Ultimate Guide For Dry Skin: Causes, Treatment and Skin Care Routine

Does your skin feel rough and flaky all year round? Everyone's skin suffers from dryness on occasion, but a more persistent struggle can be a symptom of your skin type. Read on to learn more about dry skin and find our recommendations for reducing and relieving dryness.

What causes skin dryness?

Like all skin types, dry skin is genetic. It is characterized by an insufficient supply of sebum (which lubricates the skin) and lipids (which keep the skin's moisture barrier intact). Without these essential materials, the skin loses its ability to produce and store sufficient moisture. On the surface, this deficiency shows up as dry, flaky skin and a dull complexion.

The skin also becomes thinner and drier with age. Over time, the skin's hyaluronic acid stores decrease due to the body's natural aging processes. This naturally occurring substance, which attracts and retains moisture, is critical to keeping the skin soft and supple.

As the hyaluronic acid wears off, the skin loses its ability to hold onto hydration and becomes drier and more brittle.

Dry skin is often confused with dehydration, but they really are very different. While dehydration is preventable and easy to treat, dry skin is a skin type that requires ongoing maintenance to be cared for. You can get stuck with dry skin, but the right skin care routine can make a world of difference.

(embed) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6PXuf91B6mA (/ embed)

Dry skin: signs and symptoms

A dry skin type has the following signs and symptoms:

  • Tightness, especially after cleaning
  • If youRough texture
  • A dull, lackluster look
  • Hardly visible pores
  • Flaking, flaking, or peeling
  • Fine lines, especially around the eyes and lips
  • If youA tendency to redness and itchiness

dry cross-section of skin

How to treat dry skin

Dry skin can be made worse by external factors such as hormones, environmental stress, and seasonal changes. Here are some simple ways to keep dry skin soft and plump.

1. Moisten

Moisturizers are a breeze for caring for dry skin. Oil-based ointments, creams, and lotions that are high in essential fatty acids (EFAs) make up for the lack of oil and lipids in dry skin. They lubricate the skin's surface and strengthen the skin's moisture barrier. They help replenish and lock in the much-needed moisture.

Pro tip: Apply moisturizer while your skin is still slightly damp to lock in extra moisture.

2. Monitor your water temperature

Extreme temperatures can worsen an already dry complexion by stripping the skin of essential oils. Joshua Draftsman, M.D.tells EVEN: "The water in your shower should be the temperature you would imagine for a heated pool – about 84 degrees Fahrenheit." If hot showers are non-negotiable, limit them to no more than ten minutes to protect dry skin.

The water in your shower should be the temperature you would imagine for a heated pool – about 84 degrees Fahrenheit.

3. Use gentle ingredients

Like extreme temperatures, harsh cosmetic ingredients can compromise the skin's moisture barrier, causing dryness and irritation. To protect your skin, avoid products that contain chemical ingredients such as parabens, petrolatum, mineral oils, propylene glycol, or sodium lauryl sulfate.

4. Protect your skin in winter

Dry winter air also contributes to the dryness of the skin. In the winter months there is less moisture in the air, which means that the moisture in your skin evaporates faster. To compensate, Harvard Health recommends using a humidifier and setting it to around 60%. This is enough to replenish the lost moisture in the top layer of skin.

5. Adjust your diet

You can improve your skin's ability to retain moisture by adding healthy fats to your diet. Omega-3 and Omega-6 oils support skin health by fighting inflammation and strengthening the skin's moisture barrier. Some of the foods to add to your shopping list include salmon, flaxseed, walnuts, and sunflower seeds.

How to treat dry skin infographic

Dry skin care routine

One of the best ways to combat dry skin is to tailor your skin care regimen to include moisture-rich products that will replenish and repair. We recommend the following routine to heal and soothe dry skin.

1. Cleaning

First, remove any contamination with a gentle oil-based cleaner. Eminence Organics Product Support Representative Alicia Hawthorne recommends Wildflower Cleansing Balm. Formulated with poppy seed oil and elderflower, this transforming yellow balm replenishes lost moisture and soothes redness caused by dryness.

2. Peeling (weekly)

Alicia recommends a weekly scrub to "watch out for dandruff!" A gentle scrub like Strawberry Rhubarb Dermafoliant is the best choice for a dry complexion. Containing lactic acid, rice and chickpea flour, this physical and chemical scrub removes dead skin cells and smoothes out rough, dry skin.

3rd tone

Think of toner as a "conditioner" for your detergent. A product like ours Stone Crop Hydrating Mist contains nourishing ingredients like Stone Crop, Lavender and Jasmine to restore moisture and soothe dry skin.

4. Treat

When it comes to Alicia chooses an oil, concentrate, or serum for dry skin and recommends reaching for a product that is high in both fatty acids and anti-inflammatory ingredients. Her suggestion is Facial Recovery Oil, which contains soothing and nourishing oils that heal dry skin.

5. Moisturize

Choose an oil-rich cream that will replenish moisture and repair your skin's lipid barrier. Our Coconut Age Corrective Moisturizer contains deeply moisturizing coconut oil and shea butter. Shea butter in particular is an excellent emollient for the skin; It is rich in triglycerides and fatty acids that help restore and retain moisture.

Are you ready to update your dry skin routine? Find these products and more at one Eminence Organics Partner Spa near you.

Discover Supplements That Benefit Your Specific Needs With Supplement Advisor

Discover supplements that meet your specific needs with Supplement Advisor

The supplement industry sometimes seems like the wild wild west where you feel like there are more questions than answers:

Should i take fish oil? Isn't it good for reducing inflammation and heart health? What is better? Pill form or liquid?


I recently started the ketogenic diet. Is it true that I should take multivitamins and a folic acid supplement because I can no longer get folic acid from grains?


I am a menstruating woman who does not eat red meat. Should I be taking an iron supplement? And doesn't vitamin B12 also play a role in the health of red blood cells and help fight off anemia? Should I take that too? Do I also need a B12 supplement?

Take the Supplement Advisor's free assessment test.

Supplement Advisor is a web-based company that empowers health conscious people to improve their cognitive functions as well as their emotional and physical potential through simple and personalized supplement guides developed by their advanced AI that will ultimately help you get through the wild Navigate west of the supplement industry easily and quickly.

One way to do this is through their assessment tool, which allows you to either do a full assessment or select a specific area to see if you could benefit from a supplement. The areas include:

  • memory
  • motivation
  • focus
  • Mood
  • energy
  • Learn
  • Sleep.

How it works:

Let's say you're curious to see if you could benefit from taking a magnesium supplement to help regulate your blood sugar levels and prevent you from having an energy accident in the middle of the day. And if so, which products are best for you?

Giving these answers is exactly what the Supplement Advisor tool was designed for.

All you do is select energy, hit submit, and answer a few questions such as:

  • Do you feel tired all day?
  • Do you need an extra boost to get the most miles out of your day?
  • Does Caffeine Make You Nervous or Restless?

After answering the questions, the AI ​​engine, which gets smarter as more people do the assessment and the database grows, analyzes your answers quickly and offers various recommendations as to which products are best for your specific needs.


