Find the Missing Links to Better Performance and Physique

When it comes to optimizing body composition, One of the key areas that men struggle with is prioritizing their performance. In most cases, the main goal is to get as slim as possible while improving muscle definition.

However, what usually happens is rapid weight loss in the first few weeks, which is generally due to a reduction in carbohydrate intake. Once you think you've stopped progressing, one of two things can happen:

  1. Another calorie reduction through less carbohydrate consumption.
  2. A further increase in energy delivery through cardiovascular activities, some form of HIIT or an increase in strength training days.

This is the downfall for most guys. It is what affects their ability to exercise. Its recoverability exceeds the amount of stress required for stimulation. They simply cannot recover from their work.

When I deal with such people, they eat fairly balanced meals during the day, but the biggest problem I see is that there is no structured food intake around the most important part of their day when they have to do their training.

It's like doing foot exercises in school uniform and chunky black school shoes until Tuesday evening. Sure, you're wearing clothes and shoes and you're training, but will you be able to perform well without your training equipment? Take it from a retired international and professional rugby player; It is a struggle.

Now your strength training (RT) is there to trigger a reaction in the body, a reaction that signals anabolic reactions with a primary focus on muscle protein synthesis (MPS), provided that enough effort and demands are placed on the muscles during the training. MPS is a process that repairs muscle damage caused by intense exercise and activity. It repairs and strengthens the muscle fibers.

While nutrient-driven stimulation from MPS can be observed, it cannot be compared to prolonged stimulation through weight training. MPS can even be extended beyond 24 hours after a single workout. 1

Right, so RT => more time for MPS switched on = more time for an increased recovery, repair and growth state.

Nutritional deficiencies

We want to optimize the rest of our food intake so that we can::

  1. Maximize the time you spend in a recovery and repair state.
  2. Improve our performance and the quality of work in our training (at least keep it up).

When we talk about organizing a peri-workout diet strategy, we are referring to your food intake before, within, and after exercise.

This allows your body to develop and overcome any obstacles that stand in your way while effortlessly reducing body fat.

How can we basically organize these specific periods to better support our performance and goal by timing the nutrients?

So let's see what the evidence suggests by dividing things up into individual meal and macronutrient requirements. Let's start with the pre-workout.

The role of nutrition before training

Pre-workout means the consumption of nutrients within a 3 hour radius of your planned training time. This feeding time should help to supply the body with the fuel it needs for training.

Consuming protein before your scheduled workout is incredibly important to make sure you have enough amino acids in your blood, especially if you haven't consumed protein or missed a meal that day.

Now I have to remind you that the most important factor in protein consumption is your daily intake. It doesn't make sense to be obsessed with nutrient timing if you don't have the basics of the nutritional basis.

When it comes to body development and nutrition, we want to make sure that we maximize our MPS.

Maximizing the anabolic effect of protein dosing per meal includes a goal of 0.4 to 0.55 g / kg 2, 3. The total daily protein to achieve this goal is 1.6 to 2.2 g / kg (0.7 to 1.0 g / lb) .2, 3

Everyone benefits from pre-workout protein. Regardless of whether your goal is body-oriented or not, protein plays an important role in all areas of life. Do not be stupid. Eat your protein.

The role of carbohydrates before training

The pre-workout meal is about providing the fuel you need for the workout. It is worth noting that there are numerous clues that demonstrate a similar fat loss between high-carb and low-carb diets if calories and protein match. 4

Since most men tend to reduce their carbohydrate intake drastically, this only shows that fat loss occurs as long as you are in an energy deficit.

However, by prioritizing the timing of our high-energy carbohydrates, we can do what we are asked to do: perform. This also helps maintain muscle mass and creates higher energy consumption.

Now when we look at carbohydrates and performance, your body stores carbohydrates in your muscles. This stored glycogen is the main fuel source for high-intensity exercises.5 Consuming carbohydrates before exercise also supports better muscle contractions due to higher blood glucose levels.

However, the further you move on your path to fat loss, the more important it becomesThis could be the difference in your ability to work at a high enough intensity that you may be required to do. It is also critical for great workouts and bigger pumps. Let's be honest; Nobody will say no if they get a nice pump.

Since we know that carbohydrates do not have to be removed from our diet and you do strength training, it makes sense to consume carbohydrates, especially if you want to get the best possible result in fat loss.

Let me repeat again that you consume carbohydrates before training:

  • Helps with performance and recovery – Most people may think that you only need carbohydrates for long-lasting exercises (two hours or more), even if you benefit from intensive training in the short term (60 minutes or longer). So if you plan to exercise at high intensity, you should eat these carbohydrates.
  • Preservation of muscle and liver glycogen – carbohydrates are a protein-friendly nutrient. So if no carbohydrates are available, your body won't use its muscle tissue for energy without them. This is why it is so important that carbohydrates are consumed as part of your food intake, especially if you want to maintain or build muscle.
  • Stimulates the release of insulin – The combination of protein with carbohydrates can improve our protein synthesis response and prevent protein breakdown.

The role of fats before training

Fats before training are not necessary, nor do you need to remove them completely. Despite what you may hear, fats aren't the best option when it comes to performance. Performance enhancement is literally what carbohydrates do.

Fats simply don't have a significant impact on your performance, but they can provide your body with vitamins and minerals while slowing down food digestion. This, in turn, can help maintain blood sugar and insulin levels.

Adding fats to your meal before exercise is a wise decision, especially if your meal is closer to the three-hour mark before you exercise. Fats are more critical in the daily intake spectrum, but as I said, you don't have to leave them out entirely when considering your meals before and after your workout.

Guidelines for structuring your diet before training

  • Try to eat a whole meal with a full protein, high-energy carbohydrate and, if you exercise 2-3 hours later, a portion of fat – especially if you have low blood sugar levels during an intense workout.
  • If time is an issue, use a fast-acting whey protein in combination with an easily digestible carbohydrate source so you can make sure there is something in the tank.
  • For most men, between 25 and 40 g of protein, 30 to 60 g of carbohydrates and 10 to 15 g of fat are sufficient.

Example of dining options:

  1. Chicken breast, white potatoes, 1 serving of water-based vegetables, avocado.
  2. Chocolate whey protein isolate, oats, banana, nut butter with a pinch of cinnamon.

The role of intra-workout nutrition

Definition within the training: The consumption of nutrients during your training session.

Using a protein and carbohydrate supplement while exercising can provide additional energy while supporting fatigue and helping your body continue to use carbohydrates as fuel.

Don't be too excited yet. What matters in the end is the duration, volume and intensity of your training sessions.

If you do not exercise at high intensity and volume for more than 60 minutes, you do not need additional carbohydrates during the exercise.

Instead, we can store our carbohydrates for post-workout training, where they can help regenerate and weaken the post-session cortisol response. A simple mix of essential amino acid (EAA) and electrolyte is fine.

However, once you've shaped this lean and muscular body, you want to add a quality muscle to your bodyTherefore, I will give you an overview of how we can use our intra-workout diet to build muscle.

If muscle growth is a priority during training, the combination of EAAs + highly branched cyclic dextrin (HBCD) is a strong addition to your intra-training.

If essential amino acids are very digestible, add a little HBCD and you will notice an improvement in the absorption of amino acids into your skeletal muscle. 6

This triggers muscle protein synthesis and promotes growth. There are now studies showing an increase in muscle cross-sectional tissue in trainees who supplement this combination.

The effects of EAAs + HBCD are most efficient during training if your blood pumps thanks to your training.

Keep in mind that carbohydrates may not always be required during exercise. If you plan to exercise at high intensity and volume for more than an hour, it may be a good idea to use intra-workout carbohydrates.

Guidelines for structuring your intra-workout diet

  • For sessions of less than 60 minutes: 1-2 servings of EAA + electrolyte mixture (usually 10-20 g).
  • For sessions that last longer than 60 minutes: 1-2 servings of EAA + electrolyte mixture, one serving of HBCD (usually 20-30 g).
  • For those looking for muscle growth: 1 serving of EAA + electrolyte mixture, two servings of HBCD.

The role of nutrition after exercise

The consumption of nutrients after completing your training session fulfills the role of post-training nutrition. This meal should be taken within 1-3 hours after training.

The focus of the post-workout meal is on reducing the cortisol (stress) response through weight training, starting the recovery and repair process, while avoiding spending time in a catabolic state.

After exercise, the body's insulin sensitivity is high, meaning that it is ready to use the carbohydrates in this meal by replenishing the glycogen level without shifting much of that energy into a fat cell. Another reason why this is such a strong time – wait, so can I expect to build muscle quickly in this window?

No, not necessarily, because your body is less likely to split the calories consumed as fat than muscle.

The role of the post workout protein

Keep in mind that training increases both protein synthesis and protein breakdown. Consuming protein in this window can further promote the positive nitrogen balance required for recovery, repair, and growth.

Since most men tend not to meet their daily protein needs, a useful strategy is to consume a post-workout shake within 30 minutes of your workout so that you have time to relax before you go within 1-2 hours eat a whole meal.

The same protein guidelines from our pre-workout should be followed. However, you can only take in 20-40 g of high quality protein in the form of a whey protein isolate after training. This can be repeated every 3-5 hours in order to maximally maintain protein synthesis7.

Make sure you consume a complete source of protein, such as lean red or white meat, fish, eggs, or a combination of these, in your whole meal.

The role of carbohydrates after exercise

This meal should contain the highest amount of carbohydrates in one of your meals during the day. We've already noticed that your body's insulin sensitivity and nutrient distribution is high, but that doesn't mean you can just eat everything in the kitchen.

I want to keep reminding my customers that you deserve your carbohydrates. So make sure you've put effort into your workout so you can really enjoy the benefits of this high-carb meal.

Our post-workout carbohydrates also help increase intramuscular glycogen storage, which is known to reduce recovery times

It is also worth noting that post-workout carbohydrates may result in an increased response to muscle protein synthesis through insulin-mediated activation of the Akt / mTORC1 pathway and reduced cortisol and muscle protein breakdown. 9

The number of carbohydrates in this meal can vary depending on personal preference and the amount you need to play with every day.

Since 3 g / kg body weight is a good starting point for your daily intake, I like to take pictures of 50% of my daily intake with my meal after training. 10

For example, an 80 kg man would aim for 240 g of carbohydrates for daily intake, which would mean adding 120 g of carbohydrates to the post-workout meal. Add the rest of the 120 g of carbohydrates to the other meals throughout the day.

The role of fats after exercise

Since we know that fats are not necessary in our pre-workout, it should come as no surprise that they are also not necessary for our post-workout meal.

