Train for Explosive Power With This Simple Dumbbell Exercise

When you start building explosiveness with weights there is always someone chirping about Olympic lifting moves. However, learning to ride Olympic lifts is a slower and more arduous process than anyone who has never tried it would think. There are more setbacks than breakthroughs. I should know that I've dedicated a decade of my life to Olympic weightlifting.

When you have the time and energy to devote yourself to it, it can be rewarding and spiritually engaging. If you want to train explosive skills now, there are better options. The dumbbell power shrug is one of your best options.

To train explosiveness, stick to basic movements and learn to train them remarkably well.

If you want to learn more about the principles that form the basis of any movement, check out my two-week, in-depth online course that teaches the immutable principles of all barbell lifts. How to restore your body's resilience and control is about to begin.

You don't need a lot of equipment or coaching for an exercise like a dumbbell power shrugand you can customize it to suit your needs and make it harder over time.

You can create a foundation of athleticism, coordination, and explosive potential in the gym for any other physical hobbies you enjoy, but you need to understand how first.

The benefits of the dumbbell shrug

The dumbbell power shrug builds athletic strength.

There aren't many exercises that will work out these traits in the gym except when throwing or hit heavy med balls.

The benefits of training for explosive force

Unless you're doing a sport that requires explosive movements, you may not be interested in an exercise that develops that skill.

The ability to move quickly, move, or catch when you trip, or change direction is an explosive move. It's a physical ability that we often overlook. However, this is not only important for younger people trying to participate in physical exercise.

With age, the ability to explode decreases before other physical traits such as strength, flexibility, and even muscle mass. Unless you're very explosive at first, that drop will be an even bigger problem.

One of the greatest risks of injury in old age is the loss of this explosive reflex.

If we trip and you cannot move your feet fast enough to catch yourself or reach out your hands, you will be injured. Knee, hip, and back injuries from falls can be reduced as you age by adding explosive workout to the mix.

If you are younger and want to be more capable, this is a great tool that doesn't involve learning new or complicated skills. If you want to train that hard, all you have to do is crouch properly and remember how to jump.

The best part about this exercise is that almost every muscle that starts in the lower body and moves up the chain has forceful contact.

The sequence of movement teaches coordination, which in strength training can generally only be learned by engaging in Olympic weightlifting.

A group of trainers close to me call this coordination the chain of command.

Work out for explosive strength with this simple dumbbell exercise - fitness, kettlebell, flexibility, dumbbell, explosive strength, eccentric workout, quads, upper traps, hip mobility, repetitive pace, resilience, overhead medicine ball slam, shrug

Work out for explosive strength with this simple dumbbell exercise - fitness, kettlebell, flexibility, dumbbell, explosive strength, eccentric workout, quads, upper traps, hip mobility, repetitive pace, resilience, overhead medicine ball slam, shrug

The idea is that large muscles should fire before smaller ones during complex explosive movements. For the power shrug, the largest and strongest muscles in the lower body fire when you crouch and stretch up.

Work out for explosive strength with this simple dumbbell exercise - fitness, kettlebell, flexibility, dumbbell, explosive strength, eccentric workout, quads, upper traps, hip mobility, repetitive pace, resilience, overhead medicine ball slam, shrug

When you reach the top of the movement and deploy, the traps should twitch at the same time as your ankles deploy. However, these smaller muscles only work after the larger muscles initiate the movement.

How to do the dumbell power shrug

You need a dumbbell or kettlebell in each hand.

  • Grab it and get up. Then fold over and crouch down so that the dumbbells are somewhere between your kneecaps and ankles.
  • Press firmly against the floor as if trying to drive your ankles through the floor. (This will keep you in contact with the ground longer and prevent you from getting on your toes prematurely as many do when they think of a jump action.)
  • Keep pushing through your feet firmly as you extend, remembering to stretch your body for as long as you want to jump and hold your head against the ceiling.
  • Keep your arms long and your elbows relaxed.
  • Push even harder through the top of your knuckles, remembering to shrug your shoulders to your ears. If you focus on pushing hard through your knuckles, You will hit the balls of your feet, but your toes will not lose contact with the ground.
  • Time your shrug with the exact moment the heels lift off the floor.
  • Once you are fully extended, immediately drop your heels again and crouch again.
  • Try to do this as a continuous, fluid motion with no rest for the set number of repetitions.


When you're comfortable, change it up by starting from the floor. Touch the dumbbells to the floor on each rep.

This deeper squat is harder than you think. It would be helpful if you had enough hip mobility to squat so low with good posture and so you can train the hip muscles differently.

Mistakes to Avoid

A big mistake is to let your entire foot off the ground and bounce. Use light weights and it's no big deal, but start grabbing heavier bells and it could hurt you.

When you ride hard like you should, your heels will leave the ground, but always keep part of your foot in contact with the ground.

One off-balance landing after an actual jump and you see a foot or ankle injury.

A more advanced dumbbell power shrug

Once you have trained the movement and gradually gained weight, you can challenge yourself at various tempos.

You can eccentric (lower) the weight into your squat position before extending it as quickly as possible. Or you could do something like a 3 count eccentric, with a break down below for another 3 counts.

A basic move like the power shrug makes it easy to modify and more challenging so you can keep training hard.

Super Mario 3D All-Stars Review: A Tour of Gaming History

Super mario 3d all stars rating switch supermario3dallstars smg screen 10

"3D All-Stars preserves gaming classics like in a complete package."

  • Super Mario Galaxy is superb

  • Feels authentic to the original releases

  • A ton of Mario gameplay for $ 60

  • More accessible than original hardware

  • Super Mario 64 feels its age

  • Some cumbersome control changes

As someone who had never played Super Mario 64, Super Mario Sunshine or Super Mario Galaxy, I couldn't have been more excited when Nintendo announced Super Mario 3D All-Stars, a collection of the three titles for Nintendo Switch. When I finally played them, I understood how someone could revere a game like Super Mario 64 as something revolutionary in 1996.

Unfortunately, Nintendo decided to keep 64 and Sunshine as they were at the time, to the detriment of experiencing them today, where both titles would have been improved with better controls in more modern 3D Mario games. That being said, you could have told me that Super Mario Galaxy is a brand new game and I would have believed you what it is ultimately worth to acquire this collection.

A product of its time

One of the biggest questions after the Super Mario 3D All-Stars announcement was, "Where's Super Mario Galaxy 2?" For me, playing the collection answers that question; It's not so much about the games themselves, but how they are developed. The progress and differences between the three titles are dramatic. With the release of this game for the Italian plumber's 35th anniversary, 3D All-Stars feels like an intentional showcase of these improvements. Galaxy 2 would have watered down that intention as it is more of a fine-tuning of its direct predecessor's gameplay than a galactic leap forward for the series.

Super mario 64Provided by Nintendo

When I booted up to Super Mario 64, I was impressed by what the game did for a 24 year old title and how much DNA the latest 3D entry, Super Mario Odyssey, had kept. It's no wonder that Super Mario 64, with its hidden layers and non-linear structure, blew players away as I went back to childhood and thought of the content-based experiences that made up the bulk of gaming back then.

My amazement at the game was hampered by the outdated controls. His archaic camera, combined with the fact that Mario plays like a luscious slab of butter floating around the world, made for a sometimes insane experience. Lately the only games that made me want to slam my controller on the table in frustration have been the Dark Souls variety. I did not expect this impulse to be awakened in this game.

No wonder Super Mario 64 blew people away with its hidden layers and nonlinear structure.

Switching from 64 to Sunshine was like a shipwreck, but I found a buoyant and spacious piece of wood that carried me towards land on a distant horizon. What this game does with its mechanics over its predecessor is largely an improvement, in shocking places for a game that wasn't released until six years later. The camera is easier to maneuver and Mario feels like he is working on his shoes with more grip.

The focused tropical theme, which many gamers have mocked for repetitive level design over the years, has a mostly positive impact on the game, although there is occasional over-design that feels a bit aimless and is more of an example: " Look how complex we can level up now! “I found delight in the divisive FLUDD, which is at the center of gameplay, as it has enough of a unique hook and multitude of uses to warrant its implementation.

Super Mario sunshineProvided by Nintendo

Super Mario Galaxy is the land on the far horizon where I washed ashore, and to my amazement, it's a lush and lush island that makes me in vain. While this may not be news to some, it has exceeded my already high expectations to find Galaxy not just my favorite 3D Mario to date, but one of my favorite games of all time.

The flaws of 64 and Sunshine are simply absent here, with razor-sharp level design, pinpoint gameplay, and amazingly unique gravity mechanics that effectively evolve as the game progresses. Where I meandered through portions of the first two titles, I moved through Galaxy as if I were orbiting the sun, gracefully tossed over the game and unable to break free from gravity. To me the inclusion alone is worth the $ 60 price tag, with 64 and Sunshine as a bonus, and I would easily spend another $ 60 on a Galaxy 2 port, and it seems the exclusion is a calculated step from Nintendo was.

Some things change, most stay the same

My love for Galaxy is easily marred by my chaotic feelings towards Sunshine and 64. While I was playing the 64 and GameCube titles, my partner said something about the effect, "They were the only games I had, so I learned to love them." Speaking to other gamers who grew up with these games in their life, it seems that the feeling is for the most part a common one.

Fans who repeat these games and have seen them front to back over and over again will comfortably nestle into their nostalgia and make up for their shortcomings by knowing exactly how to effectively move through them. As mentioned above, the intent of the package is to keep the games unchanged. It doesn't remove the feeling that ruling out reworked mechanics was an incredibly missed opportunity to turn these games into something someone actually wants to play today.

I found Galaxy not only to be my favorite 3D Mario to date, but one of my all-time favorite games that exceeded my already high expectations.

64 is just the original game with a high definition gloss. The lack of widescreen that is offered to Port of Sunshine exacerbates the camera problems as what is not visible outside of the player's field of view is the cause of the most deaths. To make matters worse, textures sometimes appear right in front of the character, creating confusion about where to go or what to do until you're just inches away. Also, the game is missing some of the additions, including additional levels and collectibles that came with the Nintendo DS remake. It's as easy as remastering.