With fifty to seventy million people in the United States suffering from some type of sleep disorder – from insomnia to insomnia to sleep apnea – one of the most common reasons for taking a supplement is sleep.

In addition to the natural products, nine million Americans take prescription drugs to help them sleep. However, prescription drugs can have some side effects, including gastrointestinal problems, persistent daytime sleepiness, daytime memory disorders, and cognitive performance problems or various allergic reactions.

A better option for many is a melatonin supplement.

Why is it better?

Melatonin is a hormone that the body produces naturally. It is responsible for regulating your body's internal clock by reacting to light and dark.

When it gets dark, melatonin builds up in your body, letting you know it's bedtime by attaching itself to receptors in the brain that help you relax and feel tired. On the other hand, during the day your body makes dopamine, which signals you to release less melatonin, which helps you stay awake.

If you select Hibernate in the Supplement Advisor assessment tool, you will again be taken through a series of questions including:

  • Does Stress Cause Easy Drowsiness?
  • Does it take you a long time to fall asleep?
  • How difficult is it for you to achieve a sufficiently restful sleep routine?
  • Are you having trouble falling into a deep sleep?
  • Do you have a restless sleep?
  • Dreaming lucidly in the REM phase has been shown to be helpful in reducing stress and dealing with trauma. Would you be interested in lucid dreaming more often?

From there you will be given a list of options for various products that can help your particular sleep problem or lack.

Try it

As a writer, my focus has to be on one point to spend long days staring at a computer. I tend to be very focused and motivated in the mornings, but after 2pm I fade away. before I've finished all of my chores for the day.

I decided to try the tool to see if there was anything I could do to improve my focus.

The tool asked me:

  • Do you have attention disorders when your brain is stressed and overworked?
  • How easy is it to focus on a task or stimulus while ignoring the distraction?
  • Can you keep your attention on one task for a long time?
  • Can you do more than one task at a time?
  • Can you move attention from one task to another without losing focus?
  • Do you feel able to concentrate hard enough to set goals and monitor your progress?

I answered no to the first question as I usually get stressed and overworked and start a fire under my bum. I also find it easy to ignore distractions, and I can concentrate on one task for a long time, so I answered no to the second and third questions as well. The last question was also a no.

I have trouble focusing on more than one task at a time and definitely shifting attention from one task to another without losing focus. So I answered yes to the fourth and fifth questions.

What the tool recommended as a top product: A probiotic fermented vitamin B complex for energy, brain and mood support (various other options for the vitamin B complex were also recommended).

(Strangely, my naturopath also recommended taking a B vitamin supplement. I call that a win.)

I decided to go a step further and also selected the motivation rating because sometimes I don't lose focus so much, but rather lose motivation in the last hours of my work day. I was then asked:

  • Would you like to crawl in bed all day and watch Netflix?
  • Is your sleep and diet regular and adequate?
  • Are you a stressful person? If so, does it affect your decisions?
  • Is your blood sugar high?

Supplement Advisor Recommendation: Mane Brain is a brain that will help you feel energized, alert, focused, and less forgetful.

Now make the assessment.

Unleash the golden benefits of Yoga for runners right away

Many people live in a dilemma about yoga and running. You spend a fortune believing that the two cannot be brought together for benefit. Ironically, it's quite the opposite. Yoga is a breeze when it comes to improving your running performance. This not only has a positive effect on your mind integration, but also on the balance of your overall strength.

If you can't wait to find out more, why wait? Let's discover some mind-boggling facts about how Yoga for runners is a brilliant idea!

A breeze for runners and athletes

Exercise promotes health. Such a statement is only made by people who are at some point exposed to serious health risks. For runners, this point comes almost every month. Running is an intense sport that requires your front muscles to work hard. Therefore, anterior pain is a common problem for all runners. Surprisingly, no matter what remedies you try, it is all for free until you turn to yoga.

Yoga has proven to be groundbreaking for several runners in this day and age. Fortunately, many of my close friends are on the list. With a little stretching, posing, and flexible yoga, you can get rid of this problem once and for all. So, the best yoga for runners can have a massive impact on your daily mileage. So why not

Seven Best Yoga For Runners To Talk To

Injuries and body pain can be terrible. If you want to get away from that best yoga for runners is what you need to look for now. Check out the best yoga poses for this purpose that will make you want more!

1. Plank posture

We all know plank exercises are a great source of strength building. When you incorporate this into your daily yoga routine, you can see the benefits right away. So, with a snap of your finger, you can get strong postural support. How To Do It – All you have to do is place your elbows on the mat with your fingers crossed. As you stretch your legs behind you and tuck your toes in, inhale. Now push your hips up and straighten them without dropping your lower back. When you want to return to the floor, exhale. Rest on your stomach for a few seconds. Then repeat this best yoga for runners.

2. Squat pose

Yes, many people have no idea that squat is yoga. Fortunately, a squat can add a lot of fun to your daily yoga routine if done correctly. Since it is incredible for improving hamstrings, glutes and buttocks, it can be your ultimate savior as one of the best yoga for runners. How to do it – First, place your feet a little wider than hip-width apart. Your toes should point this out a little. As you start to raise your arms, inhale. Exhale as you need to shift your weight back and down as if you were sitting in a chair. Your knees should be directly above your toes. When you want to get up, take a breath. Do this so that you can stand up and repeat the exercise.

3. The twisted dragon pose

If you are looking for Yoga for the runner's kneethe twisted dragon can do a lot for you. This yoga pose is perfect for you in case you can rotate your back foot. Because it helps loosen hip flexors and also open up the chest, it's a potential exercise for all runners. How To Do It – Keep your right foot in front. Try doing a low lunge with your back foot, positioning your left hand to the left of the mat with your fingertips. Lean back with your left hand extended. Now inhale as you bring your right arm up. Now hold your left foot with your other hand and open your chest. Pull your foot in front of your body to allow the quad stretch to improve. Remain in this position for a few seconds. Gradually exhale and repeat this exercise.

4. Half butterfly pose

Many people assume this pose is difficult, but not. If you follow the instructions correctly, you can follow them right away. So without further ado, let's learn how to do it. How To Do It – Bring one to the left and pull the other towards your body. Notice the bent leg at the hip. Little by little, fold your extended leg and let your head hang down. At this point, the neck and upper back need to relax. When you feel the tension, keep your head upright. Hold this position for about three to four minutes. It's best to repeat this Yin yoga for runnerss.

5. Supine Spinal Twist Pose

Another incredible one Yin yoga for runners is the spine, which you cannot overcome immediately. All you have to do is follow the steps correctly and you will be able to get its benefits right away. How To Do It – Extend both legs and lie on your back. Pull one knee into your chest. Gradually drop that leg over your body to the opposite side. Extend your arm in the other direction. Make sure your shoulder stays on the floor. Hold this position for a few minutes and repeat the exercise.

