Hence, consider healthier versions like cottage cheese. or Greek yogurt – which is particularly rich in protein.
  • Eggs

Some people on restricted diets, such as vegetarians and vegans, may find it more difficult to eat enough protein, but there are many high-protein, non-animal products available:

  • Legumes like peas, beans, and lentils are good sources of protein. Edamame beans and chickpeas are especially good because they are so versatile.
  • Seeds like chia and quinoa.
  • Nuts like almonds, pistachios, almonds, and nut butters like peanuts are high in protein and essential fatty acids. However, avoid nut butters with added sugar.
  • Oats contain the highest amount of protein of any grain, so oatmeal is a great breakfast option.

Change the way you eat

Small lifestyle changes are an easy way to add more protein to your diet. By planning meals in advance, you can ensure that you are getting the recommended daily intake of protein and other necessary nutrients. If you eat meat, opt for grass-fed meat and leaner, larger pieces of red meat like sirloin to increase the amount of protein. Eat the protein portion of your meal first before consuming starchy foods, which can also benefit your blood sugar and insulin levels.

Swap unhealthy snacks like french fries and pretzels for healthier, protein-rich snacks like healthy jerks, trails or fruit and nut bars

Protein diet

Add a protein supplement to your diet

When many people think of protein supplements, they imagine muscular men drinking a protein shake after a workout at the gym, and while protein supplements are helpful in building muscle, they can benefit the wider population as well. Some companies make high-quality protein supplements that are extensively sourced from grass-fed American cows. If you're not a fan of shakes and smoothies, many protein powders can even be used in baking for nutritious baked goods!

If your weight is above or below average, you may need to eat less or more protein than other people. If you are unsure, it is a good idea to research and remember to include a variety of different sources of protein in your diet for the best result.

Keurig Drinkworks Review: Your Favorite Bartender at Home

Drinkworks Home Bar Keurig Black Friday Deal from Press Shots 3 of 5

Drinkworks Home Bar by Keurig

"The drinks aren't particularly expensive, but they aren't that good either."

  • Makes drinks fast

  • Pods are recyclable

  • The mini CO2 canister is a nice touch

  • Long time to cool the water

  • Makes a buzz when switched on

Every now and then a product comes onto the market that makes us curious. Case in point: The Drinkworks Home Bar, which uses pre-mixed drinks in Keurig-style bowls for making classic cocktails. Fascinating, no? It's the kind of fancy machine you might see at a party that gets the host to mix it up instead of standing at the bar preparing drinks for guests. Just who is having a party these days? Not us. Still, could this be the answer for those of us looking to supplement our beer and wine consumption while locked down with cocktails at home?

Full bar service design

Keurig's black Drinkworks Home Bar looks stylish enough and has a black body, a shiny silver pod dispenser with a start button surrounded by a blue or red light (depending on what is happening). It's the type of appliance that would fit nicely on a Carrara marble countertop that's just above the wine cooler in a chic new kitchen.

At 13 inches tall, 3.5 inches wide and 13.5 inches deep, and weighing in at a whopping 27.9 pounds, the Drinkworks machine looks more like a Porsche Cayenne than a 911, so expect it to be takes up quite a bit of space on your counter. Remember, it shouldn't be placed too close to a stove or oven. If you don't have a lot of counter space, you may have to make room by sacrificing another device (heaven forbids, not your coffee maker). You cannot use Keurig coffee pods in this machine. So just forget about the two-for-one idea that may be brewing up in your head.

The bar in stock

Once you've found a home for the Drinkworks, it's pretty easy to set up. There are three parts: the machine, the water tank and the drip tray. In the box you will also find two mini CO2 cartridges (they are really pretty cute), two water filters, cleaning tabs and a set of cardboard coasters with the name of a classic cocktail, a description and a little story.

In total, it took us about an hour to assemble the machine and get it running. Setting up is more time consuming than difficult. For example, you need to run a water tank through the machine, immerse the filter in water and rinse it (change every two months) and insert the CO2 cartridge. You know, standard stuff. Make sure the CO2 cartridge is firmly in place. Otherwise, you will hear a hissing sound. There isn't a ton of CO2 so you don't want to waste it on a bad installation.