Because our body development is a priority, it may be advisable to limit the dietary fat in your post-workout meal. Based on current knowledge, I would recommend limiting the fat content in the diet to 10 g or less. 11

In addition, it should be mentioned that the results also indicate that a high-fat diet after training can impair the regulation of the restructuring of the skeletal muscles and suppress anabolic activity

Guidelines for structuring your post-workout diet

  • If you're struggling to meet your daily protein needs, consume a post-workout WPI shake that contains 20-40 g of protein.
  • Consume your post-workout meal within 1 to 3 hours of your workout with a competing protein source that meets our initial protein guidelines per meal of 0.4-0.55 g / kg body weight, combined with 50% of your total daily carb intake.
  • Limit your fat intake to 10 g or less.

Example of dining options::

  1. Red meat, jasmine rice and peppers.
  2. Turkey breast, pasta and spinach.

Some additional recommendations

Simplify your protein intake by distributing it evenly throughout the day. Try to meet the minimum requirements for your meal before training. Remember that it takes hours to digest food. So listen to how your body feels with the size of the meals you eat before training.

I know my personal preference is a medium-sized meal because I don't like to feel too full before training, but I also don't like to feel too hungry.

Fats slow down the digestive process, So keep this in mind since you don't want to attack the barbell if you feel excessively full. The further you are from your training, the more acceptable the fats in this meal are.

Choose fast, easily digestible carbohydrates like rice, rice cream, oats and potatoes that you can use in your meals before and after your workout.

There is an inverse relationship between carbohydrate and fat based meals. If you eat a high-carb meal, the fat content should be low. When eating a low-carb meal, the fat content should be higher.


1. Atherton, P.J. & Smith, K. (2012). "Muscle protein synthesis in response to diet and exercise." The Journal of Physiology, 590 (5), 1049-105. 1057.

2. Schönfeld BJ, Aragon AA. "How much protein can the body use to build muscle in a single meal? Impact on daily protein distribution." Int Soc magazine sports nutrition. 2018, February 27; 15:10.

3. Aragon AA. "Behind the paper: Clarifying protein distribution concerns." AARR, February 2018.

4. Hall & Guo, "Obesity energetics: regulation of body weight and the effects of the composition of the diet." Gastroenterology, volume 152, edition 7, May 2017, pages 1718-1727.e3.

5. Richard B. Kreider, Colin D. Wilborn, Lem Taylor, Bill Campbell, Anthony L. Almada, Rick Collins, Mathew Cooke, Conrad P. Earnest, Mike Greenwood et al. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 7, 7 (2010).

6. Vogel SP, Tarpenning KM, Marino FE. "Independent and combined effects of the intake of liquid carbohydrates / essential amino acids on hormonal and muscular adjustments after strength training in untrained men." Eur Journal Applied Physiology. 2006; 97: 225- 38.

7. Ralf Jäger, Chad M. Kerksick, Bill I. Campbell et al., "Status of the International Society for Sports Nutrition: Protein and Exercise". Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, Volume 14, item number: 20 (2017).

8. Burke, L.M., Hawley, J.A., Wong, S.H., Jeukendrup, A.E. "Carbohydrates for training and competition." Journal of Sports Science. 2011; 29 Suppl 1: S17-27.

9. Haff, G. G .; Lehmkuhl, M. J .; McCoy, L. B .; Stone, M.H. "Carbohydrate supplementation and strength training." J. Strength, Cond. Res. 2003.

10. Hall, KD et al. "A review of the carbohydrate-insulin model of obesity." European Journal of Clinical Nutrition vol. 71.3 (2017): 323-4. 326.

11. Stephens FB, Chee C, Wall BJ et al. "Lipid-induced insulin resistance is associated with an impaired synthetic response of skeletal muscle protein to amino acid intake in healthy young men." Diabetes. 2015; 64 (5): 1615-16. 1620.

12. Kimball SR, Ravi S., Gordon BS, Dennis MD, Jefferson LS. "The amino acid-induced activation of mTORC1 in rat liver is weakened by the short-term consumption of a high-fat diet." J Nutri. 2015; 145 (11): 2496-; 2502.

Father’s Day: The Best Skin Care For Dad And Baby

These Father's dayTreat the new father in your life to skin care that has been specially developed for you and your baby. From gentle detergents to rich body oils, Eminence Organics has a variety of skin care products for men that can serve as skin care products for babies. Here is a selection of Eminence Organics products to pamper your favorite duo.

Eminence Organics Stone Crop Gel Wash

Clean: Stone Crop Gel Wash

Eminence Organics Stone Crop Gel Wash is the perfect choice for even the most sensitive skin. This gentle gel cleanser is formulated with moisturizing stone harvest and soothing shea butter and perfectly cleanses the skin without covering it. Apply to dad as a facial wash to remove surface buildup, and to babies as a whole body wash to cleanse and soften the skin. Dad will love the revitalizing scent of this detergent, and the baby will love its skin-smoothing properties.

Eminence Organics Stone Crop Body Lotion

Moisturize: Stone Crop Body Lotion & Apricot Body Oil

Follow perfect cleaning with a moisturizing treatment that's perfect for babies and first fathers. Stone Crop Body Lotion is infused with Stone Crop to soothe and repair dry skin. Expert tip: Mix it with apricot body oil for an extra dose of moisture. Vitamin-rich apricot kernel oil and sea buckthorn oil combine with moisturizing grape seed oil and jojoba oil to soften and smooth the skin. The calm and calming scent is perfect for dad and baby – especially at lunchtime.

Eminence Organics Tropical Vanilla Day Cream SPF 32

Protect: Tropical Vanilla Day Cream SPF 32

Sun care is an essential part of any skin care regimen – regardless of your age. Eminence Organics The tropical vanilla day cream SPF 32 protects the skin from harmful UV rays and protects against zinc and vegetable ingredients. After applying a layer of this SPF moisturizer on your father's face, store a small amount for the baby's body to get a double protective dose (note: not recommended for babies under 6 months). Now you are with the family on a day in the sun.

As with any skin care product, we recommend that you consult your pediatrician or doctor before adding any new products to your baby's skin care.

What Are Father's Day Plans? Do you treat him with Eminence Organics skin care for men? Tell us in the comments below and on social media how to spoil your special guy.

This entry was originally published in June 2018 and has been updated for accuracy and completeness.

Skagen Falster 3 X By Kygo Review: Stealthy Scandinavian

Skagen Falster 3 x by Kygo review face

Skagen Falster 3 X By Kygo Review: Scandinavian Stealth

"The Skagen Falster 3 X by Kygo gives one of the best WearOS smartwatches you can buy an elegant, stealthy look."

  • Stealthy, cool, minimalist design

  • X By Kygo branding is subtle but effective

  • Makes and receives calls

  • Full day battery and quick charge

  • WearOS can be frustrating

Cooperation is widespread in the world of watches. Fashion brands, artists and even racing teams work together regularly to create a unique watch.

Skagen, the Danish brand best known for its minimalist watches and stylish accessories, has taken a slightly different route with its special edition Falster 3 Smartwatch in collaboration with Norwegian DJ and producer Kygo.

Kygo first immersed himself in the technology with a series of headphones and speakers. However, this collaboration with Skagen is special given the common Scandinavian background. I've been wearing the Falster 3 X By Kygo for a week and have good news to report. This is one of the best WearOS smartwatches currently available.


What is the difference between this watch and the normal Falster 3 smartwatch? The X Kygo model has a matte black body with a black silicone strap for an ultra-stealthy look. The only deviation from this topic is a strong white guard, who is marked with the words "X by Kygo". There is also a subtle X on the top of the strap.

Andy Boxall / Digital Trends

Of course, you also get an exclusive Kygo X Skagen dial that, as you guessed it, is black and white. By default, the constantly on environment screen does not show the time. Instead, a large X appears on the screen. This helps me to imagine that I am a member of the X-Men, but it does not help me to see the time at a glance.

Fortunately, all normal Falster 3 dials are included. The customizable yet minimalist Digital 3 (see above) looks great, while the Danish star face gives the watch the much needed color.

That is all for the differences. Even the box it comes in is the same as any other Falster 3 o'clock. The housing is made of stainless steel, has a diameter of 42 mm and a depth of 11 mm and a 1.3 inch OLED screen. The 22 mm belt is attached to it with two narrow, tubular eyelets. There are three buttons on the side of the case. The middle one is a rotating crown, while the other two can be programmed to activate the functions of your choice.

Skagen Falster 3 X by Kygo StrapAndy Boxall / Digital Trends

Since the Falster 3 X By Kygo is almost completely black, it goes with everything and looks polite and sophisticated, but can lose a bit of identity. The regular Falster 3 is much more colorful.

The black silicone strap is comfortable and has a ribbed texture underneath so it doesn't sweat. It grabs your arm and prevents the watch from slipping around your wrist, but does not collect dust and lint. The name Skagen is stamped into the clasp, which contributes to the many details that make the watch look good.

Andy Boxall / Digital Trends

The crown rotates to facilitate navigation in the operating system. I found it to be fairly small and fairly stiff to rotate, especially compared to the Moto 360 that I wore the week before Falster 3, but the size means that it is suitable for all fingers.

The buttons have a high-quality click and are of course minimalistic in design. By default, the top button opens a list of your saved watch faces, and the bottom button changes to Google Fit. Browse through the "Personalization" menu and you can redefine it as you wish.

Andy Boxall / Digital Trends

There's not much reason for someone who isn't a Kygo fan to buy this Falster 3 in a special edition over the regular model, but if you do, you won't be disappointed. The Falster 3 is one of the best looking WearOS smartwatches I've ever seen. The clandestine makeover retains everything that was great about the regular model, but adds a new option that fits your style.

Performance and software

Skagen uses the Qualcomm Snapdragon Wear 3100 system on a chip (SoC) paired with 1 GB RAM for the Falster 3 X By Kygo, making it one of the most powerful WearOS smartwatches available. WearOS from Google is installed with the integrated version 2.17. It was first released in April, which means the watch is almost up to date. It contains the "wash hands" timer.

WearOS is very malicious. It holds back many otherwise solid intelligent atches. But how do the defects affect you every day? Here's an example that drives me crazy.

Skagen Falster 3 X by KygoAndy Boxall / Digital Trends

When notifications are sent to the Falster 3, you will get a vibrating alert and the screen will wake up to show you what's new. For me, the watch doesn't usually show the latest notification, but an older notification (usually from Gmail). To see the new one, I have to manually scroll to the top of the list, which means that the usefulness of a smartwatch that is available at a glance is lost. Or it just alerts me several times as if accusing me of not dealing with them. This happens almost independently of the phone to which it is connected and on a regular basis.

Skagen Falster 3 X by Kygo with notificationsAndy Boxall / Digital Trends

Skagen doesn't install unique apps on the watch, and Google doesn't install the messaging app or maps by default. Therefore, you have to do this manually. There are a number of apps for WearOS, including Spotify, Telegram, Cardiogram, Messenger and more.