6. Mountain pose

Mountain posture is often on the list for people who want improved posture and performance. This exercise, also known as Tadasana, is brilliant Yoga for the runner's knee. So why not do it? How To Do It – Start with your feet hip-width apart. Bring your shoulders up so the shoulder blade is against your back. Float your head up and back slightly to rest on your spine. When you stand and breathe correctly, your torso should be straight and firm. Exhale and let your body lie on the floor. Repeat the process.

7. Waterfall pose

If you want to stretch your hamstrings and improve your physical performance, the Waterfall Pose can help you a lot. It also helps prevent swelling on your legs, which you can walk without any problems. In fact, it's one of the best Yoga for the runner's knee. How To Do It – Lie on your side with one hip and try to be in close contact with a wall. Swing your legs up to rest against the wall and let your arms stretch out in front of you. When you are relaxed, try staying here for about seven minutes and then repeat the exercise.

Take that away

These were some of the best Yoga for runners that you can try freely at home. The best part is that you can try them out whenever you want and get the benefits right away. So why wait


1. Are that Yoga for the runner's knee advantageous?

Yes, but you can try them out and see for yourself. We promise; These exercises work like magic.

2. Can you name more? Yin yoga for runners?

Half-saddle and dragon are the other Yin yoga for runners that you can try at home.

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Amazon Fire TV Stick/Lite Review: Best Budget Streamers

Amazon Fire TV Stick (2020)

"Tiny, cheap, powerful: these sticks set new standards for budget streaming devices."

  • Affordable

  • Voice-based remote control

  • HDR and Dolby Atmos

  • Can be placed behind the TV

  • Quirky interface

  • Dolby Atmos support for apps inconsistent

For some people, nothing less than the best is enough. In the world of streaming devices, this means that an Apple TV 4K, a Roku Ultraor a Nvidia Shield TV. These set-top boxes cost between $ 100 and $ 200 and are equipped with the latest technology to help you get the most out of your 4K HDR television and home theater sound system.

But what if you're just looking for an affordable way to add streaming capabilities to your older TV, or what if you want a device for a second TV in your home?

Does this drive to save some money mean foregoing all of the cool features of the more expensive devices?

In the past, the answer was yes, but Amazon's $ 40 Fire TV Stick and $ 30 Fire TV Stick Lite redefined what we can expect from a budget streamer. Do they deliver the goods or should you look to more expensive equipment?

Here is our full report.

What's in the box?

Amazon Fire TV Stick (2020)Simon Cohen / Digital Trends

Your first reminder that the Fire TV Stick and Stick Lite are budget devices is the plain orange box they come in. It's thin and little more than a cover to protect the components inside. As such, it is one of the most sustainable packages in the streaming world – easily recyclable and with just a few small plastic sheets to dispose of.

The stick design makes a lot of sense. It's tiny, portable, and completely disappears behind your TV.

Inside you will find everything you need: the stick, a remote control, two AAA batteries (fortunately not shrunk), a MicroUSB cable for the power supply, a USB power supply unit and an HDMI extender dongle for televisions with cramped spaces HDMI connections.


Amazon Fire TV Stick (2020)Simon Cohen / Digital Trends

The stick design makes a lot of sense. It's tiny, portable, and completely disappears behind your TV.

For a completely wireless installation, you can try plugging the MicroUSB power cord into an available USB port on your TV. However, since Amazon includes a power adapter, I recommend using it. This way, you are guaranteed to get the best performance and faster start-up as it gets consistent performance.

Both the Fire TV Stick and Stick Lite come with Bluetooth remote controls. In this way, you can not only communicate with the sticks without line of sight, but also have advanced functions such as voice access to Alexa.

The remotes look similar, but there are a few differences. The Fire TV Stick comes with a standard voice remote that includes a power button to control the stick, as well as the TV and all other HDMI-connected devices, as well as volume buttons.

The Stick Lite remote control lacks these two functions, but it has a dedicated guide button. Pressing it will bring up the live TV guide – but only if you subscribe to a live TV streaming service like Sling TV or YouTube TV. Otherwise, it just takes you to the live screen, which you may or may not find particularly useful.

To install

Amazon Fire TV Stick (2020)Amazon Fire TV Stick Remote Control (above) and Fire TV Stick Lite Remote Control Simon Cohen / Digital Trends

Setting up both sticks is very easy. Once you plug it in and plug it into your TV, the on-screen instructions guide you through pairing the remote, accessing your WiFi, and signing in to your Amazon account.

Yes, an Amazon account is required to use a Fire TV device. So, if you don't already have an account, you might want to set up an account on another device, such as a laptop, before beginning the setup process.

You can choose from a few recommended apps to install – these vary by region – but don't worry if your favorite apps aren't among them. These are simply the apps Amazon is promoting, not the full list of apps available. After the setup is complete, you can install additional apps.

The Fire TV Stick has one extra step that the Lite doesn't: it walks you through a quick process of identifying your TV and / or soundbar or A / V receiver so that the power buttons and the Volume buttons are working properly.

There is one aspect of setting up these devices that could be improved a lot. Now whenever you download and launch apps like Netflix that require you to sign in, you'll need to use the on-screen keyboard to browse and search your credentials. It's a tedious process that Apple and Roku have made a little more bearable thanks to the ability to use your smartphone as a text entry tool. Although Amazon has the Alexa app – the de facto way to interact with a Fire TV device from a phone – there is no way to use it for text entry.


Amazon Fire TV Stick (2020)Simon Cohen / Digital Trends

Amazon's Fire TV interface, which is the same for all Fire TV devices, has a heavy focus on curating content for you to watch.

That curation feels more like a persistent advertisement for Amazon's Prime Video content, however. It's also very repetitive. The same movies, shows and functions are shown over and over again in each of the main categories: Home, Your Videos, Live, Movies, TV Shows and Apps.

In theory, the UI is supposed to show results from a variety of services, but I've only seen a bunch of Netflix suggestions and none from Disney +, despite being signed into both apps.

Unfortunately, the workarounds for this presentation are not very satisfactory. A search function is available, but difficult to reach and global: a search for "Formula 1" returns results from all available content sources as well as from apps. There's no way to filter these results, and you can't access a tab-specific search for movies or TV shows.

There are some major streaming services that cannot be added to the Fire TV.

If you want to jump straight into one of your installed apps, the Apps tab isn't intuitively the way to go. Instead, it requires a long press of the Home button, which reveals the four main shortcuts: Apps, Sleep, Mirroring, and Settings. Selecting apps will take you to the full list of installed apps.

Speaking of apps, there are some key streaming services that can't be added to the Fire TV – HBO Max and Peacock are the biggest omissions. There's a workaround: Virtually any Android TV app can be loaded onto these devices, but it's a multi-step process that is probably best left to those with real tech skills.

A highlight, especially for cable cutters, is the Live tab. If you subscribe to YouTube TV, Sling TV, Philo, or Hulu + Live TV, you can use the Live tab to get content recommendations from these services and see the available channels on the guide screen.


The Fire TV Stick and Stick Lite are identical from a hardware point of view. So you should rightly expect a similar, if not identical, level of performance, but I haven't found it to be.

The normal Fire TV Stick is significantly faster. Not so much in terms of response time – each model responded very quickly to keystrokes – but how quickly each new screen is filled with content.