Super Mario 64 comparisonLeft 3D All-Stars, right original

The 16: 9 aspect ratio in Sunshine works wonders for the game, and its HD makeover brings it visually much closer to Galaxy than 64. Unfortunately, one of the things that gave the FLUDD mechanic a bit of charm on the GameCube was the analog triggers on this one Systems. So the player can determine the water pressure of the device. Such functionality is not available on either Joy-Cons or the Switch Pro controller, which means that the FLUDD is set to either zero or 100% functionality.

The game bypasses this missing feature, as certain levels relied on this mechanic in GameCube, in that the ZR trigger allowed Mario to move while splashing even though he couldn't aim. The R-bumper then forces Mario to stand in place, but allows him to aim the FLUDD. As someone who has never played the game before, I'm not sure how drastically this is changing, although given the online reading of fans' interest in how the port handles this mechanic, it could be a disappointment to them .

Galaxy is the title that has required the least refresher. Its visual bump made it almost identical in quality to the 2017 Super Mario Odyssey. As a Wii title, motion controls were an integral part of that experience, and nothing about that port has changed. The Switch Pro controller's accelerometer and gyroscope provide the functionality of the Wiimote's IR blaster. However, while I was playing it was obvious that it would have been optimal to actually have a device pointed at the screen. Tapping the R-bumper re-centers the star pointer, but it still feels less intuitive.

Super Mario GalaxyProvided by Nintendo

How is this motion functionality handled in handheld mode? Touch controls, which is by far the worst way to play the game. For those who don't know, the motion controls are designed to collect stars as you make your way through the level and shoot at enemies and interactive objects. Trying to do all of this with touch controls frequently while moving Mario with the thumb stick is not optimal and makes the TV experience of the game by far the preferred style of play.

The changes to 64 and Sunshine seem like the bare minimum of what could be done to bring them into the modern age. It is clear that these small changes were an attempt to petrify them in their original form, but that only makes their shortcomings more apparent. However, Galaxy is a near-perfect game, the age of which cannot be felt, as it was already ahead of its time and outperforms most new 3D platformer to this day.

Our opinion

For those whose favorite playlist includes the three titles in this collection, you will likely be over the moon to find you can play them all anytime on your TV or on the go. Those who missed these entries in game history will likely have a hard time adapting to their controls, but will find the wonder and joy of playing Super Mario Galaxy.

Is there a better alternative?

Super Mario Odyssey is another great 3D Mario with modern controls specially designed for the Switch. A port of Super Mario 3D World, originally released on Wii U to get rave reviews, will also hit the hybrid console in February 2021.

How long it will take?

A straightforward run of each game takes around a dozen hours of gameplay, but 100% completion, showing each secret level and collecting all of the hidden items, will likely double that, resulting in a package with easily over 60 hours of gameplay.

Should you buy it?

Yes. Super Mario 3D All-Stars are almost as must-have as Breath of the Wild and Mario Kart 8, if only for the strength of Super Mario Galaxy. On top of that, the game will only be available until March 31, 2021, and its value as a collector's item is quite high.

Editor's recommendations

What Causes Acne? | Eminence Organic Skin Care

Acne isn't one size fits all. Depending on the cause of your acne, this can manifest as a strange pimple or a more chronic, lifelong condition. The truth is that up to 80% of us will get acne at some point in our lives. One of the best ways to kick acne to the roadside? Go to the source. Here are five causes of acne and our tips on getting rid of breakouts for good.

Causes of acne

These are some of the factors that can contribute to breakouts, blemishes, and chronic acne.

Clogged pores

Every pimple starts the same way: with a clogged pore. Each of our pores is made up of a hair follicle that contains a sebum (oil) that plays a key role in skin health. Sebum glands release sebum, a waxy, oily secretion that helps lubricate and soften the surface of the skin. When sebum travels along the follicle to the surface of the skin, it can become trapped in dead skin cells that block its path. Acne occurs when oil, dirt, and bacteria combine to cause the infection and inflammation that we call an outbreak.

Excess oil production

Is your skin particularly oily? Oily skin is linked to a genetic predisposition to overproduce the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which causes the skin's sebum glands to produce more sebum. When the skin produces too much oil, its pores enlarge and stretch to contain the excess. When excess oil becomes trapped, it can bond with the dead skin and bacteria that have settled in the pore, causing breakouts. The severity of your acne breakouts can depend on your body's response to excessive oil production. According to WebMD: "Levels of sebum, which can cause a pimple or two in one person, can lead to widespread breakouts – or even acute cystic acne – in another."


Everyone has acne bacteria on their skin, however Not all acne bacteria cause pimples. According to Medical News Today, "Research suggests that the severity and frequency of acne depends on the strain of bacteria." The strain of bacteria that contributes to acne is called Propionibacterium acnes or P. acnes. This bacterium is generally harmless, but under certain conditions (e.g., in a clogged pore, surrounded by oil and without air), it can trigger an immune response that causes inflammation in surrounding tissues.


Fluctuations in the body's androgen levels, especially during puberty and pregnancy, can also trigger acne. Indeed that Journal of Women's Health claims that up to 26% of women in their 30s have fighting breakouts. Whitney Bowe, MD tells health: "When a woman's androgen receptors are particularly sensitive, these hormones can trigger excessive oil production and cause skin cells to become sticky, leading to clogged pores and breakouts." Typically, hormonal acne occurs on the lower half of the face along the jawline and occurs during your monthly cycle.


Unfortunately, your own inevitable genetic makeup often comes into play. Mona Gohara, MD tells Marie Claire: "Some people are genetically more susceptible to their sebum glands becoming inflamed from hormones, oils and bacteria." Chances are, one of your parents is likely to have moderate to severe acne symptoms too.

Acne treatment

One of the best ways to combat the root causes of acne is through Your skin care routine. To keep your skin clear and flawless, we recommend using our Acne Advanced 3-Step Treatment System and, in conjunction with your preferred Eminence Organics spa partner, a virtual consultation or an acne facial.

Product selection

Acne Advanced 3-Step Treatment System


The products in this innovative collection are designed to treat acne and prevent future breakouts. Results range from just 28 days. Here's why Senior skin care trainer Natalie Pergar recommends using this organic solution to cleanse your complexion:

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Do you suffer from acne? How has it affected you and what helped you find relief? We'd love to hear your story. Share comments with us and join the conversation on social media.

This post was originally published in October 2018 and has been updated for accuracy and completeness.

Train for Explosive Power With This Simple Dumbbell Exercise

When you start building explosiveness with weights there is always someone chirping about Olympic lifting moves. However, learning to ride Olympic lifts is a slower and more arduous process than anyone who has never tried it would think. There are more setbacks than breakthroughs. I should know that I've dedicated a decade of my life to Olympic weightlifting.

When you have the time and energy to devote yourself to it, it can be rewarding and spiritually engaging. Now, if you want to train explosive skills, there are better options. The dumbbell power shrug is one of your best options.

To train explosiveness, stick to basic movements and learn to train them remarkably well.

If you're interested in learning more about the principles that form the basis of any movement, check out my two-week, in-depth online course that teaches the immutable principles behind all barbell lifts. How to restore your body's resilience and control is about to begin.

You don't need a lot of equipment or coaching for an exercise like a dumbbell power shrugand you can customize it to suit your needs and make it harder over time.

You can create a foundation of athleticism, coordination, and explosive potential in the gym for any other physical hobbies you enjoy, but you need to understand how first.

The benefits of the dumbbell shrug

The dumbbell power shrug builds athletic strength.

There aren't many exercises that work out these traits in the gym, except when throwing or hitting heavy med balls.

The benefits of training for explosive force

Unless you're doing a sport that requires explosive movements, you may not be interested in an exercise that develops that skill.

The ability to move quickly, move, or catch when you trip, or change direction is an explosive move. It's a physical ability that we often overlook. However, this is not only important for younger people trying to participate in physical exercise.

With age, the ability to explode decreases before other physical traits such as strength, flexibility, and even muscle mass. Unless you're very explosive at first, that drop will be an even bigger problem.

One of the greatest risks of injury in old age is the loss of this explosive reflex.

If we trip and you cannot move your feet fast enough to catch yourself or reach out your hands, you will be injured. Knee, hip, and back injuries from falls can be reduced as you age by adding explosive workout to the mix.

If you are younger and want to be more powerful, this is a great tool that doesn't involve learning new or complicated skills. If you want to train that hard, all you have to do is crouch properly and remember how to jump.

The best part about this exercise is that almost every muscle that starts in the lower body and moves up the chain has forceful contact.

The sequence of movement teaches coordination, which in strength training can generally only be learned by engaging in Olympic weightlifting.

A group of trainers close to me call this coordination the chain of command.

Work out for explosive strength with this simple dumbbell exercise - fitness, kettlebell, flexibility, dumbbell, explosive strength, eccentric workout, quads, upper traps, hip mobility, repetitive pace, resilience, overhead medicine ball slam, shrug

Work out for explosive strength with this simple dumbbell exercise - fitness, kettlebell, flexibility, dumbbell, explosive strength, eccentric workout, quads, upper traps, hip mobility, repetitive pace, resilience, overhead medicine ball slam, shrug

The idea is that large muscles should fire before smaller ones during complex explosive movements. For the power shrug, the strongest muscles of the lower body fire when you crouch and stretch up.

Work out for explosive strength with this simple dumbbell exercise - fitness, kettlebell, flexibility, dumbbell, explosive strength, eccentric workout, quads, upper traps, hip mobility, repetitive pace, resilience, overhead medicine ball slam, shrug

When you reach the top of the movement and deploy, the traps should twitch at the same time as your ankles deploy. However, these smaller muscles only work after the larger muscles initiate the movement.

How to do the dumbell power shrug

You need a dumbbell or kettlebell in each hand.

  • Grab it and get up. Then, fold over and crouch down so the dumbbells are somewhere between your kneecaps and ankles.
  • Press firmly against the floor as if trying to drive your ankles through the floor. (This will keep you in contact with the ground longer and prevent you from getting on your toes prematurely, as many do when they think of a jump action.)
  • Keep pushing firmly through your feet as you extend, remembering to stretch your body for as long as you want to jump and hold your head against the ceiling.
  • Keep your arms long and your elbows relaxed.
  • Push even harder through your knuckles at the very top and remember to shrug your shoulders to your ears. If you focus on pushing hard through your knuckles, You will hit the balls of your feet, but your toes will not lose contact with the ground.
  • Time your shrug with the exact moment the heels lift off the floor.
  • Once you are fully extended, immediately drop your heels again and crouch again.
  • Try to do this as a continuous, fluid motion with no rest for the set number of repetitions.