Preparing cocktails hardly took any time – some call it a neat party trick.

Of course, like so many devices these days, there is a Drinkworks app. The app syncs with the device via Bluetooth, but there's not much you can do with it at this point. With the app you can register the device, watch videos, read tips, send recommendation codes and of course order more pods.

Once you have everything the way you want it, it's time to make a cocktail … right? Before using the machine, you must fill the tank with ice water and then wait 18 minutes for it to be ready for use. Don't worry, the countdown clock on the LED panel will keep you informed of the progress. When the device is switched on, it emits a low humming sound of 53 dB (similar to the sound of an electric fan).

Is there a bartender in the house?

At this point in time, there are 27 beverage offers and a Stella Artois cider pod (I personally would like a bottle of this bowl, not a pod). Most cocktails only contain one to three ingredients and are admittedly quite easy to make at home. Think: Belarusian, Moscow Mule, Gin & Tonic, Vodka Soda with Lime. There are also some that are a little more complex, contain more ingredients, and are time-consuming to make: Cosmopolitan, Mojito, Long Island Iced Tea, and a Margarita.

The pods come separately, and you can recycle used ones through the company's mail-back program. We received our canister of pods as a delivery, and since there is really alcohol in the pod, you must be of legal age to sign for it. Once you have the pods and the machine is set up, you can start making drinks. Simply pour into the pod, place a glass under the stout, follow the instructions on the display and watch a cocktail pour into the glass. It really is that simple. The drinks came out pretty quickly and we were able to make six cocktails on a full tank.

As with a Keurig coffee maker, getting the pod into use isn't always easy. Admittedly, it took us a few tries to see how the sleeves must be inserted so that the machine can dispense its liquid into a glass. There was some confusion after reading the instructions on how to align the pod. Once we figured it out, cocktails barely took time to make. Some might even say it's a neat party trick.

Taste test

Our test model contained three cocktails: Moscow Mule, Old Fashioned and Margarita. There are four pods in each container. Of the three drinks, we preferred the margarita because it tasted best like something a bartender would make. The Moscow mule was too cute and the Old Fashioned had a strong orange flavor. Typically this orange flavor is more subtle or only comes in the form of a side dish.

If you haven't tried a drink from the Top Shelf collection, you may not know the brand of alcohol in the pod. If I have an Old Fashioned or Manhattan, I definitely want to know what kind of whiskey I'm drinking.

Our opinion

We spent hours thinking about why you'd want a Keurig-powered cocktail maker and pony for up to $ 300 for it. Here's what we came up with: For those with disposable income, the machine is a novelty that would be fun at parties. Some people who like cocktails but may not have the confidence or know-how to make them at home might find the machine useful.

The pods aren't particularly expensive at $ 17 for four pods (a little over $ 4 per drink), but ordering a few different mixes can get expensive very quickly. It's not the best cocktails we've had so the price is ok but we wouldn't call it a deal. In general, the cocktails aren't all that exciting for those who really know how their drinks taste, but others will appreciate the convenience they offer when making a drink. If you have to wait that long for the machine to prepare a drink from a hard stop to the end, the whole experience becomes a breeze. On the other hand, a drink can be dispensed quickly in about a minute if it is kept switched on and the water tank is full.

Is there a better alternative?

As this is a first of its kind, there is no other machine that we would call a better alternative. For those with a more refined taste, it's better to stock up on your own drinks and make some of the simpler drinks the old-fashioned way … or, as you know, go to a bar.

How long it will take?

There is no information about how long the machine should last. The pods have a best drink date which is around nine months. The Keurig Drinkworks Home Bar comes with a one-year guarantee.

Should you buy it?

At $ 299, the short answer is no. Unless money is not an issue. At $ 16 for four pods, the drinks aren't particularly expensive, but they don't taste the best either. It is certainly expensive for a small countertop device that can create a distress if you need to drink frequently.

