Do This To Increase Your Bench Press

Have you ever said anything about your bench press?

"I was almost there, I just grooved the elevator wrong."

"I'm always pinned to the bottom of my bench."

"I can touch that weight and walk, but when I stop my bench I'm so much weaker."

"My overhead press and other bench accessories all got stronger, but my bench stayed the same."

These are comments I hear a lot from people who are having trouble increasing their bench press.

The good news is that they can be easily fixed by identifying the underlying problem and implementing effective solutions to address it.

When people fail, their bench pushes a few inches away from their chest for one or more of these reasons.

  1. Weak chest muscles relative to shoulders and triceps.
  2. Inability to quickly pick up and reverse the direction of the load.
  3. Bad technique.

When the bar contacts your chest, your pectoral muscles are stretched and are in a favorable position to create force and reverse the load.

However, in the same lower position, your shoulders and triceps are at a disadvantaged leverage point.

Their main contribution is closer to the middle area and upwards.

This is generally the point at which we see the elbows feel like transferring the need for stress from the pecs to the shoulders and triceps to complete the lift.

I'll provide an overview here, but if you need to work on your own specific goals or have other issues, just contact me on Stacked Strength.

Weak chest muscles

When a lifter improperly creases a lift directly from the chest, it often indicates weak chest muscles.

Because the pecs can't generate enough force to push the weight up, the elbows flare excessively to shift the load demands on the triceps and shoulders.

As mentioned earlier, at the bottom of the repetition, the triceps and shoulders are in a disadvantageous mechanical position to push the weight.

Therefore, weak pecs are usually the culprit when an athlete fails a rep a few inches from the chest.

However, this is often accompanied by an inability to effectively take the load and maximize the strain reduction cycle. If the athlete lowers the bar, and the eccentric and isometric strength is insufficient, then he will not take the load, which will lead to a decrease in elastic energy.

This energy, if not lost, would be used to quickly reverse the weight of the chest.

Bad technique

Another important factor in failure is bad technique.

However, there are several articles and how-to videos on how to optimize the bench press technique based on your levers and experience.

Therefore, technique will not be the focus of this article as it is assumed that technique is not the limiting factor.

Here, I'm going to teach you a simple strategy that addresses these two main problems so you can start developing new PRs.

Who will benefit?

But let's talk first about who this is for. As mentioned earlier, if you fail your chest, or if you lift incorrectly or struggle with paused reps, assuming your technique is decent, then you likely have weak pectorals.

Also, you likely lack the specific eccentric and isometric strength to both absorb and reverse the weight.

If this sounds like you, this strategy can help. The people who mainly have these problems are beginners and advanced learners.

Advanced athletes are a bit more complex, which can make the solutions equally complex. But I digress.

The solution

Below is a video demonstration of an effective exercise in fixing the above issues.

The strategy I am discussing can be implemented with great success with various urgent exercises and is not limited to the demonstration below.

An additional benefit of using Tempo while eliminating its mechanical advantages is the following It places higher demands on the target muscles and connective tissue without producing the same level of fatigue.

This is because, while the exercise feels challenging, the absolute load is less than if you were doing a full powerlifting setup and choosing an load with the same relative intensity.

For exampleWith a proper powerlifting setup, you can do a set of 8 at 100 lbs, but when you're doing a set of 8 at 70 lbs at pace, it might not feel any easier.

Same relative intensity, but less absolute stress.

This reduction in absolute stress reduces the stress on your body. This allows you to do more productive workouts within a micro cycle without exceeding your ability to recover.

Learn how to perform the Skull crusher exercises like an expert

Exercising the triceps is important because the massive muscle on the extremity is at the back of the arm. But unless you hit the gym often, you don't have to worry about finding a potential workout to use at home.

Skull breaker are one of the most useful exercises when it comes to working on the triceps. These mainly focus on the long head of the triceps, which stabilizes your shoulder joint and prevents any movement. Let's find out how this exercise can come to your rescue in need. To perform this exercise like an expert, follow the directions carefully.

Everything about the sKull Crusher shape to you

Skull crushers are not only beneficial for improved strength and triceps. They're also useful for doing better pushups, improved grip strength, and triceps with minimal effort. Skull breakers, also known as triceps extensions, can give you instant results when needed. Yes, performing a skull breaker is a daunting task indeed. However, if you press the right buttons, you are not far from accessing it.