Apps differ in usefulness and performance. Google Maps is helpful, but can run slowly depending on the strength of the GPS signal. Google Assistant is available. Because the watch has a speaker, responses can be both heard and read on the screen.

Skagen Falster 3 X from Kygo Apps ListAndy Boxall / Digital Trends

A microphone is connected to the speaker, with which calls can be made and received via Bluetooth and not via an integrated 4G LTE connection. This is another example of where WearOS can get confusing. The pre-installed phone app didn't work on my watch and forced me to download the Google phone app from the Play Store, which worked without incident.

Would you like to use the telephone function? It's fine for quick calls, but you don't want to have a long conversation. Aside from the general oddity of talking to your watch, audio is choppy when one party talks about the other. It's great to see this feature on a WearOS smartwatch at all, as many models don't include it.

Health tracking

Google Fit is the standard training platform of the Falster 3. The watch has a heart rate sensor on the back and is waterproof up to 30 meters, so it can be worn while swimming. The heart rate sensor delivered measurements similar to my Apple Watch, but there are big deviations. The results often vary by up to 10 beats per minute per minute.

In other words, it may not be a replacement for a special heart rate monitor for those who take their fitness seriously.

Skagen Falster 3 X by Kygo Google Fit screenAndy Boxall / Digital Trends

Starting a workout is easy: Google Fit access is programmed in the bottom button of the watch and GPS to make it easier to track runs. Data is collected and synchronized with the Google Fit app on your phone, which has recently been redesigned. It has been improved visually, but finding historical data is more complicated.

Andy Boxall / Digital Trends

Fit remains an easy-to-use system and works well under WearOS. However, like the heart rate sensor, it will not satisfy hardcore fitness addicts. There are numerous fitness apps available for WearOS in the Google Play Store, including Endomundo, Strava, Runtastic and Map My Run.

The Falster 3, in either its Kygo or standard form, doesn't focus on fitness, so the casualness of Google Fit is likely to appeal to most people who consider it.


Skagen does not list the size of the Falster 3's battery, but claims that it lasts at least 24 hours before it needs to be charged. The Snapdragon 3100 from Qualcomm has several battery saving modes that allow even longer usage times.

In my experience, a normal day that starts at 8 a.m. and ends at midnight includes a tracked basic workout and active, active heart rate monitoring. The remaining battery life would not be enough to last for a second day, even if the watch is turned off overnight.

Andy Boxall / Digital Trends

The small magnetic charging base is the same as all the smartwatches designed by Fossil. If the battery charged 14% at the end of a normal day, it took 55 minutes to reach 100%. It took 65 minutes from zero to 100%. The one-day battery is balanced by quick charging.

Skagen Falster 3 X by Kygo on the wristAndy Boxall / Digital Trends

The battery life of smartwatch varies greatly depending on the use. If you use the phone or use GPS, the battery will be much more loaded, although the Falster 3 should still last for most of the day.

The battery modes help here. Daily mode is standard with all functions active, while advanced mode shuts down some functions such as on-screen audio and Wi-Fi. Time only mode turns everything off except time. These are quickly activated using the WearOS pulldown quick access settings.

Price, guarantee and availability

The Kygo Skagen Falster 3 X costs $ 295 or £ 279, just like the normal Falster 3. It is available directly from Skagen's online store and comes with a two-year warranty.

Our opinion

The Skagen Falster 3 X By Kygo is effortlessly stylish and individual than the equally great Fossil Gen 5 and excellent performance. It is one of the best WearOS smartwatches you can buy today.

Is there a better alternative?

The Skagen Falster 3 X by Kygo is a great buy. If you choose a WearOS smartwatch, check out the $ 299 Fossil Gen 5, which is very similar except for the design, and the $ 299 Moto 360, which in turn offers you another design alternative. Outside of WearOS, we also recommend the Samsung Galaxy Watch Active 2 with its superior software and fitness tracking.

If you have an iPhone, we recommend that you buy an Apple Watch Series 5 for $ 399. WearOS connects to iOS, but you lose some features, including iMessage notifications and app integration. It's better to spend a little more on the Apple Watch. Not only is the software the best portable platform, but the design and materials are excellent.

How long it will take?

The Falster 3 X By Kygo is waterproof up to 30 meters, but not particularly robust. The latest version of WearOS is running. This is a good sign of receiving future updates. Google’s new software may not always include new features, but may provide bug fixes and other improvements. It is therefore important to maintain them. No contract is required for the smartwatch to use the phone function.

When you buy the Falster 3, you just have to think about the battery life and technology. The battery life has a limited lifespan, but will likely last for a few more years. Inside is the latest technology for smartwatches. The Falster 3 is a smartwatch that you can buy safely and is expected to last for two years or more.

Should you buy one?

Yes, in any case. The Falster 3, whether it is the X By Kygo edition or not, is one of the best looking and most powerful Smartwatches with WearOS available today.

Editor's recommendations

Find the Missing Links to Better Performance and Physique

When it comes to optimizing body composition, One of the key areas that men struggle with is prioritizing their performance. In most cases, the main goal is to get as slim as possible while improving muscle definition.

However, what usually happens is rapid weight loss in the first few weeks, which is generally due to a reduction in carbohydrate intake. Once you think you've stopped progressing, one of two things can happen:

  1. Another calorie reduction through less carbohydrate consumption.
  2. A further increase in energy delivery through cardiovascular activities, some form of HIIT or an increase in strength training days.

This is the downfall for most guys. It is what affects their ability to exercise. Its recoverability exceeds the amount of stress required for stimulation. They simply cannot recover from their work.

When I deal with such people, they eat fairly balanced meals during the day, but the biggest problem I see is that there is no structured food intake around the most important part of their day when they have to do their training.

It's like doing foot exercises in school uniform and chunky black school shoes until Tuesday evening. Sure, you're wearing clothes and shoes and you're training, but will you be able to perform well without your training equipment? Take it from a retired international and professional rugby player; It is a struggle.

Now your strength training (RT) is there to trigger a reaction in the body, a reaction that signals anabolic reactions with a primary focus on muscle protein synthesis (MPS), provided that enough effort and demands are placed on the muscles during the training. MPS is a process that repairs muscle damage caused by intense exercise and activity. It repairs and strengthens the muscle fibers.

While nutrient-driven stimulation from MPS can be observed, it cannot be compared to prolonged stimulation through weight training. MPS can even be extended beyond 24 hours after a single workout. 1

Right, so RT => more time for MPS switched on = more time for an increased recovery, repair and growth state.

Nutritional deficiencies

We want to optimize the rest of our food intake so that we can::

  1. Maximize the time you spend in a recovery and repair state.
  2. Improve our performance and the quality of work in our training (at least keep it up).

When we talk about organizing a peri-workout diet strategy, we are referring to your food intake before, within, and after exercise.

This allows your body to develop and overcome any obstacles that stand in your way while effortlessly reducing body fat.

How can we basically organize these specific periods to better support our performance and goal by timing the nutrients?

So let's see what the evidence suggests by dividing things up into individual meal and macronutrient requirements. Let's start with the pre-workout.

The role of nutrition before training

Pre-workout means the consumption of nutrients within a 3 hour radius of your planned training time. This feeding time should help to supply the body with the fuel it needs for training.

Consuming protein before your scheduled workout is incredibly important to make sure you have enough amino acids in your blood, especially if you haven't consumed protein or missed a meal that day.

Now I have to remind you that the most important factor in protein consumption is your daily intake. It doesn't make sense to be obsessed with nutrient timing if you don't have the basics of the nutritional basis.

When it comes to body development and nutrition, we want to make sure that we maximize our MPS.

Maximizing the anabolic effect of protein dosing per meal includes a goal of 0.4 to 0.55 g / kg 2, 3. The total daily protein to achieve this goal is 1.6 to 2.2 g / kg (0.7 to 1.0 g / lb) .2, 3

Everyone benefits from pre-workout protein. Regardless of whether your goal is body-oriented or not, protein plays an important role in all areas of life. Do not be stupid. Eat your protein.

The role of carbohydrates before training

The pre-workout meal is about providing the fuel you need for the workout. It is worth noting that there are numerous clues that demonstrate a similar fat loss between high-carb and low-carb diets if calories and protein match. 4

Since most men tend to reduce their carbohydrate intake drastically, this only shows that fat loss occurs as long as you are in an energy deficit.

However, by prioritizing the timing of our high-energy carbohydrates, we can do what we are asked to do: perform. This also helps maintain muscle mass and creates higher energy consumption.

Now when we look at carbohydrates and performance, your body stores carbohydrates in your muscles. This stored glycogen is the main fuel source for high-intensity exercises.5 Consuming carbohydrates before exercise also supports better muscle contractions due to higher blood glucose levels.

However, the further you move on your path to fat loss, the more important it becomesThis could be the difference in your ability to work at a high enough intensity that you may be required to do. It is also critical for great workouts and bigger pumps. Let's be honest; Nobody will say no if they get a nice pump.

Since we know that carbohydrates do not have to be removed from our diet and you do strength training, it makes sense to consume carbohydrates, especially if you want to get the best possible result in fat loss.

Let me repeat again that you consume carbohydrates before training:

  • Helps with performance and recovery – Most people may think that you only need carbohydrates for long-lasting exercises (two hours or more), even if you benefit from intensive training in the short term (60 minutes or longer). So if you plan to exercise at high intensity, you should eat these carbohydrates.
  • Preservation of muscle and liver glycogen – carbohydrates are a protein-friendly nutrient. So if no carbohydrates are available, your body won't use its muscle tissue for energy without them. This is why it is so important that carbohydrates are consumed as part of your food intake, especially if you want to maintain or build muscle.
  • Stimulates the release of insulin – The combination of protein with carbohydrates can improve our protein synthesis response and prevent protein breakdown.

The role of fats before training

Fats before training are not necessary, nor do you need to remove them completely. Despite what you may hear, fats aren't the best option when it comes to performance. Performance enhancement is literally what carbohydrates do.

Fats simply don't have a significant impact on your performance, but they can provide your body with vitamins and minerals while slowing down food digestion. This, in turn, can help maintain blood sugar and insulin levels.

Adding fats to your meal before exercise is a wise decision, especially if your meal is closer to the three-hour mark before you exercise. Fats are more critical in the daily intake spectrum, but as I said, you don't have to leave them out entirely when considering your meals before and after your workout.

Guidelines for structuring your diet before training

  • Try to eat a whole meal with a full protein, high-energy carbohydrate and, if you exercise 2-3 hours later, a portion of fat – especially if you have low blood sugar levels during an intense workout.
  • If time is an issue, use a fast-acting whey protein in combination with an easily digestible carbohydrate source so you can make sure there is something in the tank.
  • For most men, between 25 and 40 g of protein, 30 to 60 g of carbohydrates and 10 to 15 g of fat are sufficient.