For example, if you switch from the home screen to the live screen and then back again, the Fire TV Stick quickly populates the new page with thumbnails. The Stick Lite is slower and often takes twice as long to complete the same task.

It's not a deal-breaker – we're only talking about a few seconds here or there – but if you're impatient, the regular Fire TV Stick is probably a better choice.

The only notable lag time was when I started a new stream. However, this has occurred with almost every streaming device I have used. This is mostly related to the streaming service and / or your internet connection, not the hardware.

The conversation with Alexa was quick on both sticks, and reaction times were usually one to two seconds.

Both come with 8 GB of onboard storage, which should be enough for a serious collection of installed apps. There is a catch, however: you only get access to just over 5GB of that storage.

My 20 apps installed have used half that amount, which suggests that as a power user, you may have some tough decisions to make.

Audio and video quality

The audio quality is very good on both devices that support the two main streaming audio formats: Dolby Digital and Dolby Digital Plus. Dolby Atmos fans should be careful: Despite the fact that both Fire TV Sticks support Dolby Atmos over passthrough over HDMI, streaming app support for Atmos has been a hit and miss. It worked on both devices when Atmos titles were streamed on Amazon Prime Video (as expected), but Netflix only delivered Atmos to the Fire TV Stick and Disney + didn't deliver Atmos to both devices.

Possibly this problem is specific to my particular setup. I reached out to both Disney + and Amazon about this issue, but neither company was able to reproduce it.

Offering HDR without the higher price tag of a 4K device is a game changer.

For most people, the big advantage of these affordable streamers is that they can stream in HDR. In general, only streamers that support 4K resolution will offer HDR – this applies to both Apple TV and Roku devices.

As great as 4K is, HDR makes a much bigger difference in terms of perceived image quality because of its improved brightness, color, and contrast. Also, why would you want to stream 4K video with more bandwidth (potentially reaching your data cap faster) to take advantage of HDR?

The Fire TV Stick and Stick Lite are now the first streamers to bring you HDR without asking the higher price (and bandwidth) of a 4K device, and it's a game changer.

Granted, HDR10, HDR10 +, and HLG (the three HDR flavors these devices support) aren't quite as spectacular as Dolby Vision, but it's still a huge step up from what you'd get from devices in this price range a year ago could.

I tried HDR footage from Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, and Disney + and it all looked great. David Attenborough's Netflix film A Life On Our Planet is rich in color and detail.

If you're a fan of Plex and want to use these sticks to stream HDR content from your Plex media server, keep in mind that Plex will transcode that resolution to 1080p to stay in sync with it when your HDR footage is in 4K is the video capabilities of the Fire TV Stick. However, if you do this it will remove the HDR metadata, leaving you with just the old SDR.

Casting and screen mirroring

Casting (using your smartphone, tablet, or PC to send streaming content to a streaming device) and screen mirroring (the ability to see everything on your smartphone's screen in real time on a TV) are handled by both the Fire TV Stick and the Fire TV Stick supports Stick Lite with restrictions.

The casting on the sticks is determined app by app. For example, Netflix allows you to broadcast to the Fire TV Stick but not the Fire TV Stick Lite. YouTube supports casting on both devices, but you need to install the YouTube app first. Disney + does not support broadcasting to any device other than Nvidia Shield TV or Shield TV Pro (2019).

Given that the sticks contain native apps for virtually all popular streaming services, this shouldn't be a deal breaker. However, if casting is really important to you, make sure your favorite service supports it on the Fire TV Stick / Lite.

Screen mirroring mode is available on both sticks, but only works with Android smartphones and tablets.

Finally, iPhone users who want to take advantage of this feature will need an AirPlay 2 compatible device such as select 4K Roku players, Apple TV, or several smart TV models from LG, Samsung and Sony.

Our opinion

Though the user interface is heavily geared towards Amazon's Prime Video service, the Fire TV Stick and Stick Lite are the only devices to offer voice-based remote control and 1080p / HDR support for just $ 30. If your budget is tight but you want great picture quality from your streaming video services, these Fire TV sticks are hard to beat.

Is there a better alternative?

No at these prices. The $ 30 Roku Express has a better interface and user experience, and supports more streaming services. However, it cannot perform HDR functions, has no voice-based remote control and cannot be tucked behind your TV.

To get significantly more than what the Fire TV Stick Lite does for $ 30, you'll need to spend $ 50 on a Roku Streaming Stick +, Google Chromecast with Google TV, or Amazon's Fire TV Stick 4K.

How long will they last?

Amazon has updated its Fire TV devices very well over the years, and I don't expect this to change. That should keep these two Fire TV Sticks going for many years to come.

Should you buy it?

Yes. As long as you don't mind Amazon's tendency to use the Fire TV surface as a billboard for their own content and its (currently) lack of support for HBO Max and Peacock, these Amazon streaming devices will set a new benchmark for functionality in a sub – $ 50 device.

Editor's recommendations

Natra Intense Hydrating Gel Gloves Review

My experience:

I suffer from extremely dry skin on my hands, winter makes things worse. That's why I was so excited when I received this product. In all honesty, I've never been so excited to write about a product in 2020. When NatraCure gloves arrived, I asked my mom to test it and she loved it so much that I had to ask her to return them to me for review.

When I tested these gloves, I immediately fell in love. NatraCure Moisturizing Gloves moisturize and soften the underlying tissue to promote healing. This one-size-fits-most-glove design is suitable for both women and men. I got relief from dry, cracked skin on my hands and fingers that I had complained about for so long. You can use these gloves with your favorite lotion, hand cream, or skin moisturizer. Especially in winter, they keep your hands warm at night and at the same time provide the moisture your skin needs. I recommend using it after scrubbing for extra softness. These gloves are odorless and latex-free, which makes them ideal for sensitive skin.

The medicinal mineral oil ensures a deep supply of moisture to dry hands and cuticles. I like to wear them when I want to relax or watch Netflix at night. The gel lining feels so smooth and cool, but when warmed to the temperature of your hands it steadily releases essential oils that soak your skin with nourishing, therapeutic moisture. For me, this is a must have in your winter skin care routine.

It's like bringing spa into your home, just play your favorite song, light your favorite candle, put on those gloves and you are instantly in relaxed mode. NatraCure Intense Hydrating Gel Gloves soothe and soften not only dry, rough hands, but also the cuticles. When the inner gel liner comes in contact with your skin, it warms to body temperature and releases seven soothing essential oils as well as shea butter. For me, every time I say this, experience calls out to me luxury. The moisturizing effects of jojoba oil, avocado oil, and grapeseed oil taken together are incredible.

I just put them on and sleep, in the morning my hands are so softer and smoother. I will definitely order more :]


Cosmetic ingredients embedded in the garment.

Moisturizes the skin and makes it feel softer and more comfortable.

Can be worn day and night

Softens hard, dry, rough hands, fingers and cuticles. Use after washing your hands.

Locks in moisture with non-breathable gel lining that puts your hands in nourishing goodness.

For small to medium-sized female and male hands. Should be snug for better skin contact.