The skull breaker in body weight is one of the best skull breaking exercise to get the best benefits every day. You can also do this with dumbbells if you want to build strong muscles in no time. As you practice the exercises, make sure you focus on following the directions. If you do something wrong, you can even injure your body. So set your priority accordingly.

How to do that Skull breaker in body weight?

The Skull breaker in body weight is a hands-on exercise that you can do whenever you want at home. This is an exercise that you can comfortably do anywhere as it requires minimal equipment.

All you need is an exercise device or sturdy chair that won't move during the exercise. It is important that the equipment is stable while exercising to avoid personal injury. Also, remember to go for a platform that is higher up for you. If the platform is high, it will be more convenient for you to do the exercise without any problem.

1. Put your hands on the platform. Make sure you do this a shoulder-width apart. To do this, stand in a push-up position and put your shoulders behind your hand.

2. Now contract your core and pull your shoulders down. Try to slide it back for maximum stability.

3. Try to keep your body firm and straight. Bend your arms as you tuck them in the side of your body. Remember that your upper arm is mostly still. Your elbows should be the only joint that moves.

4. Now stretch out your arms and push yourself back to the starting position without dropping your hips or losing your core tension.

5. Perform the Skull breaker in body weight exercise regularly to get the best results.

How to do that Dumbbell skull breaker?

The dumbbell skull breaker is one such exercise that shows its benefits at an early stage. It's an unquestionable way to sculpt your triceps and build muscles without stress. By doing this exercise regularly, you can achieve stronger triceps, triceps isolation, and minimal stress on the wrists. As a result, your body will feel more active and minimal effort can change the game for you. All you need is a pair of dumbbells for this exercise.

1. Lie on a flat bench with your feet firmly on the floor.

2. Hold the dumbbells across your chest with your palms facing each other. At this point you should also try to activate the core.

3. Now carefully hinge your elbows out of their fixed position. Bring the dumbbells near your ear and slowly inhale.

4. Contract your triceps to bring your arms back to the starting position. Now exhale.

5. Repeat the process Dumbbell skull breaker many times until you get the effects you want on your body.

How to add that Skull breaker shape in your routine?

For those who plan to do that Skull breaker in body weightYou only need to do it once or twice a week for the best results. Since these are intense exercises, you don't want to hurt your body more often.

For the people who want to do that Dumbbell skull breakerAt least 3 to 4 sets of 10 to 15 repetitions are sufficient for you. You can also grab heavier dumbbells if you like and do the exercise in 3 to 4 sets of 6 to 8 repetitions. It's entirely up to you.


1. What mistakes should I avoid when doing the skull breaker with dumbbells?

Most people tend to straighten their elbows a lot. Avoid doing this to protect yourself from injury. Excessive movement of your shoulders can also lead to many health risks. So please avoid that. These are some of the things to avoid while doing this Dumbbell skull breaker.

2. Are there variations for Skull breaker in body weight?

TRX Bodyweight Skull Crusher and Weighted Body Skull Crusher are some of the best exercises to do at home.

3. Can I use a box to do the bodyweight exercise?

Yes, make sure the box is firm enough to stand still during the exercise. So opt for a heavy one.

Take that away

The Skull breaker Exercise is an unquestionable way to improve your triceps and build strong muscles. Try this exercise at home and get its benefits right away. We promise; you will not be disappointed.

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Failure Doesn’t Exist | Breaking Muscle

In this episode I'm with Ray "Cash" Care. Ray is a Navy Seal veteran who used his experience and passion to become an expert in self-improvement, team building, and fitness.

He is the founder of CONQUER, a leadership and team building program designed to get you physically, mentally and emotionally to overcome personal barriers.

Ray will teach you how to learn, grow, and benefit from your pain by getting better inside out.

In this episode, we discuss the lessons Ray learned in his career:

  • Why is there no mistake?
  • The simple (but not easy to achieve) equation of success
  • A damn motivating speech from Ray

You can also find this podcast on top of all of my other Six Pack of Knowledge podcasts (curated discussions with the world's greatest hypertrophy experts).

Or search for Breaking Muscle's channel and podcasts on the following services: iTunes, Spotify, YouTube, Stitcher, PlayerFM, PodBean.