Example of dining options:

  1. Chicken breast, white potatoes, 1 serving of water-based vegetables, avocado.
  2. Chocolate whey protein isolate, oats, banana, nut butter with a pinch of cinnamon.

The role of intra-workout nutrition

Definition within the training: The consumption of nutrients during your training session.

Using a protein and carbohydrate supplement while exercising can provide additional energy while supporting fatigue and helping your body continue to use carbohydrates as fuel.

Don't be too excited yet. What matters in the end is the duration, volume and intensity of your training sessions.

If you do not exercise at high intensity and volume for more than 60 minutes, you do not need additional carbohydrates during the exercise.

Instead, we can store our carbohydrates for post-workout training, where they can help regenerate and weaken the post-session cortisol response. A simple mix of essential amino acid (EAA) and electrolyte is fine.

However, once you've shaped this lean and muscular body, you want to add a quality muscle to your bodyTherefore, I will give you an overview of how we can use our intra-workout diet to build muscle.

If muscle growth is a priority during training, the combination of EAAs + highly branched cyclic dextrin (HBCD) is a strong addition to your intra-training.

If essential amino acids are very digestible, add a little HBCD and you will notice an improvement in the absorption of amino acids into your skeletal muscle. 6

This triggers muscle protein synthesis and promotes growth. There are now studies showing an increase in muscle cross-sectional tissue in trainees who supplement this combination.

The effects of EAAs + HBCD are most efficient during training if your blood pumps thanks to your training.

Keep in mind that carbohydrates may not always be required during exercise. If you plan to exercise at high intensity and volume for more than an hour, it may be a good idea to use intra-workout carbohydrates.

Guidelines for structuring your intra-workout diet

  • For sessions of less than 60 minutes: 1-2 servings of EAA + electrolyte mixture (usually 10-20 g).
  • For sessions that last longer than 60 minutes: 1-2 servings of EAA + electrolyte mixture, one serving of HBCD (usually 20-30 g).
  • For those looking for muscle growth: 1 serving of EAA + electrolyte mixture, two servings of HBCD.

The role of nutrition after exercise

The consumption of nutrients after completing your training session fulfills the role of post-training nutrition. This meal should be taken within 1-3 hours after training.

The focus of the post-workout meal is on reducing the cortisol (stress) response through weight training, starting the recovery and repair process, while avoiding spending time in a catabolic state.

After exercise, the body's insulin sensitivity is high, meaning that it is ready to use the carbohydrates in this meal by replenishing the glycogen level without shifting much of that energy into a fat cell. Another reason why this is such a strong time – wait, so can I expect to build muscle quickly in this window?

No, not necessarily, because your body is less likely to split the calories consumed as fat than muscle.

The role of the post workout protein

Keep in mind that training increases both protein synthesis and protein breakdown. Consuming protein in this window can further promote the positive nitrogen balance required for recovery, repair, and growth.

Since most men tend not to meet their daily protein needs, a useful strategy is to consume a post-workout shake within 30 minutes of your workout so that you have time to relax before you go within 1-2 hours eat a whole meal.

The same protein guidelines from our pre-workout should be followed. However, you can only take in 20-40 g of high quality protein in the form of a whey protein isolate after training. This can be repeated every 3-5 hours in order to maximally maintain protein synthesis7.

Make sure you consume a complete source of protein, such as lean red or white meat, fish, eggs, or a combination of these, in your whole meal.

The role of carbohydrates after exercise

This meal should contain the highest amount of carbohydrates in one of your meals during the day. We've already noticed that your body's insulin sensitivity and nutrient distribution is high, but that doesn't mean you can just eat everything in the kitchen.

I want to keep reminding my customers that you deserve your carbohydrates. So make sure you've put effort into your workout so you can really enjoy the benefits of this high-carb meal.

Our post-workout carbohydrates also help increase intramuscular glycogen storage, which is known to reduce recovery times

It is also worth noting that post-workout carbohydrates may result in an increased response to muscle protein synthesis through insulin-mediated activation of the Akt / mTORC1 pathway and reduced cortisol and muscle protein breakdown. 9

The number of carbohydrates in this meal can vary depending on personal preference and the amount you need to play with every day.

Since 3 g / kg body weight is a good starting point for your daily intake, I like to take pictures of 50% of my daily intake with my meal after training. 10

For example, an 80 kg man would aim for 240 g of carbohydrates for daily intake, which would mean adding 120 g of carbohydrates to the post-workout meal. Add the rest of the 120 g of carbohydrates to the other meals throughout the day.

The role of fats after exercise

Since we know that fats are not necessary in our pre-workout, it should come as no surprise that they are also not necessary for our post-workout meal.

Because our body development is a priority, it may be advisable to limit the dietary fat in your post-workout meal. Based on current knowledge, I would recommend limiting the fat content in the diet to 10 g or less. 11

In addition, it should be mentioned that the results also indicate that a high-fat diet after training can impair the regulation of the restructuring of the skeletal muscles and suppress anabolic activity

Guidelines for structuring your post-workout diet

  • If you're struggling to meet your daily protein needs, consume a post-workout WPI shake that contains 20-40 g of protein.
  • Consume your post-workout meal within 1 to 3 hours of your workout with a competing protein source that meets our initial protein guidelines per meal of 0.4-0.55 g / kg body weight, combined with 50% of your total daily carb intake.
  • Limit your fat intake to 10 g or less.

Example of dining options::

  1. Red meat, jasmine rice and peppers.
  2. Turkey breast, pasta and spinach.

Some additional recommendations

Simplify your protein intake by distributing it evenly throughout the day. Try to meet the minimum requirements for your meal before training. Remember that it takes hours to digest food. So listen to how your body feels with the size of the meals you eat before training.

I know my personal preference is a medium-sized meal because I don't like to feel too full before training, but I also don't like to feel too hungry.

Fats slow down the digestive process, So keep this in mind since you don't want to attack the barbell if you feel excessively full. The further you are from your training, the more acceptable the fats in this meal are.

Choose fast, easily digestible carbohydrates like rice, rice cream, oats and potatoes that you can use in your meals before and after your workout.

There is an inverse relationship between carbohydrate and fat based meals. If you eat a high-carb meal, the fat content should be low. When eating a low-carb meal, the fat content should be higher.


1. Atherton, P.J. & Smith, K. (2012). "Muscle protein synthesis in response to diet and exercise." The Journal of Physiology, 590 (5), 1049-105. 1057.

2. Schönfeld BJ, Aragon AA. "How much protein can the body use to build muscle in a single meal? Impact on daily protein distribution." Int Soc magazine sports nutrition. 2018, February 27; 15:10.

3. Aragon AA. "Behind the paper: Clarifying protein distribution concerns." AARR, February 2018.

4. Hall & Guo, "Obesity energetics: regulation of body weight and the effects of the composition of the diet." Gastroenterology, volume 152, edition 7, May 2017, pages 1718-1727.e3.

5. Richard B. Kreider, Colin D. Wilborn, Lem Taylor, Bill Campbell, Anthony L. Almada, Rick Collins, Mathew Cooke, Conrad P. Earnest, Mike Greenwood et al. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 7, 7 (2010).

6. Vogel SP, Tarpenning KM, Marino FE. "Independent and combined effects of the intake of liquid carbohydrates / essential amino acids on hormonal and muscular adjustments after strength training in untrained men." Eur Journal Applied Physiology. 2006; 97: 225- 38.

7. Ralf Jäger, Chad M. Kerksick, Bill I. Campbell et al., "Status of the International Society for Sports Nutrition: Protein and Exercise". Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, Volume 14, item number: 20 (2017).

8. Burke, L.M., Hawley, J.A., Wong, S.H., Jeukendrup, A.E. "Carbohydrates for training and competition." Journal of Sports Science. 2011; 29 Suppl 1: S17-27.

9. Haff, G. G .; Lehmkuhl, M. J .; McCoy, L. B .; Stone, M.H. "Carbohydrate supplementation and strength training." J. Strength, Cond. Res. 2003.

10. Hall, KD et al. "A review of the carbohydrate-insulin model of obesity." European Journal of Clinical Nutrition vol. 71.3 (2017): 323-4. 326.

11. Stephens FB, Chee C, Wall BJ et al. "Lipid-induced insulin resistance is associated with an impaired synthetic response of skeletal muscle protein to amino acid intake in healthy young men." Diabetes. 2015; 64 (5): 1615-16. 1620.

12. Kimball SR, Ravi S., Gordon BS, Dennis MD, Jefferson LS. "The amino acid-induced activation of mTORC1 in rat liver is weakened by the short-term consumption of a high-fat diet." J Nutri. 2015; 145 (11): 2496-; 2502.

Sonos Arc Review: A Solid Soundbar For The Dolby Atmos Era

Sonos Arc Dolby Atmos soundbar

"With Dolby Atmos and Voice A.I., the Sonos Arc is the Swiss Army knife for sound bars."

  • Excellent surround sound

  • Simple and easy setup

  • Decent Dolby Atmos from a single speaker

  • Choice of Alexa or Google Assistant

  • No HDMI inputs

  • Not ideal for all music genres

When Sonos launched its first soundbar, the Playbar for $ 699 in 2013, it received the praise it deserved. As an absolutely simple but somewhat expensive way to give your TV a massive audio upgrade, almost everyone succeeded except one front: Sonos' decision to equip the playbar with a single optical input meant that the playbar would work forever Get away from the growing world of surround formats like Dolby Digital Plus, Dolby TrueHD and Dolby Atmos – something that reviewers at the time described as a disadvantage of an otherwise excellent product.

Seven years later, Sonos returned to the full-size home theater soundbar arena with the $ 799 Arc, a Dolby Atmos-enabled speaker that shows everything the company has learned since the Playbar debut. Did Sonos push the envelope far enough this time or did he just catch up? Let's take a look.

Beautiful design

Sonos Arc Dolby Atmos soundbarSimon Cohen / Digital Trends

I have already said that the best designs in soundbars do not attract any attention at all. After all, your visual focus should be on your TV, not your soundbar.

Whether your primary aesthetic is the reserved Darth Vader or the reserved Stormtrooper, there's a Sonos Arc to suit your taste

However, if you don't draw your eye negatively, it doesn't mean that your soundbar should also be a boring plastic sheet. In a classic Sonos way, the Arc exudes subtle elegance when not partnering with your TV, and almost disappears when it's time to dim the lights and start the show.

I owe this chameleon-like performance to the matt black finish of our test device. It worked for me – but for the first time, Sonos also has a full-size soundbar that you can also buy in matte white. Whether your primary aesthetic is the reserved Darth Vader or the reserved Stormtrooper, there's a Sonos Arc to suit your taste.

The design of the one-piece wrap-around speaker grille, made up of hundreds of tiny holes, gives the Arc the same subtle monolithic look as the company's other latest products, such as Move, Sonos One, One SL, and the updated Sonos Five.