HOW TO USE: Wear at least 2-3 times a week. Use daily for better results. Lavender scent.

Main Ingredients: Olive oil, avocado oil, aloe vera.

Sony Xperia 5 II Review: A Compact Flagship Phone for 2020

Sony Xperia 5 II review shutter

"The Sony Xperia 5 II is just the right size and specification, but the best of features are yet to be exploited and some frustrating omissions make it difficult to recommend."

  • Compact, lightweight design

  • Nice OLED screen

  • Powerful processor

  • Long battery life

  • No wireless charging

  • No. 5G in the US

  • Camera quirks are frustrating

The Sony Xperia 5 II is the compact flagship smartphone that many yearn for. However, to get the most out of this desirable combination of high quality and small packages, you have to work hard and pay a significant price. I've been living with the phone for a few weeks now and it really is.


Shiny, glassy and slippery like a well-oiled fish. This is the best way to describe the Xperia 5 II outside of its modest dimensions and light weight. Because of the 8mm thickness and the larger, not wider shape that the 21: 9 aspect ratio screen allows, it's really compact. It weighs only 163 grams and thanks to its slim design, people with small hands can reach the other side of the screen with their thumbs. It slips easily into pockets and pouches, and unfortunately almost any surface it touches.

Andy Boxall / Digital Trends

The Xperia 5 II is made of glass with an aluminum frame and glides around with its own mind on anything that is not a perfectly flat surface. For this reason, you also need to hold on because the body does not offer much support. This brings me to the one thing I really don't like about the phone's design – a mass of buttons on the right side.

From top to bottom there's a small volume rocker, then the on / off switch with a built-in fingerprint sensor, then a Google Assistant button and finally a physical camera shutter button. Pick up the Xperia 5 II and it is almost certain that you will press a button. Usually it is the useless Google Assistant that cannot be remapped or simply disabled. A frustrating design decision that gets worse when I don't have the option to use the feature or not.

Andy Boxall / Digital Trends

The fingerprint sensor is fast and reliable, but located a little too centrally on the side in my opinion, and I like the physical camera trigger that is placed on the bottom of the frame so as not to intrude. Finding a 3.5mm headphone jack on the top of the frame is great, despite the phone's slimness. I like the pull-out SIM card tray that doesn't require a SIM removal tool, but it doesn't compromise the phone's IP68 waterproof rating.

Andy Boxall / Digital Trends

The Sony Xperia 5 II is easy to use, compact enough for everyone, made of high quality materials and is almost the perfect size for a smartphone. You just have to deal with all of the smoothness.


The 21: 9 aspect ratio is great for watching super widescreen movies and contributes to the phone's small size. While there are 21: 9 movies, the reality is that they're a little rarer than 16: 9 videos. This means you are still watching the most with black bars on either side, although there are plenty of games that take advantage of the super widescreen view, including Minecraft, Asphalt 9, and Fortnite.

Andy Boxall / Digital Trends

However, this is the specification we want for 2020. The OLED screen offers a resolution of 2520 x 1080, a refresh rate of 120 Hz and 10-bit HDR support. It's not the 4K monster adapted for the Xperia 1 II, but under normal circumstances you won't really notice the lower number of pixels. Plus, it has the same creator mode and image enhancement technology as the more expensive phone. I like the look of it and I doubt many would wish they could get the Xperia 1 II instead.

Andy Boxall / Digital Trends

The display is very nice. Dreamy indeed. Carfection's Audi e-Tron Sportback review is sharp and colorful, while Mnet's live version of WJSN Chocomes Hmph! pops off the screen with its electrified, ultra-vibrant colors. Music videos are great on the Xperia 5 II because of its stereo speakers that have loads of volume and a sweet, controlled sound. Sony's dynamic vibration feature adds vibration that matches what is displayed on the screen. It works well because you can adjust the intensity. Keep it low and it's a pleasing added effect.

And if you use the phone vertically, as you do most of the time, that extra screen real estate gives you more content in feeds and messaging apps without scrolling.

Andy Boxall / Digital Trends

No, the Xperia 5 II doesn't quite match the Xperia 1 II in terms of sheer, astounding visual appeal of a mobile device, but it's arguably all that anyone needs.


There are three 12-megapixel cameras on the back of the Xperia 5 II: a f / 1.7 standard camera, a f / 2.4 telephoto camera, and a f / 2.2 ultrawide camera. Sony worked with Zeiss Optics on the lenses. Features include optical and electronic image stabilization, HDR, 4K video recording, eye tracking, 3x optical zoom and dual-pixel autofocus. It's almost the same setup as the back of the Xperia 1 II, but with a few changes.

Andy Boxall / Digital Trends

Because it's so similar to the Xperia 1 II, it has the same problems. The photos it takes are often beautiful, with excellent balance and dynamics, but it finds it difficult to focus up close and the results can be inconsistent. There is no night mode for super bright night pictures, so pictures in low light are not as noticeable as some other phones, but there is a lot of realism and detail. The 8-megapixel selfie camera washes out skin tone to death in the default settings. So it is advisable to turn off any enhancements before starting there.

Overall, I edit my pictures a lot. It uses the Google Photos editing suite to make them look just right. It's worth it because the Sony camera captures a lot of delicious detail. I didn't get a chance to play with the Xperia 5 II's eye tracking feature due to the lack of living things (thank you 2020) but I've used it in the past and was very impressed. Proper focus of the eye is critical to accurately capturing portraits. Only a few other telephones have this feature.

Andy Boxall / Digital Trends

Sony sells the Xperia cameras because of their Photo Pro and Cinema Pro apps, which have been tweaked by Sony's experienced camera and cinema teams and are essentially pimped-up manual modes. If you regularly use manual mode for your smartphone's camera, you will appreciate the depth and versatility of each one, and be able to use it to create stunning stills and videos. However, if you've never touched manual mode and are unfamiliar with the principles of shutter speed, white balance, ISO, and manual focus, the learning curve is very steep.

Sony Xperia 5 II Review Kino Pro App "aria-descriptionby =" gallery-7-2585104

sony xperia 5 ii rating camera per app "aria-descriptionby =" gallery-7-2585119

  • 1.
    The Cinema Pro app from Sony
  • 2.
    Sony's Photo Pro app

It sounds like I'm on the Xperia 5 II's camera, but I'm not really. It's just frustrating. Some wonderfully atmospheric photos with beautiful colors can be taken. I like the combination of ultrawide and telephoto, and the physical camera shutter is a great tactile, ergonomic addition. But it's inconsistent, sometimes outperformed by other cameras on phones that cost less, and places too much emphasis on features beyond many potential owners.

The Sony camera of the Xperia 5 II and Xperia 1 II has everything you need to take wonderful photos. Unlike the Pixel 5 or iPhone 12 Pro, however, this doesn't just happen by pressing the shutter button. If this sounds like something you like and you want to learn more about the mechanics of photography, you will appreciate the Sony phone more.