You can find Ray and his work here::


WHY YOGA FOR Constipation

Yoga is not just a life choice nowadays, it is a lifestyle and can make healing from pain and discomfort easier due to the imbalance of the digestive system. Unhealthy eating habits and a busy schedule can lead to such a cause, leading to infrequent bowel movements or difficulty passing. Not only does this yoga help reduce stress, which can improve our digestive systems. Meditation and breathing exercises help relieve stress that has healthy effects on your digestive system. Yoga for constipation also helps improve your digestive system by twisting wrinkles that contract the organs and increase blood flow to our body systems.

People facing obesity who are fat can find yoga poses immensely challenging, and if you practice them regularly you can do them perfectly.


Constipation in common parlance is the bowel movement that is either infrequent or difficult to pass. Other common symptoms of constipation can include abdominal pain and gas. It can cause various complications in our body system such as hemorrhoids and feces. The frequency of bowel movements in a normal adult is the same as in babies and is at least two to three times a day.

Various complications like irritable bowel syndrome, hypothyroidism, celiac disease, colon cancer etc. can be caused during constipation. Constipation can be a serious problem if it causes weight loss or congestion in the stool. In America, statistics show that over $ 200 million to $ 250 million is spent on drugs for constipation each year.

There are several remedies and prescribed diets that one can follow to treat constipation. One can include liquids and fibrous foods in one's diet to combat the disadvantages. If such a food is found to be inefficient, then osmotic and bulk-forming agents are highly recommended by doctors

However, there are numerous drugs on the market that provide a perfect or temporary cure for constipation, including calcium channel blockers, opioids, etc. However, it is recommended to establish a diet with a regular exercise plan to maintain and structure a lifestyle and as opposed to yoga Constipation has proven to be extremely disciplinary, spiritual, and healthy for our system, it is recommended that you perform yoga poses to get rid of constipation.




It is an effective yoga for curing constipation problems. Since the pose is not an intricate poster, there is benefit in removing or removing the waste from your body system and moving your digestive system around by moving your food. This yoga pose also helps in increasing the blood flow in your body.

  1. Lie quietly on your back, then slowly bring both legs neatly to your chest.
  2. Then lift your right leg slightly in the air while keeping your left leg just near your chest.
  3. Then place your left leg in a half curve on the right side
  4. While holding your face to the left



As the name suggests, it is a gas reliving pose that helps stimulate the bowel, which is difficult to pass. This yoga for constipation problems can help relieve abdominal pain and gas.

  1. Lie comfortably on your back with your legs straight and arms in an aligned position
  2. Then bring your left leg close to your chest
  3. Hold your leg with your arms and slowly bring your forehead to the knee
  4. Exhale as you bring your forehead toward your knee and try to touch your knee with your nose.



This post helps in the contraction of your organs and improves relaxation in your body. It is also beneficial in increasing the proper blood flow in the body.

  1. Sit on the floor on your knee
  2. Then lean forward and place your hands straight vertically
  3. And put your head down and exhale as you go up
  4. Remember to stretch your arms over yourself and then return them to their original position, comfortably sitting on your knees and hands on your thighs.

YOGA FOR Constipation During Pregnancy

Because pregnancy can be a difficult time for both a mother and her child, and constipation at this point can make life difficult. Additionally, exercising or following regular fitness patterns is often neglected to avoid the risk. Not only can yoga be helpful in maintaining your physical condition, but it can also relieve you of the unhealthy pains of constipation.

Pregnancy is a period of transformation in which a mother experiences certain changes in her body due to a hormonal imbalance that makes her life chaotic. Many pregnant women are unaware of the flow, which makes them more emotional, scared and forgetting to take proper care of their bodies. This can negatively affect your child's body and it is an unfortunate fact that constipation at some point affects half of all pregnant women.

Low-fiber nutrients in the diet, anxiety, stress, depression, and less attention to regular exercise can cause constipation in pregnant women. It's also due to hormonal changes that affect the bowel muscles and uterus by putting pressure on the intestinal walls to expand. This relaxation of the muscles can cause food to move slowly in your body. Sometimes constipation can also be due to the contribution of iron tables or supplements, as a mother is usually recommended during pregnancy. Let's go over some of the simple but useful aspects Yoga for constipation during pregnancy



This pose is mainly recommended by trainers for constipation because it stimulates the digestive and reproductive systems. It also helps with digestion so that your stomach stays healthy and there are no complications. It also helps relive the gas trapped in the intestines, which is beneficial in curing constipation.