Sonos placed the Arc's touch controls at the top of the soundbar. This seems to be a more logical position than the more cumbersome controls on the Playbar. However, this placement means that if you push the arc fully under your TV, you will have little or no access to these controls. However, this may not matter, because with all Sonos products, you can fully control the speaker from your phone, tablet, or computer.

Just like the Playbar, you can place the Arc in front of your TV where you need at least 2.5 inches of space if you want it to sit just below the screen. It can also be mounted on the wall, but is prepared for a sticker shock: the optional steel bracket costs a whopping $ 80 – a full 10% of the price of the Arc itself.

Limited connectivity

Sonos Arc Dolby Atmos soundbarSimon Cohen / Digital Trends

Sonos prides itself on its commitment to simplicity and the Arc embodies this through its extremely simple setup: a single HDMI ARC / eARC connector on the back of the speaker is all you need to connect it to your TV. Simply plug one end of the included HDMI cable into this connector, the other end into the HDMI ARC / eARC connector on your TV, plug in the power cord, and off you go.

The rest of the setup process is done in the Sonos app. It only takes a few minutes and includes Sonos' Trueplay tuning feature. With Trueplay, Sonos gains an understanding of the acoustics of your room. It can then optimize the Arc's EQ for better music and probably better Dolby Atmos. The problem is that TruePlay is only available for iOS and the microphone is required on an iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad. Android users are out of luck.

Sonos points out that you can borrow an iOS device for TruePlay on your system at any time. However, this seems to be a cold consolation to those who have chosen not to go into Apple's well-kept, walled garden.

Sonos prides itself on its commitment to simplicity and the Arc couldn't be easier to set up and use.

Ironically, Sonos' desire to keep things simple has also caused some inconvenience. HDMI ARC / eARC is a great concept because it allows you to send digital audio and video to your TV while sending your digital audio back to your soundbar or A / V receiver. However, the Sonos Arc uses this connection for itself and only converts it into an audio output.

This is because, unlike almost every modern sound bar on the market, the Arc has no HDMI input. All of your source devices such as game consoles, cable boxes, streaming media devices or Blu-ray players must be connected directly to one of the other HDMI inputs on your TV. This leads to two potential problems.

First, in addition to the HDMI cable required for the Arc, you need to connect one HDMI cable per device to your TV, unless your source device is a stick-style device like a Fire TV Stick. Depending on your home theater installation, this can be difficult.

Second, only a few televisions are supplied with more than four HDMI inputs. Once you've connected the arc, there are only three. If three inputs are not enough, you will need an HDMI switch to convert one of these three into two or more additional connectors.

If you can get by with just three ports (or if your TV initially has more than four) and you don't mind laying a few more HDMI cables, don't think about it. On the other hand, if you were hoping to replace an A / V receiver with six or seven inputs with the Arc, you will need to do some homework before placing your order.

I should note that if your TV doesn't have HDMI ARC, you can use the included optical HDMI adapter, but you won't be able to receive Dolby Digital Plus or Dolby TrueHD and therefore not Dolby Atmos. Dolby Digital 5.1 will still sound amazing, but it won't use the full range of the Arc.

Sensational surround sound

Sonos Arc Dolby Atmos soundbarSimon Cohen / Digital Trends

Like any other speaker Sonos makes, the Arc delivers a larger and richer sound than its compact body suggests. Bass – the main ingredient for home theater sound – is remarkably thundering for a sound bar. The uninitiated looks around the room for the subwoofer that is simply not there.

The bow's ability to reproduce dialogues is equally impressive. It is clear and precise even without activating the optional dialog enhancement mode. This is a testament to Sonos' understanding of what television is fun for. You can have the most impressive multi-channel sound system in the world. However, if you don't understand what the actors are saying due to the muddy dialogue, your viewing experience will be significantly affected.

Bass – the main ingredient for home theater sound – is remarkably thundering for a sound bar.

Thanks to its channel drivers with upward height and its phase-controlled loudspeaker arrangement, the Arc also creates an expansive sound stage, which makes it an ideal solution with a loudspeaker for much better TV audio.

Most users use the Arc with Dolby Audio in either 2-channel stereo or 5.1 audio, as these two formats represent the majority of the available streaming and broadcast content. The Arc does an excellent job with both and easily fills larger rooms with expansive, exciting sound.

Dolby Atmos for beginners

Sonos Arc Dolby Atmos soundbarSimon Cohen / Digital Trends

The same outstanding audio experience also applies to the Arc, Dolby Atmos heading function, but you need to soften your expectations a bit. The Arc uses a pair of upward-facing speakers to bring the treble of a Dolby Atmos soundtrack back into your viewing position. This is the same technique used by all Atmos-enabled sound bars and even some dedicated Atmos speakers.

How effective this system is depends on the geometry of your room. In my basement TV room with 7.5-foot ceilings, I was definitely aware of the heightened sense of 3D space, but it was more of a subtle effect than something that grabs your lapel. There is no visual indicator on the arc to let you know that you are listening to Dolby Atmos. If you are not sure, you will get a quick look at the app.

I tested the Arc's Atmos chops with current action-oriented favorites like Ford vs. Ferrari, Avengers: Endgame and John Wick, Chapter 3: Parabellum. No matter whether it is roaring racing cars, thundering spaceships or ricocheting balls, the Arc can help you to focus on the action.

A warning here: At the moment, the Arc only supports Dolby Atmos, not DTS: X. DTS: X offers Atmos a similarly impressive experience, but is not so well supported by Blu-rays or streaming services. If you still need it, you have to look elsewhere.

Add a sub and surround

I think the Sonos Arc is great on its own, but if you're looking for an even bigger and better sound, you can have it. Sonos allows you to expand the Arc's capabilities by adding a Sonos Sub for $ 699. You can use any matching pair of Sonos speakers as surround satellites – even a pair of Ikea Symfonisk bookshelf speakers for $ 99.

I recommend both upgrades. The Sub will bring the Arc's impressive bass from good to gigantic (and it's the only subwoofer compatible with the Arc), while a pair of surrounds will help the Arc fill in some of the sounds it doesn't quite bounce off can reproduce audio towards you. I've tried a number of Sonos One SLs – which was amazing – but I think any pair of Sonos speakers would give the Arc a helpful boost.

Music performance

Sonos Arc Dolby Atmos soundbarSimon Cohen / Digital Trends

Soundbars are primarily about delivering better TV audio, but the Arc is not just a soundbar. As a full-fledged Sonos speaker, you get all the advantages of the Sonos system: a brilliant mobile app that gives you complete control over your music sources, your speakers and your entire home if you want to switch to multiroom audio.

If you need your soundbar as the primary music source for double-duty, the Arc can do it. The only limitation is that since the Arc is set to give optimal results for TV audio, it doesn't have the same sound signature as other types of speakers or even other Sonos speakers. The same emphasis on higher frequencies and lower frequencies that provide such convincing film magic does not always go well with all music genres.

Vocal forward tracks from Adele, for example, are definitely improved. Billie Eilish's Bond theme, No Time To Die, is another example of a track that takes advantage of the Arc's theater-inspired acoustics. But jazz standards, classic compositions and even some straightforward pop and rock songs can feel a bit trapped due to a lack of definition in the midrange.

Atmos music

However, my reservation has one limitation: Dolby Atmos Music. Fortunately, Tidal added the ability to stream Dolby Atmos Music from its Apple TV 4K app the same week I spent my time with the Sonos Arc.

Dolby Atmos music on the bow is a joy. Tracks that have been mastered (or remastered) in Atmos Music can give you a completely new appreciation of music, depending on the song. A great example are the classic Riders On The Storm by The Doors. The rain and thunder, which have always felt overwhelming to me when listening to stereo, suddenly become an intimate and essential part of the music. Jim Morrison's already haunting lyrics and vocals get a trembling, ghostly echo after lines like "It's a killer on the go".

I don't know if these elements have always been part of the song or not, but with the combination of Atmos Music and Arc you can't ignore them. Not every Atmos Music title is equally fascinating. However, if you can afford the $ 20 monthly Tidal HiFi subscription level and have a compatible streaming device, I highly recommend it.

AirPlay 2 and voice assistants

Sonos Arc Dolby Atmos soundbarSimon Cohen / Digital Trends

The Sonos Arc doesn't have Bluetooth – a feature that almost every other soundbar offers – so you can't connect directly from your phone. Instead, you can use Apple's AirPlay 2 technology to connect from your Apple device over WiFi. As much as this frustrates Android users, in practice there is only one situation where there is a problem: playing music that only works on your Android device.

What the Arc offers that no other soundbar (apart from Sonos & # 39; own beam) can offer is the choice of Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant as a voice assistant. I've had some issues setting up Google Assistant, but I'm going to attribute this to the beta software I'm using. Alexa worked perfectly.

Having a voice assistant in a soundbar is actually a pretty big deal. Aside from the obvious benefits of a smart speaker (playing music, controlling smart home devices, and getting answers to your questions), you can use various voice commands to turn the TV on and off, since the Arc is connected to your TV via HDMI or off adjust the volume. Your particular TV may support more commands, depending on the model and whether it's compatible with Google Assistant or Alexa.

Our opinion

The Sonos Arc for $ 799 is the home theater upgrade that Sonos fans have been waiting for. It offers great surround sound, a good, if subtle, Dolby Atmos experience, and all the benefits of a smart speaker and Sonos' unique multi-room audio system. Only the lack of HDMI inputs and the slightly degraded music quality prevent it from being a perfect soundbar for the price.

Is there a better alternative?

If you want an Atmos-enabled soundbar with a choice of voice assistants and the ultimate flexibility of Sonos' multiroom audio system, there is simply no second option at all costs.

The Sennheiser Ambeo is a more effective system with a loudspeaker for those who are looking for first-class atmosphere and music. Of course, it's huge and costs $ 2,500. That's even more than the Arc, a Sonos Sub and a pair of Sonos One SLs.

When you're ready to step into multiple speaker units, you can achieve a more compelling Dolby Atmos experience by spending more. Vizio's 5.1.4 system is available for $ 1,000, or you can buy the LG SN11RG for $ 1,700 for even more power. Both also have multiple HDMI inputs.

How long it will take?

Despite the fact that Sonos has recently discontinued support for some older devices, you can expect the Arc to last for years, if not decades. Sonos products are well built and the Arc is no exception.

Should you buy it

Yes. The Sonos Arc is a breeze for Sonos users. It costs $ 100 more than the playbar it replaces, but offers better sound, Dolby Atmos, AirPlay 2, voice assistants, and more. As long as you need to use your TV's HDMI inputs or an HDMI switcher to connect your video sources, the Arc will reward you with excellent home theater audio for less than $ 1,000.

Editor's recommendations

How Online Coaching Made Me Better

"I can't wait for the gym to open so I can get the right coaching from my computer."