The convenience of making drinks at the touch of a button is sure to appeal to some people – even more to those who want a quick quick treat at home. The beverage portfolio continues to grow and includes more complicated cocktails, wines, and even beer.

Editor's recommendations

Why you should go to a vascular surgeon if you have varicose veins

Varicose veins are a common health problem. Around 20% of the population will suffer from it at some point. Over time, they can sometimes become painful. They also look unsightly. It is therefore not surprising that many people are seeking treatment for this condition.

Often they do this privately. Not all government health care providers treat the condition as a routine. Even if they offer treatment, the waiting list is likely to be quite long. A Houston vascular surgeon, for example, is usually very busy, but don't let that put you off. Often times, they work on serious cases where the disease has progressed, which means taking care to treat each patient properly.

Because of this, it is not surprising that people often turn to clinics that do not specialize in vascular problems for a quick fix. But the question is, should they do that? Is it safe? The simple answer to both questions is no, and it will be even if your varicose veins can be treated with lasers. Let's take a look at why.

Varicose veins are a health problem

There is a tendency to view varicose veins as a purely aesthetic problem. This leads some people to become beauticians to sort them out. In reality they are a disease.

The side effects of varicose veins can be very serious

Some people develop quite serious symptoms that go well beyond merely bulging and injuring veins. The lack of blood flow can lead to leg ulcers, skin thickening and bleeding. It is relatively easy to use the laser to remove the veins but cause other damage.

This can easily lead to more painful symptoms and other health problems. Even with adequate medical supervision, around 5% of patients develop other problems. It is therefore not advisable to allow someone without proper medical training to treat your varicose veins.

The risk of infection

If treatment is not given in an appropriate medical facility, there is also an increased risk of infection. It is always best to seek advice from someone who specializes in treating varicose veins to reduce the risk of infection and to make sure you have the correct follow-up plan.

It is easy to make a serious mistake

Vascular surgeons have a thorough understanding of anatomy. They know where the veins go and, more importantly, which ones can and cannot be treated safely. It is also easy to damage nerves and tissues if the laser or foam sclerotherapy needle is not used in the correct locations.

If you have varicose veins make sure that you only accept treatment from a qualified person. You can easily check their qualifications online. For example, if you live in America you would go here. In other countries, visit the appropriate Medical Board website and search there.

A Guide to Buy Exercise Equipment for Home

Experts believe that exercise is good for your physical and mental health. With the COVID-19 pandemic still raging, it is not advisable to get involved in any training. Better to stay at home and do the sports that you need right for Exercise equipment for the home. With a mind-boggling selection of devices, you can be very confused about what is best for you.

Most people prefer to go to the gym because they believe that fitness equipment costs a lot of money. The truth is you can build a home gym on a frugal budget. And it won't take up too much space either.

Here is a guide to buying fitness equipment for the home:

Foldable treadmill

A treadmill is an essential part of your home gym. Although it's a bit pricey, you may be able to find one under $ 300. Try using a foldable treadmill with enough running surface (approximately 50 "by 16") and cushioned deck technology to protect your joints from impact damage.


The speed of the treadmill can be anywhere from 0.5 to 10 miles per hour, although most of these machines come with two to three manual incline settings. Most devices also have an LCD that shows the speed, time, distance and calorie consumption of a session.

Today's treadmills have sensors built into the handlebars to monitor your heart rate. Did you know that 20 minutes of walking every day is a great physical activity that has numerous health benefits?

Folding exercise bike

Next on your list of priorities for your exercise bike is a collapsible (space-saving) exercise bike. Many people prefer an exercise bike because it is light and easy to store, which is inexpensive, and helps burn more calories. Exercise bikes are the best way to get your daily constitution up by cardio. Depending on your purchasing power, you can opt for simple cyclists or expensive, multi-function machines.