  1. Since this pose has been called a cow or cat pose, it means that you need to hold a pose like an animal with legs and arms on the floor
  2. Then, hold the back of your body up slightly, i.e. H. Basically the hip section, and keep your neck up. While inhaling
  3. Then lay your neck down while looking at your navel and exhale



It is a very effective yet simple yoga where a woman can also accept her inner strength and build herself up to face challenges and fear. This attitude can boost their confidence and prepare them to deal with childbirth by providing relief from healing constipation. The Goddess Pose helps you open your pelvis and inner thigh. This pose effectively strengthens your muscles. There are several types of UtakataKonsana, or Goddess pose, but it is recommended for pregnant women to maintain better posture.

  1. Open your legs with a bend at your knees and thighs parallel to the floor.
  2. Keep your heels in and pull them out
  3. Raise your hands above your head. Remember to keep your hand apart and your palms wide open
  4. And then do the usual breathing exercises by breathing in and out at set times.


This is one of the regular poses of yoga that is also included in Surya Namaskar so that everyone can do this yoga exercise for teaching as well as relaxing the body, and pregnant women need a certain amount of time to relax their bodies so their brains, it calms down is highly recommended in order to relive constipation and gas.

  1. Sit comfortably with your back straight and your legs folded
  2. In Jnana Mudra, keep your arms on their respective knees, which means that the toe should touch the index finger while the palm should be facing up.
  3. Then focus on your breathing process.

What is Pavanamuktasana?

Wind relieving pose is also known as pavanmuktasan, which is useful and effective in taking care of your digestive system. It also has many significant health benefits.

Can Someone Cope With Constipation The Natural Way?

Yes, it is possible as constipation is not a disease and the inclusion of fibrous contents in your diet, water, herbal laxatives, probiotic supplements, etc. can be consumed to get rid of constipation. Also maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Will cottage cheese or rice in general be useful in treating constipation?

Yes, because the peel and germs have been removed and quark cools the stomach. It has pro-biotic elements. It contains calcium, vitamin B-12, magnesium, etc.

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The top Bosu ball exercises that no one ever told you about

Adults over 65 years of age are at high risk of falling and postural instability. As the body grows weekly, the need for training increases enormously. Because workouts help keep the body stable and fit by helping us avoid clumsiness, it is essential for all older adults. Bosu ball exercise is one such activity that will transform the game for you.

That jiggling half-fit ball isn't as useless as it seems. While it looks like it will cause an instant accident, the opposite is true. Some of the main benefits of this exercise are improved postural stability, reduced risk of falling, and increased strength. If you want to improve these elements in your body, now is the time to learn about this exercise.

Are Bosu Ball Exercises Safe for Beginners?

Bosu ball exercises for beginners can be a little tricky. However, once you get the hang of it, this exercise will look like a cake. Bosu ball training is an unquestionable exercise that promises to increase stability, maintain balance, and improve strength in so many ways. There are many ways to do this workout. Because this type of exercise has a multitude of variations to choose from, it will be more convenient for you to learn right away.

Some of the best bosu ball exercises range from front lung, single-leg bridge, forearm plank and side forearm plank. For starters, we recommend starting out with the guidance of a trainer so you can learn the art of balance without getting injured. A trainer will also help you learn the trick of performing exercises on a Bosu ball in no time. This way you can avoid obstacles immediately.

The best bosu ball exercises try now

You see, the truth is that all you need to do in order to perform this exercise is the art of balancing. Performing a bosu ball exercise is like riding a two-pedal cycle – you just need to maintain balance to do it without complications. Hence, below we list instructions on how to do that best bosu ball exercises at home with minimal effort. Also, remember to balance well when you start with this.

1. Forearm plank– Turn the Bosu Ball to the other end. Make sure the flat side is facing down. Now carefully place your forearms on the sides of the ball. Your shoulder should be wide at this point. Move to the plank position to do one of the following best bosu ball exercises by making sure your back is flat. Hold this position for a few seconds, then repeat the workout.