If that's you, I can tell. This pandemic was a massive nail on the street that blew out the air tires of our routines and force a detour from the route we had planned for a successful career. Your makeshift online practice is like the donut you install to keep your car rolling long enough to repair and get back on the road with a real tire. When your gym reopens, you may think about putting this online exercise back in the trunk, forget about it until you need it again.

I invite you to think again. The best trainers will keep at least part of their practice onlineNot how a side business or gimmick, but because effective online practice makes you a better coach.

The facts of online coaching

You've heard the big pitch for switching to online or hybrid coaching elsewhere:

  1. It enables flexible working hours from anywhere in the world, whether at home, in a café or in Fiji.
  2. This allows you to reach a broader – even global – audience and scale with existing templates and intelligent systems as large as your creativity and industry allow.

And everyone knows the costs:

  1. Distance work requires a different discipline to combat distraction.
  2. The primary advertising channels are overwhelmed with FitPros, most of them spit out nonsense, and transmitting your signal through the noise is a full-time job.
  3. Establishing a personal connection, evaluating and correcting movements in real time is more difficult, and coaching in states, provinces and countries is a unique logistical challenge.

What you probably haven't heard is how online coaching can improve your coaching skills on the platform, in the field, and at the gym.

I have been training online since 2016, programming and offering video reviews of work sets for every lifter I train. As part of a team, we help each other with video evaluations and when working on projects. I've reviewed hundreds of lifters, thousands of workouts, and over ten thousand videos, and these practices have improved my platform coaching skills in ways I never expected.

You are not a wizard, Harry

In the art of clear thinking, Rolf Dobelli shares the effect of a banal truth: "Extreme performances are interspersed with less extreme ones." In other words, when things are bad or average, they get better. When things are great or average, they get worse. This reality, called regression to the mean, deceives trainers every day in every sentence.

Every repetition you observe lies on the lifter's bell curve. Some new lifters happen to have great reps, and even masterful athletes occasionally slip in complex movements.

With the right coaching and focus, this curve shifts to the right and narrow over time – the average improves and the performance becomes more constant until real mistakes disappear. If you train the movement in real time, you will see a bad movement, call it up and the next iteration will look better. Pat yourself on the back – you've fixed it. At least that's how I felt after fixing people through seminars, workshops, CrossFit courses and face-to-face meetings. Online coaching freed me from this delusion.

I am a pretty dense stone, so the lessons took some time. I check the video of a lifter, see a mistake and try to start typing so that the mistake disappears in the third iteration and never returns. Sometimes they were set up incorrectly and I tried to reach through the screen to avoid the inevitable error that often never occurred. Maybe they corrected themselves. Maybe it was coincidental – a below-average repetition for her bell curve – and the next repetition just happened to be better.

Online coaching has taught me to look for trends through repetitions. To develop the lifter's self-confidence on the platform, step out of the way. You leave with the intention of going to the next session and not with a list of clues that need to be implemented long after your body has forgotten the feeling of your last exercises.

Most importantly, it taught me humility. In a class of 20 people, I was able to bark clues and correct mistakes like a manic poodle playing in one go, but the credit for change was not by chance, time and the lifter.

The screen requests results

The environment and friendships of the class as well as the energy and personality of a trainer often determine the experience in the small gym. This experience is part of the value – the most important part for some lifters – but if it does prevail, accurate feedback on your performance will be tarnished.

When I asked a customer if their training worked for them, the inevitable answer was almost always yes. If the customer does not know his past and present performance, clearly defines his goals and routinely takes into account the costs and benefits of training, he is not ready to give me a clear answer.

I wanted to improve my coaching skills. But I asked, "Do you still feel good when you come to the gym?"

Every trainer has to achieve results to be successful. An informed customer can find thousands of diets, programs, and forums to receive form checks online for free. If we show no value and do not establish a personal connection, the customer will leave.

There is no fitness culture online to hide behind. Each day gives your customer the opportunity to log in, view the progress on the screen and decide if the cost is worth it. This accountability refines coaching skills in a way that constant variance and high energy classes cannot.

The internet never forgets

Movement coaching, especially in multi-event sports like CrossFit, suffers from memory gaps. At the beginning of each session, we have two vivid memories of the lifter's movement – how we remember them when they first trained with us and how they are moving. They will inevitably improve through the session as a result of warming up, practicing and (hopefully) our coaching.

At the end of the session, you can honestly say to the frustrated lifter, "I know it's difficult, but you're getting better." But are they? Do you remember the quality of your movement in the past sessions, especially when it is spread over weeks?

Checking videos revealed my amnesia. A lifter felt stuck when it was first pulled up, and I went back and did a montage of their videos to show their real progress in an encouraging way.

Another lifter was frustrated with its clean strength, but I knew it had improved. His first video was certainly a mess, so I looked for newer posts to show the chain of progress. Unfortunately, he was right. His elbows hadn't gotten faster in weeks and it was my responsibility to improve my game to provide tools and exercises to help him solve this problem.

Online videos provide concrete progress indicators that can overcome almost all lifters' doubts as to whether they are improving. It also shows reality very strongly if the movement has not changed.

I have occasionally started filming my personal lifters and making a selection of videos of their movement over time as this feedback that was easy to collect on the web was simply not available during coaching.

Same street, better tires

In Oceanside, California, where I live, state and county officials are already reopening restaurants, public services, and fitness centers. Trainers have to overcome the inevitable hiccups, but many of you are already starting to think about life after the shutdown. The long wait is over – the mechanics have finally fitted the new tire – and you really want to get back on the road to help people get stronger, fitter and happier.

You may have seen online coaching as a way to make ends meet and add value despite the loss. If you are, you may feel ready to throw the video conferencing, online coaching platforms, and email check-ins into your mental box with shutdown problems that I'm just glad I'm done with.

Before you do this, I invite you to consider the following:

  • As a trainer, we learn best when we face different perspectives and challenges.
  • Solving difficult problems in an unusual way not only shows our coaching spectrum, but also broadens our perspective and deepens our understanding of the strategies that we are already using.

Online coaching did that for me. Even if the interaction and the community of coaching on the platform, teaching a live workshop or leading a CrossFit class are the focus of my work, I will continue to train online whether pandemic or not and I invite you to do the same. You could just be a better trainer for it.

Adidas RPT-01 Sport Headphones Review: Fitness Functionality

Adidas RPT-01

"The Adidas RPT-01 are almost exclusively dedicated to fitness lovers."

  • 40 hours of battery life

  • IPX4 waterproof

  • Built to last

  • Easy to use controls

  • Instructions for conflicting setup

  • Tight fit

  • Narrow audio range

The $ 169 RPT-01 Sport on-ear headphones from Adidas differ in several ways from the competition, from their functionality to the fabric in which they are wrapped. Sometimes these differences help and sometimes they hurt. It depends on who is wearing them. Athletes may love what these fitness-oriented headphones have to offer, but the occasional listener may not be as receptive.

Out of the box

The headphones are carefully shipped in a black Adidas box. Except for a USB-C charging cable and the standard manufacturer documentation, nothing else is included. The RPT-01 headphones come without a carrying case or carrying case, which is disappointing.

Adidas RPT-01 headphonesNick Woodard / Digital Trends

The setup was a bit strange. The quick start guide tells you to hold down the Control Jog button (on the right ear cup – and yes, that's the official name that Adidas used for it) for 2 seconds to turn the headphones on and put them on in pairing mode. Mode. I haven't been able to put these headphones into pairing mode for my whole life – at least not at first.

After downloading the Adidas headphone app, I was shown slightly changed pairing instructions. The app prompts you to hold the button for 4 seconds, not 2 seconds, to activate the Bluetooth pairing. It's a fraction of a difference, but apparently an important one.

The RPT-01 has built-in Bluetooth 5 technology, and under normal circumstances the connection was solid. Unfortunately, the connection range was average at best. While jogging with my fiancé, she wore the headphones that were connected to my phone and that I carried in a belt pouch.

With most of the earphones I've tested, it can leave me in the dust and still maintain a tight connection. With these, she would be about 15 to 20 feet away before encountering connection problems. This is surprising since we were without obstacles outside.


Design is what distinguishes these cans. They do not use plastic or silicone material for their outer cup or ribbon as you would expect. Instead, the headphones are covered with a mesh fabric, with the exception of the inner band. The fabric is not the softest material out there and doesn't provide the most aesthetic look.

Adidas RPT-01 headphonesNick Woodard / Digital Trends

However, it is well suited for the RPT-01 target group: athletes. The ear cushions and the inner band are washable, which can prove helpful after more intensive training sessions. While these headphones are not soft, they feel durable and give the impression that they can easily cope with countless hours in the gym.

Thanks to the guidelines on social distancing, I still haven't returned to the Eisenkirche, so I can't say how well the RPT-01 does when lifting. In the few runs I brought them with, they did well. They are of course heavier than a real wireless earphone alternative, but at 209 grams they are not heavy enough to significantly impair your cardio session. As a reference, one of the most comparable alternatives, the JBL UA Sport Wireless Train, weighs considerably more at 240 grams.

However, I felt that they were aggressive on my admittedly big head. It's better than being too loose, but if I didn't use them primarily for sports, the pressure would eventually become a nuisance.


I am convinced that all headphones and earphones should have a certain water resistance, as they are more and more connected to our everyday life. This applies twice to products that are intended for exercise. Thankfully, the RPT-01 does not disappoint with an IPX4 rating that provides welding and splash protection. The JBL counterpart has the same degree of protection.

Adidas RPT-01 headphonesNick Woodard / Digital Trends

The RPT-01's battery life is impressive, and according to Adidas it offers 40 hours of playback time. If you've only used it for exercise and haven't spent an eternity in the Dwayne Johnson weight room, you may want to top it up about once a month.

Of course, at this price, you probably want to get your money's worth and wear it when you're not pumped up. I had almost a week's work with the RPT-01 and I still have to join for a fee. That's some firm juice for the cost. In particular, both the JBL Train and the more expensive Train Project Rock only offer 16 hours of playback between charges.

I enjoyed the functionality of the "Control Jog" button on the right cup of the RPT-01, which allowed me to pause and resume the music by pressing it regularly. I could skip tracks by switching to the right or left, and switching up and down provided volume. In a world where we too often succumbed to the confusion of multi-pressure functions, this was an easy-to-use breath of fresh air.

Speaking of multiple presses: there is an action button on the left cup. Your preferred voice assistant is called up by pressing once. To my understanding, these can be Google Assistant, Apple's Siri, and Amazon Alexa. Using the Adidas app, which I found surprisingly useful overall, you can program double tap and triple tap functions to access specific playlists, artists or albums via Spotify. This is a nice feature as long as you are a subscriber.

Audio quality

The RPT-01 is primarily a fitness headphone. When it comes to training, it's typical to hear something positive with generous portions of low-end sound.