A standard exercise bike can support a weight of up to 300 pounds and is suitable for people between 5 feet 3 and 6 feet 1. With many adjustments to the level of difficulty, an exercise bike can be adapted to individual needs. These motorcycles have an LCD with a display of the distance covered, the calorie consumption, the time and the speed. Hand sensors embedded in the handlebars monitor your heart rate.

Rowing machine

Rowing machines offer the best cardio and muscle building. However, cardiac patients need to consult a doctor before rowing as it is a strenuous exercise. It is suitable for normal people who want brisk cardio workouts every day.


Additionally, exercising on a rowing machine can help build muscle over time. These devices are great for full body training and work on arms, legs and back. In addition, rowing has less of an impact than walking or running on a treadmill. therefore it is easy on the legs and ankles.

A standard rowing machine has a 350 pound load capacity and many resistance levels (depending on the model). The seats are padded and the handles are designed to be non-slip to ensure a firm hold. The LCD shows the time, number of lines and calories burned.

In summary

During this COVID pandemic that has driven most of us indoors, setting up a home gym is one of the best ideas. The equipment does not take up too much space and is suitable for workouts at any time of the day. Most devices require little maintenance other than regular dusting.

How to Learn a Handstand and Fall Less

Knowing what to expect from your handstand journey is important. Most of us are not gymnasts or professional hand balancers, so we don't need to have a perfect handstand whatever that is.

With social media, we often feel discouraged because we are exposed to the best whose job it is to do a certain handstand.

There is no competition or judge for the regular person; You only train for yourself.

This article is for people who want to improve their kick-up consistency, that is, step into a handstand and hold it most of the time. I know from personal experience that it is frustrating to waste constantly falling energy not doing a handstand.

It is important that you are comfortable in your hands so that you can perform cool movements, such as walking::

I call this a trip because it is. You can have the best workout one day, nothing goes right the next day.

It doesn't matter how experienced you are. There will still be bad days. You will be better at reading your body and adapting.

Prepare your wrist

I have found during my personal training career that the majority of people have weak wrists. Don't be discouraged if you are, but you have to accept where you are. We live in a beautiful society, but it has its drawbacks. One of them is that we never use our wrists.

We don't hang, crawl, or put pressure on them (typing on the laptop doesn't count).

Remember the body is efficient. Use it or lose it. This applies to physical, technical and mental abilities.

Teaching large classes, I quickly realized that doing 2-3 exercises that put a little pressure on the wrist, the moaning I heard wasn't due to physical exertion, but rather from wrist pain.

When you start exercising your wrist, it will only take a few weeks for improvements to be seen. How do you strengthen your wrists?

Build habits in your daily life because doing just a day or two a week is not enough, even if it takes an hour.

I love this quote from Bruce Lee::

How to Learn a Handstand and Fall Less - Fitness, Balance, Endurance, Core, Alignment, Flexibility, Handstand, Walking Handstand, Push Up Handstand, Push Handstand, Wrist Pain, Shoulder Mobility, Neuromuscular, Pike, Spatial Skill

It takes 5-15 minutes every day to get the best results or to spread them over the day by creating cues or reminders.

For example, take a kit or timer every day before a meal or after a shower to make yourself comfortable by incorporating it into your life.

We spend most of the day developing habits that we have developed. It's not a habit when it takes too much energy and willpower.

What if you don't get wrist pain?

Wrist work is still required.

You need to realize that handstands are not a natural position.

Your ankles are designed to support your full weight and gravity, but our tiny wrists are not.

This is why it is important to strengthen your wrists, fingers and forearms, as well as your elbows and shoulders.

Progress in handstands and weight training will depend on how strong your joints and tendons get, as these small areas must withstand the stress and force that goes through them.

You can find more mobility routines here Prehab / Rehab for:

Before you stand upside down, spend a week or two getting the joints ready.

Getting into handstands against the wall can cause discomfort to your wrists (these get stronger and adapt), but it shouldn't be painful.

Babies do it every day

There is no such thing as a perfect handstand program, but you will hear athletes / coaches say their path is the best, and I'm not saying my path is the best either.