2. Drinking bird– Turn the flat side of the bosu ball. Gently stand with one leg on the other end. Let the other leg flat at the back. Now bend your straight knee slightly and lean your hips forward. Hang your hand straight down near your leg. Now slowly return to your starting position. Make sure your pelvis is level throughout the movement. Repeat that best bosu ball exercises regularly.

3. Step on the Bosu Ball– If that's what you want to learn Bosu ball exercises for absKicks on the Bosu Ball will do the trick for you. First, lie with your hips on the ball. Your legs should extend outward at a 45 degree angle. Try to maintain your lower back and pelvis as much as possible. Move in a controlled and rhythmic manner. Perform at least 15 to 25 kicks on both sides.

4th Front lungs– Place the flat side of the Bosu ball on the floor. Gently step on the ball with one leg. Now try to lower yourself into a lunge and always keep your knee facing towards you. Once you reach the lower part of the lunge, push up with your leading leg to get back to the starting position. Repeat such Bosu ball exercises for beginners also on the other leg. 5. Heel Tapping – First, lay your lips on the Bosu Ball. Make sure your knees are bent and your hips are at the correct angle. As you exhale, gently lower one of your legs to the floor. Now tap the floor with your heel and hold it down for a few seconds. Then return to the starting position. Repeat this Bosu ball exercises for abs also on the other leg.

Take that away

This best Bosu ball exercises are a show dealer if you practice them every day. With the numerous benefits they bring to your body, there is no way you are going to be skipping it for yourself. Try more. We are waiting to know how it will help you.

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A Roadmap to Success for Fitness Professional

Our guest today is Mark Coles. Mark is a trainer, bodybuilder, gym owner, educator, and fitness business mentor. He has also just published his book "Level Up – The Fitness Pro's Roadmap for Excellence" and topped the Amazon bestseller charts.

In this episode, we examine the valuable lessons Mark has learned from two decades of training and how they can be applied to all areas of life to take you to the next level.

You can also find this podcast on top of all of my other Six Pack of Knowledge podcasts (curated discussions with the world's greatest hypertrophy experts).

Or search for Breaking Muscle's channel and podcasts on the following services: iTunes, Spotify, YouTube, Stitcher, PlayerFM, PodBean.

5 causes that make inner thigh pain an uphill battle for you

Inner thigh pain is a common problem in adults today. It could be a cause of various underlying health conditions such as hernias, kidney stones, and muscle tension. When this pain becomes unbearable, many people try home remedies, but all for free. Instead, home remedies make the problem worse, leading to serious side effects. In this case, it is always useful to consult a doctor about this.

Today we are going to walk you through nine main causes that lead to this type of pain. Something like this will help you dive into the root of the problem and fix it.

five Cause pain in the inner thigh that will help you

Inner thigh pain can be daunting; Hence, you need treatment that will help you get into the heart of the problem and fix it for you. To do this, you need to know the root cause of the pain. Now let's discuss that cause internal thigh pain for the best experience.

1. hernia– This is an underlying problem that occurs when the intestines push through the lower abdomen and form a chunky lump. Hernia problems can worsen over time. Therefore, it is important that you get it treated right away by contacting a medical expert. Inguinal hernias are the most common type with symptoms such as discomfort, pain, and cough. Sometimes you will also feel a burning sensation in the groin area. So, watch out for these symptoms so your hernia doesn't become a more damaging condition to you. Treating an inguinal hernia can relieve you of everyday life Pain in the upper inner thigh in no time.

2. Muscle injuries Often, some activities or accidents can cause internal pain that may not appear externally. However, moaning pain and discomfort are some of the main symptoms of such problems. These are called muscle injuries. Running and jumping are some of the sample activities that regularly lead to such problems. If there is swelling and bruising near your inner thigh area, you know what it is. You can also feel heavy Pain in the upper inner thigh This will help you find out if it is a muscle injury. You can also get an X-ray to find out about this problem freely.

3. Pregnancy Many pregnant women also suffer from this disease. Inner thigh pain during pregnancy occurs when the pregnant woman develops pubic bone dysfunction. As a result, the pelvic bone becomes unstable and causes pain in the pelvic area. Due to this problem, the limitation of mobility and grinding noise also occurs. Regular medical examinations are a must to avoid complications during this time. You also need to be on the lookout for internal pain to avoid causing trouble for yourself.