Adidas RPT-01 headphonesNick Woodard / Digital Trends

Adidas seems to know its audience, because this is where the RPT-01 feels most comfortable. Scrolling through most of the popular Workify workout playlists has shown this, with highlights like Migos & # 39; Walk It Talk It highlighted. The RPT-01 have an abundance of bass and are not afraid to share them.

However, if you move away from the workout playlists, some sound flaws will become apparent. They are still reasonably clear and casual listeners shouldn't have any problems with the audio, but all of these bass-heavy choices hide an average midrange that leaves much to be desired when trying a wider range of music. Overall, these headphones sound good, but they may not be able to satisfy those who are looking for really great sound in different genres.

The app has an equalizer function with various presets to fix the problem, as well as a custom preset that allows you to adjust the frequencies to your liking. I also felt that the built-in microphone did its job well enough when I answered calls. Active noise cancellation would have been desirable at this price, but it is not a requirement.

Our opinion

The Adidas RPT-01 are exactly what I thought – headphones that are almost exclusively dedicated to the gymnastics rats of the world and offer the ideal functions. They just don't pile up very well outside the practice room.

Are there any better alternatives?

The $ 160 JBL UA Sport Wireless Train comes closest to Adidas in price and design, but doesn't have the RPT-01's battery power and only has built-in Bluetooth 4.1 technology. If you don't need headphones to break a sweat, both the $ 200 Razer Opus and the Sony WH-CH710N for $ 199 would be compelling options.

How long will they last?

Adidas built these headphones to accommodate everything fitness enthusiasts can throw at them. So expect them to have some stamina.

Should you buy them

Yes. The design and audio quality may not be translated outside of training, but they are not designed for that. The RPT-01 Sport are headphones for fitness and fit well in this shape.

Editor's recommendations

How Online Coaching Made Me Better

"I can't wait for the gym to open so I can get the right coaching from my computer."

If that's you, I can tell. This pandemic was a massive nail on the street that blew out the air tires of our routines and force a detour from the route we had planned for a successful career. Your makeshift online practice is like the donut you install to keep your car rolling long enough to repair and get back on the road with a real tire. When your gym reopens, you may think about putting this online exercise back in the trunk, forget about it until you need it again.

I invite you to think again. The best trainers will keep at least part of their practice onlineNot how a side business or gimmick, but because effective online practice makes you a better coach.

The facts of online coaching

You've heard the big pitch for switching to online or hybrid coaching elsewhere:

  1. It enables flexible working hours from anywhere in the world, whether at home, in a café or in Fiji.
  2. This allows you to reach a broader – even global – audience and scale with existing templates and intelligent systems as large as your creativity and industry allow.

And everyone knows the costs:

  1. Distance work requires a different discipline to combat distraction.
  2. The primary advertising channels are overwhelmed with FitPros, most of them spit out nonsense, and transmitting your signal through the noise is a full-time job.
  3. Establishing a personal connection, evaluating and correcting movements in real time is more difficult, and coaching in states, provinces and countries is a unique logistical challenge.

What you probably haven't heard is how online coaching can improve your coaching skills on the platform, in the field, and at the gym.

I have been training online since 2016, programming and offering video reviews of work sets for every lifter I train. As part of a team, we help each other with video evaluations and when working on projects. I've reviewed hundreds of lifters, thousands of workouts, and over ten thousand videos, and these practices have improved my platform coaching skills in ways I never expected.

You are not a wizard, Harry

In the art of clear thinking, Rolf Dobelli shares the effect of a banal truth: "If things are bad on average, they get better. If things are good on average, they get worse. This reality, called regression to the mean, deceives every day Coach in every set. "

Every repetition you observe lies on the lifter's bell curve. Some new lifters happen to have great reps, and even masterful athletes occasionally slip in complex movements.

With the right coaching and focus, this curve shifts to the right and narrow over time – the average improves and the performance becomes more constant until real mistakes disappear. If you train the movement in real time, you will see a bad movement, call it up and the next iteration will look better. Pat yourself on the back – you've fixed it. At least that's how I felt after fixing people through seminars, workshops, CrossFit courses and face-to-face meetings. Online coaching freed me from this delusion.

I am a pretty dense stone, so the lessons took some time. I check the video of a lifter, see a mistake and try to start typing so that the mistake disappears in the third iteration and never returns. Sometimes they were set up incorrectly and I tried to reach through the screen to avoid the inevitable error that often never occurred. Maybe they corrected themselves. Maybe it was coincidental – a below-average repetition for her bell curve – and the next repetition just happened to be better.

Online coaching has taught me to look for trends through repetitions. To develop the lifter's self-confidence on the platform, step out of the way. You leave with the intention of going to the next session and not with a list of clues that need to be implemented long after your body has forgotten the feeling of your last exercises.

Most importantly, it taught me humility. In a class of 20 people, I was able to bark clues and correct mistakes like a manic poodle playing in one go, but the credit for change was not by chance, time and the lifter.

The screen requests results

The environment and friendships of the class as well as the energy and personality of a trainer often determine the experience in the small gym. This experience is part of the value – the most important part for some lifters – but if it does prevail, accurate feedback on your performance will be tarnished.

When I asked a customer if their training worked for them, the inevitable answer was almost always yes. If the customer does not know his past and present performance, clearly defines his goals and routinely takes into account the costs and benefits of training, he is not ready to give me a clear answer.

I wanted to improve my coaching skills. But I asked, "Do you still feel good when you come to the gym?"

Every trainer has to achieve results to be successful. An informed customer can find thousands of diets, programs, and forums to receive form checks online for free. If we show no value and do not establish a personal connection, the customer will leave.

There is no fitness culture online to hide behind. Each day gives your customer the opportunity to log in, view the progress on the screen and decide if the cost is worth it. This accountability refines coaching skills in a way that constant variance and high energy classes cannot.

The internet never forgets

Movement coaching, especially in multi-event sports like CrossFit, suffers from memory gaps. At the beginning of each session, we have two vivid memories of the lifter's movement – how we remember them when they first trained with us and how they are moving. They will inevitably improve through the session as a result of warming up, practicing and (hopefully) our coaching.

At the end of the session, you can honestly say to the frustrated lifter, "I know it's difficult, but you're getting better." But are they? Do you remember the quality of your movement in the past sessions, especially when it is spread over weeks?

Checking videos revealed my amnesia. A lifter felt stuck when it was first pulled up, and I went back and did a montage of their videos to show their real progress in an encouraging way.

Another lifter was frustrated with its clean strength, but I knew it had improved. His first video was certainly a mess, so I looked for newer posts to show the chain of progress. Unfortunately, he was right. His elbows hadn't gotten faster in weeks and it was my responsibility to improve my game to provide tools and exercises to help him solve this problem.

Online videos provide concrete progress indicators that can overcome almost all lifters' doubts as to whether they are improving. It also shows reality very strongly if the movement has not changed.

I have occasionally started filming my personal lifters and making a selection of videos of their movement over time as this feedback that was easy to collect on the web was simply not available during coaching.

Same street, better tires

In Oceanside, California, where I live, state and county officials are already reopening restaurants, public services, and fitness centers. Trainers have to overcome the inevitable hiccups, but many of you are already starting to think about life after the shutdown. The long wait is over – the mechanics have finally fitted the new tire – and you really want to get back on the road to help people get stronger, fitter and happier.

You may have seen online coaching as a way to make ends meet and add value despite the loss. If you are, you may feel ready to throw the video conferencing, online coaching platforms, and email check-ins into your mental box with shutdown problems that I'm just glad I'm done with.

Before you do this, I invite you to consider the following:

  • As a trainer, we learn best when we face different perspectives and challenges.
  • Solving difficult problems in an unusual way not only shows our coaching spectrum, but also broadens our perspective and deepens our understanding of the strategies that we are already using.

Online coaching did that for me. Even if the interaction and the community of coaching on the platform, teaching a live workshop or leading a CrossFit class are the focus of my work, I will continue to train online whether pandemic or not and I invite you to do the same. You could just be a better trainer for it.

Google Nest Wifi Review: Mesh Networking Without The Hassle

“Google's Nest WiFi is a great mesh network system with a secret. It's also a smart speaker. "

  • Easy installation and setup

  • Google Assistant integration

  • Possibility to extend the cover

  • Contemporary design fits every decor

  • A bit expensive

  • Single ethernet port

The rating was last updated by Digital Trends editor John Velasco on June 2, 2020.

For an average Joe, home internet service means either calling a local service provider or browsing the web to find the best deals. Once there is something worth subscribing to, a technician will come out for the installation. They are usually ready for use in a few minutes. Most people never worry about replacing a router unless they need more coverage.

The Google Nest Wifi is brought to life with its coverage and consistency for the entire house. Basically, the Nest Wifi aims to do the same job as most other mesh WiFi routers. However, Google's interpretation secretly offers some notable features that continue the company's focus on providing multi-functional devices for the smart home.

The starter pack, which includes the router and access point, is priced at $ 269. Would you like to expand your existing system? Additional access points can be purchased directly from Google for $ 149.

You don't have to be a rocket scientist to set it up

Setting up routers can be overwhelming, especially for those who have no background in networking. Google makes the process painless and easy with the included quick guide. I was quite frustrated with overly complex router setups, but this was without a doubt the easiest one to get started.

With the Google Home app on my Android smartphone, I was instructed to connect the Nest WiFi router to my existing Xfinity xFi gateway modem using the included Ethernet connection.

John Velasco / Digital Trends

After setting up the appropriate SSID and password for my network, I needed to capture the QR code on the device using the Google Home app to connect the Nest WiFi point. From there, it automatically communicated with the router to set up the mesh network.

While I appreciate Google's approach to the setup process, anyone who has configured other mesh networking systems won't find it unique or unusual. For example, Netgear's Orbi Mesh Wi-Fi system has a similar setup process. Mesh networking systems are all about ease of use, and Google's competitors at Netgear and Linksys were not surprised.

The real key to Google's approach is Google's own brand. The Nest WiFi maintains the corporate software's appearance. If you're using a Pixel phone or have another Google Home device, the Nest WiFi is known from the start.

Finally a smarter implementation

Routers are generally little loved. Once set up, they are usually hidden behind a closet or entertainment system and forgotten unless there is a problem. Here, the integration of Google Assistant into the Wi-Fi point shows that the company takes the multifunctional aspect of its devices into account.

The Wi-Fi point is not only helpful to extend coverage at home, but can also be used to perform the same functions as all Google smart speakers. It essentially acts as a Nest Mini speaker, allowing you to play music, access Google Assistant, and even control other connected smart home devices through voice actions.