Software and performance

No performance issues were found when using the Xperia 5 II as a daily phone. It's as fast as you'd expect from a phone with the Qualcomm Snapdragon 865 processor, along with 8GB of RAM and 128GB of storage. Asphalt 9 Legends plays great and also makes use of the screen with an aspect ratio of 21: 9. The lightness of the phone makes it great for long games and movie sessions.

sony xperia 5 ii rating of the Twitter app "class =" m-carousel - image dt-lazy-no "src =" https://icdn4.digitaltrends.com/image/digitaltrends/sony-xperia-5-ii-twitter - app-640x640.jpg "srcset =" https://www.digitaltrends.com/://www.digitaltrends.com/R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP//yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAndy Boxall / Digital Trends

sony xperia 5 ii check the creation mode "class =" m-carousel - image dt-lazy-no "src =" https://icdn5.digitaltrends.com/image/digitaltrends/sony-xperia-5-ii-creator- mode -640x640.jpg "srcset =" https://www.digitaltrends.com/://www.digitaltrends.com/R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAndy Boxall / Digital Trends

Check Sony Xperia 5 II apps "class =" m-carousel - image dt-lazy-no "src =" https://icdn6.digitaltrends.com/image/digitaltrends/sony-xperia-5-ii-apps-640x640. jpg "srcset =" https://www.digitaltrends.com/://www.digitaltrends.com/R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7Andy Boxall / Digital Trends

Sony's user interface with Android 10 is unobtrusive and the software is fast and reliable. Various non-Sony apps are preinstalled, including LinkedIn, which annoy you with annoying notifications and make manual uninstallation difficult. The large screen takes a bit of getting used to once you've viewed a screen with a wider aspect ratio. Icons can appear tightly grouped, and scrolling apps like Twitter and Instagram feel limited at first, but the ergonomic benefits that the shape brings will soon be felt.

Andy Boxall / Digital Trends

I experienced some problems with the WiFi range and cellular connection. The Xperia 5 II dropped its signal more often than other phones I tested, and it lacks the Wi-Fi range of other models, including the Pixel 5 and iPhone 12 Pro. Calls are good, but it's easy to cover the microphone on the bottom of the phone with your finger, and the front camera retains the faded look that can be seen in their selfies on video calls.

The phone supports 5G in the UK but not in the US. While 5G isn't a reason to buy a phone right now, it does matter later and should be considered when purchasing an expensive device. It is also unfortunate that the phone still has Android 10 instead of Android 11 and there is also no confirmed date for the software update.

Andy Boxall / Digital Trends

The 4,000 mAh battery has proven to be very powerful and easily lasts me a full day, with average screen time per day being between two and four hours. The battery performance of the Samsung Galaxy S20 FE that I had used before was very similar. Long days ended up about 30%. Without video calls, the battery should last two days without any problems.

Unfortunately, there is no wireless charging, and while it supports fast wired charging at 21 watts, you get an 18 W charger in the box. If you already have the higher powered charger, it will be reduced to 50% in 30 minutes. If not, allow at least 45 minutes. However, I like the adaptive charge mode that manages overnight charge cycles to help extend battery life.

Price and availability

The The Sony Xperia 5 II can be pre-ordered in the US. before a December 3 release for $ 949 (it's already discounted to $ 900). It is available now in the UK for £ 799.

Our opinion

If you like Sony's 21: 9 aspect ratio and design, and really should, the Xperia 5 II is the model to buy compared to the Xperia 1 II. It does almost everything for $ 250 less. The screen, battery life, build, and compact size are impressive, although you will have to put some effort into making the most of the camera's talents.

I like the quirky Xperia 5 II, but realize that there are better purchases for the same price or less. It's definitely part of an extinct breed: a really high quality flagship compact phone.

Are there any better alternatives?

Yes. At $ 949, the Xperia 5 II has a lot of competition despite its high specification. The $ 900 OnePlus 8 Pro is our pick of Android alternatives because of the great software and screen, while the $ 1,000 iPhone 12 Pro is a great alternative and has great software, camera, and design. The Galaxy S20 Plus is now available for roughly the same price. If you're happy with the plastic back, the Samsung Galaxy S20 FE is great value for money at $ 699.

All of these phones are bigger than the Xperia 5 II, however. If you're looking for a brilliant point-and-shoot camera in a compact smartphone, the $ 699 Google Pixel 5 is our pick.

How long it will take?

The technology ensures that the Xperia 5 II has at least a two-year contract or financing plan on before it can possibly feel old. The lack of 5G can lead you to update around this time anyway. The phone is made of glass, but has an IP68 rating and should therefore prove to be relatively durable in a housing.

Sony has been frustratingly dull about its Android software update schedule. It told Digital Trends that it committed to providing regular and timely updates when we asked about Android 11 on the Xperia 1 II, but without providing any specific dates. It's similarly unclear for the Xperia 5 II. Then expect an update, but just be patient.

Should you buy it?

No, there are better phones with a generally accessible camera for the same price. And the lack of 5G in the US hurts its longevity. However, in the UK this is a better option due to the slightly better price and 5G support.

Editor's recommendations

2020’s Most Overweight and Obese States in America

November is National Diabetes Awareness Month and things are not looking good for the nation. People can be offended by the wording, but the facts don't change. Fat is the new normal, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Aside from the obvious health problems, the cost of obesity threatens individuals and organizations as it puts a strain on the health system. It's like a perfect storm of a population that gets sicker and sicker as it literally grows, and with that comes more cost and the need to dedicate more health resources to a problem that may be itself

This is probably the point where a thousand personal trainers jump up and scream about comorbidity, health, and exercise.

This is great, but it cannot be overlooked that with the increase in gym and health club memberships over the past three decades, as more money has gone into the fitness industry, the rise in obesity rates has actually not declined adequately, quite the opposite.

Obesity has no effect from the increase in gym membership

Source: Axios

There are also some interesting factors influencing the level of obesity. For example, while West Virginia has the lowest percentage of overweight adults, it has the second highest percentage of overweight adults, which means there is no middle ground.

To be honest, the problem is very, very big. But at the end of the day, the data shows that high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholestrol pretty much coincide with the worst conditions on the charts. You can check out the interstate obesity factors infographic here.

The facts about the high cost of fat

  • $ 294.6 billion: Estimated medical costs for diabetes in the United States in 2019.
  • 9,506 USD: Average annual health care costs for patients with diabetes.
  • 2.3: The frequency with which a diabetic patient's healthcare costs increase.
  • 14 & 18 years: Reducing the average life expectancy of male and female type 1 diabetes patients.
  • 88 million: Number of American adults with "prediabetes" (84% of whom do not know they have diabetes).
  • 70%: Chances of Developing Diabetes If Both Parents Have Type 2 Diabetes.

The following data breaks the top 20 states by obesity prevalence, courtesy of Wallethub. Where is your state? And do you know why

It is worth asking the question of whether there is a culture of obesity that can be identified by the state and what demographic, socio-economic, and cultural factors determine the statistics.

Going to the gym or exercising more or eating better doesn't seem to resonate equally across national lines. Finding out why this is an important part of finding solutions that aren't just the fitness industry's usual quick fixes and promises.