4. kidney stones Kidney stones are one of the most common causes of Pain in the upper inner thigh. These lumps, which are found as stones in the kidney, cause severe discomfort, pain, nausea, and painful urination that also affect your inner thigh. You need to watch out for these kidney stones. Most doctors recommend surgery to remove kidney stones right away. Others may give you medication to correct this problem. You can also watch for nausea, back pain, and blood in the urine to avoid complications later. Remember, ignoring this problem can make it worse.

5. Menstruation- Painful periods with unusual symptoms like fever and vomiting can be one of the causes cause internal thigh pain to you. Those who have unusually painful cramps are also exposed to this problem. Therefore, get a doctor examined immediately if you feel this Pain in the upper inner thigh grow in you. If you have had extreme pain in your back, pelvic area, and lower abdomen for a long time, you may need medical help at the earliest. So remember to keep an eye out for such severe pain in the body. With the right diagnosis and treatment, you can get rid of this problem in no time. So don't leave a stone intact for it.

Take that away

These were some of the most common Inner thigh pain makes you look out for something. You need to consult a doctor right away if you are feeling this problem regularly. Make sure you stay healthy!


1. Is the bone condition one of the cause internal thigh pain?

Yes, the bone condition is one of the cause internal thigh pain. In this case, remember to consult a medical expert. You have this problem.

2. Is Inner thigh pain during pregnancy harmful?

Naturally, Inner thigh pain during pregnancy can also be harmful to the baby if you don't get checked at the right time. Therefore, it is vital for you to consult a medical expert in such cases.

3. Is inflammation a cause of inner thigh pain?

Yes. It is.

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A Roadmap to Success for Fitness Professional

Our guest today is Mark Coles. Mark is a trainer, bodybuilder, gym owner, educator, and fitness business mentor. He has also just published his book "Level Up – The Fitness Pro's Roadmap for Excellence" and topped the Amazon bestseller charts.

In this episode, we examine the valuable lessons Mark has learned from two decades of training and how they can be applied to all areas of life to take you to the next level.

You can also find this podcast on top of all of my other Six Pack of Knowledge podcasts (curated discussions with the world's greatest hypertrophy experts).

Or search for Breaking Muscle's channel and podcasts on the following services: iTunes, Spotify, YouTube, Stitcher, PlayerFM, PodBean.

Arlo Pro 4 Spotlight Camera Review: Security at a Lower Cost

Arlo Pro 4 headlight camera

"The Arlo Pro 4 dispenses with the hub and delivers the same great performance as its predecessor at a lower startup cost."

  • Sharp looking footage

  • Additional details with colored night vision

  • No hub is required for setup

  • Smart security with Arlo Smart Service

  • The technical data are similar to those of the predecessor

  • Headlights required for color night vision

Security camera maker Arlo may have been quiet in the first six months of 2020, but the company was certainly busy in the second half of the year. After the introduction of the new Essential series of cameras, the Arlo Pro 4 Spotlight camera saved the best for last. This model replaces the more expensive Arlo Pro 3, which is noteworthy for realizing what it means to be the best camera out there.

Whenever a device makes a numerical leap, there is an expectation that it will propel things forward in a dramatic way. Let's find out if this is the case with the Arlo Pro 4 spotlight camera.

Drop the hub

There's no denying the fact that the Arlo Pro 4 Spotlight Camera spec sheet is drooling, but what is often overlooked is how the system works. What's special about this camera compared to its predecessor is that it digs up the hub – so it's now a truly wireless proposition.

Arlo Pro 4 Spotlight camera bodyJohn Velasco / Digital Trends

Arlo Pro 3 required users to set up the Arlo SmartHub base station in order for it to work. Nothing is more annoying than having to connect another hub or bridge to your network. In most cases, they will need to be connected directly to your home WiFi router. This gets worse when the ethernet connections are scarce. It also means something that has to be plugged into a socket – also in short supply in my apartment.

That's why I'm thrilled that the Arlo Pro 4 Spotlight camera is now connected directly to my router. Therefore, it is easier to set up. For smaller rooms like my apartment, this direct Wi-Fi implementation works because everything is in close proximity to the router. I would imagine, however, that the SmartHub would be a benefit for larger households, as it manages the connection much better – while also extending battery life.

The camera performance of the Arlo Pro 4 is just as good as before.