Speaking of music, it's a small step up from the Nest Mini's audio performance with the distinctive bass it pumps out, making it a more substantial and comfortable ear. Similar to the Nest Mini, proximity sensors can detect when you are nearby and the LEDs on the top of the device light up. I like even better how the LED ring lights up around the body when you instruct the Google Assistant.

Mind you, it's $ 149 per pop, versus a meager $ 50 for the Nest Mini. The Nest WiFi Access Point is first the router, then the smart speaker. Still, it's nice to see that it's more than just a mesh network access point.

The prices are comparable to those of the competition, as add-on satellites for Netgears Orbi and Amazon Eero-Mesh systems have a similar MSRP. If you use the hardware as an intelligent speaker, Google offers more value.

Cover dead zones

I live in a small apartment with an area of ​​around 1,100 square meters, so that my existing xFi gateway can cover most places, although the outside areas can be stained. The worst spots are in my bedroom and bathroom, where I tend to see weaker Wi-Fi connectivity, usually at a bar or two. The signal must pass through some walls and other obstacles.

The Nest WiFi mesh system covers these areas with sufficient coverage without sacrificing speed, while using the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands for optimal performance. I am still able to reach speeds of around 900 Mbps down and 40 Mbps up. These are similar to what I get when I am in the same room as my Xfinity xFi gateway. For the remote areas that weren't fully covered before, it's great to see that my connection speed is now maintained.

John Velasco / Digital Trends

The advantage of this is the additional range of my Wi-Fi network. Even if my current setup does not change drastically, I can use better WiFi in the far corners of my house, which leads to a more reliable connection overall.

The router covers more than 2,200 square feet, while each wifi point adds another 1,600 square feet. The advantage here is of course that you can scale the setup accordingly to ensure proper coverage throughout the house. Of course, you won't be able to do this with most routers unless they are designed with mesh networks in mind.

For comparison: The 2nd generation Eero Pro gateway covers 1,750 square feet, with each beacon covering 1,500 square feet. Even more impressive is the 3,500 square meter coverage with the Orbi router from Netgear and the additional 2,000 square meter coverage with every satellite.

Overall, Google's Nest WiFi isn't the most technically powerful option. However, the average American house is just under 2,500 square meters. This means that a Nest WiFi router with an access point should be enough.

Space for more expansion

Google's approach is to network simply and easily. In my opinion this is achieved here with the Nest WiFi. Those who yearn for advanced controls and features will be disappointed with the sleek offerings here.

Sure, there is access to features like setting up a guest network, parental controls / restrictions, and even prioritizing traffic, but you won't find any other advanced features that serious network geeks love about routers – like MAC address filtering and setting static IP addresses and dynamic DNS. There are network systems that offer these functions, but the associated costs are higher.

John Velasco / Digital Trends

Another thing that can disappoint people is that the Nest WiFi router only has a single Ethernet port. That means you have to purchase an Ethernet hub if you need to connect multiple devices to the network. Most mesh WiFi routers typically offer a single Ethernet port, but you also have some, like the Linksys Max-Stream AC2200 router, which are more generous with their four Ethernet ports.

While I appreciate the integration of Google Assistant into the Wi-Fi point, it would have been really beneficial to have an Ethernet connection as well – but unfortunately there is none.

Try these new Google Assistant features

Adjust the sensitivity of "Hey Google"

In busy or noisy areas, the Google Assistant may start accidentally. If you want to adjust the sensitivity when the wake-up phrase "Hey Google" is spoken, you can now do so through the Google Home app.

Interpreter mode

The Google Assistant interpreter mode can be useful if you have guests who speak another language. Instead of having to translate every spoken sentence, the interpreter mode simply translates conversations in real time – so conversations can be spoken naturally. You can activate it by saying "Hey Google, be my German translator" or "Hey Google, help me speak Spanish."

wash your hands

It is more important than ever to ensure that you wash your hands properly, especially if the outbreak of the COVID-19 coronavirus continues to spread. The Nest Mini offers a brand new feature to help children. You just say "Hey Google, help me wash my hands" and a melody will be played from there for 20 seconds to give you a reasonable amount of time to wash your hands.

Find your keys

Isn't it annoying if you've left your keys somewhere at home while you're late for an appointment? With Google Nest Mini, you can track them down using any of Tile's Bluetooth trackers. To track them down, just say, "Hey Google, where are my keys?" From there, Google Assistant reports the last known location.

Stay up to date on COVID-19 news

Getting the latest news about the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic can be life-saving. For this reason, you can get the latest news about the situation by saying, "Hey Google, tell me the latest corona virus news." Google Assistant will then play sound bits from reliable sources.

Warranty information

Since it's stationary, there shouldn't be much concern that it will go bad. In this case, there is a one-year warranty that covers defects.

Our opinion

The Google Nest WiFi is still expensive at $ 269 for the starter pack. The integration of Google Assistant offers added value, but is also one of the easiest to configure and cover network systems for your entire home.

Are there any better alternatives?

If you're looking for something cheaper with the same range, consider the alternatives – like the Netgear Orbi, which costs $ 160 for the same configuration. The Netgear mesh system offers more range, but does not have the Smart Assistant feature that comes with the Nest Wifi point.

Another option is Amazon's new Eero router, which is a bargain at $ 100 for a 1-pack ($ 250 for a 3-pack). Both of these options offer the same simple setup as Google's Nest Wifi.

If you want more advanced setup options, consider the Linksys Velop MX5300 or Netgear XRM570 Nighthawk Pro Gaming WiFi Router. At $ 400 each, they're much more expensive for the routers themselves, but you'll get advanced network controls and multiple Ethernet ports for landline devices.

How long it will take?

Given the fact that the router and Wi-Fi point will be stationary, this should take some time undisturbed – similar to any network device.

Should you buy it

Yes. Not only can you expand WiFi coverage, the Nest Wifi system can also be used to control the various connected devices in your home.

Editor's recommendations

Unspoken Rules to Size Up Your Session

Here are three things I knew before training for competitions or hiring a new PR during a session.

Unspoken rules to increase your session - fitness, weightlifting, fitness, powerlifting, rest and relaxation, biomechanics, weight training, deadlifts, bodybuilders, leg extension, hamstring, Nordic curls

1. Order matters

We often find different beliefs where the elevator comes first. We hear from a camp1 that the energy consumption after training will not vary significantly depending on the strength training method. In other camps, we understand that strength training (RT) is dramatically affected by the training order and other prescribed variables, which De Salle 2 says include, but are not limited to, volume, intensity, pace, and rest intervals. In my experience, however, the order of the exercises is mainly determined by the program objectives.

Unspoken rules to increase your session - fitness, weightlifting, fitness, powerlifting, rest and relaxation, biomechanics, weight training, deadlifts, bodybuilders, leg extension, hamstring, Nordic curls

If you are not in a program, this is already a recipe for disaster. Choose your poison if you want (they'll all hurt):

Fortunately, there is a method for the proverbial madness of training. The order of the exercises becomes critical in situations such as hitting PRs for power lifting, weight lifting, and sports in general. Heavier compound movements are at the top, while secondary work remains secondary. Bodybuilder connections will continue to be the top priority, but additional work will be just as important for developing an overall balanced body.

Unspoken rules to increase your session - fitness, weightlifting, fitness, powerlifting, rest and relaxation, biomechanics, weight training, deadlifts, bodybuilders, leg extension, hamstring, Nordic curls

Still, sacrificing a higher volume, higher intensity deadlift to get PR on curly hair or low rows of cables is ridiculous. Complete gym tasks that require the most setup and effort first. As you become more experienced, you can consider options. Lift hard and heavy to build muscle and lift for good biomechanics.

2. Good biomechanics

Good biomechanics often remain unaffected when we start discussions about drop setting, super setting or circuits. However, if the exercises are arranged so that general fatigue subsides after the tiredness within the workout, this is the money. In order to understand this, one has to understand the phases before and after the exhaustion of the training. For example, leg extensions are an excellent exercise before and after exhaustion on quad-focused leg days, while lying curls of the Nordic hamstring are best suited for post-exhaustion work.

Unspoken rules to increase your session - fitness, weightlifting, fitness, powerlifting, rest and relaxation, biomechanics, weight training, deadlifts, bodybuilders, leg extension, hamstring, Nordic curls

Pre-exhausting exercises have a higher tendency to negatively impact performance on heavy compound lifts, while being most useful in warming up the intended muscle group. In this case, the cluster setting with similar movements may be more effective than warming up for five minutes for a total of one or two sets.

Post-exhausting work is then best left to work on tissues from a different angle that could not previously be reached and on secondary muscles that are not directly isolated.

3. Experience equals results

According to the principle of adaptation, muscle tissue needs new stimuli in order to achieve effective growth. This happens both at the neurological and musculoskeletal level. If we expose a muscle to different stimuli over time through a larger selection of exercise options, 3 a muscle becomes all the more mature4. This is not an excuse to spend more time in a single session.

Sessions are periods in which a careful amount of time is spent training muscle tissue by training it in its implementation. For example, if a program requires 90% 1rpm for three consecutive sets followed by five accompanying exercises totaling 120 repetitions, it doesn't make sense to spend two and a half hours in the gym. If anything, this wastes time to replenish your muscle tissue, i.e. overtraining.5 However, we all learn from experience to improve time management for both training and nutrient timing to prevent accidental regression.

As a natural bodybuilder, I often thought of hitting my muscle tissue in the floor to cause pain on consecutive days to stimulate growth.

Still, I learned that recovery is far more critical. What is the use of a muscle if it can hit almost maximum strength only once every few months?. Of course, everyone will peak and therefore a series of wavy periodizations6 This may be necessary for muscles and joints to function optimally.


1. Da Silva, Rodrigo Lavinas; Brentano, Michel Arias; Kruel, Luiz Fernando Martins, "Effects of Different Strength Training Methods on Post-Workout Energy Spending", Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research: August 2010. Volume 24, Issue 8, pp. 2255-2260.

2. Simão, R., de Salles, B.F., Figueiredo, T. et al. "Sequence of exercises in strength training." Sports Med 42, 251-265 (2012).

3. Charles Poliquin, "Five steps to making your strength training program more effective." NSCA Journal Vol 10, Number 3, 1988.

4. K. C. Darr and E. Schultz, "Stress-induced activation of satellite cells in growing and mature skeletal muscles". J of Applied Physiology 1987, 63: 5, 1816-1821.

5. E. Randy Eichner, "Overtraining: Consequences and Prevention", Journal of Sports Sciences. 1995, 13: sup1, S41-S48.

6. Zourdos, Michael C .; Jo, Edward; Khamoui, Andy V .; Lee, Sang-Rok; Park, Bong-Sup; Ormsbee, Michael J .; Panton, Lynn B .; Contreras, Robert J .; Kim, Jeong-Su, "Modified model of daily wavy periodization produces higher performance than a conventional power lift configuration," The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research: March 2016, Volume 30, Issue 3, pp. 784-791.