1 = fattest Status total score Rank "Obesity & Overweight" Rank "health consequences" "Food & Fitness" rank
1 West Virginia 74.66 2 1 9
2 Mississippi 74.20 1 8th 1
3 Arkansas 69.37 3 11 7th
4th Kentucky 68.46 5 7th 2
5 Tennessee 68.41 4th 9 11
6th South carolina 65.85 8th 17th 4th
7th Louisiana 65.65 6th 27 6th
8th Alabama 65.15 9 15th 5
9 Oklahoma 65.00 7th 26th 13
10 Missouri 62.39 11 19th 17th
11 Iowa 61.03 13 16 34
12 Indiana 61.02 10 31 16
13 Delaware 61.00 21st 3 27
14th Ohio 60.70 16 14th 15th
15th Texas 60.23 12 39 12
16 Maine 59.81 28 2 44
17th Georgia 59.78 15th 36 10
18th Virginia 58.58 23 23 3
19th Kansas 58.56 22nd 6th 40
20th North Dakota 58.21 14th 28 46

Godfall Review: Repetitive Gameplay Hurts Next-Gen Spectacle


Godfall Review: Repetitive Gameplay Harms Next Generation Spectacle

"Godfall's dazzling graphics and promising combat are held back by repeated crawling in the dungeon."

  • Impactful struggle

  • Useful skills and upgrades

  • Impressive graphics

  • Sparse dungeon creeps

  • Repeated missions

  • Flat booty

  • Limited world design

If there's one thing Godfall gets right, it's a spectacle. The PlayStation 5 launch title is filled with the kind of visual dazzling you'd expect from a next-gen game. There are a number of hyper-focused graphics options that are designed to push the new hardware to its limits.

The early buzz around new consoles usually focuses on performance, putting games like Godfall in the spotlight on day one when they might otherwise go completely under the radar. Return to every console launch, and it's easy to find a long-forgotten title for launch day that maximized performance but otherwise didn't leave a lasting impression.

Godfall takes advantage of the next-generation leap in power with its dazzling graphics, but relocates its promising combat system into a repetitive loot game where rewards rarely feel rewarding.

Less Fate 2, more Diablo

When Godfall was first announced, comparisons with Destiny 2 were immediately drawn. Part of this was due to the game's marketing spurt that branded the game as the first “looter slasher” and focused on flashy armor that didn't look out of place in Bungie's space epic.

Perhaps the most surprising discovery about Godfall is that it is not a live service game at all. Instead, it's more like a dungeon crawler like Diablo. Most of the game is spent on missions from the game's small hub. Players knock down masses of enemies, collect new loot and discover resources hidden around the world.


It's a repetitive flush experience that prompts players to complete a limited number of tasks (most of which involve hacking enemies) while circling the same areas over and over. For example, players often have to survive a wave of enemies for 60 seconds or kill 16 enemies slowly emerging from statues. Big boss fights remove the boredom, but they are only unlocked by earning seals that you get as you progress through more missions like this one.

Like any dungeon crawler, loot is the real catch. Missions are full of rewards, from weapons to equipment, each with their own perks. The constant flow of goodies makes it so that players can quickly start customizing a build. However, after a few missions, I was completely overwhelmed by the amount of treasure I collected. Even saving resources felt like a monotonous time commitment.

It's a repetitive flush experience that prompts players to complete a limited number of tasks while drawing circles around the same areas over and over.

Exciting loot is only half the battle for a game like this. There is constant in-game power accumulation, but few compelling reasons to demonstrate it outside of some high-level post-game activity. Godfall has a lot to play with, but not a lot to play with.

Great battles

The weak gameplay loop is a shame because the combat has real potential. As with many modern action games, the battle revolves around light and heavy attacks. The main difference is that players use oversized weapons like hammers and spears. Every weapon has real weight, so every hit feels slower and more powerful than a normal sword swing. The downside is that players need to think more strategically about each hit, as too much engagement can lead to disaster. Every push of a button is important, which is rare in a hack-and-slash game.

There is also a heavy defensive component with a shield that plays an important role in combat. This can be used to block attacks, fend off enemies, or perform ranged attacks. Like primary weapons, the tool feels devastating and adds a real sense of power to combat. Throwing the piece of metal like Captain America's shield, knocking an enemy off their feet and opening it up for a brutal takedown is very satisfying.

Every push of a button is important, which is rare in a hack-and-slash game.

This strong foundation will evolve as the game progresses thanks to a number of upgrade systems. There is a skill tree that adds more combinations and colors to the experience and equipment upgrades that give certain perks. In addition, the game offers 12 unlockable “Valorplates”, which are various sets of armor that the players can equip. Each has their own special perk, like shock damage or poison, which offers countless ways to create character builds.


Everything is successful up to a point. I found myself using almost every single tool in combat, spending a lot of time enchanting equipment, and changing my valorplate at every opportunity. But I still loaded on missions that felt indistinguishable from each other and mowed down the same types of enemies ad nauseum. I was all dressed and had nothing to do.

All strategies and nuances go out the window as the enemies get more numerous and the bosses' health bars get bigger. It is becoming increasingly tempting to just equip a faster weapon class and light spam attacks to take advantage of it. The weighty battle could probably be a thrill in a focused, set-piece action game on a large budget, but it's a disproportionate for a humble dungeon crawler based on loops.

Hide them

The game's design decisions seem to take a back seat to technical skills. It's a visual spectacle that feels like the video game at a Great Gatsby party. Valorplates are intricately detailed, particles fly in all directions and golden light shines on every surface to bring the wow factor home.


It's instantly impressive, even when it's on a flat plain. As someone who is not that easily impressed by the visual flair, I was still amazed by the tiny details like gentle motion blur, as if I were a seasoned tech geek.

That surface sheen never really goes away, but the excitement is short-lived due to the game's lackluster world design. Godfall mainly offers three cards, each with its own elemental flavor. Despite thematic differences and motifs, the areas are structurally so similar that they rarely feel like radically different environments. That doesn't negate the impressive eye candy, but it does limit its tricks at times.

The underlying design decisions undermine the spectacle and bring the game of next-gen Cloud 9 to a standstill.

Console launch games will always be in a tough spot because, at least on a technical level, they are the most heavily studied games of a generation. Godfall is doing everything in his power to cause a stir, but it's a short-term fix. The underlying design decisions undermine the spectacle and bring the game of next-gen Cloud 9 to a standstill. Once the color fades, players are left with a surprisingly easy looter that doesn't feel much more complex than Minecraft Dungeons.

Our opinion

Godfall holds great promise with its stunning graphics and combat, but those high points are lost in a sparse dungeon crawler that briefly sells its strengths. It's very different from what Destiny 2 clone fans expected, but this live-service style may better suit its dedication to grinding loot.

Is there a better alternative?

Warframe is more effective than "Scavenger Slasher" and Destiny 2 offers the same next-generation grind with greater rewards.

How long it will take?

The main campaign lasts up to 8-10 hours, but dedicated gamers can spend more time hunting for rewards and completing a small handful of post-game activities.

Should you buy it?