Speaking of the battery, the Arlo Pro 4 has a removable battery that is designed to last for six months of juice. Since placing it in a high-traffic area, the battery life has dropped an average of 3% every day. That won't get me anywhere near that six month range, of course, but it will be enough to take a full month before a top-up is required. It comes with a magnetic charging cable that can be used to charge it at the same time.

Predictably sharp looking video

When we transitioned from Arlo Pro 2 to Pro 3, the camera's resolution increased dramatically from 1080p to 2K (2560 x 1440). Instead of doing another upgrade, the Arlo Pro 4's camera stays at 2K resolution. It's not bad, but it would have been nice to maybe jump to 4K – much like the ultra security cameras. On the other hand, this distinguishes the two camera lines.

The rest of the technical data shows that it is essentially the same hardware as before: a 4-megapixel sensor-inch camera sensor with a wide field of view of 160 degrees. This is impressive coverage, but most effective when strategically placed in corners. The functions are rounded off by HDR, automatic track and zoom, powerful infrared LEDs with blocking filters and a 12x digital zoom. This is no different from the Arlo Pro 3, which is surprising.

Despite the lack of changes, the Arlo Pro 4's camera performance is just as great as it was before – it creates crisp clips with lots of detail, sharpness, and accurate-looking colors. When there is ample light, the dynamic range is handled well throughout the scene to achieve even exposure. Highlights don't look exaggerated, which preserves details that might otherwise be lost. In poor lighting conditions, however, artifact elements tend to appear in shadow. It's not terrible, but it does soften the quality a little.

Arlo Pro 4 headlight cameraJohn Velasco / Digital Trends

When it's night I guess the night vision kicks in color. In order for this to happen the spotlight is turned on to bring some light into the scene, which makes the colors stand out better. Now I should point out that the headlight will turn on whenever motion is detected, but I wish there was some way to force the camera to shoot in color in night vision without it being on. While there is an option to turn off the spotlight through the settings in the app, the default night vision in black and white is used by default.

Smarter security behind a subscription

You will immediately receive a free three-month trial of Arlo Smart – the company's leading security company. Without it, the Arlo Pro 4 Spotlight camera is limited to seven days of cloud recording at 1080p, versus 30 days of 2K footage. Another benefit of Arlo Smart is that it gives you advanced features such as parcel, people, animal, vehicle and smoke / CO2 alarm detection. Arlo Smart offers a smart security solution that can help prevent false positives, but all of which are behind a subscription.

But, you know what? The $ 3 monthly plan for a single camera is well worth the cost for those who simply want more security. It's hard enough to juggle all the notifications on your phone. So it's handy that the Arlo Pro 4 can intelligently tell the difference between a stranger walking into the frame and the passing cat from the neighborhood.

I also appreciate that you can set up a geofence to tell the camera when to turn on or off. This is especially useful if you are using the Arlo Pro 4 spotlight camera indoors as you can set it to turn off at home. So you don't feel like you're being watched all the time.

Our opinion

In all fairness, I expected the Arlo Pro 4 spotlight camera to raise the bar. In reality, however, it shares many similarities with its predecessor. Still, I'm glad it didn't cost an arm or a leg to pick it up, which has made the Arlo Pro 3 a tougher consideration for those on a tighter budget. At $ 200 for just a single Arlo Pro 4 spotlight camera, this is a much smaller investment than the $ 500 startup cost of the Arlo Pro 3's base 2-kit system. The lower cost when combined with its direct Wi-Fi connectivity still makes it an attractive option for anyone who craves smarter security.

How long it will take?

Thanks to its weatherproof construction, it can withstand a temperature range of 4 ° F to 113 ° F. It is unlikely to fail. When this occurs, there is a one year limited warranty against defects in materials and workmanship.

Is there a better alternative?

The Arlo Essential XL is an ideal alternative if you want to save more, but still need a smart security camera to monitor your home. All you have to do is spend more than $ 150 on it, which will save you $ 50. The only downside is that it is limited to 1080p recording and doesn't offer HDR video.

Another comparable camera is the Ring Spotlight Camera, which benefits from Ring's extensive smart home ecosystem. If you're really looking for a bargain, check out the Wyze Cam Outdoor, which has local storage, sharp footage, and offline mode for $ 60.

Should you buy it?

Yes, despite the strong similarities with its predecessor.