When you're comfortable, change it up by starting from the floor. Touch the dumbbells to the floor on each rep.

This deeper squat is harder than you think. It would be helpful if you had enough hip mobility to squat so low with good posture and so you trained the hip muscles differently.

Mistakes to Avoid

A big mistake is to let your entire foot off the ground and bounce. Use light weights and it's no big deal, but start grabbing heavier bells and it could hurt you.

When you ride hard like you should, your heels will leave the ground but always keep part of your foot in contact with the ground.

One off-balance landing after an actual jump and you see a foot or ankle injury.

A more advanced dumbbell power shrug

Once you have trained the movement and gradually gained weight, you can challenge yourself at various tempos.

You can eccentrically (lower) the weight into your squat position with 6 counts before extending it as quickly as possible. Or you could do something like a 3 count eccentric, with a break down below for another 3 counts.

A basic move like the power shrug makes it easy to modify and more challenging so you can keep training hard.

Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2 5G Review: Fully Functional Foldable

Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2 5G

"The Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2 is the best foldable device you can buy right now."

  • The foldable screen opens up new possibilities

  • Excellent hardware quality

  • Soothing hinge and screen durability

  • Very good triple camera

  • Top-end specs and core features

  • Difficult and awkward to operate with one hand

  • Many apps are not optimized for leaflets

  • Much more expensive than most phones

Foldable devices will play a role in the future of smartphones. Even if they seem expensive, fragile, and compromised right now, they won't be forever. Just the evolution of quality from the first Galaxy Fold, which got off to a terrible start, to the quality of the Galaxy Z Fold 2 shows that the industry is on the right track.

However, you are not buying a foldable phone, especially a $ 2,000 phone, as it is part of an advancement of new technology. You buy it based on what it does for you and what it offers beyond what you get from a regular smartphone. Here's everything the Galaxy Z Fold 2 brings to the table to justify its sky-high price tag.

Hardware, design and ads

The new Galaxy Z Fold 2 follows the same concept as its predecessor: a device the size of a mini tablet that is halved by a large hinge, with a folding screen on the inside and an additional "cover display" on the outside. However, it is no exaggeration to say that Samsung has touched the implementation of this concept for this generation in every way. And it's all for the better.

Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2

Samsung knows how to make high-end phones that look and feel like they're worth the money, and that carries over to this huge device. The two-tone matte glass and shiny metal pieces add some flair to the Z Fold 2, and while I like it (you'll never be able to hide this phone anyway), black is an option too. The execution is flawless. Every angle is perfect, every gap is consistent, and all the details are spot on.

The redesigned hinge is most responsible for the Z Fold 2's rugged feel. It is no longer loose or thin at any point in its operation, as it sticks at every angle, e.g. B. a laptop screen or a Microsoft Surface stand. You can adjust the screen angle to whatever you want and it just stays there – but it retains a satisfactory lock when opened flat. With the screen open, you can hold the phone in one hand, shake it around, hold it vertically or upside down and it will not move.

Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2

It's also relatively easy to return it to a folded position with one hand – as long as you comfortably press your thumb on the screen. It closes with a solid, satisfying "click" while the bezels snap together with magnets. Regardless of whether you open or close, hardly a sound can be heard. Of course, if you hold your ear to the screen, you'll notice the various layers unfold and the little dusty bristles in the hinge, but this is an almost silent operation.

Samsung has revised the hardware design and brought both displays to a new level.

Even if Samsung had kept the exterior design identical to that of its predecessor, I would still welcome the improved display. The cover display used to be weirdly small, but like any other smartphone, it is now 6.2 inches and has small frames. Major changes have been made inside. The 7.6-inch foldable panel is now surrounded by 25% smaller bezels and a simple pinhole camera instead of the huge notch with multiple cameras before. The edges of the bezel aren't raised nearly as much, and you hardly notice them even if you're using the Android 10's gesture navigation system.

The display looks great. Of course, it's a Samsung display. The colors are saturated, the brightness is excellent even outdoors and there are no deviations when viewed at an angle. It even runs at a refresh rate of 120Hz, just like the S20 series, so the movement is buttery smooth. With the flexible display levels, the clarity is not on par with the glass covers of the iPhone 11 Pro Max or the Samsung Note 20 Ultra. That slight visual change aside, this display is indistinguishable from the best in the business – it's only twice that size and randomly folds in half. No compromise here.

Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2

Let's talk about the crease. It is there and yes you will notice. Sometimes. This is most noticeable on a screen with low brightness and on a white or light background. Even so, after a few days I noticed that my eyes were ignoring it. And since you mostly use the phone in portrait orientation – the display has a very wide aspect ratio anyway – rarely touch or swipe the crease.

However, most people are more concerned about the shelf life. I only used the Z Fold 2 for this test for two weeks. So I can't say how well it will hold up over time. But I'm pretty confident, especially since we've now seen people use the original crease (well, the revised original crease) for a year with little deterioration. This new model has the Samsung display "UTG" or Ultra Thin Glass for the display and is much more resistant to scratches and bumps. There's also a pre-installed screen protector made from the typical thin flexible plastic that I'm not a huge fan of, but it's another layer of protection.

Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2

The crease will definitely change its shape a little, and over months of folding it will absorb some aberrations. And yes, if you dig your fingernail into the screen or drop it while it's open, it will look worse for wear and tear. However, most of the phones get damaged in the latter scenario. The biggest advantage of the Z Fold 2 is that the foldable screen is closed and cannot be compromised when you are not using it. With a large foldable phone like this one, there are user-friendliness concerns, but for me they don't relate to the durability of the screen and the hinge.

With a big foldable phone

Samsung has made strides to make this hardware as slim and compact as current technology allows. However, it is still a giant compared to single non-collapsible screens. That starts with a weight of 282 grams, which is about 25% heavier than an iPhone 11 Pro Max and 35% heavier than a Galaxy Note 20 Ultra. It's nearly 17mm thick, roughly twice that of a typical phone (as expected).

It adds up to a cumbersome device. It's big and heavy, and you never forget that – neither in your hand nor in your pocket. The phone is nowhere near so small that I can use it as a music source for my headphones in any kind of bag or holder. It's not waterproof either, so I wouldn't take the risk anyway.

Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2 5G

The weight is most noticeable when it is closed. This is how you will use it a lot. Fortunately, the new, larger cover display is big enough to get most of your chores done, and gives you full access to a typical lock screen, notifications, a home screen, and all of your apps. The screen is a bit narrow which can make typing awkward (this can be fixed with a swipe keyboard), but the main problem is getting to the top of this very tall screen while balancing out a beefy and thick phone.

The other problem you will encounter is app compatibility. Some apps just don't scale to full screen because they're so big. This is more annoying than a real usability problem, but it's there. Most of these buggy apps are the same ones that will inevitably have to be restarted if you open the phone while it is running. This is an odd odd thing about resizing Android apps (or not).

You don't use the outside display more than necessary, however, as you can open up the Z Fold 2 and get the gorgeous control panel instead. The use cases are all easy to understand. It starts with just getting more of everything. More map area, more webpage before scrolling, more photos in larger size, more of each message in a list, more book before turning the page, and so on. This is great because you never feel cramped on the Z Fold 2 – there is always enough space to do what you want.

Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2 5G

However, that again requires the apps that you play ball with. Many apps, including all apps from Google and Microsoft, make good use of this additional real estate when run in full screen mode. You get an additional appropriately sized panel or user interface controls, which gives you more content and less chrome. Other apps are just bad. Twitter, Seamless, Venmo, Strava, Telegram, Lyft, American Express, the list goes on. All of them just stretch out the UI and no longer offer you any content or viewing space as they were not designed for large screens. Instagram is notoriously bad at filling the screen, and now Samsung has just packed it with pillars to make it at least reasonably usable. (It's still bad.)

Samsung also uses the stiff hinge to prop the phone at an angle in "flex mode," which triggers a different user interface in a handful of apps – YouTube, Google Duo, Camera, and a few others. it's not very useful. Why cut the screen in half? I only used it for video calls when I didn't want to hold the phone or for photos where I used it as a de facto tripod.

Most of the time, you're running a single app on the Z Fold 2 and it feels clunky and like a waste of space. You really need to find and stick to the handful of apps that make good use of that space. Of course, you can also run apps side by side, which greatly improves the experience. It's instantly intuitive and extremely useful. Run Twitter while messaging, check the status of an order while viewing your credit card charge, and do a Wikipedia search while watching a YouTube video. Check your calendar while reading an email.

It is this dual app that makes the Z Fold 2 shine and really justifies its size. You can set up pairs of apps (or groups of three if you really want to) to start automatically together with the press of a button. If you already have a full screen app open, you can always drag a second, third, or floating app with a small handle on the side of the screen. About 90% of my apps ran side by side – not perfect, but close.

Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2 5G

If you don't open the Z Fold 2 regularly and use multiple apps at the same time, then you really are missing the point of this phone. You don't pay that much and bother with this great device just to use the cover display or a single app inside. You need to use its features.

Samsung offers the Z Fold 2 more than enough power to run three apps at the same time. You don't have to think for a moment that the phone has a Snapdragon 865+, 12GB of RAM, or 5GB – it all works like any high-end phone should and will do for years to come. However, you will appreciate the 256GB of storage as well as the useful features like stereo speakers, fast charging, fast wireless charging, and reverse wireless charging. There are no compromises in terms of technical data and functions compared to non-foldable telephones, which is currently not a matter of course for foldable telephones.

Unless you regularly use multiple apps at the same time, then you really lack the point of this phone.

Battery life is almost the same as leading single monitors, but how long it lasts depends a lot on how you use them. With a lot of main screen use and multitasking, you can chew through the 4,500mAh battery (like the Note 20 Ultra) before you know it. It's not surprising that allowing yourself to watch videos more often and keep two apps running all the time will drain your resources. In my typical use, where I put what I normally do on the bigger screen, I lasted a full day on 10 to 20% battery life.


In contrast to the Microsoft Surface Duo, the Galaxy Z Fold 2 fortunately does not have any major compromises when it comes to the camera. You get a triumvirate of cameras loosely based on the Galaxy S20: the same 12 megapixel main camera with OIS (optical image stabilization) is combined with two smaller 12MP sensors for zoom and ultrawide applications.