No. There are plenty of better next-gen games out there right now, even if you're just looking for a multiplayer game to try out on launch.

Editor's recommendations

The best reverse fly variations that will keep you fit forever

Sitting in the same position for long hours is the new smoking. It's harmful and terrible at the same time. Unfortunately, there is not much that most people can do about it as they spend long hours in their office seats. But that doesn't mean they should keep injuring themselves.

The Return flight is the perfect remedy for such a problem. This potential exercise promises not only to properly train your rear deltfly, but also to ensure that your upper back stays strong as always. So, let's get down to the best variations of this exercise to try them out now!

Why reverse flight variations? Back problems are the talk of the town today. With most of us sitting in front of the screens for hours, our attitudes face serious threats. Due to the long periods of sitting during office hours and the binge watching shows, most of us have no idea how to deal with our posture. Fortunately, we have a quick fix for you. Reverse fly variations are the perfect way to get rid of all of these previous problems freely. Not only does it target your entire back, but it also improves posture instantly. With an incredible range of variations, the return fly can spill magic in no time. Fly dumbbell backwards is one way to achieve this.

How do I perform a dumbbell backward fly?

The exercise we're about to talk about is insane. With a dumbbell backward fly, No need to stop and apply balm to your back before returning to your daily chores. If you continue to do this exercise daily, you will see results in a minimal amount of time. Before reaching any conclusion, be sure to follow the instructions. This way you can avoid complications for a safe experience.

1. Stand with feet hip width apart and knees soft. Make sure you have a light dumbbell in both hands. Hang your knees on your hips and keep your back flat. Don't forget to keep your neck neutral and your torso forward at a 45-degree angle. Your palms should be facing inward.

2. Keep your core busy. At this point, your elbows should be slightly bent. After lifting the dumbbell, remember to exhale. Your focus should be on squeezing your shoulder blades together. Something like this will help you follow the steps correctly.

3. When you get to the top, stop. Now inhale and gradually lower the dumbbells. How to return to the starting position.

4. Repeat the process Fly dumbbell backwards regularly to experience its benefits in no time.

How do I perform a curved return flight?

Since we had promised to develop a number of reverse-fly variants, we didn't stop with the previous one. For this reason, we are introducing another outstanding variant that will work wonders for you. Bent over backward fly Also known as a rear back fly, which aims at your shoulders and back. With this exercise there is nothing to fear. If you practice this exercise daily, you are sure to immediately gain the greatest possible strength, body balance and well-built posture.

1. Before starting the exercise, make sure you are adjusting the weight of the frame. Once you've done this, take a few steps back into an open area.

2. Hang by your hips until your body is almost parallel to the floor. Your arms should hang straight down from your shoulders with a neutral grip.

3. Now inhale and pull the dumbbells close to the ceiling. Do this with your deltoids.

4. Gradually lower the dumbbells back to the starting position.

5. Repeat the process bent back fly Exercise every now and then to reap the benefits as soon as possible.

How do I perform a cable reverse flight?

If you have a cable machine at home, this exercise is for you. The Fly cables backwards is a simple workout that is convenient for you to do if you follow the steps correctly. We promise you will get a number of benefits every time you exercise. If you follow the directions as given, there is nothing to worry about.

1. Stand between two pulley stations and grab the 2D handles. Make sure it's shoulder width apart and keep a neutral grip. Push your hips back while keeping your knees just above your ankles. Your torso should be parallel to the floor. Your trunk should be in a neutral position all the time. Don't forget that.

2. Squeeze your shoulder blades together and keep your arms straight. Raise your arms in the air on either side until they are aligned with your back. Make sure your head and trunk are stable at all times.

3. Stop at the top position for about 2 seconds. However, don't stop squeezing your shoulder blades together.

4. Gradually bring the weight back on the floor and breathe normally.

5. Repeat the process Fly cables backwards regularly for the greatest possible benefit.

Take that away

These were some of the most helpful Return flight Variations to try at home. Don't forget to give it a try if you haven't hit your fitness goals right away.

2020’s Most Overweight and Obese States in America

November is National Diabetes Awareness Month and things are not looking good for the nation. People can be offended by the wording, but the facts don't change. Fat is the new normal, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Aside from the obvious health problems, the cost of obesity threatens individuals and organizations as it puts a strain on the health system. It's like a perfect storm of a population that gets sicker and sicker as it literally grows, and with that comes more cost and the need to dedicate more health resources to a problem that may be itself

This is probably the point where a thousand personal trainers jump up and scream about comorbidity, health, and exercise.

This is great, but it cannot be overlooked that with the increase in gym and health club memberships over the past three decades, as more money has gone into the fitness industry, the rise in obesity rates has actually not declined adequately, quite the opposite.

Obesity has no effect from the increase in gym membership

Source: Axios

There are also some interesting factors influencing the level of obesity. For example, while West Virginia has the lowest percentage of overweight adults, it has the second highest percentage of overweight adults, which means there is no middle ground.

To be honest, the problem is very, very big. But at the end of the day, the data shows that high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholestrol pretty much coincide with the worst conditions on the charts. You can check out the interstate obesity factors infographic here.

The facts about the high cost of fat

  • $ 294.6 billion: Estimated medical costs for diabetes in the United States in 2019.
  • 9,506 USD: Average annual health care costs for patients with diabetes.
  • 2.3: The frequency with which a diabetic patient's healthcare costs increase.
  • 14 & 18 years: Reducing the average life expectancy of male and female type 1 diabetes patients.
  • 88 million: Number of American adults with "prediabetes" (84% of whom do not know they have diabetes).
  • 70%: Chances of Developing Diabetes If Both Parents Have Type 2 Diabetes.

The following data breaks the top 20 states by obesity prevalence, courtesy of Wallethub. Where is your state? And do you know why

It is worth asking the question of whether there is a culture of obesity that can be identified by the state and what demographic, socio-economic, and cultural factors determine the statistics.

Going to the gym or exercising more or eating better doesn't seem to resonate equally across national lines. Finding out why this is an important part of finding solutions that aren't just the fitness industry's usual quick fixes and promises.

1 = fattest Status total score Rank "Obesity & Overweight" Rank "health consequences" "Food & Fitness" rank
1 West Virginia 74.66 2 1 9
2 Mississippi 74.20 1 8th 1
3 Arkansas 69.37 3 11 7th
4th Kentucky 68.46 5 7th 2
5 Tennessee 68.41 4th 9 11
6th South carolina 65.85 8th 17th 4th
7th Louisiana 65.65 6th 27 6th
8th Alabama 65.15 9 15th 5
9 Oklahoma 65.00 7th 26th 13
10 Missouri 62.39 11 19th 17th
11 Iowa 61.03 13 16 34
12 Indiana 61.02 10 31 16
13 Delaware 61.00 21st 3 27
14th Ohio 60.70 16 14th 15th
15th Texas 60.23 12 39 12
16 Maine 59.81 28 2 44
17th Georgia 59.78 15th 36 10
18th Virginia 58.58 23 23 3
19th Kansas 58.56 22nd 6th 40
20th North Dakota 58.21 14th 28 46