Editor's recommendations

Now look like a celebrity every day with tea tree oil for hair

Hair problems are a household name today. With the constant change in weather, these problems increase dramatically. Dandruff, dry scalp and hair loss are the worst cases of hair problems that we cannot find a solution to at all. Sometimes even the most useful products will not help you solve these hair problems for you. At this point, Tea tree oil for the hair can come to your rescue without a second thought.

Tea tree oil is made with numerous hair benefits that can change the game for you. Apply it on your hair every day and the difference will be mind blowing. Today we're going to reveal the secret of looking like a celebrity every day with this magical hair oil.

Harvest the Benefits of tea tree oil for hair

With timely hair problems, life can be twice as challenging. Sometimes, using numerous hair products can make this problem worse for everyone. The Benefits of tea tree oil for hair can become your lifesaver when all else fails. With its antibacterial properties, it promises to reduce all of your hair problems in a limited amount of time.


If there's one hair problem that you hate everything around you, it's dandruff. The white particles that you regularly see on your hair are due to dead scalp and dryness. Over time, as dandruff grows, it can increase the itching and excessive oiliness of your hair. Using any amount of oil at this point can act as a poison for it. However, Tea tree oil for hair loss can act as an effective solution due to its antibacterial properties. Apply 5 to 10 drops Tea tree oil for hair loss using your shampoo can work just fine. Massage it into your scalp and rinse properly. You can also craft a tea tree oil shampoo yourself for the best results.

Improves hair growth

Hair loss is a common problem for most women. Statistics show that more than one in five Americans lose their hair quickly, with men making up a higher percentage of it. While other solutions can work well for your hair, they're not as useful as one Tea tree oil for hair growth. Massaging the Tea tree oil for hair growth Not only does it improve blood circulation in your scalp, it also nourishes the hair roots. As a result, your hair tends to grow back, stronger and shinier. Why go for something else when you can have a one stop solution at its best?

Nourishes dry scalp

Scalp problems are the worst. When your scalp is dry, flaking starts to build up. Hence, the most important thing for you to take care of your dry scalp is to get rid of this problem. With the Benefits of tea tree oil for hairyou can fix this problem immediately. This oil not only soothes your hair but also eliminates dandruff in your hair. Use a bit Tea tree oil for hair growth nourishing your scalp every now and then. Massage gently until they reach the roots of the hair to see the difference for yourself.

Cures head lice

Head lice are one of the worst problems for hair. Any other problems that arise can be doubled in your hair with this one. Hence, it is imperative to find an effective solution to fix this problem. Tea tree oil for hair growth can work like magic in curing head lice when all else fails. With its insecticidal properties, it treats head lice and removes dandruff from hair instantly. Investing in a good tea tree oil shampoo can help you get these results even faster.

A step-by-step guide on how to use tea tree oil for hair

Ingredients you need

1. 2 tablespoons of carrier oil

2. 10 drops of tea tree oil

3. A bowl to mix

4. A hot towel

Instructions for applying the oil

1. Combine the two oils in a bowl.

2. Heat the oil to apply to your hair. Make sure it is only slightly warm. Don't microwave it as it can be very harmful to your hair.

3. Divide your hair into separate parts and rub the heated oil on your scalp and along the lengths of your hair.

4. When your entire scalp is covered, massage for ten minutes.

5. Now wrap a hot, damp towel around your head.

6. Leave the towel on for a few minutes, then rinse out the oil with shampoo and conditioner.

How to use Tea tree oil for hair growth?

For those who suffer from excessive dryness and flaking in their hair, this oil is a must have. If you plan to use it as an oil, make sure you combine it with other oils for best results. If your hair is already greasy, we recommend that you do not use this oil directly. Try mixing it with your regular shampoo for safe results. Do not use this oil more than three times a week. Just remember not to overheat the oil for your hair as it can burn your scalp.

The final result

These are some of the best benefits of Tea tree oil for the hair You should not miss this. Make sure you are using this oil properly. We promise; The results will be staggering.

frequently asked Questions

1. What are the other benefits of this oil?

Hair loss problems and scalp roughness are the other problems this oil can treat.

2. Can I mix Tea tree oil for hair growth?

Olive oil and castor oil are the other oils that you can mix it with.

3. Why does my hair feel tingly when I use this oil?

It's okay if your hair feels a little sparkly when you apply it to the hair. Once you wash it off, it will be fine.

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