It's a little disappointing that this $ 2,000 phone doesn't include a copy of the Galaxy S20 + (or Note 20 Ultra) camera setup. But where things matter most, the main camera, you get an identical experience. These photos speak for themselves folks: this is a really good camera.

Just like Samsung's 2020 flagships, the Z Fold 2 takes expressive, colorful, and engaging photos. I've never taken a really bad shot, and the camera is completely reliable and consistent every time I hit the power button twice to start it. There tends to be too much saturation and sometimes the sky can be blown out or strong halos around objects, but these are minor issues.

The zoom camera is a bit of a let down as it is a smaller sensor and there is no OIS in the main camera (and in the zoom camera on the Galaxy S20). You can easily see that zoom shots are softer than the main camera even if the resolution is only 2x, and in low light conditions the software switches back completely to the main sensor. This zoom camera dates back to the Galaxy S10 series and today's midrange phones, and that's not a good thing to see at this price point. The ultrawide camera absolutely does the job, even if it's not exactly the same as that of the S20 and Note 20 series.

Regardless of the camera chosen, shooting with a huge viewfinder with the screen open is even better than a typical phone.

Perhaps the biggest camera win of all is for selfies. You can flip the Z-fold 2 over and use the rear camera as a selfie shooter with the cover display as the viewfinder. Whether you want a high quality main camera shot or an ultrawide shot for a group of friends (or a backdrop for yourself), that typical front camera will blow away – especially in low light.

Our opinion

The Galaxy Z Fold 2 is a huge evolution of the original. The hardware is perfectly made and exudes quality, while the functionality of the screens and the hinge has been dramatically improved. All of this without compromising the core smartphone experience – you get good cameras and most of the nice-to-have features of a regular phone.

The downsides are ease of use, size, and price. The Z Fold 2 is huge, which makes it difficult to operate with one hand at times – and if you don't use that large display all the time, it's a chore to carry this massive device around with you. At the same time, many of the software experiences when you have this screen open leave much to be desired. And then there is the price. At $ 2,000, you need a lot of cash to spend twice as much money as a typical high-end phone, but not twice as many functions or features.

This is an amazing technological feat, but it still requires understanding that you are buying a collapsible smartphone that is on the cutting edge of innovation. That means there is compromise, and that's not what most people want (or need).

Is there a better alternative?

There really isn't a direct alternative to the Galaxy Z Fold 2. Some will say the Microsoft Surface Duo is a loose competitor, but really offers a different experience with its separate displays – and ultimately the Surface Duo falls far short of the mark in terms of smartphone functionality and usability.

Elsewhere in the foldable space you have a choice Samsung's own Galaxy Z Flip or the upcoming Motorola Razr, both of which offer completely different experiences. Realistically, your choice is: Are you doing this? Buy a Galaxy Z Fold 2or spend top dollars on a "traditional" high-end phone like this Galaxy Note 20 Ultra or upcoming iPhone 12 Pro Max? It's a personal choice.

How long it will take?

I'm not particularly concerned about the long-term durability of the Z Fold 2's hinge and display. Samsung clearly put a lot of work into fixing early hardware bugs, and even last year's Fold has proven to be quite durable over time. Samsung also offers good warranty protection and screen replacement if necessary. The Z Fold 2 also receives at least two major software upgrades and regular security patches that keep it going for about as long as someone actually uses the phone.

Should you buy it?

Yes. People will make fun of the $ 2,000 price tag for the Z Fold 2, and rightly so. However, if you are ready to part with that huge sum of money on the latest technology, then you are probably also interested in being an early adopter of foldable phones. The Z Fold 2 is currently the best foldable one on the (small) market.

However, if you do buy it, please do not fund the phone for more than four years as Samsung suggests on its website.

Editor's recommendations

Panasonic HomeHawk Window Review: See The Color of The Night

The homehawk window was mounted in a window

Panasonic HomeHawk window

"The Homehawk window offers amazing color night vision without the need for a headlight."

  • Easy to install

  • Easy to move

  • Slim profile

  • Amazing color night vision

  • Motion tracking in recorded videos

  • The app is terrible

  • Night shots are grainy

  • Videos are stuck on the memory card

There is no shortage of security cameras on the market today. I've seen a lot of them. If a camera surprises me, I notice it. The Panasonic Homehawk Window is one such camera, and it's a three year project.

On its surface, the HomeHawk window is a surveillance camera mounted on the window. Not a big surprise. Cameras like the Logitech Circle 2 have been doing this for years. The standout feature of the Homehawk window is its night vision capabilities. The 150 degree camera has a proprietary sensor that delivers color night vision at just 0.2 lux. This is really impressive, so I wanted to find out how they did it.

exceed limits

HomeHawk engineers had to overcome two major obstacles to deliver a window-mounted camera with night vision capabilities. The first was to design the case so that the sensor is protected from reflections inside the house. Most exterior windows are double panes, so there is a pane of glass on the inside and one on the outside with an air cushion in between. It's easy to block reflections inside, but the outside is more problematic. The 16: 9 aspect ratio of the camera body matches the ratio of the sensor, so the body blocks most of the reflection.

The second problem occurs in the form of color night vision. The Arlo Pro 3 has colored night vision, but only because of the built-in floodlights. Most cameras use an infrared light and a sensor to provide a black and white image. The problem with IR with window-mounted cameras is that the glass causes a lot of glare in the image, which interferes with night vision. HomeHawk engineers have consulted with other departments at Panasonic, namely Lumix engineers and Panasonic's professional security department, to find out how to overcome this obstacle. The result was a proprietary, highly sensitive, high dynamic range CMOS sensor.

Night mode like with smartphones

The result is astonishingly good. The easiest way to describe it is to compare it to something like Night Sight on a Pixel phone. The difference is that Night Sight uses a series of long exposures made with A.I. to deliver a brightly lit scene. The HomeHawk delivers this with real-time video. If that sounds wild, it's because it is.

You can see three pictures below. The first is taken with a Pixel 4a with the night vision device turned on. It took about 30 seconds to get this shot, which is why it looks like a strange panda monster with a ponytail for its face. The second is recorded with an LG V60 with night mode turned on. It's less great. The third is a still image from the HomeHawk window. The fact is that even at 4 a.m. the picture is always so bright that no loss of detail occurs during the day either.

  • 1.
    Pixel 4a (night vision)
  • 2.
    LG V60 (night mode)
  • 3.
    HomeHawk window

The video is not perfect. At night the resolution is quite low and pixelated. You can still see enough detail to identify people, especially when they're close enough to the camera to actually pose a threat to your home. During the day that's no problem at all. The video is crisp and clear.

I would also like to see Panasonic do something about the fish-eye effect. A camera like the Vivint Outdoor Camera Pro has a wider field of view with a less pronounced fish-eye look. Overall, though, it's a pretty good compromise considering how good night vision is.

The easiest way to describe it is to compare it to something like Night Sight on a Pixel phone.

The HomeHawk window comes with the camera itself and includes detailed assembly instructions for temporary and permanent fixtures, power cords and hooks for cable management. Thoroughly clean your window. To attach the camera to your window, remove the film from the suction mount, place it firmly against the window and pull the lever to activate the suction. That's it. Plug in the cable, insert a microSD card (up to 32GB) if you want to record, then attach the back plate.

The camera is firmly in place after assembly. An LED on the back indicates that the power is on and glows red while recording is in progress. There is a fan in the camera that can be heard when you are near the camera, but it is not distracting. That covers the hardware.

A disorganized app

Unfortunately I have to tell you something about the app now. It's not great, but there are some highlights. You have a lot of control over when your camera records an event, be it motion, people only, or 24/7 recording. When you record new footage, old footage is discarded. According to Panasonic, you will get around 10 days of footage with 32GB of storage.

However, it is difficult to tell the camera when to record automatically. The first time you enter the app, you'll see a "Basic" icon at the top that doesn't tell you what it is. I ignored it for the first few days. I accidentally tapped it once and suddenly I was able to configure which mode the camera should go into, which in turn defines what is being recorded. As you can imagine, this was a turning point.

On the surface, it's a good idea to have presets that determine when the camera records video. However, the user interface is not at all intuitive. I came across this literally by accident. However, automatic recording of events is essential as that is all the camera will do. It can be set to record 24/7, but that's also hidden behind that button that I didn't know was a button.

Keep local

The Home Hawk does not have a personal or other cloud storage subscription. What you get on the memory card, you get, and that's fine. However, there is no way to move a video to your phone. You can take snapshots that will be saved in your photo album. However, videos remain on the memory card. This is a very basic function and it seems like a missed opportunity.

Navigating between pages in the app is slow and often results in a loading animation. The app also has some organizational problems. For example, you can access camera settings using several different paths. Overall, the app is honestly just a weird experience that seems to be thrown together at the last minute.

HomeHawk Windows from the side.

The app has a few highlights, however. You can stream live footage from the camera. that is easily accessible. And you can access the live stream and recordings through the app when you are not at home to catch up on things. The videos you have recorded can be organized by the hour they were recorded. You can filter your recordings by motion, person or manual recordings. As the footage plays, the app will show you what has moved by drawing a blue box around it. This is smart and will let you know what to look out for.

There are tons of other software features, including a network strength indicator, which I found a nice touch. A common occurrence is that you place a camera and only later discover that the WiFi coverage is not good enough. You can also set limits and sensitivity for motion detection. Finally, the HomeHawk window integrates with the Google Assistant and Alexa, which is always a win in my book.

Our opinion

Overall, this is an impressive first attempt at creating a window-filling camera with really good night vision. Panasonic has to do with the app and the resolution of the camera at night, but I don't think that colored night vision is a party trick. I see it as a halo feature that other manufacturers should honestly strive for. At $ 150, the camera is on the lower end of the mid-range price range. This is very bad.

Is there a better alternative?

Are there better cameras? For sure. The Ring Spotlight Cam gives a much better picture at night, but this color video requires a spotlight. Overall, the industry seems to have decided that a spotlight or black and white is good enough for the night, and I can't say I totally disagree. In addition, both work in total darkness. If you are good at these solutions, there are a variety of good alternatives.

How long it will take?