I share how I taught myself and my clients to balance on their hands. Everyone is different and we all learn differently. That's what moves the world.

Two components make the difference regardless of the program or training style you use.

The first component is consistency

We hear this word all the time because without it there is no success. It doesn't matter how great your training session might have been.

Exercising once a week doesn't help.

You will not build the neural adaptation and spatial awareness to master the handstand.

When babies learn to walk / stand, they do it every day. You have the desire and curiosity to step into the unknown, learn and adapt. That's the kind of attitude you want to have.

You don't have to spend hours every day, you need to make a habit of standing on your head. If you're bored or doing simple tasks, practice your handstand instead. All it takes is five minutes.

Heck, one set a day will get the job done.

This is in addition to 2-3 workouts (around 1 hour) per week to practice various exercises and weak spots.

The second component is the time in your hands

The second component is the actual time you spend balancing on your hands. If you don't flip up and hold the handstand, it may be part of your workout, but not for the whole class, please. It teaches you very little.

You need to get the most out of your workout. You actually want to feel what it is like to carry weight on your hands, shift your center of gravity, and how your hands are constantly making small adjustments.

Do exercises on the wall or near the wall and that way you will have support if you fall.

Some people can only hold a handstand in one position. I'm not talking about creating shapes with your legs because their sphere of influence is bad:

It could be that they never spent time in these positions. How can you adjust if you don't know what position your body is in?

Spend some time in one::

  • Banana handstand (arched back)
  • For a pike (are your glutes too tight, your hands uneven?)

If you know what not to do, you can correct it.

  • When I learned the handstand, I was obsessed with being in a straight line. Otherwise it didn't count.
  • I would stop doing the handstand if I knew I wasn't straight.
  • This resulted in my being unable to navigate or adjust while in my hands.
  • My kick-up was bad and I didn't understand what was going on.
  • Then I focused on my hands, shoulders and hips.

I would kick, and whatever position my body was in, I would try to hold it.

Babies will try all sorts of things, spend ten seconds here, then fall, another ten seconds there, and then fall.

It's similar to a handstand ride. Spend ten seconds standing and another 30 seconds with a drill on the wall. Gather those precious seconds on your hands. If you do them often, you will make progress.


Don't overcomplicate it, be consistent and spend time with your hands.

Here is a training template that you can edit and customize.

  • Select exercises to focus on the areas I've described.
  • You will do most of the exercises as a superset.
  • A superset occurs when you perform a sentence in an exercise (B1) and then immediately switch to another exercise (B2).

You can rest when you have completed the set.

Handstand session template

How to Learn a Handstand and Fall Less - Fitness, Balance, Endurance, Core, Alignment, Flexibility, Handstand, Walking Handstand, Push Up Handstand, Push Handstand, Wrist Pain, Shoulder Mobility, Neuromuscular, Pike, Spatial Skill

Training units can be structured in this way or played irregularly.

You can change the exercises you do each month, week, or session after session.

Stretches during the session are good for loosening up muscles and calming breathing. The more relaxed you are, the better your handstands will be.

A handstand program for beginners can be found here Handstand 0-60.

Flexibility and handstands go hand in hand, as you can stack your feet, hips, and shoulders on top of your hands to make the handstand less deflated.

Without shoulder flexibility (+ 180 ° overhead lifting or backend), your wrists and forearms take most of the load. These areas tire quickly under your weight.

It's much better to let your shoulder carry most of the load, just like your hips are for your lower body.

Without hamstring flexibility, a forward crease, or the pancake stretch, you cannot control your kick-up and you will find it difficult to keep your legs straight in a handstand.

You can train your flexibility together or separately from your handstands.

There is no such thing as a perfect handstand

There is no such thing as a perfect handstand. There is only a desire and curiosity to step into the unknown, learn and adapt.

Spend five minutes a day with your hands exercising 2-3 times a week. Work on exercises to improve your balance, endurance, and consistency.

You can always improve your alignment. Take care of your joints because they determine how far you can go.