The camera comes with short and long term assembly instructions. The app also contains a maintenance notification that can be sent to your phone to reset the camera from time to time. The housing is made of plastic, so it's not the most durable camera on the market, but it feels sturdy. The camera comes with a one-year guarantee.

Should you buy it?

Yes. Overall, this is a decent camera. It's not the only one attached to a window, nor is it the only one with colored night vision. But it's the only option that offers both. The ease of installation and portability make this camera a very nice low profile camera to fit behind the blinds. It's easy to maintain and it's in your home so you don't have to worry about the elements, external power sources, or charging batteries.

Editor's recommendations

Acer XZ272U Review: Perfect Mainstream Gaming Monitor

acer nitro xz272u review dsc01590

"Acer's XZ272U gaming monitor strikes a great balance between price and performance."

  • Excellent gaming performance

  • Good contrast

  • Surprisingly accurate in color

  • Curved, but not too much

  • competitive prices

  • Lack of processing quality

  • Easy lubrication with time lapse

  • Inconspicuous color scale

I'm someone who usually dives into the high-end segment, and Acer caught my attention when they announced a 27-inch curved gaming monitor with a 165Hz refresh rate. Not because of its spec sheet, but because of its price: could the Nitro XZ272U, with an MSRP of $ 330 but often selling around the $ 300 mark, be worthy of our list of the best gaming monitors?

That's not a lot of money in the world of gaming monitors, and while it's not exactly pocket money either, Acer's numbers promise a solid gaming experience. So we're going to find out how well it works.

There's always a catch with specs like this at this price point. But with this nitro gaming monitor, there's nothing like a deal breaker here – as long as you know what you're signing up for.


Starting with the design of the monitor, when you unpack the Acer XZ272U, you will be pleasantly surprised. The monitor isn't heavy and clearly built to a cheaper standard, but Acer scores a ton of brownie points with the display stand.

It has a simple round, swiveling base on which you attach a red, anodized aluminum neck that has height and tilt adjustments, giving you complete range of motion.

There are some red accents on the back of the monitor, but there are no sticky design elements on the front other than the subtle red accents on the stand. If you ask me, these are among the better looking gaming monitors you can buy for this budget, and it won't look out of place on the family computer either.

The curve is rated 1500R, and this is what it looks like: it's subtle, but it helps you get a little more immersed into the game without overdoing it so that it's just gaming-appropriate.

If you want to use it for both gaming and work, this is a great dual purpose monitor.

Connections and controls

If you need a display with tons of ports, the back of the Acer XZ272U isn't as covered as Dell's 27-inch USB-C monitor, although you've probably seen it already. You'll want to use the monitor's DisplayPort input, but it also has two HDMI inputs, a headphone output, and a power connector – and that's it. There is neither USB-C nor a USB hub or other fancy extras here, but at this price they are not to be expected anyway.

The OSD is also incredibly simple, but it has everything you need. Operation is via a direction node in the lower right corner of the display, which first calls up a quick menu with brightness, input and color modes. If you go to the full menu, you will find a section titled "Image" where you can adjust the settings for Brightness, Contrast, HDR and Sharpness. The Color submenu provides more precise adjustments to get the right colors, including gamma and temperature controls.

There is also a game submenu where you can enable FreeSync, set overdrive mode, access an update rate counter, and enable a virtual target point.

One thing to keep in mind with the OSD is that it can be very slow to respond to input and the Directional node is not particularly inviting to use. It's shaky, dirty, and provides buttery feedback at best as you go through the motions. However, it is unlikely that you will spend much time in the OSD. Hence, it's likely that this doesn't really matter anyway.

picture quality

Acer has equipped the XZ272U with a QHD VA panel, which means that it has a resolution of 2560 x 1440. Thanks to VA technology, the static contrast ratio is given as 3000: 1. Acer does not provide any numbers for color coverage. So let's see how the display fares in our tests.

Our sample achieved 95% coverage of standard sRGB storage space and 72% of AdobeRGB. These are not spectacular numbers, but if all you have chances is it doesn't matter to you anyway. Of course, if you're looking for a monitor that's good for gaming and color-critical work, you'll want to look elsewhere, but then you'll also need a bigger budget. In terms of color accuracy, however, Acer seems to be doing something right, with the XZ272U reporting a Delta-E of 1.23. It may not have a wide gamut of color, but it accurately reproduces what it can display.

The XZ272U also failed to meet the promised contrast values, although only a few VA monitors ever achieve the promised 3000: 1. In this regard, the XZ272U actually did quite well, achieving a contrast of 1870: 1 at 100% brightness and 2000: 1 at 75% brightness, which we don't have to write down often.

The XZ272U did quite well, achieving a contrast of 2000: 1 at 75% brightness

However, the display doesn't get very bright. Our highest brightness is 287.5 nits. The full brightness may be a bit disappointing in brightly lit rooms, but if you play in a dark room at night I found the 75% brightness display to be the most comfortable where it happens to have the best contrast ratio.

After calibrating, I managed to get 1 percent more AdobeRGB coverage out of the display, but the accuracy was actually a little worse with a Delta-E of 1.27 instead of 1.23. So it can be said with certainty that the calibration of the XZ272U brings at least little benefit in the case of our sample.

When it comes to HDR performance, the Acer XZ272U has a DisplayHDR 400 certificate, which doesn't really mean a lot. There is no form of local dimming, and since DisplayHDR 400 is the lowest level of certification I would see it this way: The Acer XZ272U can interpret HDR signals, but it doesn't give you a true HDR experience.

In summary, it can be said that the panel does not have the most sparkling colors, but is sharp, deep black, consistent and surprisingly accurate in the colors displayed.

Gaming performance

When it comes to gaming, Acer touts a refresh rate of 165 Hz and response times of 4 ms, which means a solid gaming experience, but nothing earth-shaking. The standard for gaming displays these days is 144 Hz, so Acer jumps over it by a hair. However, we are entering a time when 240 Hz displays are emerging, and a handful of manufacturers have just launched 360 Hz displays alongside the launch of the Nvidia RTX 3000, though the vast majority of gamers will benefit from nothing above 144 Hz will be anyway.

VA panels deliver vivid colors and deep blacks

My experience is reflected in it. The 165Hz refresh rate was a dream to play with, be it slow single player titles or nervous multiplayer games like Destiny 2. The QHD resolution isn't overly demanding for your system. So if you have an up-to-date graphics card and want to cut the settings down, it is very doable to get smooth frame rates without spending a lot of money. FreeSync works as it should without stuttering, tearing, or flickering. The latter can often occur on VA panel monitors.

The XZ272U does not have a real G-Sync module, but it does support G-Sync via the Adaptive-Sync standard. While it doesn't appear on Nvidia's list of supported G-Sync monitors (yet), the technology works all well.

As mentioned earlier, this monitor has a VA panel that we find a catch on: VA smear. As much as VA panels deliver vivid colors and deep blacks, smearing is a common phenomenon with VA monitors as the color is sometimes slow to change. Visible smearing occurs on fast-moving objects, especially when changing from light to dark colors.

For example, if you move your mouse across the screen on a dark background, it will leave a short trail – or in games, if you turn around quickly, it will present itself as a kind of slight motion blur. It's a very soft blur because the refresh rate is high, but still a blur.

However, it is not something that you should immediately take at face value and pass this monitor on. Smudging is minimal and unless you are very competitive in your games, it is unlikely to be bothered, if you even notice it. You can see the effect in the Blurbusters test above. The upper alien moved at 165 Hz, the middle one with half and the lower one with half. Of course, the top alien produced the smoothest image, but you can see the light is dying out and the image was certainly not as sharp as the Samsung G7's.

A monitor like the Samsung G7 (either its 27-inch or 32-inch variant) offers crisp moving images with less smudging, but you'll have to more than double your budget to get your hands on one of these, which is easy is not the case. For most people, it's not worth it.

After all, the strength of the VA panel lies in the color rendering and contrast ratio, and the deep black and the somewhat vivid colors make games very entertaining.

Our opinion

If you're looking for a gaming monitor that will likely meet most of your needs, the Acer XZ272U is worth considering. It may not be the absolute fastest on the market, but it's fast enough for the vast majority of gamers, and at $ 300 it's easy to forgive the monitor's shortcomings, largely due to cheaper build quality and a visible light due to smudging (if you can even see it), a nondescript suite of ports, and a slow user interface.

But you won't be spending a lot of time in the UI anyway. With its 1500R curve, the XZ272U is suitable for both games and office work. So, if you need a dual-purpose monitor for games and writing papers, this is the one for you.

Are there alternatives?

Absolutely, the $ 300 gaming monitor segment doesn't lack competition. The Gigabyte G27Q has an IPS panel with greater color coverage, but you'll sacrifice the curve and deep black. For little extra money, you can get the same Acer monitor, but in a 32-inch format for more immersion. If you want to spend a little less, you can consider Asus' TUF Gaming VG27VH1B as it has a lower resolution and will therefore also be less demanding on your graphics card. Similarly, Acer also sells the 27-inch Predator Z1, which is available at a similar price but drops the resolution to Full HD and has a refresh rate of 144 Hz. Currently it is also a 4 year old model.

If you double your budget, you can get the 1000R Curved G7 from Samsung. However, despite its unmatched performance in games, this monitor has shortcomings that can make you feel salty when you spend as much as it costs.

Overall, I feel that Acer's XZ272U strikes a balance between price and performance that is likely to please the largest audience.

How long it will take?

Unless you get a lemon, we expect the Acer XZ272U to last as long as any monitor today should: at least five years, and Acer protects your purchase for a three-year warranty.

Should I buy it?

Yes. If you need a monitor for gaming and general office work, the Acer XZ272U is likely to keep you happy for years.

Editor's recommendations

Canon EOS Rebel T8i Review: There’s Nothing to See Here

Product photo of Canon EOS Rebel T8i looking through the viewfinder

"Small changes bring the T8i towards the enthusiast, but it remains a high-profile DSLR in a mirrorless world."

  • Great auto focus with live view

  • 4K video is available

  • AF-ON button, rear dial

  • 800-round battery

  • 4K is cropped, only 24p

  • Not a high frame rate 1080p

  • Small, dark viewfinder

In 2017, I reviewed the Canon EOS Rebel T8i's predecessor, the Rebel T7i, and found that this is a refreshing exception to the rule that entry-level DSLRs aren't exciting. An "EOS 80D in disguise," as I called it, referred to Canon's upscale DSLR that won Digital Trend's Editor's Choice Award the previous year.

Unfortunately, the magic of the T7i has gone from the T8i. While Canon's latest entry-level camera adds some enthusiastic updates, its upscale counterpart is now the EOS 90D – and a camouflaged 90D the T8i isn't.

Instead of going for the 32-megapixel sensor on the 90D, Canon stuck to the 24-megapixel sensor on the T7i. While the 90D jumped 4 frames per second (fps) compared to the 80D – from 7 to 11 fps – the T8i only achieved 0.5 fps more than the T7i and was 7.5.

Product photo of Canon EOS Rebel T8i, front sideDaven Mathies / Digital Trends

The pragmatist in me says who cares? After all, those specs are perfectly fine for a mid-range camera, and the 90D's extra megapixels don't make an important difference in the real world anyway. While this is all true, the T8i doesn't have much going for it. There's little reason for T7i owners to upgrade. In the three years since this camera was released, DSLRs have become less desirable as mirrorless cameras keep getting better and dominate the market. I suppose the T8i is perfectly fine if you want a compact DSLR, but it really doesn't help keep such a camera around.

The T8i retails for $ 749 for the body only or with the 18-55mm f / 4-5.6 kit lens for $ 899 (tested) and kicks off some strong mirrorless cameras like that Sony A6100. That leaves the T8i in an unfortunate position. It is an OK camera that will give you great results. However, given better alternatives, this is hardly recommended.

Enthusiastic design changes

From most angles, the Canon Rebel T8i looks identical to the T7i. I like the big, simple mode dial and the power button that also toggles the movie mode. The auto focus mode and ISO buttons right next to your index finger are great too.

Product photo of Canon EOS Rebel T8i taken out of the camera bag.Daven Mathies / Digital Trends

You will find the only SD card slot on the right and all of the connectivity ports on the left, including mini HDMI (bleh), USB, remote control and microphone. Frustratingly, the camera still uses a micro USB Type-B connector instead of USB-C, which has been the standard for a few years.

A dial has been added around the four-way button cluster that gives a Rebel dual dial controls for the first time since the 2015 T6.

But things get more interesting at the back. A dial has been added around the four-way button cluster that gives a Rebel dual dial controls for the first time since the 2015 T6. This allows the aperture to be changed directly without using a modifier button, a feature that is important for photographers who like to take pictures in manual mode. Since the dial also handles exposure compensation, the exposure compensation button has been removed from the T7i.

Product photo of Canon EOS Rebel T8i, back with hidden screen "class =" m-carousel - image dt-lazy-no "src =" -t8i -review-dm-5-640x640.jpg "srcset =";Daven Mathies / Digital Trends

Product photo of Canon EOS Rebel T8i, top "class =" m-Karussell - image dt-lazy-no "src =" review- dm-9-640x640.jpg "srcset =";base64, Mathies / Digital Trends

Product photo of Canon EOS Rebel T8i, left side "class =" m-Karussell - image dt-lazy-no "src =" -review -dm-8-640x640.jpg "srcset =";base64, Mathies / Digital Trends

Product photo of Canon EOS Rebel T8i, back with screen revealed "class =" m-carousel - image dt-lazy-no "src =" -t8i -review-dm-6-640x640.jpg "srcset =";Daven Mathies / Digital Trends

Canon also added an AF ON button for backspace auto focus, a shooting technique preferred by many enthusiasts and professionals. It almost seems out of place on a camera aimed at beginners, but I suppose it's a nice feature that gives the T8i a little more room to grow compared to previous models.

Battery life has been slightly improved to 800 shots with the same LP-E17 battery. In practice, you should be able to get a lot more than that (I took almost 2,000 photos on a single charge in my T7i test, so there shouldn't be any any way the T8i should perform worse).

Canon EOS Rebel T8i product photo in handDaven Mathies / Digital Trends

Otherwise, the T8i is in every way the rebel you know and love (or hate). It has a lightweight plastic casing that is not weatherproof, the optical viewfinder is just as uncomfortably small and still only shows 95% of the frame, and the LCD screen is the same at 3 inches and 1.04 million pixels is a touchscreen that is full articulated.

Video is hardly 4K

The few remaining upgrades to the T8i involve filming, starting with the jump to 4K resolution. In 2020, 4K is basically a requirement for all but the most basic cameras, and Canon hasn't done much with it here other than checking the box on the datasheet. For most uses, sticking to 1080p is better. With the T8i, you get 4K / 24p – and that's it.

As a cameraman, I appreciate the 24p option – personally, I rarely use anything else – but most casual shooters would probably prefer 30p for home videos and the like. Does the T8i simply lack the computing power for these additional six frames per second? Maybe. But at a time when our phones can easily record 4K / 30, it feels strange when a dedicated camera can't.

It's confusing that Canon continues to only enforce one frame rate in its cameras at 4K. Previous bodies only gave the option for 30p, and now the T8i only gives the option for 24p. It is frustrating.

Product photo of the Canon EOS Rebel T8i in selfie mode.Daven Mathies / Digital Trends

Switching to 4K also clips the sensor significantly, which isn't particularly good considering it's already an APS-C camera. It's especially frustrating when trying to log with the T8i because the 18-55mm kit lens won't get you a wide enough shot. I don't think a vlog-style shoot has to be in 4K, but the mode just feels like an afterthought.

The problems don't end there. While 4K produces significantly more detailed footage than 1080, the rolling shutter distortion (or “jello cam”) is much worse. This is compounded by the fact that the image is being cropped, which means that the optical stabilization of the lens is less effective. You can activate the additional electronic image stabilization, but this cuts off the footage even more.

1080p video image recording from Canon EOS Rebel T8i "class =" m-Karussell - Bild dt-lazy-no "src =" 1080p- video-frame-640x640.jpg "srcset =";base64, HD 1080p, lens at 18mm.

4K video frame grab from Canon EOS Rebel T8i shows the effect of cropped 4K "class =" m-carousel - image dt-lazy-no "src =" canon- eos-rebel-t8i-4k-video-frame-640x640.jpg "srcset =";base64, // / yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7Cropped 4K, lens at 18mm.

And while you might think that the move to 4K has opened up processing space at lower resolutions, you are wrong. Just like the T7i, the T8i still achieves 60 fps in Full HD 1080p. This feels more like an artificial than a technical limitation. I don't want to knock too hard on Canon here as I think the camera still lives up to most people's expectations for this price point, but even the cheaper Fujifilm X-T200 can record 4K / 30p and 1080 / 120p.

The T8i has another trick: vertical video. Yes, you can now record vertical videos in the camera. Impressive. Finally. This is not a separate mode. The camera simply detects when you hold it in a vertical orientation and then rotates the video file automatically. This is nothing more than manually rotating the video while editing, but I suppose it could be a useful feature for the busy influencer who doesn't even have a second to post-production.

The T8i has another trick: vertical video. Yes, you can now record vertical videos in the camera.

What is strange is that while recording a vertical video, none of the information overlays realigns to display them upright. When you play the video on the camera, the clip continues to display horizontally. Neither during recording nor during playback will there be any indication that the camera recorded vertical video correctly. Only when you transfer the file to your computer or phone will it appear vertically.

Not a rebel anymore

For a camera line with such a bold name, the Canon Rebel has grown tired and old. The Rebel T8i is no longer a brave, risky, adventurous outsider and has lost its youthful vigor. Now it's hard to remember the "good old days" instead of trying to keep up with the times.

And that's fine. All is well. The 24MP sensor is fine. A burst rate of 7.5 fps is fine. The 45-point viewfinder autofocus system is perfectly fine. Canon's dual-pixel autofocus in live view is even better than okay – capturing sharp video is a breeze. (Of course, there is still a huge disconnect between a DSLR's performance through the viewfinder and live view, and it can be a frustrating experience for new photographers.)

There is nothing wrong with the T8i itself. It's functional enough and the image quality is basically as good as you'd expect from the APS-C format, as long as your goal is nothing more than winning the DPReview test card. I also really appreciate the control improvements.

The T8i is perfectly fine … but it really doesn't do anything to prove the case that such a camera still deserves to exist.

But it's just so boring. Canon hasn't really updated the Rebel’s core DSLR component – the optical viewfinder – since the original Digital Rebel. There has always been room for improvement there, and given Canon's new focus on professional mirrorless cameras, it doesn't seem important to maintain this imbalance between the low- and high-end DSLRs, the latter of which offer larger ones. brighter viewfinder with full coverage. If you want to keep making DSLRs in 2020 and beyond, the actual DSLR parts should be as good as possible, even on entry-level models.

Our opinion

When it comes to that, the Canon EOS Rebel T8i is still the best Rebel – but only. The new controls are worth improving, but the half-hearted 4K video mode isn't enough to keep the camera up to date. This is a T7i with minor modifications and after three years that is not enough.

If you really want a DSLR and your budget is under $ 1,000, the T8i is the best option – but nothing interesting. The small, relatively dark optical viewfinder doesn't offer the true DSLR experience, and you can find better specs on comparable, smaller mirrorless cameras. The T8i has better battery life than the mirrorless, but that's about it.

Is there a better alternative?

Certainly. You can cover your eyes, throw a rock, and hit a mirrorless camera in the $ 700 to $ 1,000 price range that outperforms the T8i in just about every category. I would check out the Sony A6100, Fujifilm X-T200, and Fujifilm X-T30, the last of which increases the price over $ 1,000 if you add a lens but is a much more powerful camera.

In terms of a direct DSLR competitor, the Nikon D5600 is the closest thing. It's now under $ 600 for the body only, but the T8i has the better specs.

How long it will take?

Despite the plastic construction, Rebel cameras have no problem surviving for years. But the T8i comes onto the stage already surpassed by competitors, which means the technology that powers it is far from it, even if it doesn't break.

Should you buy it?

No. I can only recommend buying the T8i to people who really know this is what they want and what they need. This may include owners of pre-T7i rebels who are casual photographers and don't want to learn a new camera, or just those who have a tendency towards mirrorless. Most novice photographers and first-time camera buyers are more comfortable with a mirrorless camera.

Editor's recommendations

Benefits Of Facial Oils | Eminence Organic Skin Care

After endless indoor time and the warmer months ahead, our skin cries out for extra love. While you may be a master at the combination of cleanser and moisturizer, and even reach for a weekly mask, there is one key component that is too often overlooked: facial oil. In the recent history of skin care, facial oil has always received the short end of the bar in terms of reputation. It has been difficult to unlearn our impression that applying oil to your face only fuels the acne flame – especially since a number of beauty brands have exploited the misunderstanding in the past and classified facial products as "oil-free".

However, it is high time we understood that oils are critical to completing a robust skin care routine. While lotions and serums are great for general hydration, oil can solve a number of specific problems: scar fading, aging, skin smoothing, and even sebum balancing. Whether you're a vitamin C junkie or prefer a formula made with flowers, there's a lot to discover when you experiment with beauty's best kept secret. The President of Eminence Organics, Boldijarre Koronczay, says about the benefits of these products: "… Face oils are perfectly absorbed by the skin, leaving behind moisture and suppleness."

What are face oils?

With skin care roots dating back to Ancient Egypt and Asia, oils have long been a must have when it comes to hydration and repair. Since naturally produced oils keep our skin cells fresh and hydrated, facial oils complement or complement their process. They include fragrant vegetable oils (essential oils that come only from the flowers or roots of a plant or herb), non-fragrant vegetable oils, and synthetic oils. Because of their softening (their ability to strengthen the outer layer of skin through lubrication) they can trap water, making your skin softer.

Face oil

3 benefits of facial oils

1. Hydrate the skin

We found face oil to be a godsend, but what does it actually do that other products can't? Well, it turns out a number of things. It's easy to write off oils as just another unnecessary skin care step, but in reality there is so much they can do to treat and combat a wide variety of skin conditions. Not only are they lipophilic (they dissolve in your skin's natural lipids to give them an extra boost), but they also penetrate deeply into the layers of your skin to trap moisture – great for dehydrated skin – while also forming a protective barrier on top of the skin Skin surface that repels harmful substances.

2. Add nutrients

Of course, these benefits are without considering the abilities of nutrients that are abundant in any facial oil. Certain vitamins or oils derived from certain plants can treat certain skin problems and improve the overall appearance dramatically. Oils made from sources filled with antioxidants are the most recommended by experts. As for the reason antioxidants have become the noun of beauty, it owes all of its properties to reducing the visible signs of aging. UV radiation creates free radicals that damage healthy cells and affect the appearance of skin in the same way that a car that has been overexposed to the elements begins to rust. Antioxidants stop this process and reduce inflammation, making antioxidant heavy oils ideal for sensitive skin. Antioxidants also aid in the production of collagen, which decreases with age by preventing enzymes from destroying collagen protein – which greatly improves the skin's elasticity.

3. Target conditions

Contrary to popular belief, various facial oils can also greatly benefit people with acne, especially oils with antibacterial properties. While we have all once firmly believed that oil products should clog pores and be avoided, the reality is that many acne sufferers navigate extremely dry skin for a variety of reasons, including powerful skin cleansing medications. Many topical acne treatments only remove more moisture from the skin, but the right facial oil will reset your oil production and counter pimples right away while it cleanses and soothes. In fact, it is the oil that does the double victory on pimple-prone skin: it speeds healing and fades while new scars appear. There are also oils that make clear skin their mission for acne sufferers by blending salicylic acid (the acne fighting super ingredient) with the fatty acids needed to correct skin tone and keep your skin plump.

Best Face Oils For Skin Care Products:


If the camellia plant sounds unfamiliar to you, you are not alone – although the wildflower is not as well known as some of your favorite flora, it is quietly becoming the focal point of the skin care industry. Since the ingredient, which originated in Japan, is easily absorbed into the skin (no grease residues!), It is becoming a favorite with people who are afraid of the world of facial oil as well as those who want a light product on the go. It's also highly transdermal (penetrates deep into the layers of the skin to heal and hydrate from the inside out) and non-comedogenic (doesn't block pores) so you won't suddenly break out.

Distilled from cold-pressed camellia seeds, the oil is rich in fatty acids and antioxidants that rejuvenate the skin while reducing the appearance of aging. About 82% of the fatty acids in camellia oil consist of oleic acid (omega-9). The oil also allows your skin to replenish essential vitamins: A, B, D, E, as well as Omega-3, which helps relieve dryness and damage from sun exposure. In fact, this oil is actively superior in terms of restoring elasticity – it nourishes the skin thoroughly to improve texture and increase suppleness – a must for dry or noticeably aged skin.

Camellia flower


Marula comes from the African marula fruit tree, which was once wild and extremely rare. He has long been known for his medicinal prowess – he was even known once for promoting fertility. The oil is obtained from the grains of the marula fruit and the nut in the middle. It's also high in protein and antioxidants like vitamin E, which both hydrates and promotes collagen production. In short, this should be viewed as a skin care miracle cure.

Like the camellia, the now cultivated marula is also quickly absorbed by the skin, so it actually serves as an excellent base for makeup. Because marula promotes the skin's innate ability to regenerate itself, it's one of those rare ingredients that offers different benefits to each skin type. Acne? Don't worry, marula contains microbial properties that can stop pimple-catalyzing bacteria – it's also non-greasy. If you're looking to combat the visible signs of aging, its ability as a moisturizer on fine lines and as a general moisturizer can be highly effective. Marula is believed to reduce the feeling of itching or irritation in skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis. It is also known to smell amazing and is the basis of many perfumes.

Hemp seeds

Hemp oil is cold-pressed from hemp seeds and is a non-comedogenic powerhouse for hydration. Hemp seed oil is full of fatty acids and vitamins and is known to promote cell regeneration and skin turnover. Since drought can lead to overproduction of oil (a recipe for acne stimulation), using hemp seeds as a moisturizer helps reduce acne by making up for excess oil. It's also strong anti-inflammatory – ideal for acne, conditions like psoriasis, and even improves dermatitis.
And that's not all, hemp oil also provides nutrients that the body cannot produce. Linoleic acid and oleic acid are very nutritious and go a long way in reducing fine lines and wrinkles. You can apply a small amount to the areas you want or use them anywhere as a great addition to your skin care routine.

Hemp seeds


You may know this oil a little better. The jojoba plant grown in the desert of North America prefers an extremely harsh environment. It also produces a nut that is used to make an oil known for its healing properties. Jojoba oil is also particularly special because it is the botanical substance that best mimics human sebum. As such, its beauty benefits are literally endless. Not only is it non-comedogenic, but your skin literally cannot tell it apart from the oil your body naturally produces. This means it is non-irritating and sits on the skin to lock in moisture.
But that's not all jojoba face oil has to offer. Because of its vitamin E nutrients, experts believe it is ideal for supporting acne and reducing the appearance of scars. An antioxidant powerhouse, jojoba can reset the oxidative stress on your skin caused by sun exposure and general environmental factors. It's also antibacterial (goodbye breakouts!) And anti-inflammatory, while also helping to fight skin that feels irritated from eczema and other conditions. Needless to say, it's an all-in-one skin saver – a must have for combination skin.

Grape seed

Grape seed has long been viewed as a cooking alternative to the much heavier olive oil and is also a favorite that is applied topically as a natural beauty product. Made from leftover grape seeds (just another gift from the winemaker), grapeseed oil is similar to marula – it contains microbial properties and is perfect for fighting acne-causing bacteria.

Interestingly, grape seed is unique in that it helps vitamins preexisting in your skin (especially C and E) make its job easier, and it's also anti-inflammatory to help with irritation. Experts claim that grapeseed oil is not just a powerful moisturizer, but that its restructuring abilities improve skin elasticity and balance tone. Grape seed is also full of antioxidants, which we now know to reverse the appearance of wrinkles while sealing in what's already serving your skin – it's a win-win situation.

rose hip

When it comes to skin care, rosehip oil is a staple. Known as one of the most popular Kate Middleton skincare ingredients, rose hip oil is filled with vitamin A and has become an antiaging phenomenon. This can also be the key to navigating dehydrated or moisturizing, eczema-prone skin simply because of the amount of fatty acids that make up the formula – with all that moisture keeping your skin firm in the process.
Vitamins C and E are also found in droves, which reverse oxidative damage and create scars. It is also very capable of improving the appearance of uneven skin tone caused by conditions such as melasma or general sun damage.

rose hip


By preventing premature aging from sun damage, olive oil remains high on the list of antioxidant-filled products for skin and is even recommended for treating breakouts. It's high in vitamins A, D, E, and K, all of which offer something different in skin care but most importantly, deeply hydrate.


Due to the fact that it's loaded with vitamins A, D, and E, sunflower oil also makes the list a beauty product to watch. Not only is sunflower oil known for cell regeneration, but due to the fact that it is particularly quickly absorbed and non-comedogenic, it is ideal for hydrating dry skin that is prone to breakouts.

And sunflower oil can be a real lifesaver, especially for skin prone to acne. Like hemp seeds, sunflower oil contains linoleic acid (omega 6), which is known for its healing properties. It also protects the skin's natural barrier and is anti-inflammatory. It's great for dry skin or eczema.

Sea buckthorn

Despite its name, sea buckthorn oil is not extracted from the seabed, but from the fruits and seeds of the sea buckthorn plant. While the thorns on the shrub make harvesting difficult, it's an antioxidant blast (wave goodbye to UV damage) that's great for sensitive skin – no wonder it's been a Chinese medicine favorite for a thousand years. The oil is quickly absorbed into the skin when applied.

If you want to continue convincing of its magical properties, the vitamin C content of the superfruit is 12 times that of an orange. It also contains over 190 nutrients and phytonutrients and a uniquely high fatty acid content. The skin conditions that are known to improve range from rosacea to psoriasis as they can reduce swelling and redness. It is also shown to improve uneven skin tone while increasing collagen production, resulting in a brighter complexion than ever before.

Sea buckthorn


Given that the argan tree is the oldest living tree species in the world, it should come as no surprise that it offers a slew of beauty benefits. Argan oil comes from the grains of argan fruits (which resemble large olives) and is so rich in fatty acids and vitamins that it has been nicknamed "liquid gold". North African women have used the oil for centuries, but it has recently become popular with beauty junkies to reverse the appearance of sun and age spots while balancing the skin's sebum for a fresh, dull complexion.

This is one of those rare oils that can really do it all: it uses essential vitamins to fight oxidative stress, while linoleic acid soothes inflamed skin and improves overall texture. Studies have also shown that regular application of argan oil changes the skin at the cellular level and actually increases the skin's water retention. If you're looking for intense hydration quickly, look no further.

Which Eminence Organics facial oil should I use for my skin type?

While Eminence Organics facial oils are designed for all skin types, there are some that address more specific problems. Whether you want to balance dry or oily skin, or want to see results but are forced to tiptoe around sensitive skin, there is an oil for you.

For dry skin:

Sure, camellia oil is a huge benefit on its own, but adding marula to the mixture is like bathing your skin in a recovery elixir. Eminence Organics' richest face oil, Camellia Glow Solid Face Oil, combines the luxurious ingredients camellia and marula into an experience that is deeply relaxing and moisturizing. Camellia is known to be a moisturizer, which is why the oil makes the skin smooth and soft. Camellia Glow Solid Face Oil is a solid oil that melts into a silky liquid that is easily absorbed by the skin. It's especially therapeutic. With 87% of users experiencing a noticeable healthy glow after using the formula, this oil ensures that drier skin types revitalize and brighten their complexions.

Product selection

Camellia Glow Solid Face Oil


For sensitive skin:

If you are looking for something in the market that is also intensely moisturizing and not irritating to sensitive skin, our Rose Hip Triple C + E Firming Oil will satisfy all your hydration needs without your skin getting upset. Studies have shown that rose hip oil's vitamin-stacked formula can target the drying effects of environmental stressors (e.g., sun exposure or even pollution) while deeply hydrating the skin from the inside out. For those looking to improve the appearance of dry, red, or cracked skin, the added benefits of superfruit sea buckthorn and the always-resilient jojoba oil provide a boost of moisture – expect nothing less than transformed soft, supple skin. If you need further recommendations, Rosehip Triple C + E Firming Oil was a favorite of Jennifer Lawrence during Red Sparrow's winter shoot.

Described as a "travel bag essential" by Victoria Beckham, Facial Recovery Oil is another great option for those wanting a serious nudge for sensitive skin. The Beyond Organic Collection of Biodynamic® products is clinically hypoallergenic, with every ingredient being organic and certified Biodynamic® (a process that takes into account both the quality of the materials and the manufacture itself). Containing deeply moisturizing olive oil, this product evens out skin tone and adds extra moisture around the eye area to help suppress puffiness. Essentially: a power pack for skin care in liquid form.

Product selection

Rose hip triple C + E firming oil


Facial Recovery Oil

Facial Recovery Oil


For oily skin:

Cleansing up signs of aging and drying environmental stress isn't all the Facial Recovery Oil can do. It also contains ylang ylang and clary sage to balance the amount of oil on the skin and reduce the appearance of shine. The ingredients also work together to fight blemishes and improve the appearance of uneven skin tone, with ylang ylang deeply moisturizing the complexion

Product selection

Facial Recovery Oil

Facial Recovery Oil


For combination skin:

When your skin is particularly unpredictable, you'll want an oil that covers all of your bases. Our Rose Hip Triple C + E Firming Oil treats most skin conditions related to severe dehydration, while jojoba extract's ability to mimic natural sebum will convince your skin that it produces all of that goodness on its own. Sea buckthorn's vitamin C properties also boost hydration levels, so you get a range of targeted skin solutions in just one product.

Product selection

Rose hip triple C + E firming oil


Where do they fit in a skin care routine?

The nature of skin care is very personal – every skin is different and every individual has certain preferences for their appearance. However, a general rule of thumb for most products is to start with the lighter formulas first. Let them soak into the skin, then move on to thicker treatments.

While oils definitely have the ability to penetrate multiple layers of the solution, you should take full advantage of a quality organic oil by making sure you incorporate it into the correct step of your skin care routine. Face oils can be applied before or after moisturizers, depending on the products used. They can be used to treat your skin before or after the moisturizer to allow it to penetrate your skin through the moisturizer. If you've heard of oils that come after moisturizers, sometimes they're mineral oils with such a high density that nothing can be absorbed after the oil (for reference, Eminence Organics face oils don't contain mineral oils). Another option is to mix your oil with your moisturizer. You can just add a few drops to your other products to take advantage of their benefits. It's just about figuring out what's best for your skin.

How to apply a face oil:

As with perfumes, it is easy to "squeeze" a face oil with an overly vigorous application. Dermatologists recommend placing one to four drops of oil in the palm of your hand before gently warming the product in your hands. Then, instead of rubbing it like a moisturizer, gently press your entire hand into the skin to allow the oil to absorb without irritating the skin's surface from friction. You can use facial oil either in the morning or evening, or as a spot treatment for pimples or uneven skin tone.

Now that we're better at skin care, it's obvious that oils are just as much a necessary addition to your regimen as moisturizing lotions – especially since most of the latter are heavily water-based and therefore not pliable enough to tackle the tough problems (read : Signs of aging). When dealing with poor air quality and general environmental pollution, facial oil can act as a protective shield for your skin. Temperature shifts are also the ideal time to incorporate an oil into your everyday life. Cold weather can make your face dry and flaky, while warmer temperatures mean constant mediation of UV damage. If you feel like your skin is drying out, dermatologists suggest that a drop of oil can be more effective than moisturizing it.

Unlike most skin care products, which are clearly intended for specific areas of skin, oil is just as beneficial for any part of the body as it is for your face. It's a great addition to a full body beauty routine, especially if you have severe dryness or eczema in a particular area. Bottom Line: When it comes to hydration, facial oil is the product that keeps proving to be the most valuable weapon in your skin care arsenal.

To get the most out of your skin care routine, use our Spa Locator to find a spa for face-to-face or virtual consultations on our facial oils and the products or ingredients that best suit your needs. Let us know on social media which face oil is best for your skin type.

Reolink E1 Zoom Review: A Zoom Camera That Lacks Focus

Relink E1 enlarge table

"The Reolink E1 Zoom does not offer the image quality that its zoom function implies."

  • Zoom provides more details

  • Excellent night vision performance

  • Slow zooming and focusing

  • Can't auto track

  • Weak internal microphone

Over the past few months, we've seen a steady stream of smart security cameras that can be articulated to provide 360-degree coverage. They're certainly useful, as the Eufy Security Indoor Cam 2K Pan & Tilt showed us – and it's still the camera to beat right now.

The Reolink E1 Zoom wants to dethrone it. The Reolink has a similar articulation camera with a special feature that you don't see too often in an indoor camera: a zoom lens. It's a rare extra, but is it a useful addition to a smart home security camera?

Full coverage with a helpful zoom

The Reolink E1 Zoom has a 5 megapixel Super HD camera with night vision, two-way audio, dual-band WiFi and a 3x optical zoom. At its widest, it covers a horizontal field of view of 98 degrees, which is much narrower than its contemporaries. Ring's indoor camera, for example, has a wide field of view of 140 degrees. This is usually a problem for other cameras, but the E1 zoom can pan on its base to cover 355 degrees horizontally.

The main feature of the Reolink E1 zoom is the 3x optical zoom.

Moving the camera gives users a degree of flexibility to look around a room. However, this is a manual process. Unlike the Eufy Indoor Cam 2K Pan and Tilt, the E1 Zoom stays stationary so it doesn't automatically move to track movement, people or pets.

However, the 3x optical zoom has the added benefit of sharper details rather than just relying on a digital zoom. The difference is noticeable as some details can be better seen with the optical zoom. On the other hand, zooming is often slow and delayed, as is focusing.

Relink E1 enlarge tableJohn Velasco / Digital Trends

This is a problem compounded by the fact that everything has to be operated manually. It would have been far more useful if the E1 zoom could rotate, zoom, and focus on its own every time it detects motion.

Video performance

This camera records video at 2560 x 1920 resolution and the resulting quality is average at best. A clear video is produced with sufficient lighting. However, the highlights often suffer from overexposure and washout. Incorrect exposure can obscure details, which is never a good quality on a security camera.

However, night vision works well enough and can easily illuminate the full range of my living room of 25 feet (rated for a range of 40 feet). Even when it is completely dark, the black and white night vision material is crisp and clear.

The black and white night vision material is crisp and clear.

The internal speaker is powerful and at times a bit harsh and shrill tone. Unfortunately, the internal microphone does a terrible job of recording audio and makes talking to one another a chore. If you speak in a normal tone about 10 feet away, it will be difficult for the person using the camera to see the conversation.

Much management required

The Reolink E1 Zoom seems like a competent paper security camera, but it lacks the advanced security and tracking features of its peers, such as B. Person recognition or automatic tracking. You can create motion zones and adjust the sensitivity of motion detection, but there is still a lot of management involved.

Notifications are received through the app and triggered events are arranged in the app in a linear timeline view. After you've set the motion sensitivity to the medium setting, the Reolink E1 zoom picks up almost every movement in its view. And you know what? It becomes a little redundant every time your cat or dog casually strolls by in the background.

If you prefer continuous recording, you will need to use a microSD card to store the footage or one of Reolink's NVRs (Network Video Recorders). There is an option to subscribe to Reolink's cloud storage service, which is free for the basic plan and covers 7 days of video log (1 GB cloud storage) for one camera. If you need more, the standard plan starts at $ 3.49 per month and includes 30 days of video log (30 GB cloud storage) for up to five cameras.

You can create motion zones and adjust the sensitivity of motion detection, but a lot of management is required.

The Reolink E1 Zoom could be a fantastic security camera, but frequent triggers and its inability to tell potential threats from false ones make it less useful for protecting your home. And finally, there isn't that much privacy focus either, as there is no 2-factor authentication with the app login and there is no privacy mode at all to disable the camera.

Our opinion

There is potential in this camera, but it lacks the smart features and performance that other smart surveillance cameras offer. The $ 72 price tag is tempting, but we've seen better cameras for roughly the same price.

How long it will take?

Compared to other cameras, the Reolink E1 Zoom is bulky. The all-plastic construction makes it feel brittle and hollow, so we're not too sure it will hold up after a nasty fall. If you are concerned about defects, we have a 2 year limited warranty.

Is there a better alternative?

You bet. The Eufy Security Indoor 2K Pan and Tilt remains the better buy because of its automatic tracking, impressive video quality, people detection, and lower cost of $ 52.

Should you buy it?

No, there are better options at a lower price.

Editor's recommendations